Is it possible to download any github project manually?
That is, I do not want to clone the project from repo. Just install project if it exists in directory.
E.g., download here and use:
/Users/admin/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/Pods/Release/EasyPeasy/1.2.1-b39f8 . is it possible to setup suffix?
the question is redirected from github
You can download any project as a zip file and then unzip in your local and use it. Are you looking for any other thing??
Currently we are working in a project that must be developed in an environment behind a firewall and we don't have access to internet so, we are not able to install de pods in the iOS project.
We have the opportunity to use Artifactory to cache the pods, but currently it only works for the ones that are stored in github, so for example GooglePlace, GoogleMaps pods cannot be installed as they are distributed as tgz.
Do you know a way to install those pods in Artifactory? As we have seen, in order to publish them in a Cocoapod repository we will need to
a) download the .tgz
b) create a specfile in groovy, cause at least we are not able to make use of the .json podspec of google to let it index and recognize the pod.
Maybe the problem is that we are not using the json file properly. As far as we know, the spec file has to be inside the tgz file, but it didn't recognize the file as I mention before.
We were able to make it work. It was just a problem with the tar.gz file. The steps we follow was in a osx:
Download the json spec file with curl
Download the tar.gz source that we can locate in the json spec the pod file
Uncompress the tar.gz
Add the json spec file to the root folder of the uncompressed data
Compress with the gnu-tar (that can be installed with brew) the file, with tar.gz extension
Upload to artifactory
With those steps, and using jfrog repo-art plugin we can use the pods without internet connection
I have used godep and vendored all my dependencies in vendor/ directory. Go build is working fine as well. However how can I be sure that all my dependencies are vendored?
Is there any command that can make sure of that?
My CI service (Travis is the one I use) lets me know. Because my test build will fail if the deps aren't available.
You should be using a CI service anyway, and then you get that benefit for free.
I use govendor to manage the dependencies, which has a status option. Here's some of the commands with govendor:
init Create the "vendor" folder and the "vendor.json" file.
list List and filter existing dependencies and packages.
add Add packages from $GOPATH.
update Update packages from $GOPATH.
remove Remove packages from the vendor folder.
status Lists any packages missing, out-of-date, or modified locally.
fetch Add new or update vendor folder packages from remote repository.
sync Pull packages into vendor folder from remote repository with revisions
from vendor.json file.
migrate Move packages from a legacy tool to the vendor folder with metadata.
Specifically, you'd do govendor status to check if there are missing packages.
If you decide to use govendor, you can get started by doing:
go get
govendor migrate (which will migrate from godeps to govendor)
Also, you mentioned in a comment that your deploying to Heroky, here's some documentation from them on govendor
I have created my own base project which I install in my projects using Composer. It is a gitrepository, stored on Github. Then I create releases and push them to Packagist. I can install the base project, but instead of downloading the package like other packages, it always does a checkout.
Is there another way to use composer to download your packages instead of downloading them?
There are two ways of downloading a package: source and dist.
--prefer-dist is what you are looking for. It will fetch the zip archives from Github, instead of checking the git repository out, which is --prefer-source.
i have downloaded the zip package for hello world plugin from
and have installed maven also but i want to know where to unzip this package and which command will be used to install and run it.I am working on windows so please provide a stepwise procedure according to it.please help
Check the project from github, build it, place the jar from the directory
Into the lib folder in Elastcsearch
Restart Elasticsearch
I would just like to know how to download specific version of Android Source Code. I have already tried the following command
repo init -u
repo sync
and I was able to download gingerbread 2.3.4. However, I would also like to download 2.3.3. Is there anyone who can tell me the proper command? Is there also a way to the download the source code without version files because I have no plans of changing the source code and uploading?
You could download the source from
Other versions are also available. You could search them in this site.
I was able to download 2.3.3 by using the these commands:
repo init -u git:// -b android-2.3.3_r1
repo sync
Thanks for your help.
Although this question has been answered, none of the answers work for me. It took me a while to figure this out, so I thought I would share the answer as it may save someone some pain.
To download the source code go to the github mirror, you can download a ZIP (see the left of the screenshot the "Download ZIP" button) and select the tag of the version you want. See this screen shot.
There is not the android-2.3.4_r1 tag in repository.
For example, repository has the android-2.3.4_r1 tag. You are able to see that tag on
To sum up, the android-2.3.4_r1 tag is tagged in a part of android repositories.
If you check the android-2.3.4_r1 tagging source code on dalvik, try this commands as below.
repo init -u
repo sync
cd dalvik
git checkout android-2.3.4_r1