How to populate edit form fields in laravel 5.3 - laravel

I have a problem in populating edit form fields in my first Laravel 5.3 application. In examples I have found online, they have used Form facade to do it. However, I prefer to use plain html.
This is my controller action
public function edit()
$profile = Profile::find(Auth::user()->id);
return view('profile.edit', ['profile' => $profile]);
In my view file I have a form like this
<form method="POST" action="{{ url('profile/update') }}">
{{ csrf_field() }}
<input id="name" type="text" name="name" value="{{ old('name') }}">
Problem is, above input field is not populated with the value of the $profile->name.
I can get it to work, setting the value attribute like
{{ (old('name')) ? old('name') : $profile->name }}
Since I'm new to Laravel framework I want to know if there is a better way to do that.

Use old($key, $default). It will return $default if $key is not found.


The POST method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: PUT. LARAVEL

I would like to send data with PUT method
However, this error happens.
The POST method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: PUT.
I don't really understand why my code is not correct.
Route::get('/', function () {
return redirect('/home');
Route::put('/save_data', 'AbcController#saveData')->name('save_data');
<form action="{{route('save_data')}}" method="POST">
<input type = "hidden" name = "type" value ='stack' >
when it is changed
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PUT">
<input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}">
instead of
It works well.
make sure to check First Another Route with Same Name
You can make POST route and dont need to put this after form tag #method('PUT')
CHange the Placement of the route before this Auth::routes();
use save_data in route instead of /save_data.
use {{url('save_data')}} in action instead of {{route('save_data')}}.
If you insist on using PUT you can change the form action to POST and
add a hidden method_field that has a value PUTand a hidden csrf field
(if you are using blade then you just need to add #csrf_field and {{
method_field('PUT') }}). This way the form would accept the request.
You can simply change the route and form method to POST. It will work
just fine since you are the one defining the route and not using the
resource group
after all this run artisan command
php artisan route:clear
<button type="submit">post</button>

search form with html , laravel and mysql

I am adding a search form to my laravel application and I have a problem. Please help me.
Here is the html form:
<form action="{{ route('')}}" method="GET" >
<input type="text" name="name" >
<input type="submit" value="send">
this is the road:
'as' =>'',
'uses' =>'\App\Http\Controllers\bankencontroller#search']);
method search:
public function search()
$b2= Test::where('name', 'lIKE', '%'.$sea.'%')->first();
// dd($b3);
return view('seite.exemple')->with(compact('b3'));
I am looking for data in my database in the tests table (with model Test). When I do dd($b3); I get the result I want, but I don't understand why I don't get the same result when I do
return view('seite.exemple')->with(compact('b3'));
Indeed the view seite.exemple is displayed without my searched data. can you help me please?
instead use this
return view('seite.exemple')->with(compact('b3'));
pass the property to view like this
return view('seite.exemple', compact('b3'));
then in view you can access b3 value like
<span>{{ $b3 }}</span>
In the other hand, if you handle the "with" method it should be
return view('seite.exemple')->with('b3', $b3);

Undefined variable in view laravel

I have this code here which is listing all items from one user, user and item are two differents model and they have relationship with their primary keys.
#foreach($user->items as $item)
<p class="heading">
{{ $item->item_id }}
My question is how to send that item_id with post request to controller, because when I write like this for example <form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="{{ route('preview', $item->item_id) }}" role="form" enctype="multipart/form-data"> it gives me that $item variable is not defined.
My controller:
public function preview($item_id){
return view('itempreview')->with('item_id', $item_id);
Any ideas how to send that item_id?
You should use array as 2nd param to route() method!
You are doing it wrong, you should send it like this:
route('preview', ['item_id' => $item->item_id]);
Make sure, your route should be defined as this:
Route::post('preview/{item_id}', 'ControllerName#preview')->name('preview');
Hope this helps!
You need to send $item_id as part of the POST:
#foreach($items as $item)
<form method="post" action="{{ route('preview') }}">
<input type="hidden" name="item_id" value="{{ $item->item_id }}">
Then in the method that receives the POST:
public function index() {
$item_id = request()->input('item_id');
return view('preview');

Laravel 5.3 Form post error session store not set on request

I have a public view with a form. To access the form my route is admin.new_athlete when I post the form the action calls admin.create_athlete
I have this statement in form {{ csrf_field() }} just before the first label. This is after the submit button <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{{ Session::token()}}">
Attached is web.php and controller.
Please advise on the error.

Laravel 5 Plain Html MethodNotAllowedHttpException

Hello so I am trying to make an update form in Laravel using plain html. The url of my edit form is http://localhost:8000/profile/sorxrob/edit, sorxrob is the username. And the code in that url is:
<form class="form-horizontal" role="form" action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}">
<input name="_method" type="hidden" value="PATCH">
//more inputs
And in my controller named AccountController:
public function update(Request $request, $id)
$account = Accounts::findOrFail($id);
$input = $request->all();
return 'success';
And I am getting the error MethodNotAllowedHttpException when I click the update button. Is it because my action is equal to nothing? If yes, what is the correct way of routing there?
This is due to your action url which is not correct routing url. Use the following
(1) First define a route in your route.php file
Route::post('profile/{username}/edit', array('as' => 'profile.update', 'uses' => 'AccountController#update'));
(2) Change your action attribute from your form tag
action="{{ URL::route('profile.update', [$username]) }}"
here $username variable will be passed from your AccountController#edit method.
