Symfony3: Splitting routing.yml in multiple files - yaml

I have a routing.yml file where I define the routes of my bundle. My routing file is growing bigger.
Is there a way to split the routing.yml file in multiple files in Symfony3 ?
I saw this question but it is for Symfony2. The path aren't the same.
In Symfony2, we did like this :
resource: "#AppBundle/Resources/config/routing/routing_catalog.yml"
prefix: /catalogs
I tried this but it doesn't work (my file is in the same level than routing.yml) :
resource: "app/config/routing_catalog.yml"
prefix: /catalogs

(When not importing from a bundle), you should use paths relative to the current directory of the configuration file, so for example:
resource: routing_catalog.yml
prefix: /catalogs


Spring Cloud Config Server serving nested plain text files

I have a Config Server up and running, with the relevant application.yml setting of
name: config
- '{application}'
- '{application}/{profile}'
I would like to access a file that is not, something like myfile.txt. If I have the git layout
I want to be able to access that file. According to the Spring Config Server docs, I should be able to do this via /{name}/{profile}/{label}/{path}, but I can't get any paths to work.
TL;DR: How do I retrieve nested config files from a git repo via Config Server?
TL;DR: The documentation is wrong. The endpoint /{name}/{profile}/{label}/{path} should be written as /{application}/{profile}/{label}/{path}. You just need to make sure that one of your searchPaths/{path} can resolve your file.
First off, {label} is, as always, the git branch name (probably "master").
Second, {path} can can be an absolute path to the file. It uses /, i.e., myapp/nested/folder/myfile.txt, not (_) as is required in {application} or {label}.
Third, the search paths in the question are set to '{application}' and '{application}/{profile}', along with the default search path of /, the git repo's root directory. These define the places Config Server will search for a plain text file as:
/{expanded application}/{path}
/{expanded application}/{profile}/{path}
Note that only {application} can be expanded into multiple folders with (_) and that only {path} can include multiple folders with /. For instance, with these searchPaths and a file located at /myapp/nested/folder/myfile.txt, the following requests are valid:
where asdf can be any arbitrary string.

Laravel Mix and SASS changing font directory

I'm using Laravel 5.4 and Laravel Mix to output SASS files.
In my font definitions I'm configuring them so that when the CSS is output it will point to files such as public/assets/fnt/font-name/filename.ext but the processor changes the output so that it will instead point to public/fonts/filename.ext. Is there a way to stop it from changing the output paths?
It makes little sense to me that it would do something like this by default.
I've seen that the defaults they're using in Mix are the culprit:
module.exports.module = {
rules: [
// ...
test: /\.(woff2?|ttf|eot|svg|otf)$/,
loader: 'file-loader',
options: {
name: 'fonts/[name].[ext]?[hash]',
publicPath: '/'
I've tried using null-loader instead of file-loader but instead it causes it to fail because it can't find the files in node_modules which is not where it should be looking in the first place.
Removing the rule in question results in a flood of errors from trying to open and evaluate the font files in question:
error in ./public/assets/fnt/fanfare-jf/fanfare-jf.ttf
Module parse failed: DIRECTORY\public\assets\fnt\fanfare-jf\fanfare-jf.ttf Unexpected character '' (1:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
(Source code omitted for this binary file)
# ./~/css-loader!./~/postcss-loader!./~/resolve-url-loader!./~/sass-loader?sourceMap&precision=8!./resources/assets/sass/app.scss 6:2525-2590
# ./resources/assets/sass/app.scss
# multi ./resources/assets/js/app.js ./resources/assets/sass/app.scss
I can at least add emitFiles: false to options to prevent it from making copies of the file, but the paths are still being altered.
I ended up with the following configuration to at least get it to a working state.
let assetDir = 'assets/build';
mix.config.fileLoaderDirs.fonts = `${assetDir}/${mix.config.fileLoaderDirs.fonts}`;
mix.config.fileLoaderDirs.images = `${assetDir}/${mix.config.fileLoaderDirs.images}`;
mix.sass('resources/sass/app.scss', `public/${assetDir}/css`)
.js('resources/js/app.js', `public/${assetDir}/js`);
In newer versions this has been made customizable via mix.options() and can be adjusted as below:
let assetDir = 'assets/build';
fileLoaderDirs: {
images: `${assetDir}/img`,
fonts: `${assetDir}/fonts`
// adjust build commands accordingly, for example:
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', `public/${assetDir}/js`);
The output you got is the intended behaviour due to your configuration.
You are using this configuration to load the file:
options: {
name: 'fonts/[name].[ext]?[hash]',
publicPath: '/'
Which says use the publicPath as public and create a file with the name fonts/[name].[ext]?[hash] and webpack knows about what these symbols '/', '.', '?' in the name do.
It just looks for the fonts directory and if there is no any fonts directory it creates a new one and place the files into that directory.
So, you need to use this configuration for your folder structure:
options: {
name: 'assets/fnt/font-name/[name].[ext]?[hash]',
publicPath: '/'
This should work for your configuration.
More on file-loader configuration:
Since Laravel Mix uses Webpack in it's background and Webpack doesn't have any knowledge of the fonts file when there is no any appropriate loader added to the configuration. So, the error:
Module parse failed: DIRECTORY\public\assets\fnt\fanfare-jf\fanfare-jf.ttf Unexpected character '' (1:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
is occurred.
You need to tell the Webpack to load the fonts to your desired directory and the fonts linked in your SASS file will be linked by the Webpack without any more configurations.

Laravel location of created files

I'm attempting to modify a text file stored on the server using Larvel's File::put(filelocation,filecontents)
but I can't figure out what location this is relative to on the server. If I have a file "somestuff.json" within my LaravelApp/public folder, what location string do I use for a parameter to File::put() ?
File name for File::methods() is not relative you have to give the full file path:
File::put('/var/www/LaravelApp/public/somestuff.json', $filecontents);
But Laravel has some helpers to help you with this:
File::put(public_path().'/somestuff.json', $filecontents);
base_path(); // the base of your application LaravelApp/
app_path(); // Your LaravelApp/app
They are all in the file vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/helpers.php.

Rails 3.1+ and GeoIP database file location/access

This question is related to Rails - Where I have to store data file (.dat) in my rails project - GeoIp City database . I have a rails 3.2 app. I am trying to run:
#geoip ='GeoLiteCity.dat')
In one of my app's controllers. I unzipped the 'GeoLiteCity.dat' file into the /public folder. I am getting the error "No such file or directory - GeoLiteCity.dat".
I've experimented with putting it in the images assets pipeline folder and some random other places. I continue to get the same error. Not sure how to access this file. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong or how to access it best with the assets pipeline?
Try referencing it via the full path:
#geoip ="#{Rails.root}/public/GeoLiteCity.dat")
On a side note, it's probably not a big deal, but I wouldn't put the file in your public directory.

How can I change config file path in Codeigniter?

I use Codeigniter framework , and you know when I try to load a config file then use it
I do something like that :
$this->load->config('myconfig', TRUE);
myconfig.php file is located inside application folder ( application/config/myconfig.php)
and use it like this :
$this->config->item('get_item', 'myconfig')
My question is : how can I change the location of myconfig file and use it properly ?
I want to put the config file(s) in out folder like this :
mysite -> system(folder)
mysite -> user_guide(folder)
mysite -> myConfigFiles(folder)
mysite -> myConfigFiles(folder) / myconfig.php
I need to do something like this :
$this->load->config(base_url.'myConfigFiles/myconfig', TRUE);
any help ?
Yes - it is possible to do this. The loader will accept ../../relative/paths. You can use a path relative from the default config directory (an absolute path will not work).
So let's say you have this structure (had a hard time following your description):
config <-- default directory
You can just do this:
$this->load->config('../../myConfigFiles/myconfig', TRUE);
This works for pretty much everything - views, libraries, models, etc.
Note that with the introduction of the ENVIRONMENT constant in version 2.0.1, you can automatically check for config files within the config directory in another directory that matches the name of the current environment. This is really intended to be a convenience method for loading different files depending on if you are in production or development. I'm not 100% sure what your goals are, but this additional knowledge may also help you achieve them, or it may be totally irrelevant.
Really not sure WHY you would want to do this (and I wouldn't recommend it), but since all config files are is regular PHP files you can put a config file in the standard location that loads your extra config files. As an example:
mysite -> application -> config -> myconfigloader.php
then in myconfigloader.php put this:
So once you do
$this->load->config('myconfigloader', TRUE);
It will load everything in your myconfig.php file. Let me know if that works for you.
