xamarin cross platform map with turn by turn - xamarin

We have a need in our app where the user will get turn by turn navigation to a location then need the ability to tell the app, "hey I'm here, don't need the turn by turn anymore."
Obviously I'm trying to stay cross platform. I tried this control which extends on Forms.Maps:
It's closer, but it doesn't do actual turn by turn, it draws a path between 2 pins then exposes a list of instructions with no location tracking, so it won't fit the requirement.
Then I found the openuri method here:
That works GREAT. The only issue is the application completely disappears. I get this is expected behavior from openuri, but I can't find any other way to get the full on turn by turn guided navigation. Is anyone aware of any way I could use guided navigation and expose a button, or anything really, like a button that says "Dismiss Map" and returns to the application? I'm open to other suggestions as well.


How does one correctly identify IE10 Metro and IE10 Desktop from the server in order to send back a "finger friendly" or "mouse friendly" interface?

I've read that since user agent is the same between both, the recommend method is to use feature detection. That is fine and good for some situations, where you may want to display a Flash video/movie/app vs. a javascript slideshow, but my issue is to display a correct interface based on the user's input device.
The assumption I'm making is that if a user is in the "Metro" IE10 they are probably expecting to use their fingers instead of a mouse. That being the case, I'd like to give them an interface with large hit boxes.
My question: Is there a way to tell the difference and display an appropriate interface? Or am I stuck with making the user manually switch modes via links on my site that set a cookie?
Still there's no way to detect normal IE from the crippled Metro IE, but know you can know at the server if the user has a touch screen http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2012/07/12/ie10-user-agent-string-update.aspx
That post includes other comments about how to perform detection in javascript.
If you use the msPointerPoint interfaces, your client will receive the same messages whether they're using the mouse or touch. You can also use the gestures api - there was just a blog post on the IE blog which discusses how to use gestures from the mouse browser.
IE exposes a unified stack for messages so you can use the same input processing and your UI will work whether you're using touch/pen or mouse.

Is there a way to change the windows phone 7 emulator orientation in runtime

Is there way to change the orientation of the emulator in runtime.
I have some tests for a component which include different layouts based on orientation. It would be great if this is possible.
I'm not sure what you are asking for?
If you just want to change the orientation yourself, then use the mouse - there's some buttons top right on the emulator to change orientation - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff402568(v=VS.92).aspx
If you want to automate this, then since I'm not sure there's a keyboard shortcut or command line for this, then you could just about do it by modifying the code inside https://github.com/Expensify/WindowsPhoneTestFramework/
Alternatively... it might be quicker/easier to just hack your own code to set the supportedorientation of each page just for one-off testing.
Late response (translated by google), but can be useful for others.
Management guidance on this in the options bar to the right of the emulator:
Detail to know, so that the orientation is done properly and is taken into account, we must re-press the "pause" button if you did previously to use your keyboard. Otherwise, you will feel duty systematic tilt your head to the left or right. :)

Minimize-in-place - Do I need a custom framework

I want to create a system wide minimize-in-place feature that occurs when double-clicking the title bar of any visible window in layer 0.
It seems that this would be a really simple feature to re-implement... When a title-bar is double-clicked, just draw the title bar only. That's it. The problem is implimenting it in all applications. I think it requires writting a custom framework to override the behavior in AppKit? Maybe NSApplication, NSWindow or NSView?
How can I recreate minimize-in-place?
Is a framework my only choice? If I create a framework, can I replace the behavior of minimize in 3rd party apps?
Which framework do I need to override in order to intercept and recreate the default behavior of the minimize button?
More about minimize-in-place:
I am familiar with WindowShade by Unsanity, this is exactly what I want to create. Supposedly unsanity is working on a Lion version, but their track record is bismal. Minimize-in-place was a system feature way back in the days of OS 7 or 8. I have tried other utilities that try to replace this feature, and there aren't any that do minimize-in-place at a core system level like it needs to be done. Please don't offer utitlity suggestions, I am going to build my own.
I have built an Application that recreates minimize-in-place, but it's not good enough.
My Application semi-successfully recreates minimize-in-place by putting "placeholder" windows (belonging to my app) in place of the 3rd party windows when they get minimized to dock. When my window (title bar only) gets double-clicked, I close my window and restore the real window from the dock.
My custom app works perfectly, but there is a lot of application switching going on. I have optimized the switching between apps to be nearly seamless, but the fact remains that there is application switching going on every time a window title bar is double-clicked. The result of application switching is that menu bars switch back and forth, pallets of 3rd party apps hide themselves when my app takes focus, and the list goes on.
So, although I've built a concept app, this method isn't going to work as I'd like it to. Minimize-in-place needs to be implemented using some other method than building an Application, and I need help understanding how to do it.
What I know think I need to do. Suggestions and assistance welcome.
I think I need to write a custom framework that replaces AppKit? This seems overwhelming even though I only need a super-tiny portion of the code to be overridden? i.e. the core _minimize function whatever that may be.
When a title-bar of 3rd party window is double-clicked, just clip to the title bar and let the rest of the system function as normal. On un-minimize (double click 2nd time), set clip back to full window.
Simple right?
Thanks for any assistance/suggestions,

How to handle first run and splashes in WP7

I have spent a bit of time rummaging through Stack Overflow to find out how to deterministically close an application based on an action. Most if not all answers say you can't or shouldn't do it. If this is so I would like to phrase my question differently and see how people are handling two issues I am having trouble with.
Just to let you guys know I am using Caliburn.Micro for this project.
Ok so the flow of my app can be broken down into two parts, the initial flow and the standard flow, these are as follows
Splash -> Welcome -> CreateAccount -> MainHub (all other functionality branches from here)
Splash -> MainHub (all other functionality branches from here)
Based on this flow, the feedback from my better (beta) testers is that they expect to exit the app on pressing the back button on the hub, which they see as the entry point. Currently as per navigation they go all the way back to the splash.
I see other apps have this functionality, but without forcing the application to close (Which I read is a no no) how are they achieving this desired functionality.
NOTE: I do not want to put in an exit button as I believe it goes against the natural flow of a WP7 application.
First of all, you cannot add a exit button. The only way to exit a application is to crash it, which will not be approved for marketplace certification.
As for your problem, you simply have to remove views from the navigation stack upon completion of a known navigation.
For this, use NavigationService.RemoveBackEntry.
You can access the NavigationService from anywhere, using this snippet:
(App.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame).RemoveBackEntry()
Regarding EULA / Login screens (and Splash) - don't make them into pages. If you instead make them Popup or Dialog controls you can show or hide them at any time (on first navigation; when the user hits a "protected" part of the app; after a time-out; etc.) and they don't consume a slot in the backstack.
Source: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ptorr/archive/2010/08/01/exiting-a-windows-phone-application.aspx

Is it possible to add custom Data Detectors to OSX Cocoa applications? (such as Mail.app / Safari)

As the title suggests...
Is it possible to add custom Data Detectors to Cocoa apps?
If so, a gentle nudge in the right direction would be great.
Note: To be clear. I want to add new detectors to currents apps. I am not writing a new app.
It's not even possible to build a custom data detector on anything but iOS 4. NSDataDetector is only available on iOS 4 and above.
If they existed on OS X and were a plug-in class like Spotlight importers, that'd be a nice feature. Perhaps filing a request at bugreport.apple.com would help it along?
Later update
I think the reason this hasn't been opened up with an API is because they're only meant to find common data (contact info, dates, URLs) for which there is only one (or just a few) uses. That is, contact info can be stored or used in "the" system-designated app. URLs can be auto-highlighted so they're linkable (clicks invoke the system-designated handler - Safari, an app registered to a protocol, etc.). But there's only one direction to funnel those actions and the endpoint is always a major "convenience app" meant to manage this common information (contacts, calendar, browser, email app, phone app...)
On the other hand, consider app-specific information. Data formatted a certain way for use with one app or platform might mean something else entirely to another application. In fact, this is rather common. So what happens when a string like %%SOMESTRING%% is detected? To one app, it might be a placeholder token. To another, it might be a user name. To another still, it might be interpreted as %%USERNAME followed by %%. Suddenly the simple system-wide UI for handling basic data types has to account for multiple actions and/or multiple "data detector plugins" claiming all or part of a format.
I'm not sure we'll ever see custom data detector APIs on iOS or Mac for this reason alone.
While custom data detectors aren't available at the OS level, there is a mechanism that will get you almost there. One possibility is to create a Workflow in Automator and save it in the Services menu.
It can be configured to be active when text is highlighted. You'd either go to the current app's main menu and select the Workflow under "Services", or else right click on the text and go to the "Services" menu from there. Not as easy as clicking on the text as you would a URL, but pretty close.
Create a workflow in Automator on Mac
