Spring sso oauth2 client unable to request for access token - spring-boot

on spring boot 1.4, using #EnableOAuth2Sso for sso client and a kong third party authorization server, i'm able to receive the authorization code but unable to retrieve the access token.
the authorization code is part of the redirect url after which is there any configuration or a process for retrieving the access token?

Once you get the Authz code, you need to make a server side call(so that access token flow doesn't go through end user browser) to Authz Server for access_token, Look at this section of OAuth 2.0 Spec.


Use OAuth2 for authorization of session-authenticated users

I'm developing a microservices application that has to authenticate users against an external Identity Provider using SAML2 protocol.
The architecture
The idea is to use a SPA running in the browser which only talks to the API Gateway and uses Cookies for authentication.
The gateway delegates the Authorization Server to check if each request is authenticated and initialize the SAML2 login if not.
Once the user authenticates, the Authorization server initializes a session and sends back the cookie straight to the browser.
The Authorization Server is actually an OAuth2 Auth Server as well as a SAML2 Service Provider.
For every request coming after the user authenticated, I want internal communications to use OAuth2.
Frameworks used
For the authorization server I'm using the Spring Authorization Server package as well as SAML2 Service Provider libraries of Spring Security.
Resource services would use Spring Boot OAuth2 Server library.
What's working
I managed to set up the SAML2 client so that the Authorization Server is already generating a Session for the user after IdP authentication and I'm capable of reading the authenticated principal.
The problem
For the upcoming requests I want the API Gateway to perform a token replacement by exchanging the Cookie for an OAuth2 access token before forwarding these requests to resource services. Each resource service will then validate these tokens against the authorization server.
What I'm trying to achieve here is to make the API Gateway as a Backend-for-Frontend but the I'm struggling to figure out which authorization flow to use given that:
the client is the API Gateway, so it can be considered confidential
user credentials are missing as they are provided to an external IdP and the principal comes from a SAML Response
the authorization server has already estabilished a session for the user
Basically I can't figure out how to exchange the JSessionID for an authorization code.
Any ideas?
You should not bother about the authentication-code, the BFF (gateway configured as OAuth2 client) should receive it and exchange it for tokens (access, ID and refresh) during login process and store those in session (which should be activated along with CSRF protection).
When requests land on the gateway, session is replaced with Bearer access-token (kept in session) before being forwarded to resource-server. This behavior is activated with the tokenRelay filter in route properties (if I remember well...)

Disable or bypass OAuth security for microservice-to-microservice communication in Spring Boot

I have some microservices in Spring Boot and my front end application is in angular. I am using OpenID Connect for authentication and authorization. Right now, in my application, when the angular app is loaded, it redirects the user to the authentication server and after login the token is received which is sent by the angular application in each HTTP request to the resource servers. Now I have a question. My microservices also communicate with each other but as each microservice is acting as a resource server and the Rest APIs are secure now, so microservices can not communicate. What I want to achieve is that the requests which are sent by the user from the angular app should contain a token and those requests should be verified but I want to bypass or disable OAuth security for inter service-service communication between microservices. Is there any way to achieve this in Spring Boot?
Do not disable OAuth2 security in your micro-services:
if the inter-services request has the context of user (issued to satisfy part of an authorized request) just forward the original access-token
if inter-services request is not originated by a user request / event / callback,... (scheduled task for instance), then it is possible to acquire an access-token using client credentials flow. Authorization-server should be configured to attach required roles to each client when it issues access-tokens with client credentials flow.
In first case, you can access bearer token from the Authentication in the security context. Add this Bearer string as Authorization header to the requests to other micro-services.
In second case configuring REST client (WebClient, RestTemplate, FeignClient, ...) with client credentials is usually enough for it to automatically fetch an access-token from the authorization-server and add it as bearer header before sending requests to the resource-server.

OAuth in Spring security question to get userInfo

My application has frontend build with angular and backend build with spring boot, and I use openam by Forgerock as an authentication server. I got the access_token in frontend and pass this access_token to backend through Bearer authentication, But now I have to check if the token is valid in backend by calling /userInfo endpoint. My question is how to config in spring boot to call this endpoint everytime when get the request? Thanks
I may case I didn't had any explicit configuration for access token. You just have to call end points and the tokens will be stored in the header for authentication. Though you can set the timer for it.

Spring Boot OAuth2 Could not obtain access token

I'm tring SSO Login with Spring Boot and OAuth2.
I have an oauth2 client running on http://localhost:8001/demo and an oauth2 authorization server running on http://localhost:9001/uaa
In result, after approval page it direct to the approval page again and again.I'm getting back "org.springframework.security.authentication.BadCredentialsException: Could not obtain access token" from the client.
I have no idea what's going on. I did this with Spring Boot1.5 everything seems to be find

JWT with Spring OAuth2

I have created the Spring Authorization Server which issues JWT-s and a Resource Server which checks the JWT, its claims and permissions on the Authorization Server. To do so, I have followed this article.
My question is why I need to send the Authorization header with HTTP Basic authorization and Base64 encoded username/password (ClientId:ClientSecret) in get token request? I have seen JWT implementations where only username and password are required.
It is part of the specification, see RFC 6749:
2.3 Client Authentication
If the client type is confidential, the client and authorization server establish a client authentication method suitable for the security requirements of the authorization server. The authorization server MAY accept any form of client authentication meeting its security requirements.
Confidential clients are typically issued (or establish) a set of client credentials used for authenticating with the authorization server (e.g., password, public/private key pair).
The authorization server MAY establish a client authentication method with public clients. However, the authorization server MUST NOT rely on public client authentication for the purpose of identifying the client.
The client MUST NOT use more than one authentication method in each request.
By default Spring Security OAuth 2.0 protects the token endpoint, see OAuth 2 Developers Guide:
The token endpoint is protected for you by default by Spring OAuth in the #Configuration support using HTTP Basic authentication of the client secret.
But it seems, that you can disable the client authentication:
Spring Security OAuth 2.0 - client secret always required for authorization code grant
Is it possible to get an access_token from Spring OAuth2 server without client secret?
Spring Security OAuth 2.0 with no client_secret
That is the structure of the JWT token:
base64UrlEncode(header) + "." +
As you are doing a JWT implementation all the 3 parts must be there: header.payload.secret
Maybe in the implementation you have seen - the server was working with Default Secret
