Visual Studio Auto Tidy? - visual-studio

I have a question about how to enable automatic code tidying property in Visual Studio. I have no idea whether I have used the word correctly or not. What I'm doing is that I'm using Visual Studio in my personal laptop and also on a separate computer. In the laptop when I'm working on writing C++ code when I press "Enter" all the code automatically rearranges so that it looks more elegant and tidy. I did not enable it on purpose; I just like it and I would like to do the same thing on another computer as well. Is there anyone out there who knows how to do this stuff? Thanks.

I believe you're referring to "code formatting" support. Each language (C#, C++, VB, etc.) have their own implementation of this. To trigger it directly, you can find the command in the menus by going to Edit -> Advanced -> Format Document (or Format Selection). There are also keyboard shortcuts that do it, I use CTRL-E, D all the time, but that may be language specific so you should experiment some.
Hope that helps.

You can either Format Selection by using CTRL+K, CTRL+F and you can format the whole document by pressing CTRL+E, D.
You can also do this by going to Edit -> Advanced -> Format Document/Format Selection
For more options about formatting you can go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C++ -> Formatting


Automatic Clean-Up of Code in Visual Studio 2010

I am wondering, if it is possible, to have some kind of automatic code-clean-up in Visual Studio 2010.
Especially interesting would be:
Remove tailing empty lines
Remove unused usings
at special cases, e. g. on save of the file.
I haven't found anything in the options, but maybe I was just kinda blinded... ...afaik in eclipse it was at least possible to intend on save. There should be something like that in Visual Studio?
UPDATE: Thanks for the fast replies, the thing is that I am ware of the keyboard-shortcuts (but nevertheless thanks for mentioning), but I am working through tons of foreign code by now and it would be awesom not having to do it manually for every file :)
Auto-indent can be done with Edit/Advanced/Format Document, or equivalent keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-K, Ctrl-D for me, YMMV).
Tailing empty lines I'm not aware of an automatic solution for, though there may be an extension available (or you could write your own).
Removing unused usings is a built in VS refactoring, and also available in tools like Resharper or DevExpress. (Right click code, then Organize Usings/Remove and sort.)
I'm not aware of a standard way to have these happen automatically for every document save, but you could probably write a macro or VS extension that would make this happen.
Some of the above already exist directly in Visual Studio:
Ctrl - K - D will reformat the document (Edit -> Advanced -> Format Document).
There is a refactoring that deals with using statements (right click in the code, there is an option for "Organise Using").
As for empty lines, I don't know of anything built in.
But tools like Resharper do have code cleanup capabilities that deal with all of the above and more (Resharper menu -> Tools -> Cleanup Code).
None of the above will execute on save by default, but you should be able to write a macro that runs on the save event.
You could try CodeMaid. Its an open source solution for what you are describing.
To Auto-indent you can ue ctrl+k+d pretty much like ctrl+shift+f in eclipse. But for unused usings I dont know any.

Cleanup spacing - C++ / Visual Studio 2010

Is there a built-in feature or available add-on for Visual Studio 2010 that will clean up spacing in C++ code so that annoying blocks like this:
will become
RandomVar = RandomList.RandomMethod();
(Same goes for spacing in loops, etc.)
...or do I need to do this myself with find/replace and regex?
I think You are looking for Edit->Advanced->Format document. This will re-format your current document according to settings in Tools->Options->Text Editor->c/c++->Formatting.
It's keyboard shortcut Ctrl+E+D in my case.
Although originally for C code formatting lint has been modified to cover C++ and ported to many platforms.
Some lint variants only report inconsistent layout, others can fix it for you. some are free others paid for versions.
This would be an outside the IDE fix as this is a sperate tool (at least traditionally it is!)
This wikipeadia article lists a few possible sources for lint tools
(this was a footer in my orginal question, but as that posed two solutions I extracted it here so you can accept a specifc answer should you find one apropriate)
This is not a proper "Solution" but a possible work-around without the need for finding external tools
In the "Tools" menu pick "Options..."
In this dialog navigate to
"Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Formatting"
Set the layout options as you
would like your code to look.
Click OK.
Now in a unit with "bad"
formatting from the menu select "Edit->Advanced->Format document" and the IDE wil reformat the
document to match your settings.
For C#, VB etc the "Formating" option has several sub nodes that provide a fine grain of control for the sort of spacing options you ask for. The list for C/C++ is flat and very limited by comparison. I suspect there is not enough flexability for the layout you want.
So you probably cannot get the formatting you want directly. How about...
Set the spacing rules you want for C++ in the C# settings
Temporarily adding a C# project to your solution
adding a class to that
emptying it.
paste the C++ in (causing a reformat)
copy back to the original file
rinse and repeat
remove the temporary C# project
I have to say this is not pretty, but given the syntactical similarities between C++ and C# its probably a close match.
The auto-formatting settings for C++ in Eclipse are more extensive than in Visual Studio, so I ended up using that instead.

How to make Eclipse's content assist behavior similar to Visual Studio's IntelliSence

I'm a C# developer and recently started to use Eclipse IDE to write Android apps. The most noticeable change for me is that content assist doesn't popup automatically. Is there a way to do so? In VS it pops up almost always.
P.S. And a more general question: how to make eclipse to look more like VS?
Hey the best solution I've found, in terms of getting eclipse to pop up for everything I type, is going into windows > preferences > java > editor > content assist and adjusting the trigger characters. It's normally only set to ".". I changed mine to ".(abcdefgh..." etc. It's not quite as beautiful a solution as I'm sure you'd like, but it does an acceptable job making sure I don't have to remember what I've named things.
Go to Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist and check "Enable auto activation".
And what do you mean by "look like VS"? Fonts, colors, ...?

visual studio shell F# keyboard shortcuts

I've started using F# with the visual studio shell and I like the capability to be able to send lines to fsi by highlighting them, but the alt+Enter shortcut is really awkward and I would be much happier with this being on shift+Enter. (mainly since shift+ up/down arrow is select lines already)
Does anyone know how to change this? Thanks.
You can alter the keyboard mappings within Visual Studio. If you go to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard, you'll see a window like the image below.
In order to check existing bindings, place the cursor in the "Press shortcut keys:" box and hit "Shft+Enter". You'll then see any potential conflicts in the drop-down box as shown.
In the example below, I'm searching through Global, which means shortcuts for anything in the application. You can switch it to be just the console or whatever you like.
Once you're happy with the shortcut you want to use, you need to select the command from the window containing all of the Action.* lines and then press Assign.
So I don't mean to be trite, but have you tried mapping the key?
So for F# Interactive I see Alt+Enter mapped to:
Have your tried mapping Shift+Enter (or whatever) to that command?
You should be able to get it all working from there.

Resharper and ViEmu Keybindings ( and Visual Assist )

With ViEmu you really need to unbind a lot of resharpers keybindings to make it work well.
Does anyone have what they think is a good set of keybindings that work well for resharper when using ViEmu?
What I'm doing at the moment using the Visual Studio bindings from Resharper. Toasting all the conflicting ones with ViEmu, and then just driving the rest through the menu modifiers ( Alt-R keyboard shortcut for the menu item ). I also do the same with Visual Assist shortcuts ( for C++ )
if anyones got any tips and tricks for ViEmu / Resharper or Visual Assist working together well I'd most apprciate it!
You can also create mappings in ViEmu that will call the VS and R# actions. For example, I have these lines in my _viemurc file for commenting and uncommenting a selection:
map <C-S-c> gS:vsc Edit.CommentSelection<CR>
map <C-A-c> gS:vsc Edit.UncommentSelection<CR>
The :vsc is for "visual studio command," and then you enter the exact text of the command, as it appears in the commands list when you go to Tool>Options>Keyboard
I don't use any of the R# ones in this way, but it does work, as with:
map <C-S-A-f> gS:vsc ReSharper.FindUsages<CR>
I use both as well, but I'm using the IntelliJ keybindings instead, so I can't speak specifically to the Visual Studio bindings. J.P. Boodhoo has some changes that he has made via AutoHotKey to provide additional Vim-like functionality to Visual Studio + ReSharper + ViEmu.
I have removed a few of the scanned keys, though, because I want to keep some of the ReSharper functionality over the ViEmu functionality, though the way I use these tools change over time as I learn more shortcuts from either ViEmu or ReSharper.
I have noticed the following, which may be useful to know. Some of the ReSharper keyboard mappings that ViEmu hoses, will work once you have a different ReSharper dialog open. I use the IntelliJ IDEA-based shortcuts, but I assume this will work similarly for ReSharper's VS scheme.
Example: ViEmu binds to Ctrl+N which R# uses for Go To Type. However, ViEmu does not bind to Ctrl+Shift+N which R# uses for Go To File. Therefore, if you hit Ctrl+Shift+N the Go To dialog is launched. You can then take your finger off Shift and hit N again and the dialog will switch to Go To Type.
This is very useful, if like me you use Go To Type a lot and don't really want to mess with the keyboard mappings.
As #Jay noted the best way is to set up custom bindings.
Here is example of bindings at I created my bindings based on the previous at
I use both plugins, but I really prefer the power of the Vi input model that ViEmu gives. I really don't miss so much the Resharper keybindings...
