GoLang - Sequential vs Concurrent - go

I have two versions of factorial. Concurrent vs Sequencial.
Both the program will calculate factorial of 10 "1000000" times.
Factorial Concurrent Processing
package main
import (
func main() {
start := time.Now()
fmt.Println("Current Time:", time.Now(), "Start Time:", start, "Elapsed Time:", time.Since(start))
panic("Error Stack!")
func gen(n int) <-chan int {
c := make(chan int)
go func() {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
//c <- rand.Intn(10) + 1
c <- 10
return c
func fact(in <-chan int) <-chan int {
out := make(chan int)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for n := range in {
go func(n int) {
//temp := 1
//for i := n; i > 0; i-- {
// temp *= i
temp := calcFact(n)
out <- temp
go func() {
return out
func printFact(in <-chan int) {
//for n := range in {
// fmt.Println("The random Factorial is:", n)
var i int
for range in {
i ++
fmt.Println("Count:" , i)
func calcFact(c int) int {
if c == 0 {
return 1
} else {
return calcFact(c-1) * c
//###End of Factorial Concurrent
Factorial Sequencial Processing
package main
import (
func main() {
start := time.Now()
//for _, n := range factorial(gen(10000)...) {
// fmt.Println("The random Factorial is:", n)
var i int
for range factorial(gen(1000000)...) {
fmt.Println("Count:" , i)
fmt.Println("Current Time:", time.Now(), "Start Time:", start, "Elapsed Time:", time.Since(start))
func gen(n int) []int {
var out []int
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
//out = append(out, rand.Intn(10)+1)
out = append(out, 10)
return out
func factorial(val ...int) []int {
var out []int
for _, n := range val {
fa := calcFact(n)
out = append(out, fa)
return out
func calcFact(c int) int {
if c == 0 {
return 1
} else {
return calcFact(c-1) * c
//###End of Factorial sequential processing
My assumption was concurrent processing will be faster than sequential but sequential is executing faster than concurrent in my windows machine.
I am using 8 core/ i7 / 32 GB RAM.
I am not sure if there is something wrong in the programs or my basic understanding is correct.
p.s. - I am new to GoLang.

Concurrent version of your program will always be slow compared to the sequential version. The reason however, is related to the nature and behavior of problem you are trying to solve.
Your program is concurrent but it is not parallel. Each callFact is running in it's own goroutine but there is no division of the amount of work required to be done. Each goroutine must perform the same computation and output the same value.
It is like having a task that requires some text to be copied a hundred times. You have just one CPU (ignore the cores for now).
When you start a sequential process, you point the CPU to the original text once, and ask it to write it down a 100 times. The CPU has to manage a single task.
With goroutines, the CPU is told that there are a hundred tasks that must be done concurrently. It just so happens that they are all the same tasks. But CPU is not smart enough to know that.
So it does the same thing as above. Even though each task now is a 100 times smaller, there is still just one CPU. So the amount of work CPU has to do is still the same, except with all the added overhead of managing 100 different things at once. Hence, it looses a part of its efficiency.
To see an improvement in performance you'll need proper parallelism. A simple example would be to split the factorial input number roughly in the middle and compute 2 smaller factorials. Then combine them together:
// not an ideal solution
func main() {
ch := make(chan int)
r := 10
result := 1
go fact(r, ch)
for i := range ch {
result *= i
func fact(n int, ch chan int) {
p := n/2
q := p + 1
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
ch <- factPQ(1, p)
go func() {
ch <- factPQ(q, n)
go func() {
func factPQ(p, q int) int {
r := 1
for i := p; i <= q; i++ {
r *= i
return r
Working code: https://play.golang.org/p/xLHAaoly8H
Now you have two goroutines working towards the same goal and not just repeating the same calculations.
Note about CPU cores:
In your original code, the sequential version's operations are most definitely being distributed amongst various CPU cores by the runtime environment and the OS. So it still has parallelism to a degree, you just don't controll it.
The same is happening in the concurrent version but again as mentioned above, the overhead of goroutine context switching makes the performance come down.

abhink has given a good answer. I would also like to draw attention to Amdahl's Law, which should always be borne in mind when trying to use parallel processing to increase the overall speed of computation. That's not to say "don't make things parallel", but rather: be realistic about expectations and understand the parallel architecture fully.
Go allows us to write concurrent programs. This is related to trying to write faster parallel programs, but the two issues are separate. See Rob Pike's Concurrency is not Parallelism for more info.


Concurrent Bubble sort in golang

Can someone explain to me how the goroutine works in the following code, I wrote it btw.
When I do BubbleSortVanilla, it takes roughly 15s for a list of size 100000
When I do BubbleSortOdd followed by BubbleSortEven using the odd even phase, it takes roughly 7s. But when I just do ConcurrentBubbleSort it only takes roughly 1.4s.
Can't really understand why the single ConcurrentBubbleSort is better?
Is it cause of the overhead in creating the two threads and its also processing the
same or well half the length of the list?
I tried profiling the code but am not really sure how to see how many threads are being created or the memory usage of each thread etc
package main
import (
func BubbleSortVanilla(intList []int) {
for i := 0; i < len(intList)-1; i += 1 {
if intList[i] > intList[i+1] {
intList[i], intList[i+1] = intList[i+1], intList[i]
func BubbleSortOdd(intList []int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, c chan []int) {
for i := 1; i < len(intList)-2; i += 2 {
if intList[i] > intList[i+1] {
intList[i], intList[i+1] = intList[i+1], intList[i]
func BubbleSortEven(intList []int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, c chan []int) {
for i := 0; i < len(intList)-1; i += 2 {
if intList[i] > intList[i+1] {
intList[i], intList[i+1] = intList[i+1], intList[i]
func ConcurrentBubbleSort(intList []int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, c chan []int) {
for i := 0; i < len(intList)-1; i += 1 {
if intList[i] > intList[i+1] {
intList[i], intList[i+1] = intList[i+1], intList[i]
func main() {
// defer profile.Start(profile.MemProfile).Stop()
intList := rand.Perm(100000)
fmt.Println("Read a sequence of", len(intList), "elements")
c := make(chan []int, len(intList))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
start := time.Now()
for j := 0; j < len(intList)-1; j++ {
// BubbleSortVanilla(intList) // takes roughly 15s
// wg.Add(2)
// go BubbleSortOdd(intList, &wg, c) // takes roughly 7s
// go BubbleSortEven(intList, &wg, c)
go ConcurrentBubbleSort(intList, &wg, c) // takes roughly 1.4s
elapsed := time.Since(start)
// Print the sorted integers
fmt.Println("Sorted List: ", len(intList), "in", elapsed)
Your code is not working at all. ConcurrentBubbleSort and BubbleSortOdd + BubbleSortEven will cause the data race. Try to run your code with go run -race main.go. Because of data race, data of array will be incorrect after sort, and they are not sorted neither.
Why it is slow? I guess it is because of data race, and there are too many go routines which are causing the data race.
The Thread Analyzer detects data-races that occur during the execution
of a multi-threaded process. A data race occurs when:
two or more threads in a single process access the same memory
location concurrently, and
at least one of the accesses is for writing, and
the threads are not using any exclusive locks to control their
accesses to that memory.

Job queue where workers can add jobs, is there an elegant solution to stop the program when all workers are idle?

I find myself in a situation where I have a queue of jobs where workers can add new jobs when they are done processing one.
For illustration, in the code below, a job consists in counting up to JOB_COUNTING_TO and, randomly, 1/5 of the time a worker will add a new job to the queue.
Because my workers can add jobs to the queue, it is my understanding that I was not able to use a channel as my job queue. This is because sending to the channel is blocking and, even with a buffered channel, this code, due to its recursive nature (jobs adding jobs) could easily reach a situation where all the workers are sending to the channel and no worker is available to receive.
This is why I decided to use a shared queue protected by a mutex.
Now, I would like the program to halt when all the workers are idle. Unfortunately this cannot be spotted just by looking for when len(jobQueue) == 0 as the queue could be empty but some worker still doing their job and maybe adding a new job after that.
The solution I came up with is, I feel a bit clunky, it makes use of variables var idleWorkerCount int and var isIdle [NB_WORKERS]bool to keep track of idle workers and the code stops when idleWorkerCount == NB_WORKERS.
My question is if there is a concurrency pattern that I could use to make this logic more elegant?
Also, for some reason I don't understand the technique that I currently use (code below) becomes really inefficient when the number of Workers becomes quite big (such as 300000 workers): for the same number of jobs, the code will be > 10x slower for NB_WORKERS = 300000 vs NB_WORKERS = 3000.
Thank you very much in advance!
package main
import (
const NB_WORKERS = 3000
const NB_INITIAL_JOBS = 300
const JOB_COUNTING_TO = 10000000
var jobQueue []int
var mu sync.Mutex
var idleWorkerCount int
var isIdle [NB_WORKERS]bool
func doJob(workerId int) {
if len(jobQueue) == 0 {
if !isIdle[workerId] {
idleWorkerCount += 1
isIdle[workerId] = true
if isIdle[workerId] {
idleWorkerCount -= 1
isIdle[workerId] = false
var job int
job, jobQueue = jobQueue[0], jobQueue[1:]
for i := 0; i < job; i += 1 {
if rand.Intn(5) == 0 {
jobQueue = append(jobQueue, JOB_COUNTING_TO)
func main() {
// Filling up the queue with initial jobs
for i := 0; i < NB_INITIAL_JOBS; i += 1 {
jobQueue = append(jobQueue, JOB_COUNTING_TO)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < NB_WORKERS; i += 1 {
go func(workerId int) {
for idleWorkerCount != NB_WORKERS {
Because my workers can add jobs to the queue
A re entrant channel always deadlock. This is easy to demonstrate using this code
package main
import (
func main() {
out := make(chan string)
c := make(chan string)
go func() {
for v := range c {
c <- v + " 2"
out <- v
go func() {
c <- "hello world!" // pass OK
c <- "hello world!" // no pass, the routine is blocking at pushing to itself
for v := range out {
While the program
tries to push at c <- v + " 2"
it can not
read at for v := range c {,
push at c <- "hello world!"
read at for v := range out {
thus, it deadlocks.
If you want to pass that situation you must overflow somewhere.
On the routines, or somewhere else.
package main
import (
func main() {
out := make(chan string)
c := make(chan string)
go func() {
for v := range c {
go func() { // use routines on the stack as a bank for the required overflow.
<-time.After(time.Second) // simulate slowliness.
c <- v + " 2"
out <- v
go func() {
for {
c <- "hello world!"
exit := time.After(time.Second * 60)
for v := range out {
select {
case <-exit:
But now you have a new problem.
You created a memory bomb by overflowing without limits on the stack. Technically, this is dependent on the time needed to finish a job, the memory available, the speed of your cpus and the shape of the data (they might or might not generate a new job). So there is a upper limit, but it is so hard to make sense of it, that in practice this ends up to be a bomb.
Consider not overflowing without limits on the stack.
If you dont have any arbitrary limit on hand, you can use a semaphore to cap the overflow.
my bombs did not explode with a work timeout of 1s and 2s, but they took a large chunk of memory.
In another round with a modified code, it exploded
Of course, because you use if rand.Intn(5) == 0 { in your code, the problem is largely mitigated. Though, when you meet such pattern, think twice to the code.
Also, for some reason I don't understand the technique that I currently use (code below) becomes really inefficient when the number of Workers becomes quite big (such as 300000 workers): for the same number of jobs, the code will be > 10x slower for NB_WORKERS = 300000 vs NB_WORKERS = 3000.
In the big picture, you have a limited amount of cpu cycles. All those allocations and instructions, to spawn and synchronize, has to be executed too. Concurrency is not free.
Now, I would like the program to halt when all the workers are idle.
I came up with that but i find it very difficult to reason about and convince myself it wont end up in a write on closed channel panic.
The idea is to use a sync.WaitGroup to count in flight items and rely on it to properly close the input channel and finish the job.
package main
import (
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var wgr sync.WaitGroup
out := make(chan string)
c := make(chan string)
go func() {
for v := range c {
if rand.Intn(5) == 0 {
go func(v string) {
c <- v + " 2"
out <- v
var sent int
go func() {
for i := 0; i < 300; i++ {
c <- "hello world!"
go func() {
var rcv int
for v := range out {
// fmt.Println(v)
_ = v
log.Println("sent", sent)
log.Println("rcv", rcv)
I ran it with while go run -race .; do :; done it worked fine for a reasonable amount of iterations.

How to iterate int range concurrently

For purely educational purposes I created a base58 package. It will encode/decode a uint64 using the bitcoin base58 symbol chart, for example:
b58 := Encode(100) // return 2j
num := Decode("2j") // return 100
While creating the first tests I came with this:
func TestEncode(t *testing.T) {
var i uint64
for i = 0; i <= (1<<64 - 1); i++ {
b58 := Encode(i)
num := Decode(b58)
if num != i {
t.Fatalf("Expecting %d for %s", i, b58)
This "naive" implementation, tries to convert all the range from uint64 (From 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615) to base58 and later back to uint64 but takes too much time.
To better understand how go handles concurrency I would like to know how to use channels or goroutines and perform the iteration across the full uint64 range in the most efficient way?
Could data be processed by chunks and in parallel, if yes how to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance.
Like mention in the answer by #Adrien, one-way is to use t.Parallel() but that applies only when testing the package, In any case, by implementing it I found that is noticeably slower, it runs in parallel but there is no speed gain.
I understand that doing the full uint64 may take years but what I want to find/now is how could a channel or goroutine, may help to speed up the process (testing with small range 1<<16) probably by using something like this https://play.golang.org/p/9U22NfrXeq just as an example.
The question is not about how to test the package is about what algorithm, technic could be used to iterate faster by using concurrency.
This functionality is built into the Go testing package, in the form of T.Parallel:
func TestEncode(t *testing.T) {
var i uint64
for i = 0; i <= (1<<64 - 1); i++ {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d",i), func(t *testing.T) {
j := i // Copy to local var - important
t.Parallel() // Mark test as parallelizable
b58 := Encode(j)
num := Decode(b58)
if num != j {
t.Fatalf("Expecting %d for %s", j, b58)
I came up with this solutions:
package main
import (
func encode(i uint64) {
x := base58.Encode(i)
fmt.Printf("%d = %s\n", i, x)
func main() {
concurrency := 4
sem := make(chan struct{}, concurrency)
for i, val := uint64(0), uint64(1<<16); i <= val; i++ {
sem <- struct{}{}
go func(i uint64) {
defer func() { <-sem }()
for i := 0; i < cap(sem); i++ {
sem <- struct{}{}
Basically, start 4 workers and calls the encode function, to notice/understand more this behavior a sleep is added so that the data can be printed in chunks of 4.
Also, these answers helped me to better understand concurrency understanding: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18405460/1135424
If there is a better way please let me know.

"fan in" - one "fan out" behavior

Say, we have three methods to implement "fan in" behavior
func MakeChannel(tries int) chan int {
ch := make(chan int)
go func() {
for i := 0; i < tries; i++ {
ch <- i
return ch
func MergeByReflection(channels ...chan int) chan int {
length := len(channels)
out := make(chan int)
cases := make([]reflect.SelectCase, length)
for i, ch := range channels {
cases[i] = reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectRecv, Chan: reflect.ValueOf(ch)}
go func() {
for length > 0 {
i, line, opened := reflect.Select(cases)
if !opened {
cases[i].Chan = reflect.ValueOf(nil)
length -= 1
} else {
out <- int(line.Int())
return out
func MergeByCode(channels ...chan int) chan int {
length := len(channels)
out := make(chan int)
go func() {
var i int
var ok bool
for length > 0 {
select {
case i, ok = <-channels[0]:
out <- i
if !ok {
channels[0] = nil
length -= 1
case i, ok = <-channels[1]:
out <- i
if !ok {
channels[1] = nil
length -= 1
case i, ok = <-channels[2]:
out <- i
if !ok {
channels[2] = nil
length -= 1
case i, ok = <-channels[3]:
out <- i
if !ok {
channels[3] = nil
length -= 1
case i, ok = <-channels[4]:
out <- i
if !ok {
channels[4] = nil
length -= 1
return out
func MergeByGoRoutines(channels ...chan int) chan int {
var group sync.WaitGroup
out := make(chan int)
for _, ch := range channels {
go func(ch chan int) {
for i := range ch {
out <- i
go func() {
return out
type MergeFn func(...chan int) chan int
func main() {
length := 5
tries := 1000000
channels := make([]chan int, length)
fns := []MergeFn{MergeByReflection, MergeByCode, MergeByGoRoutines}
for _, fn := range fns {
sum := 0
t := time.Now()
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
channels[i] = MakeChannel(tries)
for i := range fn(channels...) {
sum += i
Results are (at 1 CPU, I have used runtime.GOMAXPROCS(1)):
19.869s (MergeByReflection)
8.483s (MergeByCode)
4.977s (MergeByGoRoutines)
Results are (at 2 CPU, I have used runtime.GOMAXPROCS(2)):
I understand the reason why MergeByReflection is slowest, but what is about the difference between MergeByCode and MergeByGoRoutines?
And when we increase the CPU number why "select" clause (used MergeByReflection directly and in MergeByCode indirectly) becomes slower?
Here is a preliminary remark. The channels in your examples are all unbuffered, meaning they will likely block at put or get time.
In this example, there is almost no processing except channel management. The performance is therefore dominated by synchronization primitives. Actually, there is very little of this code that can be parallelized.
In the MergeByReflection and MergeByCode functions, select is used to listen to multiple input channels, but nothing is done to take in account the output channel (which may therefore block, while some event could be available on one of the input channels).
In the MergeByGoRoutines function, this situation cannot happen: when the output channel blocks, it does not prevent an other input channel to be read by another goroutine. There are therefore better opportunities for the runtime to parallelize the goroutines, and less contention on the input channels.
The MergeByReflection code is the slowest because it has the overhead of reflection, and almost nothing can be parallelized.
The MergeByGoRoutines function is the fastest because it reduces the contention (less synchronization is needed), and because output contention has a lesser impact on the input performance. It can therefore benefit of a small improvement when running with multiple cores (contrary to the two other methods).
There is so much synchronization activity with MergeByReflection and MergeByCode, that running on multiple cores negatively impacts the performance. You could have different performance by using buffered channels though.

Parallel processing in golang

Given the following code:
package main
import (
func main() {
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
go f(i)
// prevent main from exiting immediately
var input string
func f(n int) {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
dowork(n, i)
amt := time.Duration(rand.Intn(250))
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * amt)
func dowork(goroutine, loopindex int) {
// simulate work
time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(5))
fmt.Printf("gr[%d]: i=%d\n", goroutine, loopindex)
Can i assume that the 'dowork' function will be executed in parallel?
Is this a correct way of achieving parallelism or is it better to use channels and separate 'dowork' workers for each goroutine?
Regarding GOMAXPROCS, you can find this in Go 1.5's release docs:
By default, Go programs run with GOMAXPROCS set to the number of cores available; in prior releases it defaulted to 1.
Regarding preventing the main function from exiting immediately, you could leverage WaitGroup's Wait function.
I wrote this utility function to help parallelize a group of functions:
import "sync"
// Parallelize parallelizes the function calls
func Parallelize(functions ...func()) {
var waitGroup sync.WaitGroup
defer waitGroup.Wait()
for _, function := range functions {
go func(copy func()) {
defer waitGroup.Done()
So in your case, we could do this
func1 := func() {
func2 = func() {
func3 = func() {
Parallelize(func1, func2, func3)
If you wanted to use the Parallelize function, you can find it here https://github.com/shomali11/util
This answer is outdated. Please see this answer instead.
Your code will run concurrently, but not in parallel. You can make it run in parallel by setting GOMAXPROCS.
It's not clear exactly what you're trying to accomplish here, but it looks like a perfectly valid way of achieving concurrency to me.
f() will be executed concurrently but many dowork() will be executed sequentially within each f(). Waiting on stdin is also not the right way to ensure that your routines finished execution. You must spin up a channel that each f() pushes a true on when the f() finishes.
At the end of the main() you must wait for n number of true's on the channel. n being the number of f() that you have spun up.
This helped me when I was starting out.
package main
import "fmt"
func put(number chan<- int, count int) {
i := 0
for ; i <= (5 * count); i++ {
number <- i
number <- -1
func subs(number chan<- int) {
i := 10
for ; i <= 19; i++ {
number <- i
func main() {
channel1 := make(chan int)
channel2 := make(chan int)
done := 0
sum := 0
go subs(channel2)
go put(channel1, 1)
go put(channel1, 2)
go put(channel1, 3)
go put(channel1, 4)
go put(channel1, 5)
for done != 5 {
select {
case elem := <-channel1:
if elem < 0 {
} else {
sum += elem
case sub := <-channel2:
sum -= sub
fmt.Printf("atimta : %d\n", sub)
"Conventional cluster-based systems (such as supercomputers) employ parallel execution between processors using MPI. MPI is a communication interface between processes that execute in operating system instances on different processors; it doesn't support other process operations such as scheduling. (At the risk of complicating things further, because MPI processes are executed by operating systems, a single processor can run multiple MPI processes and/or a single MPI process can also execute multiple threads!)"
You can add a loop at the end, to block until the jobs are done:
package main
import "time"
func f(n int, b chan bool) {
b <- true
func main() {
b := make(chan bool, 9)
for n := cap(b); n > 0; n-- {
go f(n, b)
for <-b {
if len(b) == 0 { break }
