Cloudflare + Heroku with custom domain - heroku

I have a Heroku app and connected Cloudflare. As I know, there is no way to remove a default Heroku domain (, so I forward all requests with Host '' to ''. But will Cloudflare secure me from attacks straight to a Heroku domain? If no, is it a way to remove default domain or hide it somehow?

You are correct at all points. I am giving you the easy ways for basic offloading of attacks. All methods are towards 301 redirect and/or packet forwarding.
But will Cloudflare secure me from attacks straight to a Heroku
Cloudflare has a service which they say CNAME flattening. Few years back, it was dnsmadeeasy who discovered A Name. They are not RFC standardised. Many other DNS service has such things. Basic principle is easy. If app URL is & your custom domain is then with which you can set :
| |
Then do 301 redirection at application's web server config, will redirect to Requests toward will be forwarded to by dnsmadeeasy. There are probably more such DNS services now. Yes, chance of running attack over both domain in parallel is remaining. But also get exposed on DNS record.
If no, is it a way to remove default domain or hide it somehow?
Officially 301 redirection, packet forwarding is also possible. There are ways to have dedicated IP and forward TCP packets. They have 3 types of add-ons --
They are not always easy at application level but probably safer than having such naked subdomain open to all. PaaS is facing increasing DDoS now. That is different matter.


Can I use CloudFlare's Proxy with an AWS Application Load Balancer?

I have created a listener on the LB (load balancer) with rules so that requests to different subdomains. I have set a CNAME for each subdomain in Cloudflare.
The problem is when I try to use Proxy feature, when I turn it off, my page works without a problem, but when i turn it on, it results in a time out.
There is a way to use Proxy feature with an LB?
The very simple answer is yes, this is very possible to do.
The longer answer is that a timeout indicates that some change in the request by Cloudflare creates a timeout for your AWS servers. Just a couple of examples could be:
A firewall rule that times out Cloudflare's IPs
Servers are not respecting X-Forwarded-For header and all requests from a small group of IPs are messing with application logic
It would help to know if the requests are reaching your load balancer and furthermore if the servers behind the LB are receiving the requests.

Dig DNS server cache poisoning

how can I use dig to initiate DNS cache poisoning so that all queries sent to the server will return my IP address instead? I tried researching this but I am yet to find the ideal answer.
With a DNS cache poisoning attack, an attacker can make the DNS server return wrong results. Typically, this is done by requesting a domain under the attacker's control. While it is possible to poison the entries for multiple victim domains, the attack is usually performed against one or a couple of victim domains. It is not possible to poison all domains with this attack.
The DNS server forwards this request to the nameserver of the attacker, and may initiate multiple requests for various subdomains. There are 2 typical attack variants:
The response of the attacker's nameserver includes additional records for the victim's domain.
The attacker tries to find out the UDP port assignment scheme, in order to guess how a valid reply would look. The attacker then requests the victim's domain and immediately sends a fake response, hoping for their response to beat the victim's.
dig is a client-side tool you can use to initiate the request. In order to perform a DNS poisoning attack, you need to have a nameserver at your domain under your control (or use a suitably-configured one set up by somebody else).
For variant 1, the request must be for the attacker's domain name and go to the target DNS server.
For variant 2, after an initial request to determine the server's UDP port assignment scheme, you can use dig to send a request for the victim domain.
In any case, after the attack, you can use dig to confirm that the attack was successful, simply by requesting the victim domain and record type you poisoned and seeing whether this is the fake or real value.
To find about about how to run dig, refer to its manpage.

How can a web page send a message to the local network

Our web application has a button that is supposed to send data to a server on the local network that in turn prints something on a printer.
So far it was easy: The button triggered an AJAX POST request to http://printerserver/print.php with a token, that page connected to the web application to verify the token and get the data to print and then printed.
However, we are now delivering our web application via HTTPs (and I would rather not go back to HTTP for this) and newer versions of Chrome and Firefox don't make the request to the HTTP address anymore, they don't even send the request to check CORS headers.
Now, what is a modern alternative to the cross-protocol XHR? Do Websockets suffer from the same problem? (A Google search did not make clear what is the current state here.) Can I use TCP Sockets already? I would rather not switch to GET requests either, because the action is not idempotent and it might have practical implications with preloading and caching.
I can change the application on the printerserver in any way (so I could replace it with NodeJS or something) but I cannot change the users' browsers (to trust a self-signed certificate for printerserver for example).
You could store the print requests on the webserver in a queue and make the printserver periodically poll for requests to print.
If that isn't possible I would setup a tunnel or VPN between the webserver and printserver networks. That way you can make the print request from the webserver on the server-side instead of the client. If you use curl, there are flags to ignore invalid SSL certificates etc. (I still suspect it's nicer to introduce a queue anyway, so the print requests aren't blocking).
If the webserver can make an ssh connection to something on the network where the printserver is on, you could do something like: ssh params user#host some curl command here.
Third option I can think of, if printserver can bind to for example a subdomain of the webserver domain, like:, you may be able to make it trusted by the certificate, IIRC you have to create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) from the printserver certificate, and sign it with the certificate. Perhaps it doesn't even need to be a subdomain for this per se, but maybe that's a requirement for the browser to do it client-side.
The easiest way is to add a route to the webapp that does nothing more than relay the request to the print server. So make your AJAX POST request to, and the server-side code powering that makes a request to http://printerserver/print.php, with the exact same POST content it received itself. As #dnozay said, this is commonly called a reverse proxy. Yes, to do that you'll have to reconfigure your printserver to accept (authenticated) requests from the webserver.
Alternatively, you could switch the printserver to https and directly call it from the client.
Note that an insecure (http) web-socket connection on a secure (https) page probably won't work either. And for good reason: generally it's a bad idea to mislead people by making insecure connections from what appears to them to be a secure page.
The server hosting the https webapp can reverse proxy the print server,
but since the printer is local to the user, this may not work.
The print server should have the correct CORS headers
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
However there are pitfalls with using the wildcard.
From what I understand from the question, printserver is not accessible from the web application so the reverse proxy solution won't work here.
You are restricted from making requests from the browser to the printserver by cross-origin-policy.
If wish to communicate with the printserver from an HTTPS page you will need the printserver to expose print.php as HTTPS too.
You could create a DNS A record as a subdomain of your web application that resolves to the internal address of your printserver.
With those steps in place you should be able to update your printserver page to respond with permissive CORS headers which the browser should then respect. I don't think the browser will even issue CORS requests across different protocol schemes (HTTPS vs HTTP) or to internal domains, without a TLD.


I have been working my way though setting up HTTPS using AWS. I have been attempting this with a self-signed certificate and am finding the process a bit problematic.
One question that has come up along the way is this business of server-side HTTPS. The client that I am working with requests that when a user hits the server the URL change to HTTPS. I am wondering if "Server-Side HTTPS" means that the protocol is transparent to the end-user?
Will they still see HTTP int the browser?
Don't know if this is an exact answer to your question, but rather perhaps a piece of advice. When using ELB, I have found it MUCH easier to install the SSL cert on the ELB and use SSL offload to forward requests from port 443 on ELB to port 80 on the EC2 instances.
The pros of this:
There is only one place where you need to install the cert rather than having to install across a number of instances (or update AMI and relaunch instances), making cert updates much easier to perform.
You get better performance on your web servers as they don't have to deal with SSL encryption.
Some cons:
The communication is not encrypted end-to-end so there is the technical (albeit unlikely) chance that the communication could be intercepted between ELB and servers. If you are dealing with something like PCI compliance this might matter to you.
If you needed to directly access one of the instances over HTTPS that would not be possible.
You may need to make sure your application is aware of the https-related headers (i.e. x-forwarded-proto) that the ELB injects into the request if your application needs to check whether the request is over HTTPS.
There is no reason that this configuration would disallow you from redirecting incoming requests over HTTP to HTTPS. You might however need to look the x-forwarded-proto header to do any web-server or application level redirects to HTTPS. The end user would not have any way of knowing that their HTTPS wrapper for their request was being offloaded at the ELB.

Why do some websites require "www"? [duplicate]

When browsing through the internet for the last few years, I'm seeing more and more pages getting rid of the 'www' subdomain.
Are there any good reasons to use or not to use the 'www' subdomain?
There are a ton of good reasons to include it, the best of which is here:
Yahoo Performance Best Practices
Due to the dot rule with cookies, if you don't have the 'www.' then you can't set two-dot cookies or cross-subdomain cookies a la * There are two pertinent impacts.
First it means that any user you're giving cookies to will send those cookies back with requests that match the domain. So even if you have a subdomain,, the cookie will always be sent with requests to that domain. This creates overhead that wouldn't exist if you had made the authoritative name. Of course you can use a CDN, but that depends on your resources.
Also, you then don't have the ability to set a cross-subdomain cookie. This seems evident, but this means allowing authenticated users to move between your subdomains is more of a technical challenge.
So ask yourself some questions. Do I set cookies? Do I care about potentially needless bandwidth expenditure? Will authenticated users be crossing subdomains? If you're really concerned with inconveniencing the user, you can always configure your server to take care of the www/no www thing automatically.
See dropwww and yes-www (saved).
Just after asking this question I came over the no-www page which says:
...Succinctly, use of the www subdomain
is redundant and time consuming to
communicate. The internet, media, and
society are all better off without it.
Take it from a domainer, Use both the and the normal
otherwise you are just throwing your traffic away to the browers search engine (DNS Error)
Actually it is amazing how many domains out there, especially amongst the top 100, correctly resolve for but not
There are MANY reasons to use the www sub-domain!
When writing a URL, it's easier to handwrite and type "", rather than "". Most text editors, email clients, word processors and WYSIWYG controls will automatically recognise both of the above and create hyperlinks. Typing just "" will not result in a hyperlink, after all it's just a domain name.. Who says there's a web service there? Who says the reference to that domain is a reference to its web service?
What would you rather write/type/say.. "www." (4 chars) or "http://" (7 chars) ??
"www." is an established shorthand way of unambiguously communicating the fact that the subject is a web address, not a URL for another network service.
When verbally communicating a web address, it should be clear from the context that it's a web address so saying "www" is redundant. Servers should be configured to return HTTP 301 (Moved Permanently) responses forwarding all requests for (the root of the domain) to the www subdomain.
In my experience, people who think WWW should be omitted tend to be people who don't understand the difference between the web and the internet and use the terms interchangeably, like they're synonymous. The web is just one of many network services.
If you want to get rid of www, why not change the your HTTP server to use a different port as well, TCP port 80 is sooo yesterday.. Let's change that to port 1234, YAY now people have to say and type "" (eightch tee tee pee colon slash slash stack overflow dot com colon one two three four) but at least we don't have to say "www" eh?
There are several reasons, here are some:
1) The person wanted it this way on purpose
People use DNS for many things, not only the web. They may need the main dns name for some other service that is more important to them.
2) Misconfigured dns servers
If someone does a lookup of www to your dns server, your DNS server would need to resolve it.
3) Misconfigured web servers
A web server can host many different web sites. It distinguishes which site you want via the Host header. You need to specify which host names you want to be used for your website.
4) Website optimization
It is better to not handle both, but to forward one with a moved permanently http status code. That way the 2 addresses won't compete for inbound link ranks.
5) Cookies
To avoid problems with cookies not being sent back by the browser. This can also be solved with the moved permanently http status code.
6) Client side browser caching
Web browsers may not cache an image if you make a request to www and another without. This can also be solved with the moved permanently http status code.
There is no huge advantage to including-it or not-including-it and no one objectively-best strategy. “” is a silly load of old dogma trying to present itself as definitive fact.
If the “big organisation that has many different services and doesn't want to have to dedicate the bare domain name to being a web server” scenario doesn't apply to you (and in reality it rarely does), which address you choose is a largely cultural matter. Are people where you are used to seeing a bare “” domain written on advertising materials, would they immediately recognise it as a web address without the extra ‘www’ or ‘http://’? In Japan, for example, you would get funny looks for choosing the non-www version.
Whichever you choose, though, be consistent. Make both www and non-www versions accessible, but make one of them definitive, always link to that version, and make the other redirect to it (permanently, status code 301). Having both hostnames respond directly is bad for SEO, and serving any old hostname that resolves to your server leaves you open to DNS rebinding attacks.
Apart from the load optimization regarding cookies, there is also a DNS related reason for using the www subdomain. You can't use CNAME to the naked domain. On (saved) it says:
When using a provider such as Heroku or Akamai to host your web site, the provider wants to be able to update DNS records in case it needs to redirect traffic from a failing server to a healthy server. This is set up using DNS CNAME records, and the naked domain cannot have a CNAME record. This is only an issue if your site gets large enough to require highly redundant hosting with such a service.
As jdangel points out the www is good practice in some cookie situations but I believe there is another reason to use www.
Isn't it our responsibility to care for and protect our users. As most people expect www, you will give them a less than perfect experience by not programming for it.
To me it seems a little arrogant, to not set up a DNS entry just because in theory it's not required. There is no overhead in carrying the DNS entry and through redirects etc they can be redirected to a non www dns address.
Seriously don't loose valuable traffic by leaving your potential visitor with an unnecessary "site not found" error.
Additionally in a windows only network you might be able to set up a windows DNS server to avoid the following problem, but I don't think you can in a mixed environment of mac and windows. If a mac does a DNS query against a windows DNS will return all the available name servers not the webserver. So if in your browser you type you will have your browser query a name server not a webserver, in this case you need a subdomain (eg ) to point to the specific webserver.
Some sites require it because the service is configured on that particular set up to deliver web content via the www sub-domain only.
This is correct as www is the conventional sub-domain for "World Wide Web" traffic.
Just as port 80 is the standard port. Obviously there are other standard services and ports as well (http tcp/ip on port 80 is nothing special!)
Imagine mycompany... 25 smtp, etc 21 ftp 80 http
Sites that don't require it basically have forwarding in dns or redirection of some-kind.
* 80 http
The onlty reason to do it as far as I can see is if you prefer it and you want to.
