saving the form navigates to end of the crm form - dynamics-crm-2016

I am facing an issue in CRM 2016. I have a custom entity called shipment. when I update any field value and save the record it automatically scrolls down to the end of the page. Did any one faced the same issue? Please find me a solution for this. Not all the time this issue comes but most of the time. Thanks in advance!


CRM 2013 Onprem: logged in users accessed area in CRM

We want to check what areas are used by user when they login to CRM. I have tried the recentlyvieweditems.
Is there any other way we can achieve this.
I do not think there is any solution or way to find out what area are clicked unless you login as that user and check what that user clicked.
The closest you can reach to get some insight for users and which entites they are accessing.
Organization insight solution
You have to capture those user telemetry data like - pages navigated, opened entity records, clicked ribbon buttons, etc using Application Insights or your own Database through your own API for all the breadcrumbs.
There is no other native solution other than Org Insights, that too available from 2016 onwards IIRC. Later they took different diversions during CRM online version upgrades.
You may try the EnableRule of application level command bar button to run your custom JS code to log user navigation. I haven't used it ever, but this is what I would try in your given scenario and I don't see any reason if it wouldn't work.
Create new custom entity/table with User ID/Name and URL attributes/columns
Create a application level command bar button
How do I add a global button (for all entities) on the CRM 2013 Command Bar
In button's enable rule, Add user id/name and document.location.href values as a new record to the custom table.
Create entity record through Javascript , CRM 2013 , SDK.Rest.CreateRecord
Don't forget to return false from the code in 'enable rule' so that the button should not actually be shown anywhere in the application.

Display subgrid in dynamics crm portal

I have a Dynamics 365 portal page that displays a form on the Incident entity. In that form I have a subgrid from a different entity. Problem: when I open the form in portals I see the whole form, except for the subgrid. Its just blank (see image).
I have tried following these two guides & thinking it was a security issue. But it does not appear to make any difference.
If anyone has any idea what I am overlooking/missing I would very much appreciate it.
Thank you.
Edit 1: Possibly the subgrid is not being displayed due to no data. I will investigate this.
If the form was in insert mode, sub-grids will not appear. The record needs to be in edit mode for sub-grids to show up on portal.

Dynamics CRM 365 seems to ignore default values for entity fields in quick create forms

For the contact entity I have set the default values for some build in fields to specific values. For example I set the default value for the field "Contact -> donotemail" to the value "Do not Allow".
In the "normal" web browser forms it seems to be working as expected.
But if I create a new contact using a quick create form and select the save and then "view created record" button the view switches to the new created contact.
If I then scroll down to the "donotemail" - field the field does not have the default value I selected in the field settings.
I googled the problem, the nearest community post I could find is
Unfortunately the post is from 2016 and it describes how to workaround the problem using custom business rules. But due to this is build in funtionality there is no business rule I could edit and creating some new to achive the goal of setting a default value seems odd.
Did someone encounter this problem too and could find a solution?
One possible reason I could think of: you might have not refreshed the main window after publish all, maybe cached QC form didn’t work as expected bcoz “customize the system” will open a separate popup to edit & publish all.
Still technically server side should not be cached with old customizations. But QC might have rendered from cached Metadata in browser.
But publish all should reflect immediately & no delays expected. Make sure to refresh the main window next time :)

How to unlock a field of an entity in CRM Dynamics 4.0

I have an email entity, which contains a subject field which is locked. It's already unlocked in the property option. But still it's showing locked.
Welcome for any comment and suggestion.
on selection of a 'subject' attribute, I clicked on 'Change Property' and I found it;s already unlocked. Please help how to unlock this. see below
Some fields are required by the system and cannot be removed from the form. Ideally Microsoft should probably have set the field to locked and disabled the option.
It's because CRM excepts that always to be populated (how often do you send an email without a subject?).
There are a couple of fields like that in CRM, I'm guessing you are trying to hide it, probably easiest to accomplish with JavaScript.
Since this is a CRM 4 the syntax to do the hiding is somewhat different from CRM 2011 which nairware posted. In this blog you can see how to hide elements on a form.
Thanks for all of your support. I wanted to modify the subject field on email entity. Not to hide it any way. I have done it by exporting the email entity, modified the XML file by deleting Subject Cell () and then saved it. Then finally import the xml file in import customization and publish it.
If there is a red lock on the field, that is different from business required (the red star). The red lock on the field means you cannot do anything except leave that field on the form.
The workaround to address this situation is to create a hidden tab. All fields are presented within tabs. If you simply create one tab - label it as the "Hidden" tab - then you can throw all of the fields that you want to hide into that tab.
Use JavaScript to hide the tab:
document.getElementById("tab<tabNo>Tab").style.display = "none"; //CRM 4.0 syntax
Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get("Hidden").setVisible(false); //CRM 2011 syntax

Cannot add or edit Joomla contacts from the administration

In the administration side, in my components, and on the contacts page, I cannot edit the contacts (add or save or close). The page is struck - all that I have to do is close the tab.
I tried in changing the permissions level too, but the issue remains the same. Please suggest to me some ideas.
Different solution: simply disable the osolcaptcha plugin while editing contacts. Most likely, contacts will not have to be updated very often.
Probably, it's too late but anyway...
I had the same problem - the page just froze every time I tried to save or just close the contact page. In my case the problem had been caused by osolcaptcha plugin that intercepted any submits to form with id="contact-form". So my solution was to make different ids for admin area and for my web-site's contact us page.
