Can't connect remotely to WAS 8.5 full profile installed on Ubuntu 14.04 from RAD 9.5 installed on OSX - macos

WAS 8.5 full profile isn't officially supported on OSX by IBM so the only option to perform development from OSX is to install stub runtime and connect to WAS installed remotely. I'm trying to install such scenario but something done wrong and can't connect to my WAS.
There's my installation:
On OSX El Capitan Installed:
RAD 9.5 with WAS 8.5 stub runtime (WebSphere Application Server traditional V8.5 stub)
Installed Virtual Box with Ubuntu Desktop edition 14.04
Ubuntu's hostname: anatoly-ubuntu-vm and it's accessible from host, i.e. ping anatoly-ubuntu-vm works fine
On Ubuntu installed:
WAS 8.5 full profile at /opt/IBM/WebSphere
Created AppSrv01 profile at /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles
WAS installed with root user, IBM Installation Manager required root permission when was started
My connection settings in RAD:
server name: WebSphere Application Server traditional V8.5 stub at anatoly-ubuntu-vm
hostname: anatoly-ubuntu-vm
Runtime environment: WebSphere Application Server traditional V8.5 stub
Connection type:
I've tried RMI 2809 and SOAP 8880 both options didn't work
Enable the server to start remotely is checked and Select the operating system running the remote server: checked Linux option with my username and password. I've tried my regular Ubuntu account and root, both option didn't work.
Server profile path defined as /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01
When I try to start server I get the following exception:
The following problems has occurred when starting the server.
CTGRI0001E The application could not establish a connection to
anatoly-ubuntu-vm .
What am I doing wrong?
After I've written this post I've figured out that SSH server isn't installed and configured at all as described here: Requirements for using Remote Execution and Access (RXA) Now, I've installed and it seems like connecting but stuck at 23% at stage Preparing launch delegate, after a while it throw the following error:
The following problems has occurred when starting the server. The
server may not be started in the correct mode. You can restart the
server to desired mode if it is started. CTGRI0075E A file transfer to
or from the system named [anatoly-ubuntu-vm] timed out before the
transfer could complete. The current timeout interval is set to 240000
milliseconds, and might need to be increased.
As I can see despite error message server is started and I even can connect to web console anatoly-ubuntu-vm:9060/console/ibm but it looks that not SOAP connection, neither RMI connection don't work. When I run Test Connection from Settings overview page in RAD, I get the following error:
The connection failed after trying to use all the available connection
Verify the port values are correct and the server has been started. If
the security of the server is enabled, verify the "Security is enabled
on this server" check box is selected, and the user ID and password
are provided. You can specify this in the server editor or when
creating a new server.
For a Technote with details on the most common server connection
problem, see
The last connection attempt failed with the following exception:
ADMC0016E: The system cannot create a SOAP connector to connect to
host anatoly-ubuntu-vm at port 8880.
As #DanielBarbarian guessed I tried to run ./ -port 8880 and it worked and returned
Connected to process "server1" on node anatoly-ubuntu-vmNode01 using SOAP connector; The type of process is: UnManagedProcess`
This is settings of my ports:
When I trying to run telnet anatoly-ubuntu-vm 8880 from OSX host I get the following response (ip address changed to non real due to privacy issue):
anatoly-mac:~ anatoly$ telnet anatoly-ubuntu-vm 8880
Connected to anatoly-ubuntu-vm
Escape character is '^]'.
HTTP/1.1 408 Request Timeout
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 117
Connection: close
<HTML><TITLE>408 - Request Timeout</TITLE><BODY>
<h1>408 Connection timed out while reading request</h1></BODY>
</HTML>Connection closed by foreign host


Phusion Passenger Enterprise fails to connect to the licensing server behind a proxy

We're trying to upgrade to Phusion Passenger Enterprise edition from the open source version but we're running into an issue. Passenger fails to connect to the licensing server with the following error message:
[ W 2018-03-27 10:20:55.2565 35498/T6 age/Cor/CloudUsageTracker.h:439 ]: Could not contact the Phusion Passenger Enterprise licensing server (HTTP error: Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out). To ensure proper access to the licensing server, please try these:
- Ensure that your network connection to works.
- If you can only access via a proxy, please set the config option 'PassengerCtl licensing_proxy PROXY_URL' (Apache) or 'passenger_ctl licensing_proxy PROXY_URL' (Nginx). 'PROXY_URL' takes the format of protocol://username:password#hostname:port, where 'protocol' is either 'http' or 'socks5'.
We need to use a proxy for all outgoing HTTP connections, so I have added the recommended config option:
passenger_ctl licensing_proxy http://OURPROXY:3128;
However the issue persist with the same error message.
Using curl to hit this URL through the proxy works as expected:
$ curl -x http://OURPROXY:3128
We are using nginx with Passenger on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Passenger Enterprise is installed from the official APT repository.
What could be causing this error? Any help would be much appreciated.
I have received an answer to this question from the Phusion Passenger support. They had accidentally misspelled the name of the relevant config option in the error message.
The correct way to set this option is:
passenger_ctl licensing_proxy_url http://OURPROXY:3128;
Related to this question, if you want Passenger to check for security updates behind a proxy, you will also need to set that separately:
passenger_security_update_check_proxy http://OURPROXY:3128;

Jenkins - slave mac - unable to connect

I have a Jenkins build server (v2.77) installed on a windows server 2016 and I'd like to add a mac as a slave node. I set the node to run via "Java Web Start". On the mac side I downloaded the slave-agent.jnlp file from jenkins, but it doesn't connects to the server.
This is the exception: Failed to connect to
at hudson.remoting.Engine.connect(
at hudson.remoting.Engine.innerRun(
Caused by: Operation timed out
at java.base/ Method)
I tried to turn off the windows firewall, to change the TCP port for JNLP agents option in jenkins to fixed/random, but they didn't connected.
Any ideas?
Thanks for help
Finally I found the solution. I rent the server from the google, and in the google cloud console I had to define for this VM instance a firewall rule to accept a specific port number for this JNLP agent connection. Now it's working well.

No command response from neo4j-shell, despite establishing connection

Created new EC2 instance of neo4j via CloudFormation template found here (ubuntu host).
Got the web interface to work fine, and DB is up and running.
Trying to connect with neo4j-shell from my local dev machine, and I am able to establish a connection to the remote EC2 server.
$ neo4j-shell -host
Welcome to the Neo4j Shell! Enter 'help' for a list of commands
NOTE: Remote Neo4j graph database service 'shell' at port 1337
neo4j-sh (?)$
netstat confirms that a connection has been ESTABLISHED
tcp6 0 0 xx.xx.xx.xx:1337 my.local.ip.add:13785 ESTABLISHED
At this point, I type help, or any neo4j command, and I get no response back from the server. The console just hangs. As soon as I stop the neo4j service on the server, I get the following exception on the client console.
java.rmi.UnmarshalException: Error unmarshaling return header; nested exception is:
at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(
at java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.invokeRemoteMethod(
at java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.invoke(
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy1.interpretLine(Unknown Source)
Caused by:
at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(
... 11 more
I have made the following change to neo4j-wrapper.conf :
All iptables are "disabled", to eliminate variables. I am able to run neo4j-shell on the server itself, to
What am I missing in my network config or neo4j server config?
Try to ssh into the instance and run it there. remote connections have been a pain for a long time because of the underlying Java RMI port handling.
You can also try out cycli which supports http and auth.

Is Eclipse SSH Remote System Explorer broken on Windows?

I have the following setup on Windows 7 Ultimate x64:
Eclipse Indigo 2.7.2 (Build: M20120208-0800)
Remote System Explorer 3.3.2 (see screenshot)
(Oracle/Sun) Java 1.6 Update 31 (x86)
Despite all my best efforts I am unable to connect to a remote system (a Centos 5.6 server on my local LAN) using a Remote System Explorer SSH connection - I've tried both password authentication and using my SSH private key.
Here is a screenshot of both the Eclipse error dialogue and what is logged in my /var/log/secure log file:
Apr 1 12:00:21 nagios sshd[6176]: Received disconnect from 3: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail
When I connect for the first time I do get prompted to verify the authenticity of the remote host and the RSA key fingerprint. But that's as far as things go.
Performing the same operation with the same credentials on my Fedora Core 16 box (also running the same version of Eclipse and Java) to the same server (and other servers) is successful.
This leads me to believe that RSE SSH support on Windows is either broken or there's some piece of the SSH-on-Windows puzzle I'm missing. Is this the case?
It works on Windows 7 64bit - i am using it. Maybe there is a problem with 3.3.2? I have check my version and i am using 3.3.1
You should upgrade your eclipse. Indigo is deprecated.

Connect DbVisualizer to HSQLDB on Mac

I need to connect DbVisualizer to HSQLDB. I've installed both on my mac (OSX 10.6.9). I've installed DbVisualized 8.0.5, and HSQLDB. I have both open, but when I try to ping the server, I receive the error message: "Cannot connect to 'localhost' on port 9001." The message below shows up in the Connection Message window:
An error occurred while establishing the connection:
Long Message: Connection refused
   Type: java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException
   Error Code: -1301
   SQL State: 08001
By default, when you run the HSQLDB Server, it shows some messages in the window. The last maessage should indicate susseful startup.
[Server#80fa6f]: 2011-11-12 21:03:24.904 HSQLDB server 2.2.6 is online on port 9001
[Server#80fa6f]: To close normally, connect and execute SHUTDOWN SQL
When you ping from DbVis, the server rejects the data because it's not valid data for making a connection. It shows an exception. This is normal behaviour. On the DBVis side, it should return success after the ping.
You should then connect from DbVis and it should work.
You must use the same HSQLDB jar on both DbVis and HSQLDB (you probably have done this).
You can also double check by executing the HSQLDB (version 2.2.x) jar, which brings up its own database manager and allows you to connect to the server.
One likely cause is network problems. You can try the IP address instead of 'localhost'
