How to form a query for a given data structure with dexie - dexie

I didn't found an answer for the following problem.
The following data structure is given. I want to find out the time (30) for the pressure at 8500. I dont't know how to form the query there for.
Could anybody help me? Thank you.
kind regards
hose: "++, &deviceId, hoseName, *meassuredValues" () {
deviceId: "11",
hoseName: "DN 20",
meassuredValues: [
{ pressure: 10000, time: 0 },
{ pressure: 9958, time: 10 },
{ pressure: 9000, time: 20 },
{ pressure: 8500, time: 30 },
{ pressure: 8000, time: 40 },

If you target only Chrome, Opera, Firefox and Safari 10, use compound indexes. You'd index your data with [time+pressure] which is a combination of time and pressure and then query
my_db.hose.where('[time+pressure]').equals([30, 8500]).toArray();
If you need to target IE, Edge and Safari < 10, you'll need to pick one index and add a JS filter of the rest:
my_db.hose.where('pressure').equals(8500).and(function (x) {
return x.time === 30;


Highstock dataGrouping not working with live data

I am currently working on a project for my company, where I need to plot highstock charts, which show energy-data of our main buildings.
Since it is live data, new datapoints come per Websocket every few-or-so seconds. However, the graph should only show one datapoint every hour. I wanted to clear this with the highstock dataGrouping, but it does not really work. It groups the points yes, but it still shows the „transmission“, the graph-line, between them. Thus making the whole graph completely irreadable.
In an other Version of the project, the graph only shows the latest datapoint of each group (as specified in the „approximate“ object in the chart options), but also does not start a new group after the chosen Interval runs through.
I've been sitting on this problem for about 3 days now and have not found any proper completely working solution yet.
Unfortunately, due company policy and due to hooks and components necessary, which are only used here in the company, I'm not able to give you a jsfilddle or similar, even though I'd really love to. What I can do is give you the config, mabye you find something wrong there?
const options = {
plotOptions: {
series: {
dataGrouping: {
anchor: 'end',
approximation: function (groupData: unknown[]) {
return groupData[groupData.length - 1];
enabled: true,
forced: true,
units: [['second', [15]]],
marker: {
enabled: false,
radius: 2.5,
pointInterval: minutesToMilliseconds(30),
pointStart: currentWeekTraversed?.[0]?.[0],
This would be the plotOptions.
If you need any more information, let me know. I'll see then, what and how I can send it to you.
Thank you for helping. ^^
This is example how dataGrouping works with live data,
try to recreate your case in addition or use another demo from official Highcharts React wrapper page.
rangeSelector: {
allButtonsEnabled: true,
buttons: [{
type: 'minute',
count: 15,
text: '15S',
preserveDataGrouping: true,
dataGrouping: {
forced: true,
units: [
['second', [15]]
}, {
type: 'hour',
count: 1,
text: '1M',
preserveDataGrouping: true,
dataGrouping: {
forced: true,
units: [
['minute', [1]]

Vega and Kibana - Dynamic timestamp label and filtered queries

I am working with my first Vega visualization with Kibana.
title: Event counts from all indexes
data: {
url: {
%context%: true
%timefield%: last_submission
index: test_info
body: {
aggs: {
time_buckets: {
date_histogram: {
field: last_submission
interval: {%autointerval%: true}
extended_bounds: {
min: {%timefilter%: "min"}
max: {%timefilter%: "max"}
min_doc_count: 0
size: 0
format: {property: "aggregations.time_buckets.buckets"}
mark: line
encoding: {
x: {
field: key
type: temporal
axis: {title: false}
y: {
field: doc_count
type: quantitative
axis: {title: "Document count"}
I have two questions here.
1 - As the visualization is linked to the Kibana dashboard, the user can choice different time windows from the main dashboard. As you can see the labels have always the full format. I need to set dynamically the label based on the time windows.
That is, show only hours if the user choose day data, show days if the user choose weekly data and so on.
What I need to do?
2- I need to filter the events basing on a particular value of a field and use the time windows of the main dashboard. Is that possible? I have tried adding the query filter here in the Vega code, but if I also have the context and timefield set I have this error:
url.%context% and url.%timefield% must not be used when url.body.query is set

Display and use time values on Highcharts

I'm quite new to Highcharts and the documentation is pretty huge for me to solve my little big problem.
I'm working on app for runners and want to display running pace on chart in minutes:seconds by kilometer or mile, in format like 05:30, which means pace 5 minutes and 30 seconds pre kilometer or mile.
My current (and not working) code is here:
Highcharts.chart('container', {
yAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
categories: ['03:30','04:00','04:30','05:00','05:30','06:00','06:30','07:00','07:30','08:00','08:30'],
labels: { format: '{value:%H:%M}'}
xAxis: {
categories: ['2018-01-01', '2018-05-01', '2018-10-01']
series: [{
data: ['05:00', '06:00' , '06:30'],
dataLabels: { format: '{value:%H:%M}'}
legend: {layout: 'vertical',align: 'right',verticalAlign: 'middle'},
plotOptions: {series: {label: {connectorAllowed: false},pointStart: 0}},
responsive: {rules: [{condition: {maxWidth: 1000},chartOptions: {legend: {layout: 'horizontal',align: 'center',verticalAlign: 'bottom'}}}]}
Currently the line in chart is not appearing. Can anybody repair my code to work correctly? Thanks.
Data needs to be numbers, not string values. If you look in console, you will most likely have Error 14 telling you this.
Changing your data to milliseconds (the format needed for highcharts to understand time) will work, like this:
data: [5 * 3600 * 1000, 06 * 3600 * 1000, 6.5 * 3600 * 1000],
Working example:
If you want to fix the tooltip in the above example, you just need to format it the same way you format the yAxis labels. Like this:
tooltip: {
pointFormat: '{point.y:%H:%M}'

Different size for the same view on CouchDB

I have two databases with similar data (organized differently) and I've created a view for each one returning the same response. I have notice that the time response of the query is different even returning the same response, one being 3182ms, other being 217ms approximately, having queried 5 times.
I query both using:
curl -x GET ...db1/_design/query1/view/q1?group=true and
curl -x GET ...db2/_design/query1/view/q1?group=true.
I have checked the data sizes of the design documents using curl -x GET ...db1/_design/query1/_info. The design data size of the first is 146073878 bites and the second is 3739596 bites.
I thought both should have the same size, because they return the same view, and i havent used any filters, both views beeing equal.
Somebody can explain me why the same view created by different databases have different sizes?
My data is organized using two differents roots, but the same data, changing only the root:
Customer data in the root:
"c_customer_sk": 65836,
"c_first_name": "Frank",
"c_last_name": "White",
"store_sales": [
"ss_sales_price": 20.24,
"ss_ext_sales_price": 1012,
"ss_coupon_amt": 0,
"date": [
"d_month_seq": 1187,
"d_year": 1998
"item": [
"i_item_sk": 10454,
"i_item_id": "AAAAAAAAGNICAAAA",
"i_item_desc": "Results highlight as patterns; so right years show. Sometimes suitable lips move with the critics. English, old mothers ought to lift now perhaps future managers. Active, single ch",
"i_current_price": 2.88,
"i_class": "romance",
"i_category_id": 9,
"i_category": "Books"
"ss_sales_price": 225,
"ss_ext_sales_price": 1023,
"ss_coupon_amt": 0,...
View function for customer in the root:
for each (store_sales in doc.store_sales) {
var s=store_sales.ss_ext_sales_price;
for each (item in store_sales.item){
var item_id=item.i_item_id;
var item_desc=item.i_item_desc;
var category=item.i_category;
var class=item.i_class;
var price=item.i_current_price;}
if(category=="Music" || category=="Home" || category=="Sports"){
for each (date in{
var g=date.d_month_seq;}
if (g>=1200 && g<=1211){
emit({item_id:item_id,item_desc:item_desc, category:category, class:class, current_price:price},s);
Example of answer:
{"item_id": "AAAAAAAAAAAEAAAA", "item_desc": "Rates expect probably necessary events. Circumstan", "category": "Sports", "class": "optics", "current_price": 3.99}
Item data in the root:
"i_item_sk": 10454,
"i_item_id": "AAAAAAAAGNICAAAA",
"i_item_desc": "Results highlight as patterns; so right years show. Sometimes suitable lips move with the critics. English, old mothers ought to lift now perhaps future managers. Active, single ch",
"i_current_price": 2.88,
"i_class": "romance",
"i_category_id": 9,
"i_category": "Books",
"store_sales": [
"ss_sales_price": 20.24,
"ss_ext_sales_price": 1012,
"ss_coupon_amt": 0,
"date": [
"d_month_seq": 1187,
"d_year": 1998
"customer": [
"c_customer_sk": 65836,
"c_first_name": "Frank",
"c_last_name": "White",
"ss_sales_price": 225,
"ss_ext_sales_price": 1023,
"ss_coupon_amt": 0,...
View for item on root:
var item_id=doc.i_item_id;
var item_desc=doc.i_item_desc;
var category=doc.i_category;
var class=doc.i_class;
var price=doc.i_current_price;
if(category=="Music" || category=="Home" || category=="Sports"){
for each (store_sales in doc.store_sales) {
var s=store_sales.ss_ext_sales_price;
for each (date in{
var g=date.d_month_seq;}
if (g>=1200 && g<=1211){
emit({item_id:item_id,item_desc:item_desc, category:category, class:class, current_price:price},s);
Returning the same answer.
I have made the cleanup and compaction of the designs and the time response of the database which the itens data are in the root is much faster, and the sizes of the data size is smaller too, but I dont know why.
Can someone explain me?
could it be a difference of database compaction? When you replicate an existing databases to an empty one, only the last revision of each documents are sent to the new one, making it potentially way lighter. The same applies to views

KendoUI - Chart data labels

Is is possible to for the KendoUI Chart (Area) to have multiple data labels or even a concatenation of two? I need to display both a value and a percentage for each data point. Is this something that would need to be handled on the data source side or is it on the view?
Thanks for any help.
You can use templates to format both labels and tooltips; see labels.template and tooltip.template.
The key is to reference the Property you want using dataItem ex:
template: "${ category } - #= kendo.format('{0:C}', dataItem.TotalDollars)#"
The answer above wont really help unless you have a strong understanding of the Kendo UI framework. I was having a similar issue and before I found my answer I found this question. I circled back because the answer is simple and some simple example code is really simple. Lets save everyone some clicks.
DATA RESPONSE FROM REMOTE DATA (copy and past for local binding):
"ProgramName":"Amarr Garage Doors",
"ProgramName":"Monarch Egress Thermal Hinge C",
"ProgramName":"Monarch Egress Window Wells",
"ProgramName":"Monarch Premier V Egress Windo",
"ProgramName":"Organized Living Shelftech Ven",
**Chart Generation Code: **
function createChart() {
title: {
text: "Breakdown by Program"
legend: {
position: "right"
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
url: "GetFooData",
dataType: "json",
data: {
Year : 2014,
Quarter : 1,
series: [{
type: "pie",
field: "PercentageShare",
categoryField: "ProgramName"
tooltip: {
visible: true,
template: "${ category } - #= kendo.format('{0:C}', dataItem.TotalDollars)#"
