I can not deploy laravel 5.3 app to server - laravel

I tried an old method like changing server.php to index.php and then ran the app but I am getting error like error.
The domain.com page isn’t working
domain.com is currently unable to handle this request.
I am using godaddy shared hosting.. the server.php has changed in laravel 5.3

Laravel 5.3 now requires a PHP version of >= 5.6.4. From the docs:
You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:
PHP >= 5.6.4
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP
Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension

Also note that Laravel 5.3 now requires a PHP version of >= 5.6.4
answered by camelCase


How can deploying laravel app on shared host?

I have installed a laravel app on host but faced with this error below. I've installed 2 or 3 another laravel app on shared host without any problem , I know the way but in this case i can't figure it out what is problem, I'm new in laravel.
This is error :
Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ Exception \ FatalThrowableError (E_ERROR)
Class 'Orangehill\Iseed\IseedServiceProvider' not found
I found the problem, It is better to install Laravel applications on Subdomain and Domain. After moving the application to subdomain every things worked perfectly.
Also This link is a good guide for installing laravel on Subdirectory
For Hosting Laravel 7 app you need to follow these requirements on the server
PHP >= 7.2.5
BCMath PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
Fileinfo PHP extension
JSON PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
For more info you can read a complete document of Laravel => Laravel-server-needs

Magento installation error on wamp n xamp server

I'm getting error. I tried again and reinstalled too. My PHP server is on an updated version.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' in /var/www/......../httpdocs/magento/vendor/magento/framework/App/Bootstrap.php on line 411
You might want to take a look at the server requirements for installing Magento 2, it might be that your PHP version is not high enough
This is happening because your server does not meet Magento's minimum requirements. Here's an excerpt, or see here for more details:
Composer (latest stable version)
Composer is required for developers who wish to contribute to the Magento 2 codebase or anyone who wishes to develop > Magento extensions
Web servers
Apache 2.2 or 2.4
In addition, the apache mod_rewrite module must be enabled. mod_rewrite enables the server to perform URL rewriting. For > more information, see our Apache documentation.
nginx 1.8 (or latest mainline version)
MySQL 5.6
MariaDB and Percona are compatible with Magento because we support MySQL 5.6 APIs.
5.5.x, where x is 22 or greater
7.0.2, 7.0.6–7.0.x
There is a known PHP 7.0.5 issue that affects our code compiler; to avoid the issue, do not use PHP 7.0.5.
Not supported:
PHP 7.1
PHP 5.4
Required PHP extensions:
gd, ImageMagick 6.3.7 (or later) or both

what is the solution for php_mysql.dll ext in laravel with php 7 and IIs7

I am using laravel latest framework (5.3.*) with IIS7 and php7. It is showing a warning for create project or any artisan command like
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\test>php atisan serve PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program Files\PHP\ v7.0\ext\php_mysql.dll' - %1 is not a valid Win32 application. in Unknown on line 0
I want to create my project with latest version of php and laravel but with php7 the php_mysql.dll is deprecated. How can I prevent the warning of php_mysql.dll?
Did you copy php.ini from a previous installation of PHP 5.x? It looks like you have copied the extensions and php.ini from a previous installation of PHP 5, compiled with a different version of VC or 32/64bit.
To solve the issue, you should just need to open your php.ini, and comment out or remove the line:

Laravel parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CLASS, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE

After installing laravel we get an error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CLASS, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or '$' in C:\xampp\htdocs\laravel\public\index.php on line 50
Laravel 5.1 uses the ::class property to get string representations of a fully qualified classname. The error you're seeing is caused by this line
$kernel = $app->make(Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class);
This language feature has been introduced in PHP 5.5 which is a requirement of Laravel 5.1. Your installed PHP version is probably older than 5.5. Try to update your PHP binary.
In case you are interested in why ::class is used, take a look at this answer
Same thing happened to me also. I found that web server was using my old PHP version 5. To solve it for me, I did this -
sudo a2dismod php5
sudo a2enmod php7.0
sudo service apache2 restart
Your php version is too low.
Try version 7.0 or later php.
Your PHP version on your Xampp is lower than 5.5.9 as specified in the Laravel 5.1 doc.
Simply uninstall your current Xampp software and download a fresh copy at Apache website with this specification 5.6.12 / PHP 5.6.12 .
Do not forget to collaborate with your host provider to ensure that your hosting account runs the required PHP version (>=5.5.9) during the deployment of your Laravel 5.1 app online.
I was facing the same error but error was in app/User.php line 10.
Actually, line 10 was ok but before line 10 I was missing some php syntax.
After correct the php syntax error It was fixed. So you have to check C:\xampp\htdocs\laravel\public\index.php on line 49 carefully I am sure there is something wrong. Just try to correct. It will be fixed.

Laravel server hosting error

I had built my website using Laravel 4, and it works fine on localhost but when I host it in my online webserver I've got this error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_USE, expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/.../public_html/bootstrap/compiled.php on line 3242
How can I get rid of this error?
Laravel 4.2 requires PHP 5.4+, make sure you have that.
If you updated from an earlier version of Laravel and on PHP 5.4+, remove public_html/bootstrap/compiled.php and it should work again.
If you can't use 5.4+, use Laravel 4.1 instead of 4.2, so in your composer.json you want "laravel/framework": "4.1.*", instead of what you have now.
