Is time complexity for this function is O(1)? - algorithm

I was reviewing some old notes on algorithms today, and this got me thinking.
Complexity O(1) means execution time for function is independent on data.
So let's suppose we have a function to add all elements in array.
int add(int[] array){
int sum =0;
for (int i=0;i<ARRAY_MAX_SIZE;i++){
sum= sum + (i<array.length?array[i]:0);
return sum;
where ARRAY_MAX_SIZE is maximum possible size of array. I know this code is not efficient i don't want to discuss this. But operator + is called same amount time each time and it is not affected by size of data.
Does that means complexity of this function is O(1)?

Yes. O(1) means constant time, not fast/efficient/optimal.
Big-O complexity ignores the complexity of constant steps. A division (slow) is just as "complex" as an increment (fast).

The actual answer is "it depends".
There are two different sets of things happening here:
ARRAY_MAX_SIZE times, you:
Increment and test a for loop
add to the total
array.length times, you:;
access array[i]
ARRAY_MAX_SIZE - array.length times, you:;
load the constant zero
So the total runtime is
t = k_1 * ARRAY_MAX_SIZE +
k_2 * n +
k_3 * (ARRAY_MAX_SIZE - n)
So you look at how k_2 and k_3 compare. Are they basically equal? Then it's O(1). Is k_2 >> k_3? Then it's O(n).
Why might k_2 >> k_3? Because array[i] is accessing memory, and memory is comparatively very slow:

The only interesting part is array[i] is used only n times. This means you add an operation to deference the array to get the ith element only n times. I wouldn't count this normally, but wouldn't this maybe make it O(n)? Just playing devil's advocate.
I would suppose this would be the true O(1) equivalent.
int add(int[] array){
int sum =0;
int len = array.length;
for (int i=0;i<ARRAY_MAX_SIZE;i++){
sum= sum + array[i%len] & (i < len ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0);
return sum;

If you had a maximum array size, then the complexity would be O(1). But this has other consequences. array.length would need to be less than ARRAY_MAX_SIZE, so array.length is bounded by a constant, making the following O(1) as well:
for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
sum = sum + array[i];
So we'd usually just ignore any limits on array sizes to get useful results for algorithm complexities.
This is obviously assuming that ARRAY_MAX_SIZE is maximum possible size of array (as it was defined in the question), and not some other value.


I'm confused about space complexity

I'm a little confused about the space complexity.
int fn_sum(int a[], int n){
int result =0;
for(int i=0; i<n ; i++){
result += a[i];
return result;
In this case, is the space complexity O(n) or O(1)?
I think it uses only result,i variables so it is O(1). What's the answer?
(1) Space Complexity: how many memory do your algorithm allocate according to input size?
int fn_sum(int a[], int n){
int result = 0; //here you have 1 variable allocated
for(int i=0; i<n ; i++){
result += a[i];
return result;
as the variable you created (result) is a single value (it's not a list, an array, etc.), your space complexity is O(1), since the space usage is constant, which means: it doesn't change according to the size of the inputs, it's just a single and constant value.
(2) Time Complexity: how do the number of operations of your algorithm relates to the size of the input?
int fn_sum(int a[], int n){ //the input is an array of size n
int result = 0; //1 variable definition operation = O(1)
for(int i=0; i<n ; i++){ //loop that will run n times whatever it has inside
result += a[i]; //1 sum operation = O(1) that runs n times = n * O(1) = O(n)
return result; //1 return operation = O(1)
all the operations you do take O(1) + O(n) + O(1) = O(n + 2) = O(n) time, following the rules of removing multiplicative and additive constants from the function.
I answer bit differently:
Since memory space consumed by int fn_sum(int a[], int n) doesn't correlate with the number of input items its algorithmic complexity in this regard is O(1).
However runtime complexity is O(N) since it iterates over N items.
And yes, there are algorithms that consume more memory and get faster. Classic one is caching operations.
If int means the 32-bit signed integer type, the space complexity is O(1) since you always allocate, use and return the same number of bits.
If this is just pseudocode and int means integers represented in their binary representations with no leading zeroes and maybe an extra sign bit (imagine doing this algorithm by hand), the analysis is more complicated.
If negatives are allowed, the best case is alternating positive and negative numbers so that the result never grows beyond a constant size - O(1) space.
If zero is allowed, an equally good case is to put zero in the whole array. This is also O(1).
If only positive numbers are allowed, the best case is more complicated. I expect the best case will see some number repeated n times. For the best case, we'll want the smallest representable number for the number of bits involved; so, I expect the number to be a power of 2. We can work out the sum in terms of n and the repeated number:
result = n * val
result size = log(result) = log(n * val) = log(n) + log(val)
input size = n*log(val) + log(n)
As val grows without bound, the log(val) term dominates in result size, and the n*log(val) term dominates in the input size; the best-case is thus like the multiplicative inverse of the input size, so also O(1).
The worst case should be had by choosing val to be as small as possible (we choose val = 1) and letting n grow without bound. In that case:
result = n
result size = log(n)
input size = 2 * log(n)
This time, the result size grows like half the input size as n grows. The worst-case space complexity is linear.
Another way to calculate space complexity is to analyze whether the memory required by your code scales/increases according to the input given.
Your input is int a[] with size being n. The only variable you have declared is result.
No matter what the size of n is, result is declared only once. It does not depend on the size of your input n.
Hence you can conclude your space complexity to be O(1).

Time Complexity of 3 nested for loops

Although, I found pretty good replies to the same question! However, I want time complexity equation of the following piece of code
sum = 0; c1=11
for (i=0; i<N; i++) c2=6
for (j=0; j<N; j++) c2=6
for (j=0; j<N; j++) c2=7
sum += arr[i][j] c3=2
While each statement has a cost associated with it, I require complete time complexity equation and its answer.
The comments section got quite long so I am going to write up an answer summarizing everything.
Measuring Time Complexity
In Computer Science, we measure time complexity by the number of steps/iterations your algorithm takes to evaluate.
So if you have a simple array of length n and you go through this array only once, say to print all the elements, we say that this algorithm is O(n) because the time is takes to run will grow proportionally to the size of the array you have, thus n
You can think of Big-O O(..) as a higher order function that compares other functions. if we say f(x) = O(n) it means that you function grows at most as fast as y=n thus linearly. This means that if you were to plot these functions on a graph, there would be a point c x = c after which the graph of n will always be on top of f(x) for any given x > c. Big-O signifies upper bound of a function in terms of another function.
So let's look at your original question and what it means to be constant time. Say we have this function
def printFirst5(arr: Array[Int]) = {
for(i =0 ;i < 5; i++){
This is what we call a constant time algorithm. Can you see why? Because no matter what array you pass into this (as long as it has at least 5 elements), it will only go through the first 5 elements. You can pass it an array of length 100000000000 you can pass it an array of length 10 it doesn't matter. In each case it will only look at the first 5 elements. Meaning this function printFirst5 will never go above the line y=5 in terms of time complexity. These kind of functions are denoted O(1) for constant time.
Now, finally, let's look at you edited version. (I am not sure what you are trying to do in your example because it is syntactically wrong, so I will write my own example)
def groupAllBy3(array: Array[Int]) = {
for(i=0; i < array.length; i++){
for(j=0; j < array.length; j++){
for(k=0; k< array.length; k++{
println(s"$array[i], $array[j], $array[k]")
This functions time complexity is O(N3). Why? Let's take a look.
The innermost loop will go through N elements for every j
How many js are there? Well there will be N js for every i.
How many is are there? N many.
So in total we get numberof-i * numberof-j * numberof-k = N * N * N = O(N^3)
Just to make sure you understand this correctly, let's take a look at another example. What would happen if these loops weren't nested? If we had:
def printAllx3(array: Array[Int]) = {
for(i=0; i < array.length; i++){
for(j=0; j < array.length; j++){
for(k=0; k< array.length; k++{
What is the case here?
The first loop goes through N elements, the second loop goes through N elements, the third loop goes through N elements. But they don't depend on each other in terms of iterations so we get N + N + N = 3N = O(N)
Do you see the difference?
With all due respect, I believe you are missing some of the fundamentals of what time complexity is & how we measure it. There is only so much I can explain here, I highly recommend you do some reading on the subject and ask any further questions you don't understand.
Hope this helps

Big O - is n always the size of the input?

I made up my own interview-style problem, and have a question on the big O of my solution. I will state the problem and my solution below, but first let me say that the obvious solution involves a nested loop and is O(n2). I believe I found a O(n) solution, but then I realized it depends not only on the size of the input, but the largest value of the input. It seems like my running time of O(n) is only a technicality, and that it could easily run in O(n2) time or worse in real life.
The problem is:
For each item in a given array of positive integers, print all the other items in the array that are multiples of the current item.
Example Input:
[2 9 6 8 3]
Example Output:
2: 6 8
3: 9 6
My solution (in C#):
private static void PrintAllDivisibleBy(int[] arr)
Dictionary<int, bool> dic = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
if (arr == null || arr.Length < 2)
int max = arr[0];
for(int i=0; i<arr.Length; i++)
if (arr[i] > max)
max = arr[i];
dic[arr[i]] = true;
for(int i=0; i<arr.Length; i++)
Console.Write("{0}: ", arr[i]);
int multiplier = 2;
int product = multiplier * arr[i];
if (dic.ContainsKey(product))
Console.Write("{0} ", product);
if (product >= max)
So, if 2 of the array items are 1 and n, where n is the array length, the inner while loop will run n times, making this equivalent to O(n2). But, since the performance is dependent on the size of the input values, not the length of the list, that makes it O(n), right?
Would you consider this a true O(n) solution? Is it only O(n) due to technicalities, but slower in real life?
Good question! The answer is that, no, n is not always the size of the input: You can't really talk about O(n) without defining what the n means, but often people use imprecise language and imply that n is "the most obvious thing that scales here". Technically we should usually say things like "This sort algorithm performs a number of comparisons that is O(n) in the number of elements in the list": being specific about both what n is, and what quantity we are measuring (comparisons).
If you have an algorithm that depends on the product of two different things (here, the length of the list and the largest element in it), the proper way to express that is in the form O(m*n), and then define what m and n are for your context. So, we could say that your algorithm performs O(m*n) multiplications, where m is the length of the list and n is the largest item in the list.
An algorithm is O(n) when you have to iterate over n elements and perform some constant time operation in each iteration. The inner while loop of your algorithm is not constant time as it depends on the hugeness of the biggest number in your array.
Your algorithm's best case run-time is O(n). This is the case when all the n numbers are same.
Your algorithm's worst case run-time is O(k*n), where k = the max value of int possible on your machine if you really insist to put an upper bound on k's value. For 32 bit int the max value is 2,147,483,647. You can argue that this k is a constant, but this constant is clearly
not fixed for every case of input array; and,
not negligible.
Would you consider this a true O(n) solution?
The runtime actually is O(nm) where m is the maximum element from arr. If the elements in your array are bounded by a constant you can consider the algorithm to be O(n)
Can you improve the runtime? Here's what else you can do. First notice that you can ensure that the elements are different. ( you compress the array in hashmap which stores how many times an element is found in the array). Then your runtime would be max/a[0]+max/a[1]+max/a[2]+...<= max+max/2+...max/max = O(max log (max)) (assuming your array arr is sorted). If you combine this with the obvious O(n^2) algorithm you'd get O(min(n^2, max*log(max)) algorithm.

Finding Θ for an algorithm

I have the below pseudocode that takes a given unsorted array of length size and finds the range by finding the max and min values in the array. I'm just learning about the various time efficiency methods, but I think the below code is Θ(n), as a longer array adds a fixed number of actions (3).
For example, ignoring the actual assignments to max and min (as the unsorted array is arbitrary and these assignments are unknown in advance), an array of length 2 would only require 5 actions total (including the final range calculation). An array of length 4 only uses 9 actions total, again adding the final range calculation. An array of length 12 uses 25 actions.
This all points me to Θ(n), as it is a linear relationship. Is this correct?
// Traverse each element of the array, storing the max and min values
// Assuming int size exists that is size of array a[]
// Assuming array is a[]
min = a[0];
max = a[0];
for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if(min > a[i]) { // If current min is greater than val,
min = a[i]; // replace min with val
if(max < a[i]) { // If current max is smaller than val,
max = a[i]; // replace max with val
range = max – min; // range is largest value minus smallest
You're right. It's O(n).
An easy way to tell in simple code (like the one above) is to see how many for() loops are nested, if any. For every "normal" loop (from i = 0 -> n), you add a factor of n.
[Edit2]: That is, if you have code like this:
array a[n]; //Array with n elements.
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){ //Happens n times.
for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j){ //Happens n*n times.
//something //Happens n*n times.
//Overall complexity is O(n^2)
array a[n]; //Array with n elements.
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){ //Happens n times.
//something //Happens n times.
for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j){ //Happens n times.
//something //Happens n times.
//Overall complexity is O(2n) = O(n)
This is pretty rudimentary, but useful if someone has not taken an Algorithm course.
The procedures within your for() loop are irrelevant in a complexity question.
[Edit]: This assumes that size actually means the size of array a.
Yes, this would be Θ(n). Your reasoning is a little skewed though.
You have to look at every item in your loop so you're bounded above by a linear function. Conversely, you are also bounded below by a linear function (the same one in fact), because you can't avoid looking at every element.
O(n) only requires that you bound above, Omega(n) requires that you bound below.
Θ(n) says you're bounded on both sides.
Let size be n, then it's clear to see that you always have 2n comparisons and of course the single assignment at the end. So you always have 2n + 1 operations in this algorithm.
In the worst case scenario, you have 2n assignments, thus 2n + 1 + 2n = 4n + 1 = O(n).
In the best case scenrio, you have 0 assignments, thus 2n + 1 + 0 = 2n + 1 = Ω(n).
Therefore, we have that both the best and worst case perform in linear time. Hence, Ɵ(n).
Yeah this surely is O(n) algorithm. I don't think you really need to drill down to see number of comparisons to arrive on the conclusion about the complexity of the algorithm. Just try to see how the number of comparisons will change with the increasing size of the input. For O(n) the comparisons should have a linear increase with the increase in input. For O(n^2) it increases by some multiple of n and so on.

Time Complexity - Calculating Worst Case For Algorithms

I am reading some information on time complexity and I'm quite confused as to how the following time complexities are achieved and if there is a particular set of rules or methods for working this out?
Input: int n
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
print("Hello World, ");
for(int j = n; j > 0; j--){
print("Hello World");
Tight: 6n + 5
Big O: O(n)
Input: l = array of comparable items
Output: l = array of sorted items
for(int i = 0; i < l.length; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < l.length; j++){
if(l{i} > l{j}){
} }
return ls;
Worst Case Time Complexity: 4n2 +3n+2 = O(n2)
For a given algorithm, time complexity or Big O is a way to provide some fair enough estimation of "total elementary operations performed by the algorithm" in relationship with the given input size n.
Lets say you have an algo like this:
there are 2 elementary operations in the above code, no matter how big your n is, for the above code a computer will always perform 2 operations, as the algo does not depend on the size of the input, so the Big-O of the above code is O(1).
For this code:
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
I hope you understand the Big-O in O(n), as elementary operation count directly depend on the size of n
Now what about this code:
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
print("Hello World, ");
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
As you can see loop-1 is O(n) and loop-2 is O(n^2). So it feel like total complexity should be O(n)+O(n^2). But no, the time complexity of the above code is O(n^2). Why? Because we are trying to know the fair enough count of elementary operations performed by the algorithm for a given input size n, which will be comparatively easy to understand by another person. With this logic, O(n)+O(n^2) become O(n^2), or O(n^2)+O(n^3)+O(n^4) become O(n^4)!
Again, you may ask: But how? How all the lower power of Big-O become so insignificant as we add it with a higher power of Big-O, that we can completely omit them (lower powers) when we are describing the complexity of our algorithm to another human?
I will try show the reason for this case: O(n)+O(n^2)=O(n^2).
Lets say n=1000 then the exact count for O(n) is 1000 operations and the exact count for O(n^2) is 1000*1000=1000000, so O(n^2) is 1000 time bigger than O(n), which means your program will spend most of the execution time in O(n^2) and thus it is not worth to mention that your algorithm also has some O(n).
PS. Pardon my English :)
In the first example, the array has n elements, and you go through these elements Twice. The first time you start from index 0 until i, and the second time you start from index n to 0. So, to simplify this, we can say that it took you 2n. When dealing with Big O notation, you should keep in mind that we care about the bounds:
As a result, O(2n)=O(n)
and O(an+b)=O(n)
Input: int n // operation 1
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ // operation 2
print("Hello World, "); // Operation 3
for(int j = n; j > 0; j--) // Operation 4
print("Hello World"); //Operation 5
As you can see, we have a total of 5 operations outside the loops.
Inside the first loop, we do three internal operations: checking if i is less than n, printing "Hello World", and incrementing i .
Inside the second loop, we also have three internal operations.
So, the total number of of opetations that we need is: 3n ( for first loop) + 3n ( second loop) + 5 ( operations outside the loop). As a result, the total number of steps required is 6n+5 ( that is your tight bound).
As I mentioned before, O( an +b )= n because once an algorithm is linear, a and b do not have a great impact when n is very large.
So, your time complexity will become : O(6n+5) =O(n).
You can use the same logic for the second example keeping in mind that two nested loops take n² instead of n.
I will slightly modify Johns answer. Defining n is one constant operation, defining integer i and assigning it to 0 is 2 constant operations. defining integer j and assigning with n is another 2 constant operations. checking the conditions for i,j inside for loop,increment,print statement depends on n so the total will be 3n+3n+5 which is equal to 6n+5. Here we cannot skip any of the statements during execution so its average case running time will also be its worst case running time which is O(n)
