How I can detect window resize instantly in angular 2? - events

Some features in my component turn on or off depend on browser size, therefore I want to check browser width on resize event. However, I could do it using OnInit method. But I need to refresh browser when resize happened to update browser width
ngOnInit() {
if (window.innerWidth <= 767){
---- do something
I tried to use OnChanges method, but it does not work either.
console.log( 'width:====>' + changes[window.innerWidth].currentValue);
if ( changes[window.innerWidth].currentValue <= 767 ){
---- do something
is there any suggestions or alternative way to accomplish this?

You could just put handler on resize event over window object, but this will allow you to put only single resize event, latest registered event on onresize will work.
constructor(private ngZone:NgZone) {
window.onresize = (e) =>
// will help to run change detection => {
console.log("Width: " + window.innerWidth);
console.log("Height: " + window.innerHeight);
To make it more angular way use #HostListener('window:resize') inside your component, which will allow to call your resize function(on which HostListner decorator has been mount) on resize of window.
#HostListener('window:resize', ['$event'])
console.log("Width: " +;

Use HostListener. You should probably debounce the resize event though before doing anything, it will fire everytime the size changes which could be dozens or hundreds of times in a few milliseconds as the user drags the window size.
import { Component, HostListener } from '#angular/core';
class TestComponent {
onWindowResize() {
//debounce resize, wait for resize to finish before doing stuff
if (this.resizeTimeout) {
this.resizeTimeout = setTimeout((() => {
console.log('Resize complete');
}).bind(this), 500);

An easier way would be using the resize method on the html block that you want to detect:
<div class="some-class" (window:resize)="onResize($event)">...</div>
Then in your .ts file you can just add:
onResize(event) {
const innerWidth =;
if (innerWidth <= 767) { something
Add this outside of the ngOnInit() {} unless you wanted the window size on page load.
When you resize your window, you'll see the console.log


pixijs: create custom event in sprite and listen in another sprite

I have two custom Sprites (in my case on is Sprite, another is Container, but this doesn't matter). I need to emit event in one sprite and listen to it in another sprite (MyDragableElement). In Application I have many MyDraableElements: PIXI.Sprite.
The idea is that second sprite will be able to manipulate on MyDragableElement, but it should know which element is selected. I decided that events can help here, but how this should be written in Typescript?
export class MyDragableElement extends PIXI.Sprite {
.on('pointerdown', this.onDragStart)
.on('pointerup', this.onDragEnd)
.on('pointerupoutside', this.onDragEnd)
.on('pointermove', this.onDragMove);
private onDragStart(event) {
this.emit('selectedElementChanged', this);
So as you see this is some sprite and on drag start, it should emit global event.
Here is another Sprite, and it should listen to this event.
export class Toolbar extends PIXI.Container {
selectedGameObject: any;
(e:any) => {
// this.selectedGameObject = need to select this element
Above is my idea, but it worn't work. No experience in Emitting events.
I just learned this topic and can be wrong, but...
if you have some sprite
let mySprite = new Sprite(someTexture);
... you can write somewhere in you code the next:
mySprite.emit('customEvent', {myData: 'somedata'});
And you also need to set event handler for this customEvent on your sprite:
mySprite.on('customEvent', onCustomEvent);
let onCustomEvent = (event) => {

React native tabview configure sliding speed

I'm using react native tab view to have something like a carousel. It seems to work fine, but the sliding transition is too fast for me. How can I configure it? Docs say that there's a configureTransition callback which should return the transition configuration, but doesn't say what's that configuration and how should it look like:
configureTransition - optional callback which returns a configuration for
the transition, return null to disable animation
Please, help me to find out how to configure transition speed.
Transition spec is defined in this file.
import { Animated } from 'react-native';
_configureTransition = () => {
return {
timing: Animated.spring,
tension: 300,
friction: 100,
render() {
return (

How can I detect resizeStop event on Kendo UI Window?

The title explains it all...
I need to perform a custom action when I know a user has finished resizing, but from what I can find in the Kendo UI documentation there is no event for this accessible to me other that 'resize' which I cannot use as is.
Perhaps i just missed the event?
if not:
Is there a way to use the 'resize' event to determine that a user has stopped resizing?
So here's my answer thus far:
Mine differs slightly due to architectural needs, but here's a general solution
var isResizing = false;
var wndw = $(element).kendoWindow({
// .....
resize: OnResize,
// .....
function onResize() {
isResizing = true;
$('body').on('mouseup', '.k-window', function() {
// **Your 'Stopped' code here**
isResizing = false;
Have you considered using underscore.js debounce? I have used it successfully to only trigger then change after the resize events have stopped coming for a certain period (in the case below 300ms). This does add a small delay to captureing the end, but if like me you just want to store the final size then that works fine. Here is the version of the code above but using underscore debounce:
var wndw = $(element).kendoWindow({
// .....
resize: _.debounce( this.hasResized, 300)
// .....
//This is called at the end of a resize operation (using _.debounce)
function hasResized (args) {
// ** Your code here **
Hope that helps.

jQuery — a .live() > each() >.load.() finella

EDIT - URL to see the issue
I am dynamically resizing images bigger than the browser to equal the size of the browser.
This was no easy feat as we had to wait for the images to load first in order to check first if the image was bigger than the window.
We got to this stage (which works):
var maxxxHeight = $(window).height();
$(".theImage").children('img').each(function() {
$(this).load( function() { // only if images can be loaded dynamically
function handleImageLoad(img)
var $img = $(img), // declare local and cache jQuery for the argument
myHeight = $img.height();
if ( myHeight > maxxxHeight ){
$"Browser " + maxxxHeight + " image height " + myHeight);
The thing is, the page is an infinite scroll (I'm using this)
I know that you are not able to attach 'live' to 'each' as 'live' deals with events, and 'each' is not an event.
I've looked at things like the livequery plugin and using the ajaxComplete function.
With livequery i changed
$(".theImage").children('img').each(function() {
But that didnt work.
ajaxComplete seemed to do nothing so i'm guessing the inifinte scroll i'm using is not ajax based. (surely it is though?)
Use delegate:
$(".theImage").delegate('img', function() {
$(this).load( function() { // only if images can be loaded dynamically
The problem is that your infinite scroll plugin does not provide the callback functionality. Once your pictures are loaded there is no way to affect them.
I have tried to modify your plugin, so that it will serve your needs, please see
Scroll down the JS section till you see a bunch of comments.
This looks really complicated, and I probably don't get it at all, but I'll try anyway :-)
$("img", ".theImage").bind("load", function() {
var winH = $(window).height();
var imgH = $(this).height();
if (winH < imgH) {
$(this).next().text("Browser " + winH + " image height " + imgH);

React Native: Triggering Animation on hide

I have an element controlling the rendering of a child element. (A TouchableHighlight that sets some state in its onPress.) In the child element's componentDidMount method I construct an Animated.spring and start it. This works for entry, but I need to do the same animation in reverse to exit (it's like a drawer). componentWillUnmount executes too quickly for Animated.spring to even start working.
How would I handle animating the child's exit?
I have implemented a FadeInOut component that will animate a component in or out when its isVisible property changes. I made it because I wanted to avoid explicitly handling the visibility state in the components that should enter/exit with an animation.
<FadeInOut isVisible={this.state.someBooleanProperty} style={styles.someStyle}>
This implementation uses a delayed fade, because I use it for showing progress indicator, but you can change it to use any animation you want, or generalise it to accept the animation parameters as props:
'use strict';
import React from 'react-native';
const {
} = React;
export default React.createClass({
displayName: 'FadeInOut',
propTypes: {
isVisible: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
children: PropTypes.node.isRequired,
getInitialState() {
return {
view: this.props.children,
opacity: new Animated.Value(this.props.isVisible ? 1 : 0)
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const isVisible = this.props.isVisible;
const shouldBeVisible = nextProps.isVisible;
if (isVisible && !shouldBeVisible) {
Animated.timing(this.state.opacity, {
toValue: 0,
delay: 500,
duration: 200
if (!isVisible && shouldBeVisible) {
Animated.timing(this.state.opacity, {
toValue: 1,
delay: 500,
duration: 200
insertView() {
view: this.props.children
removeView() {
view: null
render() {
return (
pointerEvents={this.props.isVisible ? 'auto' : 'none'}
style={[, {opacity: this.state.opacity}]}>
I think you have the animation ownership inverted. If you move your animation logic to the parent that is opening and closing the child, the problem becomes much simpler. Rather than beginning the animation on componentDidMount, do it on the click of your TouchableHighlight in addition to, but independent of, whatever prop manipulations on the child you need to do.
Then when the user clicks to close, you can simply reverse the animation as per normal and you don't really even need to unload it. Also this would allow you to have a reusable drawer (the thing that slides up and down) and it's abstracted away from the content within it. So you can have a single drawer mechanism supporting multiple different types of content.
