Styling Polygons in Geoserver using SLD - geoserver

I have 100 polygons of different size. I want to color each polygon with different color. I have one of the attribute 'z-code' in polygon that starts from 1 to 100. Can I use this? or should I use any other attributes that I have for example name of polygon?
What is the best way to have different color in different polygons in Geo-Server? Any answer is appreciated.

The easiest way to do this is to use a categorize function to map values from 1 - 100 to colours. So your SLD would look something like:
<CssParameter name="fill">
<ogc:Function name="Categorize">
<!-- Value to transform -->
<!-- Output values and thresholds -->


SVG GaussianBlur quality

I am showing a SVG map with the coastline drawn with a blurry effect as shown on this image:
I am using a simple feGaussianBlur filter to draw the coastline below the land polygons:
<filter id="blur">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="4">
The result is satisfying on the north coast. However, some rectangular patterns appear in the red circle. This is due to the segmentation of the coast into several linear elements, whose blurry margins intersect.
Is there a way to fix this and have a 'nice' blurry effect everywhere?
I already tried color-interpolation-filters=sRGB and image-rendering=optimizeQuality without any success.
FYI, the demo map is here with the source code.
Somehow I think this because of the filter dimensions, the extended parts are cut. Try extending these boundaries:
<filter id="degenCodeNeon" x="-50%" y="-50%" width="200%" height="200%">
The percentage uses objectBoundingBox, you could have also specified userSpaceOnUse. But first try this one.
Tried with x,y -250% and width/height 600%, seems to work. I suggest adding color matrix or component transfer filters as addition to completely reduce alpha to 0 below a certain threshold.

Reading data from colour terrain map

I have a question about converting a height-map that is in colour into a matrix - look here to see examples of such maps. If I were to have a terrain plot and plot it using imagesc, then I would see it as a colour map. I was wondering how I could convert an image that looks like this into its corresponding matrix.
This seems like it should be a pretty basic procedure, but I can neither work out how to do it myself nor find out how to do it online (including looking on SO).
To put it another way, the image in question is a jpeg; what I'd like is to be able to convert the .jpg file into a matrix, M say, so that imagesc(M), or surf(M), with the camera looking at the (x,y)-plane (from above), give the same as viewing the image, eg imshow(imread('Picture.jpg')).
You can use Matlab's rbg2ind function for this. All you need to choose is the "resolution" of the output colormap that you want, i.e. the second parameter n. So if you specify n as 8 for example, then your colormap will only have 8 values and your output indexed image should only have 8 values as well.
Depending on the color coding scheme used, you might try first converting the RGB values to HSL or HSV and using the hue values for the terrain heights.

Dealing with filters and colour's

I want to make filters like shown here
these are my target filters but can you please guide me how to go for them
how i can make filters like these?
which algorithms i need to follow? and which step i need to take as beginner?
Which is the better and easiest way to get the values of RGB and shades of filters .
copy of image from link above by spektre:
the source image is the first after camera in the first line.
very hard to say from single non test-screen image.
the black and white filter
is easy just convert RGB to intensity i and then instead RGB write iii color. The simplest not precise conversion is
but better way is use of weights
where w0+w1+w2=1 the values can be found by a little google search effort
the rest
some filters seem like over exponated colors or weighted colors like this:
r=w0*r; if (r>255) r=255;
g=w1*g; if (g>255) g=255;
b=w2*b; if (b>255) b=255;
write an app with 3 scrollbars for w0,w1,w2 in range <0-10> and redraw image with above formula. After little experimenting you should find w0,w1,w2 for most of the filters ... The rest can be mix of colors like this:
r=w00*r+w01*g+w02*b; if (r>255) r=255;
g=w10*r+w11*g+w12*b; if (g>255) g=255;
b=w20*r+w21*g+w22*b; if (b>255) b=255;
r=w0*r+w3*i; if (r>255) r=255;
g=w1*g+w3*i; if (g>255) g=255;
b=w2*b+w3*i; if (b>255) b=255;
btw if you want the closest similarity you can:
find test colors in input image
like R shades, G shades , B shades , RG,RB,BG,RGB shades from 0-255. Then get colors from filtered image at the same position and draw depedency graphs for each shade draw R,G,B intensities.
One axis is input image color intensity and the other one is R,G,B intensity of filtered color. Then you should see which formula is used directly and can also compute the weights from it. This is how over-exponation works for Red color
if the lines are not lines but curves
then some kind of gamma correction is used so formulas use polynomial of higher order (power of 2,3,4...) mostly power of 2 suffice. In that case the weights can be also negative !!!
some filters could use different color spaces
for example transform RGB to HSV shift hue and convert back to RGB. That will shift colors a little.

Superimpose red/green images in R using image() or rasterImage()

To highlight the difference between two identically sized matrices I would like to show the two superimposed in a semitransparent way using shades of red for the one matrix and shades of green for the other one (yielding yellow where they are identical) in R.
To display just one matrix I have
matr=replicate(10, rnorm(20,mean=0.5,sd=0.1))
colpalette=colorRampPalette(c("black", "red"))
image(matr^0.2,col = colpalette(1000),useRaster=T)
Does any one have any idea how I should adapt this to show two matrices matr1 and matr2 superimposed in red/green?
Also, what would be the best way to have a bit of control over the brightness & contrast of the resulting image? Are there better ways than the power transform I am using now?
Ha just found an easy solution by first calculating the log2(difference) between the two matrices and plotting that using a palette with a break at zero. That makes sense, right?
matr1=replicate(10, rnorm(20,mean=0.5,sd=0.1))
matr2=replicate(10, rnorm(20,mean=0.5,sd=0.1))
breaks = c(seq(min(matrdiff), 0, length.out=nbcolors/2), 0,
seq(0,max(matrdiff), length.out=nbcolors/2))

Value as colour representation

Converting a value to a colour is well known, I do understand the following two approaches (very well described in changing rgb color values to represent a value)
Value as shades of grey
Value as brightness of a base colour (e.g. brightness of blue)
But what is the best algorithm when I want to use the full colour range ("all colours"). When I use "greys" with 8bit RGB values, I actually do have a representation of 256 shades (white to black). But if I use the whole range, I could use more shades. Something like this. Also this would be easier to recognize.
Basically I need the algorithm in Javascript, but I guess all code such as C#, Java, pseudo code would do as well. The legend at the bottom shows the encoding, and I am looking for the algorithm for this.
So having a range of values(e.g. 1-1000), I could represent 1 as white and 1000 as black, but I could also represent 1 as yellow and 1000 as blue. But is there a standard algorithm for this? Looking at the example here, it is shown that they use colour intervals. I do not only want to use greys or change the brightness, but use all colours.
This is a visual demonstration (Flash required). Given values a represented in a color scheme, my goal is to calculate the colours.
I do have a linear colour range, e.g. from 1-30000
-- Update --
Here I found that here is something called a LabSpace:
Lab space is a way of representing colours where points that are close to each other are those that look similar to each other to humans.
So what I would need is an algorithm to represent the linear values in this lab space.
There are two basic ways to specify colors. One is a pre-defined list of colors (a palette) and then your color value is an index into this list. This is how old 8-bit color systems worked, and how GIF images still work. There are lists of web-safe colors, eg, that typically fit into an 8-bit value. Often similar colors are adjacent, but sometimes not.
A palette has the advantage of requiring a small amount of data per pixel, but the disadvantage that you're limited in the number of different colors that can be on the screen at the same time.
The other basic way is to specify the coordinates of a color. One way is RGB, with a separate value for each primary color. Another is Hue/Saturation/Luminance. CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and sometimes blacK) is used for print. This is what's typically referred to as true color and when you use a phrase like "all colors" it sounds like you're looking for a solution like this. For gradients and such HSL might be a perfect fit for you. For example, a gradient from a color to grey simply reduces the saturation value. If all you want are "pure" colors, then fix the saturation and luminance values and vary the hue.
Nearly all drawing systems require RGB, but the conversion from HSL to RGB is straight forward.
If you can't spare the full 24 bits per color (8 bits per color, 32-bit color is the same but adds a transparency channel) you can use 15 or 16 bit color. It's the same thing, but instead of 8 bits per color you get 5 each (15 bit) or 5-6-5 (16 bit, green gets the extra bit because our eyes are more sensitive to shades of green). That fits into a short integer.
It depends on the purposes of your datasets.
For example, you can assign a color to each range of values (0-100 - red, 100-200 - green, 200-300 - blue) by changing the brightness within the range.
The example you gave does not create gradients. Instead, they use N preset colors from an array and pick the next color as umbr points out. Something like this:
a = { "#ffffff", "#ff00ff", "#ff0000", "#888888", ... };
c = a[pos / 1000];
were pos is your value from 1 to 30,000 and c is the color you want to use. (you'd need to better define the index than pos / 1000 for this to work right in all situations.)
If you want a gradient effect, you can just use the simple math shown on the other answer you pointed out, although if you want to do that with any number of points, it has to be done with triangles. You'll have a lot of work to determine the triangles and properly define every point.
In JavaScript, it will be dog slow. (with OpenGL it would be instantaneous and you would not even have to compute the gradients, and that would be "faster than realtime.")
What you need is a transfer function.
given a float number, a transfer function can generate a color.
see this:
and this:
the second article says that the isovalue is between [0,255]. But it doesn't have to be in that range.
Normally, we scale any float number to the [0,1] range, and apply transfer function to get the color value.
