Sending partials from keystone.js for use with ui.view - angular-ui-router

Been trying to get my head around this, but can't for the life of me figure out what I'm missing.
So I want to set up keystone, but want to use angular on the front end, and I want to avoid reloading the page every time.
Got angular running quite fine and pretty quickly. But now I am trying to set up the routes on the backend for the partials, and while I can manage to get them set up to answer, I can not get them to just send the partial, whatever I do it sends the whole page back to me. with html, body, head.
So far I have managed to figure out that I need a route, so imported my uiview directory and added the following route:
var keystone = require('keystone');
var middleware = require('./middleware');
var importRoutes = keystone.importer(__dirname);
// Common Middleware
keystone.pre('routes', middleware.initLocals);
keystone.pre('render', middleware.flashMessages);
// Import Route Controllers
var routes = {
views: importRoutes('./views'),
uiviews: importRoutes('/uiviews'),
// Setup Route Bindings
exports = module.exports = function (app) {
// Views
app.get('/', routes.views.index);
// NOTE: To protect a route so that only admins can see it, use the requireUser middleware:
// app.get('/protected', middleware.requireUser, routes.views.protected);
I think what is happening is that the pre compiler ( keystone.pre('routes', middleware.initLocals);) gets hold of it and wraps it all the way it thinks it is suppose to, but I'm not certain.
I even tried to create a uiviews.js in ./routes with just my uiroute, but that gives me 404 errors
var keystone = require('keystone');
var middleware = require('./middleware');
var importRoutes = keystone.importer(__dirname);
// Import Route Controllers
var routes = {
uiviews: importRoutes('/uiviews'),
// Setup Route Bindings
exports = module.exports = function (app) {
// Views
console.log('uiroutes added');
// NOTE: To protect a route so that only admins can see it, use the requireUser middleware:
// app.get('/protected', middleware.requireUser, routes.views.protected);
Any ideas?

This is more of a Express question and not of keystone.Js.
You have not said which router you want partially. and neither shared rendering code of that handler.
Any way Make sure that the template you are using does not include any other template. particularly default.jade

I finally managed to figure out what I was missing.
Technically it is not keystone.js that controls what is sent, it is handlebars. This might be obvious to everyone but me.
However, the trick is to tell handlebars not to include the layout, which is done using {layout: false}. So my uiview route looks like this (last little line does the magic):
var keystone = require('keystone');
exports = module.exports = function(req, res) {
console.log("request for index received");
var view = new keystone.View(req, res),
locals = res.locals;
// Render the view
view.render('uiviews/index', {layout: false});
with the index.js router looking like this:
var keystone = require('keystone');
var middleware = require('./middleware');
var importRoutes = keystone.importer(__dirname);
// Common Middleware
keystone.pre('routes', middleware.initLocals);
keystone.pre('render', middleware.flashMessages);
// Import Route Controllers
var routes = {
views: importRoutes('./views'),
uiviews: importRoutes('/uiviews'),
// Setup Route Bindings
exports = module.exports = function (app) {
// Views
console.log('index added');
app.get('/', routes.views.index);
app.get('/philosophy', routes.views.philosophy)
app.get('/socialmedia', routes.views.socialmedia)
app.get('/uiviews/index', routes.uiviews.index)
// NOTE: To protect a route so that only admins can see it, use the requireUser middleware:
// app.get('/protected', middleware.requireUser, routes.views.protected);
And now you can call [host]/uiviews/index and only receive a partial route.


Updating graphql schema without a server restart in apollo 2

My project has a declarative way of defining schema and resolvers, which is maintained in a separate repository. My graphql server polls the result of this to look for updates to the schema.
Using apollo-server-express#1, I had direct access to the graphqlExpress middleware, so when the schema changed I could construct a new instance of it and throw away the old one, something like this
const { graphqlExpress } = require('apollo-server-express');
let api;
const constructAPI = () => {
try {
const newSchema = createSchema();
api = graphqlExpress(({ headers }) => ({
schema: newSchema,
}));{ event: 'GRAPHQL_SCHEMA_UPDATED' });
schemaPoller.on('change', constructAPI);
module.exports = router => {
// Note that we wrap the api controller in a function that passes
// the original args through because a new api controller is generated
// every time the schema changes. We can't pass express a direct
// reference to the api controller on startup, or it will
// never update the reference to point at the latest version of the
// controller using the latest schema
.get((...args) => api(...args))
.post((...args) => api(...args));
return router;
In apollo-server-express#2, access to the middleware is hidden away, and there are 2 new, more declarative ways of using the library, neither of which - at first glance - appear compatible with updating the schema without stopping the server, fetching the new schema and starting again with the new data, which is downtime I'd like to avoid.
Can anyone suggest a way of getting this setup to work with apollo#2?

Rendering riot routes while render

I am trying to render my riot tags on the server side and this works fine. The tags gets rendered on the server side and gets loaded on the client. Problem arises when I try to define my tags along with the definition of my routes using riot.route. The tags gets compiled to its corresponding Js files but on hitting my route it hits an internal server error and the error logged in the console is riot.route is not a function.
Code for my riot route in the script section of my tag.
var self = this; = opts.datastore = opts.datastore[0]
{ = { return == id })[0] || {}
this.doUpdate = function update()
opts.remarks = this.fname.value;
The data here comes from my server.js file via the datastore option and is a json data.

How do I mock polymer core ajax, for unit testing

I am building the scaffolding for my new polymer project, and am considering unit tests. I think I will be using the karma/jasmine combination. There is an interesting post at which I understand enough to get me started, but the key question I will have to address and haven't found any standard way to do it is how do I mock the ajax calls.
When I was using jasmine, standalone, on a JQuery Mobile project, I was able to directly use the Jasmine SpyOn ability to mock the JQuery.ajax call. Is there something similar for Polymer?
I came across an element <polymer-mock-data> but there is no real documentation for it, so I couldn't figure out if they might help
Instead of importing core-ajax/core-ajax.html, create your own core-ajax element.
<polymer-element name="core-ajax" attributes="response">
Polymer('core-ajax', {
attached: function() {
this.response = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
Obviously, this is just an example, the actual implementation depends on the desired mocking behavior.
This is just one way to solve it, there are many others. I'm interested to hear what you find (in)convenient.
It turns out that Jasmine2.0 has an Jasmine-ajax plugin that will mock the global XMLHttpRequest. core-ajax uses this under the hood, so I can directly get at the call.
It works well, in a beforeEach function at the top the suite you call jasmine.Ajax.install and in the afterEach function you call jasmine.Ajax.uninstall, and it automatically replaces the XMLHttpRequest.
Timing is also crucial, in that you need to ensure you have mocked the Ajax call before the element under test uses it. I achieve that using a separate function to specifically load the fixture which contains the element under test, which is called after jasmine.Ajax.install has been called. I use a special setup script thus
var PolymerTests = {};
//I am not sure if we can just do this once, or for every test. I am hoping just once
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "/base/components/platform/platform.js";
var POLYMER_READY = false;
var container; //Used to hold fixture
PolymerTests.loadFixture = function(fixture,done) {
window.addEventListener('polymer-ready', function(){
container = document.createElement("div");
container.innerHTML = window.__html__[fixture];
if (POLYMER_READY) done();
//After every test, we remove the fixture
window.PolymerTests = PolymerTests;
The only point to note here is that the fixture files have been loaded by the karma html2js pre-processor, which loads them into the window.__html__ array, from where we use the code to add to the test context
My test suite is like so
describe("The element authenticates",function(){
it("Should Make an Ajax Request to the url given in the login Attribute",function(){
var req = jasmine.Ajax.requests;
expect(req.mostRecent().url).toBe('/football/auth_json.php'); //Url declared in our fixture
For this answer, I took an entirely different approach. Inspiration came from Web Component Tester, which includes sinon within its capabilities. sinon includes the ability to call sinon.useFakeXMLHttpRequest to replace the standard xhr object that core-ajax uses and return responses baked on that.
As far as I can see, haven't quite got as far as running module tests using it, Web Component Tester runs sinon in the node.js context so the build of sinon supplied with it can "require" the various sinon components. In a normal browser environment this doesn't work and I was looking for a way to allow me to manually run the app I was developing without a php capable server running..
However, downloading and installing with Bower the actual releases from the web site, does provide a completely built sinon that will run in the context of a web server.
So I can include the following scripts in my main index.html file
<!--build:remove -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/bower_components/sinon-1.14.1/index.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/fake/fake.js"></script>
which is automatically removed by the gulp build scrips and then fake JS has the following in it
var PAS = (function (my) {
'use strict';
my.Faker = my.Faker || {};
var getLocation = function(href) {
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = href;
return a;
sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest.useFilters = true;
if(method === 'POST' && getLocation(url).pathname.substring(0,7) === '/serve/') {
return false;
return true;
var server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
server.autoRespond = true;
my.Faker.addRoute = function(route,params,notfound){
server.respondWith('POST','/serve/' + route + '.php',function(request){
var postParams = JSON.parse(request.requestBody);
var foundMatch = false;
var allMatch;
* First off, we will work our way through the parameter list seeing if we got a parameter
* which matches the parameters received from our post. If all components of a parameter match,
* then we found one
for(var i=0; i <params.length; i++) {
//check to see parameter is in request
var p = params[i][0];
allMatch = true; //start of optimisic
for(var cp in p ) {
//see if this parameter was in the request body
if(typeof postParams[cp] === 'undefined') {
allMatch = false;
if(p[cp] !== postParams[cp]) {
allMatch = false;
if (allMatch) {
foundMatch = true;
//see if we found a match. If not, then we will have to respond with the not found option
if (!foundMatch) {
return my;
Thses are all the routinee we have and their responses.
The PAS function initialises a sinon fake server and provides a way of providing tests cases with the addRoute function. For a given route, it checks the list of possible POST parameter combinations, and as soon as it finds one, issues that response.
In this case testing /serve/logon.php for various combinations of username and password. It only checks the parameters actually in the particular entry.
So if username = "alan" and password = "password1" the first response is made, but if username is "alan" and any other password is supplied - since it isn't checked, the second pattern matches and the response to that pattern is made.
If non of the patterns match, the last "notfound" parameter is the response pattern that is made.
I believe I could use this same technique in my module test fixtures if I wanted to, but I am more likely to do more specific sinon spying and checking actual parameters in that mode
For 0.8, the tests for PolylmerElements/iron-ajax show how to do this with sinon.
Since SO doesn't like link-only answers, I've copied their code below. However I'd highly recommend going to the source linked above, since 0.8 components are in a high state of flux currently.
var jsonResponseHeaders = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
var ajax;
var request;
var server;
setup(function () {
server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
ajax = fixture('TrivialGet');
teardown(function () {
suite('when making simple GET requests for JSON', function () {
test('has sane defaults that love you', function () {
request = ajax.generateRequest();
test('will be asynchronous by default', function () {

Can i access sessions in ExpressJS without the request object?

I have an application that uses swig for templating, and sessions to store some client specific data.
I create my sessions inside a route like this:
exports.RenderIndex = function(req, res){
if (req.body.filters) {
var filters = req.body.filters;
if ( && > 0) {
var d = moment(, "YYYY-MM-DD");
var weekNumber = d.week();
req.session.selectedDate =;
req.session.selectedWeek = weekNumber;
Later on in my app i have a swig-filter needs to read and use my sessions, but i'm not quite sure how to access the sessions when i have no request object to take it from.
My swig-filter looks something like this:
swig.setFilter('getOpeninghourTable', function (input, idx) {
var data = calendar.json(input, weeknumber );
return swig.renderFile(''template.html, calendarData);
IS it possible?
No, it's not possible. Why would it be? How would your code know what session to use?
Any request-specific code must be in a request handler (or called from it) so it has a reference to the request data.

can't seem to get progress events from node-formidable to send to the correct client over

So I'm building a multipart form uploader over ajax on node.js, and sending progress events back to the client over to show the status of their upload. Everything works just fine until I have multiple clients trying to upload at the same time. Originally what would happen is while one upload is going, when a second one starts up it begins receiving progress events from both of the forms being parsed. The original form does not get affected and it only receives progress updates for itself. I tried creating a new formidable form object and storing it in an array along with the socket's session id to try to fix this, but now the first form stops receiving events while the second form gets processed. Here is my server code:
var http = require('http'),
formidable = require('formidable'),
fs = require('fs'),
io = require(''),
mime = require('mime'),
forms = {};
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
if (req.url.split("?")[0] == "/upload") {
console.log("hit upload");
if (req.method.toLowerCase() === 'post') {
socket_id = req.url.split("sid=")[1];
forms[socket_id] = new formidable.IncomingForm();
form = forms[socket_id];
form.addListener('progress', function (bytesReceived, bytesExpected) {
progress = (bytesReceived / bytesExpected * 100).toFixed(0);
form.parse(req, function (err, fields, files) {
file_name = escape(;
fs.writeFile(file_name, files.upload, 'utf8', function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
var socket = io.listen(server);
If anyone could be any help on this I would greatly appreciate it. I've been banging my head against my desk for a few days trying to figure this one out, and would really just like to get this solved so that I can move on. Thank you so much in advance!
Can you try putting console.log(socket_id);
after form = forms[socket_id]; and
after progress = (bytesReceived / bytesExpected * 100).toFixed(0);, please?
I get the feeling that you might have to wrap that socket_id in a closure, like this:
(function(socket_id) {
return function (bytesReceived, bytesExpected) {
progress = (bytesReceived / bytesExpected * 100).toFixed(0);
The problem is that you aren't declaring socket_id and form with var, so they're actually global.socket_id and global.form rather than local variables of your request handler. Consequently, separate requests step over each other since the callbacks are referring to the globals rather than being proper closures.
rdrey's solution works because it bypasses that problem (though only for socket_id; if you were to change the code in such a way that one of the callbacks referenced form you'd get in trouble). Normally you only need to use his technique if the variable in question is something that changes in the course of executing the outer function (e.g. if you're creating closures within a loop).
