How to use mmap for devmemon MT7620n - embedded-linux

I`m trying to access the GPIOs of a MT7620n via register settings. So far I can access them by using /sys/class/gpio/... but that is not fast enough for me.
In the Programming guide of the MT7620 page 84 you can see that the GPIO base address is at 0x10000600 and the single registers have an offset of 4 Bytes.
MT7620 Programming Guide
Something like:
devmem 0x10000600
from the shell works absolutely fine but I cannot access it from inside of a c Programm.
Here is my code:
#define GPIOCHIP_0_ADDDRESS 0x10000600 // base address
#define GPIO_BLOCK 4
volatile unsigned long *gpiochip_0_Address;
int gpioSetup()
int m_mfd;
if ((m_mfd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR)) < 0)
printf("ERROR open\n");
return -1;
gpiochip_0_Address = (unsigned long*)mmap(NULL, GPIO_BLOCK, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, m_mfd, GPIOCHIP_0_ADDDRESS);
if(gpiochip_0_Address == MAP_FAILED)
printf("mmap() failed at phsical address:%d %s\n", GPIOCHIP_0_ADDDRESS, strerror(errno));
return -2;
return 0;
The Output I get is:
mmap() failed at phsical address:268436992 Invalid argument
What do I have to take care of? Do I have to make the memory accessable before? I´m running as root.
Peter Cordes is right, thank you so much.
Here is my final solution, if somebody finds a bug, please tell me ;)
#define GPIOCHIP_0_ADDDRESS 0x10000600 // base address
volatile unsigned long *gpiochip_0_Address;
int gpioSetup()
const size_t pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
unsigned long gpiochip_pageAddress = GPIOCHIP_0_ADDDRESS & ~(pagesize-1); //get the closest page-sized-address
const unsigned long gpiochip_0_offset = GPIOCHIP_0_ADDDRESS - gpiochip_pageAddress; //calculate the offset between the physical address and the page-sized-address
int m_mfd;
if ((m_mfd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR)) < 0)
printf("ERROR open\n");
return -1;
page_virtual_start_Address = (unsigned long*)mmap(NULL, pagesize, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, m_mfd, gpiochip_pageAddress);
if(page_virtual_start_Address == MAP_FAILED)
printf("ERROR mmap\n");
printf("mmap() failed at phsical address:%d %d\n", GPIOCHIP_0_ADDDRESS, strerror(errno));
return -2;
gpiochip_0_Address = page_virtual_start_Address + (gpiochip_0_offset/sizeof(long));
return 0;

mmap's file offset argument has to be page-aligned, and that's one of the documented reasons for mmap to fail with EINVAL.
0x10000600 is not a multiple of 4k, or even 1k, so that's almost certainly your problem. I don't think any systems have pages as small as 512B.
mmap a whole page that includes the address you want, and access the MMIO registers at an offset within that page.
Either hard-code it, or maybe do something like GPIOCHIP_0_ADDDRESS & ~(page_size-1) to round down an address to a page-aligned boundary. You should be able to do something that gets the page size as a compile-time constant so it still compiles efficiently.


How do cdev and its associated file operation work?

Actually working on a PCI driver.
I have two PCIe cards with same device ID and vendor ID.
So to make a difference, I assign these two cards with two different MINOR numbers.
//request for device numbers
error = alloc_chrdev_region(&devt, 0, cards_found, DEVICE_NAME);
if (error == 0)
major = MAJOR(devt);
printk(KERN_INFO "(drv_init): MAJOR number is %d\n", major);
printk(KERN_INFO "(drv_init): MINOR number range from 0 to %d\n", cards_found-1);
cdevs = cdev_alloc();
cdevs->owner = THIS_MODULE;
cdev_init(cdevs, fops);
devt = MKDEV(major, i);
error = cdev_add(cdevs, devt, 1);
if (error == 0)
printk(KERN_INFO "(drv_init): cdev_add success for minor number: %d", i);
printk(KERN_ALERT "(drv_init): cdev_add failed for minor number: %d,error code: %d, exit driver\n", i, error);
devt = MKDEV(major, 0);
unregister_chrdev_region(devt, cards_found);
} `
I'm doing this because all docs I found on internet suggests that one MINOR number for one device.
But I can't understand how could OS know which card is targeted when I do a fops_open, since the fops is bundled to all devices.
Need your help, Thx everyone.
PS: fops = file operations
Signature of .open operation is
int open(struct inode* inode, struct file* file)
Minor number of device opened can be obtained via
Other file operations also may obtain device number using file->f_inode as inode.
Alternatively, .open may store some device-specific data in file->f_private, and other operations may access them that way.

Error while reading other process memory

I'm using ReadProcessMemory to read a single byte out of a process i've created.
Since i'm attaching as a debugger, i'm reading addresses that are being executed now (or in the near past).
but i get a 299 error for ReadProcessMemory via GetLastError() on some addresses only (some works fine..)
On the cases i get an error, i call VirtualQueryEx, and the memInfo protect is 0x1, while the type & baseAddress are 0x0 (but the region size is some normal number), also VirtualQueryEx isn't failing..
if i call VirtualProtectEx for those cases, i get error 487 (Attempt to access invalid address).
i thought maybe the address i'm trying to read is paged out, thus all the errors, but it doesn't seem right since, as i've already mentioned, its an address that was executed recently.
ideas anyone?
You want to loop through all the memory, calling VirtualQueryEx() to make sure the memory is valid before calling ReadProcessMemory()
You need to make sure that MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION.State is MEM_COMMIT in most cases.
This whole operation can be easy to screw up, because you didn't supply any code I will provide a working solution that should work in 95% of situations. It's ok for bytesRead to be different than regionSize, you just need to handle that situation correctly. You don't need to take permissions in most cases using VirtualProtect because all valid memory should have read access.
int main()
DWORD procid = GetProcId("notepad.exe");
unsigned char* addr = 0;
HANDLE hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, procid);
while (VirtualQueryEx(hProc, addr, &mbi, sizeof(mbi)))
if (mbi.State == MEM_COMMIT && mbi.Protect != PAGE_NOACCESS)
char* buffer = new char[mbi.RegionSize]{ 0 };
SIZE_T bytesRead = 0;
if (ReadProcessMemory(hProc, addr, buffer, mbi.RegionSize, &bytesRead))
if (bytesRead)
//scan from buffer[0] to buffer[bytesRead]
//scan from buffer[0] to buffer[mbi.RegionSize]
delete[] buffer;
addr += mbi.RegionSize;
Reminder: This is just a PoC to teach you the concept.

Screen size in inches on Windows

I am developing a multi-platform game that runs on iOS as well as desktops (Windows, Mac, Linux). I want the game to be able to resize certain UI elements depending on the resolution of the screen in inches. The idea is that if a button should be, say, around 1/2 inch across in any interface, it will be scaled automatically that size.
Now for iOS devices this problem is reasonably well solvable using brute force techniques. You can look up the type of the device and use a hard-coded table to determine the screen size in inches for each device. Not the most elegant solution, but sufficient.
Desktops are the tricky ones. What I wish and hope exists is a mechanism by which (some?) monitors report to operating systems their actual screen size in inches. If that mechanism exists and I can access it somehow, I can get good numbers at least for some monitors. But I've never come across any such concept in any of the major OS APIs.
Is there a way to ask for the screen size in inches in Win32? If so, are there monitors that actually provide this information?
(And if the answer is no: Gosh, doesn't this seem awfully useful?)
For Windows, first see SetProcessDPIAware() for a discussion on turning off automatic scaling, and then call GetDeviceCaps( LOGPIXELSX ) and GetDeviceCaps( LOGPIXELSY ) on your HDC to determine the monitor's DPI. Divide the screen resolution on your active monitor by those settings and you've got the size.
Also see this article for a similar discussion on DPI aware apps.
Here is a method I found at the web address "".
Authour says that measurement is in millimeters.
Does not give you the precise width and height but better approximation than HORSIZE and VERTSIZE. In which I tried on two different monitors and got a max difference of 38 cm (measured screen size - calculated screen size).
#include <SetupApi.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "setupapi.lib")
#define NAME_SIZE 128
const GUID GUID_CLASS_MONITOR = {0x4d36e96e, 0xe325, 0x11ce, 0xbf, 0xc1, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0xe1, 0x03, 0x18};
// Assumes hDevRegKey is valid
bool GetMonitorSizeFromEDID(const HKEY hDevRegKey, short& WidthMm, short& HeightMm)
DWORD dwType, AcutalValueNameLength = NAME_SIZE;
BYTE EDIDdata[1024];
DWORD edidsize=sizeof(EDIDdata);
for (LONG i = 0, retValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; retValue != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; ++i)
retValue = RegEnumValueA ( hDevRegKey, i, &valueName[0],
&AcutalValueNameLength, NULL, &dwType,
EDIDdata, // buffer
&edidsize); // buffer size
if (retValue != ERROR_SUCCESS || 0 != strcmp(valueName,"EDID"))
WidthMm = ((EDIDdata[68] & 0xF0) << 4) + EDIDdata[66];
HeightMm = ((EDIDdata[68] & 0x0F) << 8) + EDIDdata[67];
return true; // valid EDID found
return false; // EDID not found
// strange! Authour requires TargetDevID argument but does not use it
bool GetSizeForDevID(const char *TargetDevID, short& WidthMm, short& HeightMm)
HDEVINFO devInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevsExA(
NULL, //enumerator
NULL, // device info, create a new one.
NULL, // machine name, local machine
NULL);// reserved
if (NULL == devInfo) return false;
bool bRes = false;
for (ULONG i=0; ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != GetLastError(); ++i)
devInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(devInfoData);
if (SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(devInfo,i,&devInfoData))
HKEY hDevRegKey = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey(devInfo,&devInfoData,DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DEV, KEY_READ);
if(!hDevRegKey || (hDevRegKey == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) continue;
bRes = GetMonitorSizeFromEDID(hDevRegKey, WidthMm, HeightMm);
return bRes;
int main(int argc, CHAR* argv[])
short WidthMm, HeightMm;
dd.cb = sizeof(dd);
DWORD dev = 0; // device index
int id = 1; // monitor number, as used by Display Properties > Settings
char DeviceID[1024];
bool bFoundDevice = false;
while (EnumDisplayDevices(0, dev, &dd, 0) && !bFoundDevice)
DISPLAY_DEVICE ddMon = {sizeof(ddMon)};
DWORD devMon = 0;
while (EnumDisplayDevices(dd.DeviceName, devMon, &ddMon, 0) && !bFoundDevice)
sprintf(DeviceID,"%s", ddMon.DeviceID+8);
for(auto it=DeviceID; *it; ++it)
if(*it == '\\') { *it = 0; break; }
bFoundDevice = GetSizeForDevID(DeviceID, WidthMm, HeightMm);
ZeroMemory(&ddMon, sizeof(ddMon));
ddMon.cb = sizeof(ddMon);
ZeroMemory(&dd, sizeof(dd));
dd.cb = sizeof(dd);
return 0;

ReadProcessMemory fails on some Pages (GetLastError()=299)

I try to read all commited pages of a process (Win7-64). On most pages it works but it fails for a few pages. I cannot explain why. Here is my test programme (compiled x32, tested in Win7-64):
#include <windows.h>
void main()
char* buf = new char[si.dwPageSize];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 0x7fff0; i++)
void* baseOffs = (void*) (i * si.dwPageSize);
if (VirtualQueryEx(hProc, baseOffs, &mbi, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION)) == 0)
MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("VirtualQueryEx failed"),TEXT(""),MB_OK);
if (mbi.State == MEM_COMMIT)
SIZE_T numByteWritten = 0;
if(ReadProcessMemory(hProc, baseOffs,buf,si.dwPageSize,&numByteWritten) == FALSE)
OutputDebugString(TEXT("bad\n")); //GetLastError()==ERROR_PARTIALLY_READ; numByteWritten == 0;
delete[] buf;
I tired to look into the MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION for the failing pages but I didn't find anything strange there. Also the number of failing pages varies from run to run (in average about 5). WHat prevents me from reading these pages? Do I need to adjust some privilges in the process token?
A little bit of debugging and something interesting is identified: all pages that fail have protection bit PAGE_GUARD set (see MSDN doc). As I interpret the docs, it is by design that you cannot read these pages with ReadProcessMemory.
if(ReadProcessMemory(hProc, baseOffs,buf,si.dwPageSize,&numByteWritten) == FALSE) {
assert(mbi.Protect & 0x100);
OutputDebugString(TEXT("bad\n")); //GetLastError()==ERROR_PARTIALLY_READ; numByteWritten == 0;
else {
assert(!(mbi.Protect & 0x100));
The page size on 32-bit Windows is not the same as the page size on 64-bit Windows. Therefore, the page size is a per-process value. The page size for your process is not necessarily the same as the page size of the process you are reading from. Use the RegionSize member of the MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION instead. That is the actual size of the affected region.

vsnprintf on an ATMega2560

I am using a toolkit to do some Elliptical Curve Cryptography on an ATMega2560. When trying to use the print functions in the toolkit I am getting an empty string. I know the print functions work because the x86 version prints the variables without a problem. I am not experienced with ATMega and would love any help on this matter. The print code is included below.
Code to print a big number (it itself calls a util_print)
void bn_print(bn_t a) {
int i;
if (a->sign == BN_NEG) {
if (a->used == 0) {
} else {
#if WORD == 64
util_print("%lX", (unsigned long int)a->dp[a->used - 1]);
for (i = a->used - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
util_print("%.*lX", (int)(2 * (BN_DIGIT / 8)),
(unsigned long int)a->dp[i]);
util_print("%llX", (unsigned long long int)a->dp[a->used - 1]);
for (i = a->used - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
util_print("%.*llX", (int)(2 * (BN_DIGIT / 8)),
(unsigned long long int)a->dp[i]);
The code to actually print a big number variable:
static char buffer[64 + 1];
void util_printf(char *format, ...) {
#ifndef QUIET
#if ARCH == AVR
char *pointer = &buffer[1];
va_list list;
va_start(list, format);
vsnprintf(pointer, 128, format, list);
buffer[0] = (unsigned char)2;
#elif ARCH == MSP
va_list list;
va_start(list, format);
vprintf(format, list);
va_list list;
va_start(list, format);
vprintf(format, list);
edit: I do have UART initialized and can output printf statments to a console.
I'm one of the authors of the RELIC toolkit. The current util_printf() function is used to print inside the Avrora simulator, for debugging purposes. I'm glad that you could adapt the code to your purposes. As a side note, the buffer size problem was already fixed in more recent releases of the toolkit.
Let me know you have further problems with the library. You can either contact me personally or write directly to the discussion group.
Thank you!
vsnprintf store it's output on the given buffer (which in this case is the address point by pointer variable), in order for it to show on the console (through UART) you must send your buffer using printf (try to add printf("%s", pointer) after vsnprintf), if you're using avr-libc don't forget to initialized std stream first before making any call to printf function
oh btw your code is vulnerable to buffer overflow attack, buffer[64 + 1] means your buffer size is only 65 bytes, vsnprintf(pointer, 128, format, list); means that the maximum buffer defined by your application is 128 bytes, try to change it below 65 bytes in order to avoid overflow
Alright so I found a workaround to print the bn numbers to a stdout on an ATMega2560. The toolkit comes with a function that writes a variable to a string (bn_write_str). So I implemented my own print function as such:
void print_bn(bn_t a)
char print[BN_SIZE]; // max precision of a bn number
int bi = bn_bits(a); // get the number of bits of the number
bn_write_str(print, bi, a, 16) // 16 indicates the radix (hexadecimal)
printf("%s\n"), print);
This function will print a bn number in hexadecimal format.
Hope this helps anyone using the RELIC toolkit with an AVR.
This skips the util_print calls.
