Spring Boot - will the executable jar be exploded in after deployment? - spring-boot

From the documentation of Spring Boot, I can see the directory of the executable jar will be the working directory when you start the Spring Boot application. I would like to understand, whether there are configurations/flags to explode/unpack the jar on deployment, so that I can find access the contents of the executable jar in the file system ?

There are not flags to explode the jar automatically but you can extract it yourself using the jar command. This reference may be helpful http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/executable-jar.html in understanding the structure and what you can do.


Creating a Executable and library from single Spring Boot codebase

I have single SpringBoot Project(has common controllers and feign clients), with an intension to use it as library in other deployable service.
With help of Gradle task i.e. 'jar' - for plain jar and 'bootjar'- executable jar, I am trying to create 2 different jar. So with the help of 2nd executable jar we can deploy them on to QA and test the changes before asking anyone else to consume the plain lib jar.
In this project I have kept #SpringBootApplicaiton -class so that it can be run as executable. But my ask is to include this only in executable jar and not in plain jar,
as plain jar will be imported in another spring boot projects, which will fail with 2 #SpringbootApplication classes.

Deploying spring boot executable jar on jboss but not as a war ,so that other applications can invoke as an api

I want to deploy an executable jar file on to jboss server, so that other application written in c/c++ can invoke it through workflow by passing the arguments to the executable jar file.
I have googled and found examples where war is deployed by making it restful webservice, but I could not find any such example where an executable jar file is deployed on jboss.
Appreciate your help
Kiran Kumar
You can not deploy the spring boot executable jar file in Jboss. You need tweak your application to some extent for it to work on JBoss.
1. Add jboss-web.xml file src/main/webapp/WEB-INF folder, provide application context there.
Set below spring property in your yml/props file.
server.servlet-path = /*

How to generate executable scripts using spring boot maven plugin

Using spring boot maven plugin we are able to generate executable jars. And we can execute the jar using java -jar ...
In spring boot there is another option for installation . This generates the jar which can be added in init.d.
But is it possible to generate a sh|cmd file which can be used to start|stop|restart spring boot applications?
The executable true flag to create a 'fully executable’ jar actually pre-pends a shell script into the beginning of the jar.
It works outside init.d too. Try this:
./myapp.jar start

spring boot System.getProperty("java.class.path") doesn't include lib/ jars

I've got a spring boot app and I'm building a myApp.jar using the spring-boot antlib. When I jar -tf myApp.jar I see that I have a jar called lib/foo.jar. Yet when I print out System.getProperty("java.class.path") I don't see that jar file on the classpath. I also get a ClassNotFound exception from URLClassLoader when the code attempts to use this class for the first time. I'm using the JarLauncher since that's what the antlib defaults to.
Any ideas why this jar file would not be on the classpath?
You won't see a bundled JAR in System.getProperty('java.class.path'). The class path specifies where the JVM will look in the filesystem for classes you attempt to load.
Spring Boot uses fat JARs, which are loaded in a completely different way. Refer to the Spring Boot documentation.

How to put a directory first on the classpath with Spring Boot?

I am building my Spring Boot application using Maven, so I can start it with:
java -jar myjar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --spring.profiles.active=prod
I want to have a directory first on the classpath that would allow me to place some files on the filesystem without having to unzip the jar to change them.
I have tried using loader.path, but it does not seem to work.
java -Dloader.path="config/*" -jar myjar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --spring.profiles.active=prod
The config dir is a subdirectory of where the jar is located. I am trying to load a keystore file which is injected as a Resource in my application. There is such a file in the src/main/resources, but that only works in my IDE, not when packaged as a jar. So I want to put a file first on the classpath so that that one is found first on the classpath.
You can use loader.path but only if the Main-Class is PropertiesLauncher (so it depends how you built the JAR file). Maybe you need to re-build the JAR with packaging=ZIP in the Boot plugin (e.g. docs here)? Can you not set the path to the keystore as a "file:" URL?
