Spring integration errorChannel, error handle - spring

Scenario could be: my expectation could be 10 datapoint in batch, and I want to give response for {failed 5, pass 5} or sth.
my logic is to split the batch into data element and do validation.
successful validation will send to aggreagtor,
failed validation will throw error and pick up by error channel.
recipient-list-router take the errorChannel as inputChannel and 2 filter connect to it, the purpose is to filter some type of error to send response directly(eception unrelated to user input - server error or etc) and some type of client side error will go to aggregator to build response.
Is any problem with the logic?
My problem is I keep getting "Reply message received but the receiving thread has already received a reply" when build up the Result using service-activator after aggregator. this service-activator connect to replyChannel and it seems like there are some message already sent to this channel?
I checked my integration work flow only this service-activator and server error branch after "error filter" connect to replyChannel(but the handle is never called.)
Something wrong? BTW, can recipient-list-router or other type of endpoint connect to errorChannel? or it has to be service-activator as what I saw in all the example online?(but they are really simple example..)
Sample XML
<int:gateway id="myGateway" service-interface="someGateway" default-request-channel="splitChannel" error-channel="errorChannel" default-reply-channel="replyChannel" async-executor="MyThreadPoolTaskExecutor"/>
<int:splitter input-channel="splitChannel" output-channel="transformChannel" method="split">
<bean class="Splitter" />
<int:transformer id="transformer" input-channel="transformChannel" method="transform" output-channel="aggregateChannel">
<bean class="Transformer"/> // this may throw the validation error (filter_ErrorType_1), if it cannot transform
<int:aggregator id="aggregator"
<bean class="MyAggregator" />
<int:recipient-list-router id="myErrorRouter" input-channel="errorChannel">
<int:recipient channel="filter_ErrorType_1"/>
<int:recipient channel="filter_ErrorType_2"/>
<int:recipient channel="filter_ErrorType_3"/>
<int:filter input-channel="filter_ErrorType_1" output-channel="aggregateChannel" method="accept"></int:filter>
<int:filter input-channel="filter_ErrorType_2" output-channel="createErrorAnswerChannel" method="accept"></int:filter>
<int:filter input-channel="filter_ErrorType_3" output-channel="createErrorAnswerChannel" method="accept"></int:filter>
<int:service-activator input-channel='createErrorAnswerChannel' output-channel="replyChannel" method='buildError'>
<bean class="AnswerBuilder"/>
<int:service-activator input-channel='createAnswerChannel' output-channel="replyChannel" method='build'>
<bean class="AnswerBuilder"/>
Follow up:
<int:gateway id="myGateway" service-interface="someGateway" default-request-channel="splitChannel" error-channel="errorChannel" default-reply-channel="replyChannel" async-executor="MyThreadPoolTaskExecutor"/>
<int:splitter input-channel="splitChannel" output-channel="transformChannel" method="split">
<bean class="Splitter" />
<int:transformer id="transformer1" input-channel="toTransformer1" method="transform" output-channel="toTransformer2">
<bean class="Transformer1"/> // this may throw the validation error (filter_ErrorType_1), if it cannot transform
<int:transformer id="transformer2" input-channel="toTransformer2" method="transform" output-channel="toTransformer3">
<bean class="Transformer2"/> // this may throw the validation error (filter_ErrorType_2), if it cannot transform
<int:transformer id="transformer3" input-channel="toTransformer3" method="transform" output-channel="aggregateChannel">
<bean class="Transformer3"/> // this may throw the validation error (filter_ErrorType_3), if it cannot transform
// seems like you are proposing to have one gateway for each endpoint that may throw error.
// but in this case, take transfomer 1 for example, I cannot output the gateway directly to aggregate channel since for valid data it has to go to transformer 2
// but the failed message throwed by the error handler cannot pass transformer 2 because of afterall this is a error message not a valid data for transformer 2
// <int:service-activator input-channel="toTransformer1" output-channel="toTransformer2" ref="gateway1"/>
// <int:gateway id="gateway1" default-request-channel="toTransformer1" error-channel="errorChannel1"/>
// <int:transformer id="transformer" input-channel="toTransformer1" method="transform">
// <bean class="Transformer"/> // this may throw the validation error (filter_ErrorType_1), if it cannot transform
// </int:transformer>
// how to deal with this problem?
<int:service-activator input-channel='createErrorAnswerChannel' output-channel="replyChannel" method='buildError'>
<bean class="AnswerBuilder"/>
<int:service-activator input-channel='createAnswerChannel' output-channel="replyChannel" method='build'>
<bean class="AnswerBuilder"/>
I actually have complicated logic inside but I use transformer 123 to represent here.

Your question isn't clear. Please,be sure in the future provide more concrete info. Some config and StackTrace or logs are useful, too.
I guess that you have in the beginning of your flow <gateway> with configured error-channel. That's why you are receiving Reply message received but the receiving thread has already received a reply.
But I can't be sure, because there is no those words in your question. Right?
You can't rely on the errorChannel header there and come back for the reply eventually because the errorChannel header in case of Gateway is the same as replyChannel, and it is TemporaryReplyChannel - one-shot-usage channel and only for receive() operation.
Since we don't have any configuration or code from you we can't help you properly.
I suppose you need a middle-flow gateway via service-activator:
<service-activator id="gatewayTestService" input-channel="inputChannel"
output-channel="outputChannel" ref="gateway"/>
<gateway id="gateway" default-request-channel="requestChannel" error-channel="myErrorChannel"/>
or <chain> with <gateway> to perform validation and catch errors only there and return a desired reply for failures. That service-activator will be able to send them all to the <aggregator> afterward. In this case the <aggregator> can reply back to the gateway properly.
errorChannel is a name for default global bean to catch any error messages from any Integration place. See more info in the http://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/configuration.html#namespace-errorhandler.
So, that name is fully bad for your use case , because that myErrorRouter is going to handle ALL the errors!
The <int:recipient-list-router> sends message to all its recipients if it passes a selector or if there is no selector.
You don't need default-reply-channel on the <gateway> if it isn't publish-subscribe. You can just rely on the replyChannel header, which works if there is no output-channel defined.
What I'm talking about <service-activator> and <gateway> is pretty straight forward in front of your <transformer> after <splitter>:
<int:service-activator input-channel="transformChannel"
output-channel="aggregateChannel" ref="gateway"/>
<int:gateway id="gateway" default-request-channel="transformChannel" error-channel="validationErrorChannel"/>
<int:transformer id="transformer" input-channel="transformChannel" method="transform">
<bean class="Transformer"/> // this may throw the validation error (filter_ErrorType_1), if it cannot transform
So, splitter sends items to the service-activator. That one proceeds with the message to the gateway around transformer with custom error-channel exactly for one item. The transformer answers to the replyChannel exactly to that previous gateway. If it throws some Exception, it is handled by the validationErrorChannel process. Which should reply with some compensation message. That message is bubbled to the service-activator. Finally service-activator sends a result to the aggregateChannel. And it is black box for the service-activator if validation was good or not.
Hope that helps a bit.
I'm disappointed that you haven't accepted my advises in your code, but nevertheless that is how I see it:
<int:gateway id="myGateway" service-interface="someGateway" default-request-channel="splitChannel"
async-executor="MyThreadPoolTaskExecutor" />
<int:splitter input-channel="splitChannel" output-channel="transformChannel" method="split">
<bean class="Splitter" />
<int:service-activator input-channel="validateChannel" output-channel="aggregateChannel"
<gateway id="validateGateway" default-request-channel="toTransformer1" error-channel="myErrorChannel"/>
<chain input-channel="toTransformer1">
<int:transformer method="transform">
<bean class="Transformer1" />
<int:transformer method="transform">
<bean class="Transformer2" />
<int:transformer method="transform">
<bean class="Transformer3" />
<int:service-activator input-channel="myErrorChannel" method="buildError">
<bean class="AnswerBuilder" />
<int:aggregator id="aggregator"
<bean class="MyAggregator" />
<int:service-activator input-channel='createAnswerChannel' method='build'>
<bean class="AnswerBuilder" />
Pay attention, how I chain transformers. So, you have one gateway for all your transformers and any error on any of them will be thrown to the gateway for error handling on the myErrorChannel.


Inbound channel adapter throwing "no output-channel or replyChannel header available" error

I would like to get the message from JMS and send it as HTTP request and in case of failure, enqueue it again to JMS.
I've tried using inbound-message-adapter and message-driven-channel-adapter, but it fails as I get "ChannelResolutionException: no output-channel or replyChannel header available" exception but since I do not want to reply to inbound-message-adapter, not sure why would I include a replyChannel header
<jms:outbound-channel-adapter id="outboundJMSAdaptor" jms-template="jmsTemplate"
<int:channel id="jmsInChannel" />
channel="jmsInChannel" destination="requestQueue"
connection-factory="jmsConnectionFactory" message-converter="jmsMessageConverter"/>
<int:header-enricher input-channel="jmsInChannel" output-channel="header_enriched_request">
<int:header name="addressId" expression="payload.getId()"/>
<int:header name="Accept-Language" value="en_GB"/>
<int:header name="X-Source-CountryCode" value="GB"/>
<int:header name="X-Source-Operator" value="Enterprise"/>
<int:header name="X-Source-Division" value="CustomerManagement"/>
<int:header name="X-Source-System" value="${sapwebservices.http.header.source.system}"/>
<int:header name="X-Source-Timestamp" expression="new java.text.SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss').format(new java.util.Date())"/>
<int:header name="Accept" value="application/json"/>
<int:header name="Content-Type" value="application/json;charset=UTF-8"/>
<int:object-to-json-transformer input-channel="header_enriched_request"
<http:outbound-gateway mapped-request-headers="Accept*, Content-Type, X-*, HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS"
<http:uri-variable name="id" expression="headers['addressId']"/>
<int:service-activator input-channel="print_payload_update_shipping" output-channel="clean_no_print_char_update_customershippingaddress" ref="sapPrintPayload"/>
<int:transformer input-channel="clean_no_print_char_update_customershippingaddress" output-channel="resp_mapping_json_to_jsonobj_updatecustomershippingaddress">
<bean class="util.CleanNoPrintCharTransformer"/>
<int:json-to-object-transformer input-channel="resp_mapping_json_to_jsonobj_updatecustomershippingaddress"
<int:transformer input-channel="clean_no_print_char_update_customershippingaddress" output-channel="">
<bean class="transformer.CreateCustomerShippingAddressPostTransformer"/>
I expect a success in a normal run, getting error
org.springframework.integration.dispatcher.AggregateMessageDeliveryException: All attempts to deliver Message to MessageHandlers failed. Multiple causes:
All attempts to deliver Message to MessageHandlers failed. Multiple causes:
no output-channel or replyChannel header available
org.springframework.integration.MessageHandlingException: org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1004E:(pos 8): Method call: Method transform(rest.bbr.customer_shipping_address_response.json.CustomerShippingAddressResponse) cannot be found on bbr.sap.util.CleanNoPrintCharTransformer type
See below for the stacktrace of the first cause.
org.springframework.integration.MessageHandlingException: org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1004E:(pos 8): Method call: Method transform(java.lang.String) cannot be found on bbr.sap.transformer.CreateCustomerShippingAddressPostTransformer type
See below for the stacktrace of the first cause.
Also, would like to enqueue the message again to the jms queue if the http:outbound-gateway respond as null or if the 3rd party services are down.
<int:transformer input-channel="clean_no_print_char_update_customershippingaddress"
You can't have an empty output channel on a transformer.
It doesn't really make sense to transform something and then just discard the transformed result but if that's what you really want to do, send it to the nullChannel
<int:transformer input-channel="clean_no_print_char_update_customershippingaddress"

Spring-Integration: Changing DirectChannel to ExecutorChannel results to ClassCastException

I want to use a executor-channel instead of an direct-channel, but I face an issue I don`t understand.
Working Config:
<int:channel id="newByteArrayChannel" datatype="java.lang.Byte[]" />
Changed to (Not Working):
<int:channel id="newByteArrayChannel" datatype="java.lang.Byte[]">
<int:dispatcher task-executor="myExecutor" />
<task:executor id="myExecutor" pool-size="4" queue-capacity="10" keep-alive="10000"/>
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.messaging.MessageDeliveryException: Channel 'newByteArrayChannel' expected one of the following datataypes [class [Ljava.lang.Byte;], but received [class [B]
Thanks in advance :-)
It's a bug - I opened a JIRA Issue.
As a work-around, you could bridge a direct channel to the executor channel, or change newByteArrayChannel to a publish subscribe channel - (with only one subscriber, or course).
<int:publish-subscribe-channel id="newByteArrayChannel"
datatype="java.lang.Byte[]" task-executor="myExecutor" />
Or you can explicitly inject a DefaultDatatypeChannelMessageConverter bean into the channel.
As well Gery Russels solution works, I ended up with a different solution I also wants to share. I did the incoming channel as queue channel, and poll it from the service-activator using a task-executor:
<int:channel id="newByteArrayChannel" datatype="java.lang.Byte[]">
<int:queue capacity="1000"/>
<int:poller fixed-delay="100" task-executor="myExecutor"/>
<task:executor id="myExecutor" pool-size="4-32" queue-capacity="10000" keep-alive="10000"/>

Spring Integration: JMS loosing messages in case of OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space error

I have lost JMS messages(files) which were in the spring integration pipeline flow of jms:message-driven-channel-adapter though the adapter is set to transacted mode and custom exception type router with RuntimeException was configured, which means in case of any Runtime Exception (like PermGenError) it will consume the message, but not happend in my case.
Any help would be appreceated. .
Taking jms messages from ibm mq and after transformation sending it to another queue.
<bean id="queueTradeIn" class="com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueue">
<constructor-arg value="${queue.name}" />
<jms:message-driven-channel-adapter concurrent-consumers="1" id="tradeInputQueueAdaptor" destination="queueTradeIn" channel="topLevelErrorHandlerInputChannel" acknowledge="transacted" />
Exception Configuration:
I am passing all the messages through topLevelErrorHandlerInputChannel.
<!-- The ErrorHandler passes the message on the input channel to the output channel. -->
<beans:bean id="topLevelErrorHandler" class="com.xxx.ErrorHandler" >
<beans:property name="errorChannel" ref="errorChannel"/>
<beans:property name="outputChannel" ref="dataProcessChain"/>
<beans:property name="throwablesToHandle" >
<service-activator input-channel="topLevelErrorHandlerInputChannel" ref="topLevelErrorHandler" method="passThrough"/>
<transformer input-channel="errorChannel" method="display" ref="errorMessageConstructor" output-channel="errorLogChannel"/>
<logging-channel-adapter channel="errorLogChannel" id="rejectedLog" expression="'Message passed through!'" level="INFO"/>

Spring integration MQTT publish & subscribe to multiple topics

I am trying to build an application which subscribes to multiple mqtt topics, get the information, process it and form xmls and upon processing trigger an event so that these can be sent to some cloud server and the successful response from there to be sent back to the mqtt channel.
id="mqttAdapter" client-id="${clientId}" url="${brokerUrl}" topics="${topics}"
channel="startCase" auto-startup="true" />
<int:channel id="startCase" />
<int:service-activator id="startCaseService"
input-channel="startCase" ref="msgPollingService" method="pollMessages" />
<bean id="mqttTaskExecutor"
<property name="corePoolSize" value="5" />
<property name="maxPoolSize" value="10" />
<bean id="msgPollingService" class="com.xxxx.xxx.mqttclient.mqtt.MsgPollingService">
<property name="taskExecutor" ref="mqttTaskExecutor" />
<property name="vendorId" value="${vendorId}" />
My question is how do I publish this to multiple channels, i.e. if I have an option to publish X message to Y topic. At present I have the below:
<int:channel id="outbound" />
id="mqtt-publish" client-id="kj" client-factory="clientFactory"
auto-startup="true" url="${brokerUrl}" default-qos="0"
default-retained="true" default-topic="${responseTopic}" channel="outbound" />
<bean id="eventListner" class="com.xxxx.xxxx.mqttclient.event.EventListener">
<property name="sccUrl" value="${url}" />
<property name="restTemplate" ref="restTemplate" />
<property name="channel" ref="outbound" />
I can publish this like:
Can I do something like:
channel.send(Message<?>, topic)
Your configuration looks good. However the MessageChannel is an abstraction for loosely-coupling and gets deal only with Message.
So, you request a-la channel.send(Message<?>, topic) isn't correct for Messaging concepts.
However we have a trick for you. From AbstractMqttMessageHandler:
String topic = (String) message.getHeaders().get(MqttHeaders.TOPIC);
this.publish(topic == null ? this.defaultTopic : topic, mqttMessage, message);
So, what you need from your code is this:
channel.send(MessageBuilder.withPayload("customResponse").setHeader(MqttHeaders.TOPIC, topic).build());
In other words you should send a Message with mqtt_topic header to achieve a dynamic publication from <int-mqtt:outbound-channel-adapter>.
From other side we don't recommend to use MessageChannels directly from the application. The <gateway> with service interface is for such a case for end-application. Where that topic can be one of service method argument marked as #Header(MqttHeaders.TOPIC)

error message not redirected to error-channel spring integration

/*Below Spring-integration configuration*/
<!--Reading the Message from Queue as a Listener -->
<int-jms:inbound-gateway connection-factory="MQConnectionFactory"
/*Processing Message*/
<!--Processing the message-->
<int:chain input-channel="ReadWsInputChannel">
<int:transformer ref="ReadUnmarshaller"/>
<int:transformer ref="RequestBuilder" method="build"/>
<int:service-activator ref="ReadService" method="registerRead" />
<int:transformer ref="ResponseBuilder" method="buildResponse"/>
<int:transformer ref="ReadMarshaller"/>
<int:transformer ref="toStringTransformer"/>
/*Error Channel config*/
<!--Error channel configuration -->
<int:channel id="errorReadChannel"/>
<int:chain input-channel="errorReadChannel">
<int-jms:outbound-gateway id="jmsOutboundGateway"
request-destination="DLQErrorQueue" />
In service Activator method we are throwing a RuntimeException, which should get redirected to the error channel??
All the exceptions should go to the error-channel,
Question 2.)
Also is there any way in Spring-integration by which we can forward the exception causing actual MQ message to a separate channel?
