Trouble settting up Data validation rule prior to new data insertion into a table - ms-access-2013

prevent new data entry into myTBL if fieldA = {newly entered data for this field}
and fieldBdate = {newly entered date for this field and alert the user}
environment: ms access 365
I intend to use the following statement via Validation Rule,
= [myTBL.fieldA] <> FORM![fieldA]" & "[myTBL.fieldBdate] <> FORM![fieldBdate]
err msg: complained invalid syntax.
what's the correct syntax for this? Thanks.


How to use a variable for the criteria in a query to restrict the query to the active form?

I have form named "frmBond-MuniDetailsAE". It has a combo box named "cboStep". The Row Source for cboSteps is an embedded query that retrieves records from a table named "tblBond-Steps", and it has as Criteria -
[Forms]![frmBond-MuniDetailsAE]![SYM]. This restricts the query to records in tblBond-Steps to only those that have a SYM field that matches that field in the form. This works fine. But I would like to be able to copy and reuse the form for other types of bonds, and I don't want to have to rewrite the embedded query in each copied form. So I wanted to use a variable in the query criteria that would reference the current form.
Following answers given in StackOverflow at How do I reference the current form in an expression in Microsoft Access?, I wrote a Public Function named "FormName()". Here is the function:
Public Function FormName() As String
Dim frmCurrentForm As Form
Set frmCurrentForm = Screen.ActiveForm
FormName = "[Form]![" & frmCurrentForm.Name & "]" & "![SYM]"
End Function
Then in the embedded query for the combo box, I entered "FormName()" as the criteria. Here is the SQL for that query:
SELECT [tblBond-Steps].SYM, [StepDate] & " # " & [Cpn] AS Steps, Format([tblBond-Steps].
[StepCpn],"0.0000%") AS Cpn, [tblBond-Steps].StepDate
FROM [tblBond-Steps]
WHERE ((([tblBond-Steps].SYM)=FormName()))
ORDER BY [tblBond-Steps].StepDate;
But when I open the form with the above query as the Row Source for cboSteps, I get VBA Run-time error '2475': "You entered an expression that requires a form to be the active window."
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Can someone help me?
You must return the value, not the expression:
Public Function FormName() As String
Dim frmCurrentForm As Form
Set frmCurrentForm = Screen.ActiveForm
FormName = frmCurrentForm![SYM].Value
End Function

For table cmdb_rel_ci, I want to retrieve unique parent.sys_class_name with count for "type=In Rack::Rack contains"

For table cmdb_rel_ci, I want to retrieve unique parent.sys_class_name with count for "type=In Rack::Rack contains". I am doing practice in out of the box instance.
At table level URL is as below:
I want to retrieve result from above URL with my below script.
var count = new GlideAggregate('cmdb_rel_ci');
count.addQuery('type','e76b8c7b0a0a0aa70082c9f7c2f9dc64');// sys_id of type In Rack::Rack contains e76b8c7b0a0a0aa70082c9f7c2f9dc64
count.addAggregate('COUNT', 'parent.sys_class_name');
var parentClassName = count.parent.sys_class_name.toString();
var parentClassNameCount = count.getAggregate('COUNT','parent.sys_class_name');
gs.log(parentClassName + " : " + parentClassNameCount );
The issue is I am getting parentClassName empty.
Try this instead:
var parentClassName = count.getValue("parent.sys_class_name")
Since it's a GlideAggregate query (instead of GlideRecord), the query being issued isn't returning all of the fields on the target table. With GlideRecord, dot-walking through a reference field (e.g. parent.sys_class_name) automatically resolves that referenced record to provide access to its field values. This is made possible by the fact that the driving/original query brought back the value of the parent field. This is not happening with GlideAggregate. The query in this case basically looks like:
SELECT cmdb1.`sys_class_name` AS `parent_sys_class_name`, count(*)
FROM (cmdb_rel_ci cmdb_rel_ci0 LEFT JOIN cmdb cmdb1 ON cmdb_rel_ci0.`parent` = cmdb1.`sys_id` )
WHERE cmdb_rel_ci0.`type` = 'e76b8c7b0a0a0aa70082c9f7c2f9dc64'
GROUP BY cmdb1.`sys_class_name`
ORDER BY cmdb1.`sys_class_name`
So, you actually have access specifically to that dot-walked sys_class_name that's being grouped, but not through the dot-walk. The call to getValue("parent.sys_class_name") is expectedly resolved to the returned column aliased as parent_sys_class_name.
That being said, what you're doing probably should also work, based on user expectations, so you've not done anything incorrect here.

Laravel custom request validation

i have been trying in create check on form validation on laravel
i need to query input with date and check more than check with many messages
$this->errorSchema->addError($error, $name); //symfony 1 way
how and where should i do that i have been thinking in creating custom validtaion but it returns true or false i need the date in the query to display like "this place is used for user XXX" XXX is data i got in the query
i want to return multi error if some record exist like
$resultset = 'select person form events where date < "some date"';
if ($resultset[enddate] > 'somedate'){
my error message should be "you cant add this event as $resultset['person'] overlape in this date "
}elseif($resultset[startdate] > 'somedate'){
i need here to return deffrent error message like "start date is overlapping with resultset['person']"
i am using requests class in laravel so please recommend me a method to override or any other way to this in laravel
thanks in advance
You can try to SELECT data which you'd like to return, your "XXX", from table by user's input.
Simple SELECT *** FROM table WHERE smth = user's_input;
If it return smth, you can just add it to your validator such as: "this place is used for user".$smth;
Else (if nothing returned, you send to user your default answer.)
Also if you add more code it will be easier to help you :)

Getting value of database field in Crystal Reports

Currently I'm working on legacy application, that uses crystal report engine. I have to get value of database fields programmatically. As I've assumed, I need proper event for getting next code to work:
But the value is always empty in DownloadStarted/Finished event handlers. What I'm doing wrong and is it at least possible?
I think that if you want to get value of your table fields in program the best way is that you get the field name from report and then connect to your table directly and use report field names as the table columns name
i do it in c# i hope it can help you in vb6 too:
string name = report2.Database.Tables[1].Fields[1].Name;
string[] names = name.Split('.');
and then add your database to your program and use names like this:
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
string[] value = dt.Columns[names[1]];
if you just need your tables values, you can use my last answer, but if you need value of database fields in crystal report, i mean something like formula field ,this code can help you:
CRAXDRT.FormulaFieldDefinitions definitions = report2.FormulaFields;
string formulaText = "IF " + report2.Database.Tables[1].Fields[3].Name
+ " > 10 THEN" + report2.Database.Tables[1].Fields[2].Name;
definitions.Add("Test", formulaText);
report2.Sections[1].AddFieldObject(definitions[1], 0, 0);

Query Disconnected RecordSet

Background: a LOB app we use has the ability to use macros written in VBScript, but no access to WScript, etc., as far as I know.
I have successfully received user input, passed it to a stored procedure on a SQL Server, and returned a recordset to the VBScript macro in the application.
What I want to do now, is write a function or loop or something, that for as long as there is a record left in the recordset, accept additional user input, and check this against the returned recordset.
The recordset returned from SQL Server contains two columns: PART_ID and PART_QTY. For as many number of entries there are, I want to accept additional user input, lets say PART_ID_INPUT and PART_QTY_INPUT, and validate it against the in-memory recordset.
My biggest problem is working with the disconnected recordset.
When in doubt, read the documentation. You can use the Filter and RecordCount properties to determine if the recordset contains matching records:
part_id_input = InputBox("Enter part ID:")
If part_id_input <> "" Then
rs.Filter = "PART_ID = '" & part_id_input & "'"
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then WScript.Echo "Found matching record."
End If
The filter is cleared by setting it to an empty string:
rs.Filter = ""
The current record can be removed from the recordset using the Delete method:
Navigate through records via MoveFirst/MoveLast/MoveNext/MovePrevious.
