Laravel applying search filers - laravel

I have a page which has a search box(input text) which takes a place name as input and returns all the nearby dealers.
I also happen to have filters (checkboxes) for all the brand
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12">
{!! Form::checkbox('filters',$bike_oem, false,['style'=>'padding-right:5px;'] ) !!} <span style="padding-left:5px;"></span>{{ $bike_oem }}
How do I implement get the value of filter in my controller ?
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12">
<input style="padding-right:5px;" name="Hyundai " type="checkbox" value="Y"> <span style="padding-left:5px;"></span>Hyundai
This is how each filter appears in the page. Is the code correct to fetch the value in controller ? Please suggest

You can get the value of checkbox in this way also(in controller)
public function myFunction(Request $request){
if (isset($request['Hyundai']) && ($request['Hyundai'] == "on")) {
$value = "Y";


Cannot find parent element in DOM tree containing attribute: [wire:id]

I am laravel developer and developing a real time chat room using liveware , i am trying to open chat when i click to user but unfortunatly i am getting error please help me how can resolved that ? thank u.
I am also getting error in console.
public $selectedConservation;
public function mount(){
$this->selectedConservation = Conservation::query()
public function viewMessages($conservationsId){
$this->selectedConservation =
public function render()
$conservation = Conservation::query()
return view('livewire.messaging',[
'conservation' => $conservation,
#foreach ($conservation as $conservations)
<a href="#" wire:click.prevent="viewMessages({{ $conservations->id}} )">
<div class="user-card rounded bg-dark bg-opacity-10 mb-1">
<div class="mx-2">
<div class="d-flex pt-3">
<img class="rounded-circle" width="48px" height="48px" src="{{Config('wfh.file').$conservations->reciever->avator}}" alt="">
<div class="notification-text ms-3 w-100">
<span class="username fw-bold">{{$conservations->reciever->full_name}}</span>
<span class="float-end small"></span>
<p class="mt-1 text-muted">You: </p>
Check out the documentation on Dom Diffing Issues. It looks like you need to add a wire:key="{{ $conversations->id }}" attribute into your a tag so that Livewire can track changes to the list of conversations.

Populate formControlName checkbox from pre-defined data in Angular 2+

I have a dynamically created checkbox list and I'm having trouble to check the some trues according to a pre-defined list.
<div class="row">
<div class="example-container col-md-6">
<div *ngFor="let atribuicao of atribuicoesOcorrencia" formArraylName="inputAtribuicaoOcorrencia">
<mat-checkbox [value]="" (change)="onChange(atribuicao, $event)">
<div style="white-space: pre-wrap;">
{{ atribuicao.descricao }}
I try populate formControl name inputAtribuicaoOcorrencia in a list, in this case
the only one checekd was id 3, but nothing happens
this.atribuicoesOcorrencia.forEach(listAtibuicoes=> {
ocorrencia.atribuicoesDTO.forEach(x => {
if( =={
Or the code bellow for one ID checked only
inputAtribuicaoOcorrencia: 'checked',
You need to use the [checked] attribute for the mat-checkbox
// example
[checked]="" // This is what you need to add. If id is there, it will get checked
(change)="onChange(atribuicao, $event)"
<div style="white-space: pre-wrap;">
{{ atribuicao.descricao }}

Issue with passing values from Form and Controller to Blade in Laravel

I have issue with send values from address localhost/product/1/1 to my database, I want attach product 1 to customer 1 and add special prices below I add code
Route::get('/product/{customerID}/{productID}', 'CustomerController#insertCustomerProductForm')->name('add-product');
Route::post('/product/{customerID}/{productID}', 'CustomerController#insertCustomerProductAction');
to Controller
insertCustomerProductForm method:
public function insertCustomerProductForm($customerID, $productID)
return view('customer_products.create', [
'customer' => Customer::find('$customerID'),
'product' => Product::find('$productID'), ]); }
insetCustomerProductAction method:
public function insertCustomerProductAction (Request $request, $customerID, $productID) {
$newCustomerProduct = new CustomerProduct;
$newCustomerProduct->product_id = $productID;
$newCustomerProduct->customer_id = $customerID;
$newCustomerProduct->selling_customer_price = $request->input('selling_customer_price');
$newCustomerProduct->purchase_customer_price = $request->input('purchase_customer_price');
$newCustomerProduct->consumed_customer_price = $request->input('consumed_customer_price');
$newCustomerProduct->save(); }
Model CustomerProduct
class CustomerProduct extends Model
public function customers()
return $this->belongsToMany(Customer::class);
public function products()
return $this->belongsToMany(Product::class);
and when I try use in blade set values for product of customer I have only from form values (selling_customer_price... etc) nothing about product and customer? I don't know why or this find method is problem? Because I have to store special price for special customer in this form.
below I add part of blade code
<div class="container">
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header">{{ __('Dodaj Produkt') }} </div>
<div class="card-body">
<form method="post">
<div class="form-group row">
{{ $customer }}
<label for="selling_customer_price " class="col-md-4 col-form-label text-md-right">{{ __('Cena Sprzedaży') }}</label>
<div class="col-md-6">
<input id="selling_customer_price " type="text" class="form-control{{ $errors->has('selling_customer_price ') ? ' is-invalid' : '' }}" name="selling_customer_price " value="" required autofocus>
#if ($errors->has('selling_customer_price '))
<span class="invalid-feedback" role="alert">
<strong>{{ $errors->first('selling_customer_price ') }}</strong>
my error looking like it don't see variables from form:
selling_customer_price, purchase_customer_price, consumed_customer_price
I have error:
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'selling_customer_price' cannot be null (SQL: insert into `customer_products` (`product_id`, `customer_id`, `selling_customer_price`, `purchase_customer_price`, `consumed_customer_price`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (1, 1, , , , 2018-07-09 12:39:03, 2018-07-09 12:39:03))
Where exactly is your error coming from in both cases? insertCustomerProductForm should be working fine, as long as you pass the right parameters in the URL like so: localhost/product/20/10
POST request generally don't need parameters in the URL itself. You can retrieve the POST variables by doing $_POST['selling_customer_price'] in your insertCustomerProductAction method.

How to return view in controller?

I need to pull in data to my view but this doesn't work:
return view ('sub-domain', ['worker' => $worker ]);
Here is my code:
public function aerospace(Request $request , Worker $worker ){
$worker = $worker->newQuery();
if ($request->has('profession')) {
$worker->where('profession', $request->input('profession'));
if ($request->has('state')) {
$worker->where('state', $request->input('state'));
if ($request->has('local_govt')) {
$worker->where('local_govt', $request->input('local_govt'));
return $worker->get();
The above code brings out an array of data from the database which I can then filter with "domain/sub-domain?state=xyz"
Now when I try to pass in the data into my views using
return view ('sub-domain', ['worker' => $worker ]);
The page is loaded but no $worker data is loaded on the page. How can I pull the data? Here is my view file
<div class="row">
<form method="GET" action="">
Profession:<input type="text" name="profession"> State:<input type="text" name="state"> Local Govt:<input type="text" name="local_govt">
<button type="submit">Filter</button>
<div class="row">
#foreach ($worker as $worker)
<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6">
<div class="member">
<div class="pic"><img src="avatar/{{$worker->avatar}}" alt=""></div>
<div class="details">
<h4>{{$worker->name}} {{$worker->l_name}}</h4>
<span>{{$worker->profession}}</span><br>{{ $worker->state }}
</div> #endforeach
I want to filter data by certain parameters, if there's a better way to do that please do let me know. But first I need the data to display.
You are returning a query instance, not a collection or singular model. That's why the get() method works. So first do:
$worker = $worker->get();

How to POST an object to controller

I'm having a difficulty passing my 'product' object to the controller. How can I do it? I'm not getting errors. The problem is that the 'product' object is null on my controller.
<section th:each="menu : ${allMenus}">
<h1 th:text="${}"></h1>
<div th:each="product : ${menu.productList}">
<a data-toggle="modal" th:href="'#' + ${} + 'Modal'">
h5 th:text="${}"></h5>
<small th:text="${product.price} + '$'"></small>
<p th:text="${product.description}"></p>
<div th:replace="/productModal :: productModal(product=${product})"></div>
<div th:fragment="productModal(product)">
<div role="document">
<form method="post" th:action="#{/addItemToCart}">
<div th:each="topping : ${product.toppings}">
<input type="checkbox" th:id="${topping} + ${}" name="checkedToppings" th:value="${topping}" />
<label th:for="${topping} + ${}" th:text="${topping}"></label>
<button type="submit">Add to Shopping Cart</button>
#RequestMapping(value="/addItemToCart", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String addItemToCart(#ModelAttribute("product") Product product, #RequestParam("checkedToppings") List<String> toppings)
//product is null;
//checkedToppings are retrieved correctly
return "redirect:/menu";
Short answer:
you don't post objects to controllers using HTML.
You will never be able to post a "product" object to your controller from an HTML page.
you should send identifying information about the desired "product" to the controller,
perhaps a product-id or some other product-unique-identity-blammy.
Response to options in comments:
Hackers love hidden fields and JavaScript;
I recommend against using those for this situation.
I believe that you only have one option: identifying info.
This does not need to be a "real" product number.
You can generate a UUID and store a map in the choose one: (Servlet Session, Database, Application Session, somewhere else on the server) that maps from the UUID to the desired product.
