maven javadoc generation issue of viewing on local tomcat server - view

I have managed to generate javadocs for my maven java project.
I use the following in
I use the goal javadoc:javadoc when building.
Is there a way I can start my tomcat server and view the generated javadocs via a URL on my tomcat server? Something like localhost:8080/...


maven tomcat7:run terminates automaticatlly in eclipse

Guys I know its very easy to run tomcat7 plugin in maven(in eclipse) but as I'm new to maven structure I can't figure it out that I was running maven build with "tomcat:run" and was working but I switched to maven plugin tomcat7 configured in pom.xml It starts it and stopped and gives build success msg. how change i make it keep listening?
Here my tomcate plugin settings
<keystoreFile>C:/Users/Sohail Haider/.keystore</keystoreFile>
Take into account the default lifecycle in maven
So, what you are doing in the configuration is starting and stopping tomcat when you are building the project. I think that you have a webapp project and want to run tomcat so you have to remove executions tag from the configuration and just execute mvn tomcat7:run

Jboss 7.x redeploy option

I was looking for hard-deploy option in Jboss &.x but I believe that option is no longer supported in Jboss 7.x
what I found was this Jboss link containing latest plugins
I have decided to use Jboss-as:redeploy option.It seems to work perfectly for me- kind of replacement for hard-deploy.But when I check my Jboss/standalone/deployment folder the timestamp of war is not updated.But code changes are reflected in the application.below is the maven plugin code that I am using
Is there any bug in jboss plugin there ?Is it the right way to achieve my hard-deploy goal in Jboss 7.x
There seems to be no hard-deploy feature in the jboss 7.We have now used maven plugin to copy the new build to the deployment directory and Jboss will detect the change and deploy the new WAR.Below is the code for the same:
<copy file="target/myapp.war" tofile="${env.JBOSS_HOME}\standalone\deployments\myapp.war" />

How to register a custom built jar file as maven main artifact?

I have a project expected to deliver a jar file:
but the jar is built in a custom way, so the default packaging done with jar:jar has been disabled
but then when I want to apply shade:shade on the existing jar I get an error
The project main artifact does not exist.
I assume that maven doesn't know about the .jar file created by my custom tool. How to let it know, because antrun attachArtifact doesn't work
<attachartifact file="./bin/classes.jar" classifier="" type="jar"/>
the error I get is
An Ant BuildException has occured: org.apache.maven.artifact.InvalidArtifactRTException: For artifact {:jar}: An attached artifact must have a different ID than its corresponding main artifact.
So this is not the method to register main artifact... Is there any (without writing custom java plugin)?
I checked the sources of JarMojo and it gave me an idea how to solve it with Groovy (via gmaven)
project.artifact.setFile(new File("./bin/classes.jar"))
and it works!:)
Something like this
While your solution may work for a build to the install+ phase or where there are no dependencies in the reactor, in cases where only building to the compile or test phase the unpackaged classes won't be found by dependencies.
Building to compile happens when using plugins like the maven-release-plugin.
Extending your chosen solution to include identifying the unpacked classes during compile
project.artifact.setFile(new File("./bin/classes"))
project.artifact.setFile(new File("./bin/classes.jar"))
By default the maven-install-plugin will use the identified artifact along the lines of
So another option might go something like this
We were having the same problem, with getting the "attached artifact must have a different ID than its corresponding main artifact" error. We found the solution in the following excellent blog post:
As detailed in this section, you can fix the problem by adding a classifier so Maven can distinguish between the ant-built jar and the maven-built jar. Since you're using antrun attachartifact, you'd need this:
<attachartifact file="./bin/classes.jar" classifier="foo" type="jar"/>
Note you'll also need to include that classifier (along with groupId, artifactId and version) whenever you want to grab this jar as a dependency in other projects.

Maven: Extract dependency resources before test

I have a multimodule Maven project. One subproject hosts XSL/XML resource files. The other project hosts Java code that needs to use these files in its unit tests.
In the dependency's jar, the resources lie in the folder xml-resources.
I found this example and tried to change it for my needs:
This doesn't do anything when I run the process-test-resources phase. Am am sure that there are some errors in there - I do not see where I can specify the dependency the resources should be taken from, and <classifier> does not seem to actually specify the source where the resources should be copied from.
I'm lost here, can somebody tell me how to do this right?
Try something like this
<includes>foobar.txt, loremipsum.xml</includes>
Have a look at the unpack-dependencies parameters for detailed explanation or further information.

How do you get the soapUI maven plugin to fail safe?

AFAIK, the maven failsafe plugin fails safe because it has separate goals for running the tests and failing the build based on the tests. These are designed to be bound to the integration-test and verify goals respectively. This allows post-integration-test bound goals to run (shutting down the build) before the build fails.
My question is, how do I do this with the maven-soapui-plugin? I thought I could simply specify <testFailIgnore>true</testFailIgnore> in my soapui plugin config and then call the failsafe plugin verify goal, but that isn't working. I don't think I'm not sure if I'm getting a summary file out of the soapui plugin or not. I keep getting Expected root element 'failsafe-summary' but found 'testsuite' Here is a snippet of the POM:
Is there something wrong with my POM or is this a bad approach? Are there any better approaches?
There is an open source extension of the soapui plugin which has a separate test-verify goal for exactly this purpose.
The following example shows the required configuration:
AFAIK maven-failsafe-plugin can only verify success status of tests run by maven-failsafe-plugin and not by maven-soapui-plugin. It does that by reading test summary report file (failsafe-summary.xml) which has specific format.
maven-soapui-plugin could be adjusted to separate running tests from verifying test success status, to support running post-integration-test tasks (stop server, undeploy artifacts, etc.) before verification. Create a support ticket for this to soapUI guys.
Maybe even maven-failsafe-plugin, it's verify mojo, could be extended to allow specifying different test report format (JUnit style reports are supported by soapUI) or even an xpath expression which would be used by maven-failsafe-plugin to determine if there were failed tests or not. Create a support ticket for this on maven-failsafe-plugin issue tracker.
Until those extensions are supported, and you need to do tasks on post-integration-test phase you can use soapUI JUnit integration and have maven-failsafe-plugin run those soapUI JUnit tests.
I am trying this solution, and it doesn't work.
But I have found one.
To obtain de tests report of SOAPUI tests in Jenkins, I using the failsafe plugin with this configuration in the pom.xml of my Soap tests folder :
The tests cases status are up to Jenkins.
