ingensi/play-framework image repetitive downloads - windows

I have docker running on a windows box successfully. When I try to docker build . an image, docker downloads a lot of large image files in step 1.I have no problem with this. However, the last time I tried, I got an unexpected interruption when all but one image file was remaining to download. When I built again, all the downloads started afresh and this has happened again and again. My question is, does docker not cache the already downloaded files somewhere or is there not a way to avoid this repetitive download? Here is my Dockerfile
# Dockerfile
FROM ingensi/play-framework
RUN mkdir /app
CMD ["activator","run"]
This is the console output on running docker build .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.543 MB
Step 1 : FROM ingensi/play-framework
latest: Pulling from ingensi/play-framework
a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete
6b8936f53711: Downloading 10.77 MB/77.28 MB
ba9b63c22e85: Downloading 8.222 MB/18.17 MB
c8f760722057: Download complete
05c3b10b9cd9: Waiting
eea97537ef12: Waiting
40254e2b433f: Waiting
66be6357e6af: Waiting
ca0f372c20c8: Waiting
1f9b623e6354: Waiting
The image files being downloaded are always the same and appear in the same order judging by the codes on the left and file sizes.

It's unclear what part of your Dockerfile would cause files to download. Note that Docker will cache image layers, not files that are downloaded to create layers. Details on how to take advantage of that are here:

When I built again, all the downloads started afresh and this has happened again and again.
My question is, does docker not cache the already downloaded files somewhere?
Yes, images are stored in a cache folder.
See "Where are docker images stored on the host machine?"
In your case, you might use Docker for Windows which requires Microsoft Hyper-V to run.
There are caching issue, but only for Docker cloud, not locally.
I advised in the comment:
docker-machine ssh
cd /C/Users/<yourLogin>/path/to/your/project
docker build


Docker on windows generates different image layer id for COPY command

Docker on windows
Code in questions: COPY configure_my_app.bat .
Expected: If I run docker build multiple times, I expect the image id to be same from various runs on docker build, given that there is no change in the Dockerfile
What happens: The image id after the above command changes for each run of docker build
I read it somewhere a while ago that this might have something to do with file attributes/permissions. I wonder, how can I get around this ? I want to use layers from cache if Dockerfile is not changed.

Modify the Docker image and save it for not loose the content when building the container again. How?

Hi I need to modify the a docker image from Autoware_AI repository after build it. The problem is:
A) I build the image running a .sh file:
cd $WORKING_DIRECTORY/docker/generic
./ -t 1.14.0
It is specifically from Autoware:
B) I modify the scripts contained inside the packages contained in Autoware folder
C) When I exit the container, and later enter again the modifications are not there anymore, of coure, because the image is built from Dockerfile from scratch...
To find a solution I have tried 2 different approachs:
To modify the container and save it as described here:
Issue: When using other terminal, trying to add .txt file for Autoware_AI running container, to modify the container, Autoware_AI container does not appear as active (but it is). Just other container are avaialable when I try to copy a file to Autoware_AI:
Commit Changes To a Docker image:
Issue: Problem to connect to Autoware_AI server and run the ros packages. This problem does not happen when building the original Docker file with .sh
The complete description of my problem as well as output of terminal attempts are better described here:
I am kind of new in forking,changing docker images. I do not understand how to fix this, find a solution for create my custom docker image and make it functional.
Thanks very much in advance!
As David Maze suggested one feasible way would be change the Dockerfile, and then build my image from it. It is a good idea. In my case however additional steps were required, because I had a script that called different Dockerfiles to build the image, and besides that this file also installed some ROS packages and other dependencies.
Even if the needed to change. The modifications on Dockerfile contributed to solve 90% of the issue. My Dockerfile was:
enter image description here
And After the modification, the Dockerfile became:
enter image description here
To dowload the modified ROS codes to my image, instead of autoware repo ROS pkgs, I needed:
1 - Copy the file from here:
To my docker local folder (docker/generic) and unwrap them with vcs import command as the Dockerfile displays above...
2- Edit the, in order to change the address of some of the repositories contained in to my personal github:
I Removed the lines:
type: git
version: 1.14.0
And replaced by:
type: git
Afterwards I followed the build instructions in case 3 here:
$ ./
$ ./ -t local
I know that may exist a more professional way to work with Docker images, and build a new Dockerfile based on the original one. But I am not that expert in Docker and also in this way my problem was solved.

How do I uninstall Docker packages?

I wanted to install CVAT for training an Object Detection AI using Docker. The install failed for some reason in the middle and it wasn't installed. But all the files were still occupying space on my machine. I tried reinstalling the CVAT and the files keep adding to the occupied space. How do I remove all of these files? I am using a MacBook Pro with MacOS Big Sur Beta 4.
These are the commands I am running to install CVAT.
docker-compose build output:
docker-compose up -d output:
docker exec -it cvat bash -ic 'python3 ~/ createsuperuser output:
If you are trying to remove the containers, attempt the following:
1. docker ps -a - lists all containers
2. docker stop [label or SHA of the containers you want to remove]
docker-compose down [YAML configuration file you targeted with docker-compose up] - this should stop all containers, teardown networks, etc. that docker-compose started with 'up'
docker container prune - removes all stopped containers
NOTE: If you have other stopped containers that you want to keep, do not run this, but remove them individually, as I suggested in the stricken-through step two above, or Konrad Botor's comment
If you want to remove the images:
docker images
docker rmi [label or SHA] (RMI is the remove image command)
To speed up this process, analyze the YAML configuration file being targeted for your docker-compose build command, and/or reference the documentation for that specific project (CVAT) if available, to determine what containers (software) it is initializing (and how it is doing so, if necessary). It might help to paste its contents in the question.
Note: what is taking up space may be volumes which are not cleaned up properly by the docker build scripts for this project. See the following documentation on how to remove those:
I might be missing some context, as I cannot access your pastebin links (behind a firewall at the moment).

docker build hangs in directory with many files

Windows 10. I have in folder just:
app (directory with many files)
Dockerfile (simpliest docker file)
I run "docker build ." and it just hangs.
If I remove "app" directory. Build runs ok.
In docker file just one line:
FROM node
Didn't find any issues like that. It fills like it tries to scan the directory or something.
Any advice?
UPD: It seems that I should use .dockerignore
When you run docker build ... the Docker client sends the context (recursive contents of the directory) via REST to the Docker daemon for building. If that context is large, this could take some time (depending on a variety of factors, if your daemon is local / remote, platform maybe, etc...).
How long are you giving it to hang before giving up? Could be that it's still just working? Or could be that the context was so large maybe the client / daemon experienced an issue. Checking the (client / daemon) logs would help debug that.
And yes, a .dockerignore file (basically a .gitignore but for Docker context) is probably what you're looking for, unless you need the contents of the app directory during your build.
Your Dockerfile should be put in the directory that only includes it's build context. For example, if you are building a spring-boot app, you can put the Dockerfile right under /app, as shown in this official docker sample.
Docker's documentation:
In most cases, it’s best to start with an empty directory as context and keep your Dockerfile in that directory. Add only the files needed for building the Dockerfile.
Warning: Do not use your root directory, /, as the PATH as it causes the build to transfer the entire contents of your hard drive to the Docker daemon.
I've seen that simple docker examples put dockerfile in the root directory, but for complicated examples like the one I posted above, the dockerfile is put only in it's relevant directory. You can dig through the dockersamples repository and find your case.

Docker how to clean partial failed downloads for images?

I am using docker toolbox in OS X. When I run docker-compose pull and the network cuts out, the download does not resume after I fix the issue. Is there a way to purge or invalidate partial downloads for docker images?
As noted in the comments, incomplete images would not be present anyway.
Since PR 18353 and docs-v1.11.2-2016-06-10, the next pull would reload missing/incommplete layers and build the complete image.
For purging images (dangling or not used): docker image prune -a
For purging containers: docker container prune
See more here.
