How to write a compression algorithm? - algorithm

I need some help coming up with a simple compression algorithm.
I have two lists of unsigned shorts - one for input, and one for output. The input list starts with a few thousand values, and the output list starts empty.
I'm trying to replace repetitive runs of the same value in the input with a 'decompression instruction' value in the output.
I want it to scan the next 2-15 values ahead of the input position, then scan 2-120 values behind the input position, and the best match found would then be added to the output as a single value rather than the entire run. This value essentially is a 'decompression instruction', and is equal to 2*(a+(b*512)+8192), where 'a' is the distance scanned back and 'b' is the distance scanned forward. All such values would therefore fall into the 16384-32767 range. If no match was found, then the value at the input position is copied literally.
This would yield an output where, in order to decompress it in the future, all values between 16384 and 32767 are read as decompression instructions, and all other values are copied literally.
It doesn't need to compress the data as efficiently as possible - it only needs to compress until the output is 6650 or less in length.
While I realize there are numerous compression routines already available that will do a much better job than this would, I need this exact routine for a specific purpose. I just really can't seem to make this work properly.
If there are any good algorithm writers out there, I'd love to hear from you.

If you have many repeated values, then simply subtract from every value (except the first) the value that precedes it. You will end up with long runs of zeros. Then compress with a standard compression routine, such as zlib, or gzip on the command line. After decompression, it is then simple to undo the subtractions to recover the original data.


Search data from a data set without reading each element

I have just started learning algorithms and data structures and I came by an interesting problem.
I need some help in solving the problem.
There is a data set given to me. Within the data set are characters and a number associated with each of them. I have to evaluate the sum of the largest numbers associated with each of the present characters. The list is not sorted by characters however groups of each character are repeated with no further instance of that character in the data set.
Moreover, the largest number associated with each character in the data set always appears at the largest position of reference of that character in the data set. We know the length of the entire data set and we can get retrieve the data by specifying the line number associated with that data set.
For Eg.
get(3)= D-1(stores in class with character D and value 1)
The answer for the above should be 13+10+92+3+8+12 as they are the highest numbers associated with L,K,M,A,D,C respectively.
The simplest solution is, of course, to go through all of the elements but what is the most efficient algorithm(reading the data set lesser than the length of the data set)?
You'll have to go through them each one by one, since you can't be certain what the key is.
Just for sake of easy manipulation, I would loop over the dataset and check if the key at index i is equal to the index at i+1, if it's not, that means you have a local max.
Then, store that value into a hash or dictionary if there's not already an existing key:value pair for that key, if there is, do a check to see if the existing value is less than the current value, and overwrite it if true.
While you could use statistics to optimistically skip some entries - say you read A 1, you skip 5 entries you read A 10 - good. You skip 5 more, B 3, so you need to go back and also read what is inbetween.
But in reality it won't work. Not on text.
Because IO happens in blocks. Data is stored in chunks of usually around 8k. So that is the minimum read size (even if your programming language may provide you with other sized reads, they will eventually be translated to reading blocks and buffering them).
How do you find the next line? Well you read until you find a \n...
So you don't save anything on this kind of data. It would be different if you had much larger records (several KB, like files) and an index. But building that index will require reading all at least once.
So as presented, the fastest approach would likely be to linearly scan the entire data once.

Does the order of data in a text file affects its compression ratio?

I have 2 large text files (csv, to be precise). Both have the exact same content except that the rows in one file are in one order and the rows in the other file are in a different order.
When I compress these 2 files (programmatically, using DotNetZip) I notice that always one of the files is considerably bigger -for example, one file is ~7 MB bigger compared to the other.-
My questions are:
How does the order of data in a text file affect compression and what measures can one take in order to guarantee the best compression ratio? - I presume that having similar rows grouped together (at least in the case of ZIP files, which is what I am using) would help compression but I am not familiar with the internals of the different compression algorithms and I'd appreciate a quick explanation on this subject.
Which algorithm handles this sort of scenario better in the sense that would achieve the best average compression regardless of the order of the data?
"How" has already been answered. To answer your "which" question:
The larger the window for matching, the less sensitive the algorithm will be to the order. However all compression algorithms will be sensitive to some degree.
gzip has a 32K window, bzip2 a 900K window, and xz an 8MB window. xz can go up to a 64MB window. So xz would be the least sensitive to the order. Matches that are further away will take more bits to code, so you will always get better compression with, for example, sorted records, regardless of the window size. Short windows simply preclude distant matches.
In some sense, it is the measure of the entropy of the file defines how well it will compress. So, yes, the order definitely matters. As a simple example, consider a file filled with values abcdefgh...zabcd...z repeating over and over. It would compress very well with most algorithms because it is very ordered. However, if you completely randomize the order (but leave the same count of each letter), then it has the exact same data (although a different "meaning"). It is the same data in a different order, and it will not compress as well.
In fact, because I was curious, I just tried that. I filled an array with 100,000 characters a-z repeating, wrote that to a file, then shuffled that array "randomly" and wrote it again. The first file compressed down to 394 bytes (less than 1% of the original size). The second file compressed to 63,582 bytes (over 63% of the original size).
A typical compression algorithm works as follows. Look at a chunk of data. If it's identical to some other recently seen chunk, don't output the current chunk literally, output a reference to that earlier chunk instead.
It surely helps when similar chunks are close together. The algorithm will only keep a limited amount of look-back data to keep compression speed reasonable. So even if a chunk of data is identical to some other chunk, if that old chunk is too old, it could already be flushed away.
Sure it does. If the input pattern is fixed, there is a 100% chance to predict the character at each position. Given that two parties know this about their data stream (which essentially amounts to saying that they know the fixed pattern), virtually nothing needs to be communicated: total compression is possible (to communicate finite-length strings, rather than unlimited streams, you'd still need to encode the length, but that's sort of beside the point). If the other party doesn't know the pattern, all you'd need to do is to encode it. Total compression is possible because you can encode an unlimited stream with a finite amount of data.
At the other extreme, if you have totally random data - so the stream can be anything, and the next character can always be any valid character - no compression is possible. The stream must be transmitted completely intact for the other party to be able to reconstruct the correct stream.
Finite strings are a little trickier. Since finite strings necessarily contain a fixed number of instances of each character, the probabilities must change once you begin reading off initial tokens. One can read some sort of order into any finite string.
Not sure if this answers your question, but it addresses things a bit more theoretically.

How to Find Exact Row in Log File

If you have a big log file, billions of lines long. The files have some columns, like IP addresses:
How can I find exact one line quickly, like if I want to find
A naive line-by-line search seems too slow.
If you don't have any other information to go on (such as a date range, assuming the file is sorted), then line-by-line search is your best option. Now, that doesn't mean you need to read in lines. Also, it might be more efficient for you to search backwards because you know the entry is recent.
The general approach (for searching backwards) is this:
Declare a buffer. You will read chunks of the file at a time into this buffer as fast as possible (preferably by using low-level operating system calls that can read directly without any buffering/caching).
So you seek to the end of your file minus the size of your buffer and read that many bytes.
Now you search forwards through your buffer for the first newline character. Remember that offset for later, as it represents a partial line. Starting at next line, you search forward to the end of the buffer looking for your string. If it has to be in a certain column but other columns could contain that value, then you need to do some parsing.
Now you continue to search backwards through your file. You seek to the last position you read from minus the chunk size plus the offset that you found when you searched for a newline character. Now, you read again. If you like you can move that partial line to the end of the buffer and read fewer bytes but it's not going to make a huge difference if your chunks are large enough.
And you continue until you reach the beginning of the file. There is of course a special case when the number of bytes to read is less than the chunk size (namely, you don't ignore the first line). I assume that you won't reach the beginning of the file because it seems clear that you don't want to search the entire thing.
So that's the approach when you have no idea where the value is. If you do have some idea on ordering, then of course you probably want to do a binary search. In that case you can use smaller chunk sizes (enough to at least catch a full line).
You really need to search for some regularity in the file and exploit that, Barring that, then if you have more processors you could split the file into sections and search in parallel - assuming I/O would not then be a bottleneck.

Fuzzy matching/chunking algorithm

Background: I have video clips and audio tracks that I want to sync with said videos.
From the video clips, I'll extract a reference audio track.
I also have another track that I want to synchronize with the reference track. The desync comes from editing, which altered the intervals for each cutscene.
I need to manipulate the target track to look like (sound like, in this case) the ref track. This amounts to adding or removing silence at the correct locations. This could be done manually, but it'd be extremely tedious. So I want to be able to determine these locations programatically.
0 1 2
ref: --part1------part2------
syn: -----part1----part2-----
# (let `-` denote silence)
[(2,6), (5,9) # part1
(13, 17), (14, 18)] # part2
My idea is, starting from the beginning:
Fingerprint 2 large chunks* of audio and see if they match:
If yes: move on to the next chunk
If not:
Go down both tracks looking for the first non-silent portion of each
Offset the target to match the original
Go back to the beginning of the loop
# * chunk size determined by heuristics and modifiable
The main problem here is sound matching and fingerprinting are fuzzy and relatively expensive operations.
Ideally I want to them as few times as possible. Ideas?
Sounds like you're not looking to spend a lot of time delving into audio processing/engineering, and hence you want something you can quickly understand and just works. If you're willing to go with something more complex see here for a very good reference.
That being the case, I'd expect simple loudness and zero crossing measures would be sufficient to identify portions of sound. This is great because you can use techniques similar to rsync.
Choose some number of samples as a chunk size and march through your reference audio data at a regular interval. (Let's call it 'chunk size'.) Calculate the zero-crossing measure (you likely want a logarithm (or a fast approximation) of a simple zero-crossing count). Store the chunks in a 2D spatial structure based on time and the zero-crossing measure.
Then march through your actual audio data a much finer step at a time. (Probably doesn't need to be as small as one sample.) Note that you don't have to recompute the measures for the entire chunk size -- just subtract out the zero-crossings no longer in the chunk and add in the new ones that are. (You'll still need to compute the logarithm or approximation thereof.)
Look for the 'next' chunk with a close enough frequency. Note that since what you're looking for is in order from start to finish, there's no reason to look at -all- chunks. In fact, we don't want to since we're far more likely to get false positives.
If the chunk matches well enough, see if it matches all the way out to silence.
The only concerning point is the 2D spatial structure, but honestly this can be made much easier if you're willing to forgive a strict window of approximation. Then you can just have overlapping bins. That way all you need to do is check two bins for all the values after a certain time -- essentially two binary searches through a search structure.
The disadvantage to all of this is it may require some tweaking to get right and isn't a proven method.
If you can reliably distinguish silence from non-silence as you suggest and if the only differences are insertions of silence, then it seems the only non-trivial case is where silence is inserted where there was none before:
ref: --part1part2--
syn: ---part1---part2----
If you can make your chunk size adaptive to the silence, your algorithm should be fine. That is, if your chunk size is equivalent to two characters in the above example, your algorithm would recognize "pa" matches "pa" and "rt" matches "rt" but for the third chunk it must recognize the silence in syn and adapt the chunk size to compare "1" to "1" instead of "1p" to "1-".
For more complicated edits, you might be able to adapt a weighted Shortest Edit Distance algorithm with removing silence have 0 cost.

Log combing algorithm

We get these ~50GB data files consisting of 16 byte codes, and I want to find any code that occurs 1/2% of the time or more. Is there any way I can do that in a single pass over the data?
Edit: There are tons of codes - it's possible that every code is different.
EPILOGUE: I've selected Darius Bacon as best answer, because I think the best algorithm is a modification of the majority element he linked to. The majority algorithm should be modifiable to only use a tiny amount of memory - like 201 codes to get 1/2% I think. Basically you just walk the stream counting up to 201 distinct codes. As soon as you find 201 distinct codes, you drop one of each code (deduct 1 from the counters, forgetting anything that becomes 0). At the end, you have dropped at most N/201 times, so any code occurring more times than that must still be around.
But it's a two pass algorithm, not one. You need a second pass to tally the counts of the candidates. It's actually easy to see that any solution to this problem must use at least 2 passes (the first batch of elements you load could all be different and one of those codes could end up being exactly 1/2%)
Thanks for the help!
Metwally et al., Efficient Computation of Frequent and Top-k Elements in Data Streams (2005). There were some other relevant papers I read for my work at Yahoo that I can't find now; but this looks like a good start.
Edit: Ah, see this Brian Hayes article. It sketches an exact algorithm due to Demaine et al., with references. It does it in one pass with very little memory, yielding a set of items including the frequent ones you're looking for, if they exist. Getting the exact counts takes a (now-tractable) second pass.
this will depend on the distribution of the codes. if there are a small enough number of distinct codes you can build a in core with a map. otherwise you probably will have to build a and then make multiple passes over the data examining frequencies of codes in each bucket.
Sort chunks of the file in memory, as if you were performing and external sort. Rather than writing out all of the sorted codes in each chunk, however, you can just write each distinct code and the number of occurrences in that chunk. Finally, merge these summary records to find the number of occurrences of each code.
This process scales to any size data, and it only makes one pass over the input data. Multiple merge passes may be required, depending on how many summary files you want to open at once.
Sorting the file allows you to count the number of occurrences of each code using a fixed amount of memory, regardless of the input size.
You also know the total number of codes (either by dividing the input size by a fixed code size, or by counting the number of variable length codes during the sorting pass in a more general problem).
So, you know the proportion of the input associated with each code.
This is basically the pipeline sort * | uniq -c
If every code appears just once, that's no problem; you just need to be able to count them.
That depends on how many different codes exist, and how much memory you have available.
My first idea would be to build a hash table of counters, with the codes as keys. Loop through the entire file, increasing the counter of the respective code, and counting the overall number. Finally, filter all keys with counters that exceed (* overall-counter 1/200).
If the files consist solely of 16-byte codes, and you know how large each file is, you can calculate the number of codes in each file. Then you can find the 0.5% threshold and follow any of the other suggestions to count the occurrences of each code, recording each one whose frequency crosses the threshold.
Do the contents of each file represent a single data set, or is there an arbitrary cutoff between files? In the latter case, and assuming a fairly constant distribution of codes over time, you can make your life simpler by splitting each file into smaller, more manageable chunks. As a bonus, you'll get preliminary results faster and can pipeline then into the next process earlier.
