Route::controller() alternative in Laravel 5.3+ - laravel

I just upgraded from Laravel 5.2 to 5.3. I am using Laravel-DataTables package for several tables in my application.
After upgrade when I run artisan serve I'm receiving:
Method controller does not exist.
I've tracked the issue down to this piece of code in my routes.php (now web.php)
Route::controller('datatables', 'ProfileController', [
'anyOrders' => 'datatables.dataOrders',
'anyProperties' => 'datatables.dataProperties',
This is the suggested way to route the queries for DataTables Documentation.
Was the Route::controller() deprecated, and what is the alternative to for these routes?

The explicit routes will be:
Route::get('/datatables/orders', array('middleware' => 'auth', 'uses' => 'ProfileController#anyOrders'))->name('datatables.dataOrders');
Route::get('/datatables/properties', array('middleware' => 'auth', 'uses' => 'ProfileController#anyProperties'))->name('datatables.dataProperties');

I had the same issue as you, and none of the alternatives (explicit declaration or publishing) was good enough. There were also some alternatives which required changing too much code.
This is why I wrote a class called AdvancedRoute, which serves as a drop in replacement.
It can be used by simply replacing Route::controller with AdvancedRoute::controller like this:
Full information how to install and use find at the GitHub repo at:
Hope you find this useful.
The following features are deprecated in 5.2 and will be removed in the 5.3 release in June 2016:
Implicit controller routes using Route::controller have been deprecated. Please use explicit route registration in your routes file. This will likely be extracted into a package.

You can use resource().
Note: the "get" prefix is not needed. getIndex() = index()


route model binding doesn't work anymore with api package devolpment in in Laravel 8.x

I created an api which is delivered with package development composer. in Laravel 7 it was possible to add the route model binding with:
Route::group(['namespace' => 'Acme\Package\app\Http\Controllers\Api'], function () {
// fomer possibility:
Route::apiResource('api/comments/', 'CommentController')->middleware('bindings');});
In Laravel 8 that's not possible anymore. I've tried almost everything the last days, but either the route-model-binding is not working, or the class can't be found:
Target class [bindings] does not exist.
I really hope someone can post an answer to the problem, or a hint or anything useful.
many thanks in advance
Thanks for the answers, including the middleware in the Route::group like mentioned:
Route::group(['namespace' => 'Acme\Package\app\Http\Controllers\Api', 'middleware' => 'Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\SubstituteBindings']
did it.
In Laravel 8 the alias for this middleware has been removed. You can either use it by its full class name
or add the alias back in to your app/Http/Kernels.php in $routeMiddleware as follows:
protected $routeMiddleware = [
'auth' => Authenticate::class,
'bindings' => Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\SubstituteBindings,
You have to be careful if you are relying on values in someones application to exist. I could use a different name/alias for that middleware if I wanted to in my HTTP Kernel. You should be using the FQCN for that middleware that comes from the framework when referencing it like that.
In a default Laravel 8 install there is no middleware named/aliased as 'bindings'. It is referenced by its FQCN, Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\SubstituteBindings, which is how you should probably be referencing it from a package.
You can provide a config file for someone to alter these things if you would like. Then you can use your configuration to know which middleware to reference.

Laravel 5.5 Route groups

I was having this in my website using Laravel 5.3 :
Route::group(['namespace' => 'Admin', 'prefix' => 'admin', 'middleware'=>'auth'], function(){
Route::resource('posts', 'PostsController');
This lets me go to the admin panel using: mywebsite/public/admin/posts.
Now, when I migrated the site to Laravel5.5 I got this error Route[admin.posts.create] not defined when i attempt to open the link Create post which was working fine before.
I know that routing system has changed but I did not know how to have such links in new Laravel5.5. I tried url instead of route but I got the same error. I also checked the new documentation but I did not get exactly how to have the same link system.
Can anyone have a better explanation of this new routing system? (I have to migrate the site to 5.5).
Laravel names resource routes by default, you can check them by running php artisan route:list
If you want to override them for any reason you can pass in an array when you define the route and override each individual route name like so:
Route::resource('posts', 'PostsController', ['names' => [
'create' => ''

Best way to use middleware Auth in Laravel to redirect

So I'm upgrading a project from Laravel 5.0 to 5.4 and I've just stumble across the method now depreciated beforeFilter which was used this way :
function __construct() {
$this->beforeFilter('auth', array('only'=>array('showDashboard')));
Which basically say (from my understanding) if you'r not logged in yet you can still use the method showDashBoard.
So I'm trying to do something similar.
I've tried $this->middleware('auth', ['except' => ['showDashboard']]); but without success.
I tough of extracting the middleware from the construct and putting it directly in the routes but this not seems to be a clean solution for me.

Why is my CSRF token empty when using Form::open()?

I am just starting out so please forgive me. I have a solid grasp on CodeIgniter, so I understand what is going on. However, I am noticing that my CSRF token is empty when I am creating a form. I am working through the laracasts videos to get a gasp on Laravel workflow.
{!! Form::open((array('action' => 'MyController#method'))) !!}
{{!! Form::close() !!}}
Here is what I am getting when I view the source:
<form method="POST" action="" accept-charset="UTF-8">
<input name="_token" type="hidden">
I've looked through the config directory, but see nothing on having to enable csrf. Is there an additional setting somewhere I need to update?
Thank you for your suggestions.
Even this gives me an empty hidden input field:
{{ Form::token() }} // <input name="_token" type="hidden">
Here is what my controller looks like:
//use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Request;
use App\Article;
use App\Http\Requests;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
public function store(Request $request)
$input = Request::all();
return $input;
So my updated form tag looks like this:
{!! Form::open((array('action' => 'ArticleController#store'))) !!}
When I submit, I can see the json response - the token is obviously empty.
The Laravel Fundamental series is for Laravel 5.0 so you have a few options. You can install Laravel 5.0 to continue with that series. In order to install L5.0, you need to run this command:
composer create-project laravel/laravel {directory} "~5.0.0" --prefer-dist
If you want to use Laravel 5.2 though (which I would recommend and Jeffrey Way will most likely release a series on this soon), there are several extra things to take into consideration.
First, put all your routes inside a "web" middleware group like this:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function () {
// Put your routes inside here
In the past, there were several middlewares that ran on every request by default. In 5.2, this is no longer the case. For example, the token is stored in the session, but in 5.2, things like the "StartSession" middleware are not automatically applied. As a result, the "web" middleware need to be applied to your routes. The reason for this change in 5.2:
Middleware groups allow you to group several route middleware under a single, convenient key, allowing you to assign several middleware to a route at once. For example, this can be useful when building a web UI and an API within the same application. You may group the session and CSRF routes into a web group, and perhaps the rate limiter in the api group.
Also, in the Laravel Fundamental series, Jeffrey pulls in the "illuminate/html" package, but now, most people use the laravel collective package. They handle a lot of the Laravel packages that are taken out of the core. As a result, I would remove the "illuminate/html" package. In your composer.json file, remove "illuminate/html: 5.0" (or whatever is in the require section). Also, remove the corresponding service provider and form facades that you added to your config/app.php file.
To install the laravel collective version, add this in your composer.json file instead: "laravelcollective/html": "5.2.*-dev". Then, run composer update. Once that's done, in your config/app.php file, add this to your providers array:
and add this to your aliases array:
'Form' => Collective\Html\FormFacade::class,
'Html' => Collective\Html\HtmlFacade::class,
I hope I'm not missing anything else.
This is a config issue .You need to set the app key in your config file ...config/app.php to a 32 character string or use artisan cli php artisan key:generate to genearte the key for you to be able to use the CSRF token .
Also make sure that you include routes that use the CSRF token in the web group route .
You may exclude URIs by defining their routes outside of the web middleware group that is included in the default routes.php file, or by adding the URIs to the $except property of the VerifyCsrfToken middleware:
If you have a login page and you want to clear out the session using:
Don't forget that this also cleans out the csrf token before it can be put in the view
It should be
{!! Form::open((array('action' => 'MyController#method'))) !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}
I have solved the issue of HtmlService provider actually 5.2 version removed Illuminate and add collective follow the step to solve the issue:
composer require laravelcollective/html
composer update
add in config/app.php
'providers' => ['Collective\Html\HtmlServiceProvider'],
'aliases' => [
'Form' => 'Collective\Html\FormFacade',
'Html' => 'Collective\Html\HtmlFacade',
Then you are able to use that form.

Routing error in Laravel 4.1 - Controller method not found

I've upgraded from Laravel 4 to Laravel 4.1 in a new branch on my repo, following the steps in
The only step I wasn't able to fully follow was point 11 - add use Illuminate\Routing\Controller in baseController. The instruction is to replace an existing use statement. However in my version 4.0.9, it wasn't there.
Anyway, I am encountering a routing error when trying to hit a grouped route.
Symfony \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Exception \ NotFoundHttpException
Controller method [audience/uk] not found.
I could hit the route without problems in the 4.0 branch.
I believe my upgrade went ok otherwise as I could correctly see the 4.1 changes in `artisan changes'
My route looks like this:
Route::group(array('prefix' => 'admin', 'before' => 'auth.basic'), function()
Route::get('upload/audience/uk',array('as' => 'get-upload-uk-audience', 'uses' => 'CSVController#getUKAudience'));
Any ideas?
I came across the same problem using Laravel 4.1 which I solved by adding the following line right at the very top of the BaseContoller.
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
I'm also using Codesleeve Asset Pipline and had to add the same line to the top of the AssetPipelineController to get that working too.
I did quite an extensive search on this topic and was surprised at the lack of information online.
Hope this helps
I'm just going to avoid using Route::controller.
Thanks #Anultro from the github irc channel
