I am learning GLSL and CG now and come across this code:
float trace( vec3 origin, vec3 direction, out vec3 p ) //<-- What is "out"?
float totalDistanceTraveled = 0.0;
for( int i=0; i <64; ++i)
p = origin + direction * totalDistanceTraveled;
float distanceFromPointOnRayToClosestObjectInScene = map( p );
totalDistanceTraveled += distanceFromPointOnRayToClosestObjectInScene;
if( distanceFromPointOnRayToClosestObjectInScene < 0.0001 )
if( totalDistanceTraveled > 10000.0 )
totalDistanceTraveled = 0.0000;
return totalDistanceTraveled;
I am converting these code into shaders.metal so that I can use with Xcode. But I am not sure what the out is and how to change it so that I can use this function in my shader in Metal.
The out qualifier signifies that the value will be written to by the function. It's similar to (but not exactly like) pass-by-reference. The closest equivalent in Metal is a reference in the thread address space. An equivalent function declaration in Metal Shading Language looks like:
static float trace(float3 origin, float3 direction, thread float3 &p);
Im trying to optimize texture memory and all that stop me from converting a GL_RGBA32F LUT to GL_RGBA16F is one index that (might) exceed the limit. Is there anyway that I could in C take a float and split it into 2 values and then in GLSL reconstruct that float from the 2 values stored in the LUT?
What I mean is something like this:
[ C ]
float v0,v1, *pixel_array;
magic_function_in_c( my_big_value, &v0, &v1 );
pixel_array[ index++ ] = pos.x; // R
pixel_array[ index++ ] = pos.y; // G
pixel_array[ index++ ] = v0; // B
pixel_array[ index++ ] = v1; // A
[ GLSL ]
vec4 lookup = texture2D( sampler0, texcoord );
float v = magic_function_in_glsl( lookup.b, lookup.a );
ps: Im using GLES 2.0 (to be also compatible with WebGL)
If you just need more range than float16 provides, and only in one direction (larger or smaller), you can multiply by a fixed scaling factor.
For instance, if you need to some number N, greater than 65503, you can 'encode' by dividing N by 2, and 'decode' by multiplying by 2. This shifts the effective range up, sacrificing the range of 1/N, but expanding the range maximum for +/-N. You can swap the multiply and divide if you need more range in 1/N than in +/-N. You can use the second value to store what the scaling factor is, if you need it to change based on data.
You can also experiment with exp2 and log2, something like:
magic_function_in_c(float fVal, uint16_t* hExponent, uint16_t* hMult)
float fExponent = log2f(f);
*hExponent = f32_to_f16(fExponent);
// Compensate for f32->f16 precision loss
float fActualExponent = f16_to_f32(*hExponent);
float fValFromExponent = exp2f(fActualExponent);
float fMult;
if (fValFromExponent != 0.0f) {
fMult = fVal / fValFromExponent;
} else if (fVal < 0.0f) {
fMult = -1.0f;
} else {
fMult = 1.0f
*hMult = f32_to_f16(fMult);
highp float
magic_function_in_glsl(highp float hExponent, highp float hMult)
return exp2(hExponent) * hMult;
Note that none of this will work if you don't have highp floats in your GLSL shader.
Recently I'm working on bone animation import, so I made a 3d minecraft-like model with some IK technique to test Assimp animation import. Ouput format is COLLADA(*.dae),and the tool I used is Blender. On the programming side, my enviroment is opengl/glm/assimp. I think these information for my problem is enough.One thing, the animation of the model, I just record 7 unmove keyframe for testing assimp animation.
First, I guess my transformation except local transform part is correct, so let the function only return glm::mat4(1.0f), and the result show the bind pose(not sure) model. (see below image)
Second, Turn back the value glm::mat4(1.0f) to bone->localTransform = transform * scaling * glm::mat4(1.0f);, then the model deform. (see below image)
Test image and model in blender:
(bone->localTransform = glm::mat4(1.0f) * scaling * rotate; : this image is under ground :( )
The code here:
void MeshModel::UpdateAnimations(float time, std::vector<Bone*>& bones)
for each (Bone* bone in bones)
glm::mat4 rotate = GetInterpolateRotation(time, bone->rotationKeys);
glm::mat4 transform = GetInterpolateTransform(time, bone->transformKeys);
glm::mat4 scaling = GetInterpolateScaling(time, bone->scalingKeys);
//bone->localTransform = transform * scaling * glm::mat4(1.0f);
//bone->localTransform = glm::mat4(1.0f) * scaling * rotate;
//bone->localTransform = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), glm::vec3(0.5f));
bone->localTransform = glm::mat4(1.0f);
void MeshModel::UpdateBone(Bone * bone)
glm::mat4 parentTransform = bone->getParentTransform();
bone->nodeTransform = parentTransform
* bone->transform // assimp_node->mTransformation
* bone->localTransform; // T S R matrix
bone->finalTransform = globalInverse
* bone->nodeTransform
* bone->inverseBindPoseMatrix; // ai_mesh->mBones[i]->mOffsetMatrix
for (int i = 0; i < (int)bone->children.size(); i++) {
glm::mat4 Bone::getParentTransform()
if (this->parent != nullptr)
return parent->nodeTransform;
return glm::mat4(1.0f);
glm::mat4 MeshModel::GetInterpolateRotation(float time, std::vector<BoneKey>& keys)
// we need at least two values to interpolate...
if ((int)keys.size() == 0) {
return glm::mat4(1.0f);
if ((int)keys.size() == 1) {
return glm::mat4_cast(keys[0].rotation);
int rotationIndex = FindBestTimeIndex(time, keys);
int nextRotationIndex = (rotationIndex + 1);
assert(nextRotationIndex < (int)keys.size());
float DeltaTime = (float)(keys[nextRotationIndex].time - keys[rotationIndex].time);
float Factor = (time - (float)keys[rotationIndex].time) / DeltaTime;
if (Factor < 0.0f)
Factor = 0.0f;
if (Factor > 1.0f)
Factor = 1.0f;
assert(Factor >= 0.0f && Factor <= 1.0f);
const glm::quat& startRotationQ = keys[rotationIndex].rotation;
const glm::quat& endRotationQ = keys[nextRotationIndex].rotation;
glm::quat interpolateQ = glm::lerp(endRotationQ, startRotationQ, Factor);
interpolateQ = glm::normalize(interpolateQ);
return glm::mat4_cast(interpolateQ);
glm::mat4 MeshModel::GetInterpolateTransform(float time, std::vector<BoneKey>& keys)
// we need at least two values to interpolate...
if ((int)keys.size() == 0) {
return glm::mat4(1.0f);
if ((int)keys.size() == 1) {
return glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), keys[0].vector);
int translateIndex = FindBestTimeIndex(time, keys);
int nextTranslateIndex = (translateIndex + 1);
assert(nextTranslateIndex < (int)keys.size());
float DeltaTime = (float)(keys[nextTranslateIndex].time - keys[translateIndex].time);
float Factor = (time - (float)keys[translateIndex].time) / DeltaTime;
if (Factor < 0.0f)
Factor = 0.0f;
if (Factor > 1.0f)
Factor = 1.0f;
assert(Factor >= 0.0f && Factor <= 1.0f);
const glm::vec3& startTranslate = keys[translateIndex].vector;
const glm::vec3& endTrabslate = keys[nextTranslateIndex].vector;
glm::vec3 delta = endTrabslate - startTranslate;
glm::vec3 resultVec = startTranslate + delta * Factor;
return glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), resultVec);
The code idea is referenced from Matrix calculations for gpu skinning and Skeletal Animation With Assimp.
Overall, I fectch all the information from assimp to MeshModel and save it to the bone structure, so I think the information is alright?
The last thing, my vertex shader code:
#version 330 core
in vec3 position;
in vec2 texCoord;
in vec3 normal;
in ivec4 boneID;
in vec4 boneWeight;
const int MAX_BONES = 100;
uniform mat4 model;
uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 projection;
uniform mat4 boneTransform[MAX_BONES];
out vec3 FragPos;
out vec3 Normal;
out vec2 TexCoords;
out float Visibility;
const float density = 0.007f;
const float gradient = 1.5f;
void main()
mat4 boneTransformation = boneTransform[boneID[0]] * boneWeight[0];
boneTransformation += boneTransform[boneID[1]] * boneWeight[1];
boneTransformation += boneTransform[boneID[2]] * boneWeight[2];
boneTransformation += boneTransform[boneID[3]] * boneWeight[3];
vec3 usingPosition = (boneTransformation * vec4(position, 1.0)).xyz;
vec3 usingNormal = (boneTransformation * vec4(normal, 1.0)).xyz;
vec4 viewPos = view * model * vec4(usingPosition, 1.0);
gl_Position = projection * viewPos;
FragPos = vec3(model * vec4(usingPosition, 1.0f));
Normal = mat3(transpose(inverse(model))) * usingNormal;
TexCoords = texCoord;
float distance = length(viewPos.xyz);
Visibility = exp(-pow(distance * density, gradient));
Visibility = clamp(Visibility, 0.0f, 1.0f);
If my question above, lack of code or describe vaguely, please let me know, Thanks!
In additional, my bone information like this(code fetching part):
for (int i = 0; i < (int)nodeAnim->mNumPositionKeys; i++)
BoneKey key;
key.time = nodeAnim->mPositionKeys[i].mTime;
aiVector3D vec = nodeAnim->mPositionKeys[i].mValue;
key.vector = glm::vec3(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z);
had some transformation vector, so my code above glm::mat4 transform = GetInterpolateTransform(time, bone->transformKeys);,Absloutely, get the same value from it. I'm not sure I made a nomove keyframe animation that provide the transform values is true or not (of course it has 7 keyframe).
A keyframe contents like this(debug on head bone):
7 different keyframe, same vector value.
If you want to test my dae file, I put it in jsfiddle, come and take it :). Another thing, in Unity my file work correctly, so I think maybe not my local transform occurs the problem, it seems the problem could be some other like parentTransform or bone->transform...etc? I aslo add local transform matrix with all bone, But can not figure out why COLLADA contains these value for my unmove animation...
For amounts of testing, and finally found the problem is the UpdateBone() part.
Before I point out my problem, I need to say the series of matrix multiplication let me confuse, but when I found the solution, it just make me totally (maybe just 90%) realize all the matrix doing.
The problem comes from the article,Matrix calculations for gpu skinning. I assumed the answer code is absolutely right and don't think any more about the matrix should be used. Thus, misusing matrix terribly transfer my look into the local transform matrix. Back to the result image in my question section is bind pose when I change the local transform matrix to return glm::mat4(1.0f).
So the question is why the changed make the bind pose? I assumed the problem must be local transform in bone space, but I'm wrong. Before I give the answer, look at the code below:
void MeshModel::UpdateBone(Bone * bone)
glm::mat4 parentTransform = bone->getParentTransform();
bone->nodeTransform = parentTransform
* bone->transform // assimp_node->mTransformation
* bone->localTransform; // T S R matrix
bone->finalTransform = globalInverse
* bone->nodeTransform
* bone->inverseBindPoseMatrix; // ai_mesh->mBones[i]->mOffsetMatrix
for (int i = 0; i < (int)bone->children.size(); i++) {
And I make the change as below:
void MeshModel::UpdateBone(Bone * bone)
glm::mat4 parentTransform = bone->getParentTransform();
if (boneName == "Scene" || boneName == "Armature")
bone->nodeTransform = parentTransform
* bone->transform // when isn't bone node, using assimp_node->mTransformation
* bone->localTransform; //this is your T * R matrix
bone->nodeTransform = parentTransform // This retrieve the transformation one level above in the tree
* bone->localTransform; //this is your T * R matrix
bone->finalTransform = globalInverse // scene->mRootNode->mTransformation
* bone->nodeTransform //defined above
* bone->inverseBindPoseMatrix; // ai_mesh->mBones[i]->mOffsetMatrix
for (int i = 0; i < (int)bone->children.size(); i++) {
I don't know what the assimp_node->mTransformation give me before, only the description "The transformation relative to the node's parent" in the assimp documentation. For some testing, I found that the mTransformation is the bind pose matrix which the current node relative to parent if I use these on bone node. Let me give a picture that captured the matrix on head bone.
The left part is the transform which is fetched from assimp_node->mTransformation.The right part is my unmove animation's localTransform which is calculated by the keys from nodeAnim->mPositionKeys, nodeAnim->mRotationKeys and nodeAnim->mScalingKeys.
Look back what I did, I made a bind pose tranformation twice, so the image in my question section look just seperate but not spaghetti :)
On the last, let me show what I did before the unmove animation testing and correct animation result.
(For everyone, If my concept is wrong , please point me out! Thx.)
I play around with GLSL and got this effect. And I tried to convert it to metal but I got some funky result for y-axis when it is smaller than 0:
There are these funny curvy crop off for most of the cubes above the horizon(<0). This is my Metal code:
static float mod(float x, float y)
return x - y * floor(x/y);
static float vmax(float3 v) {
return max(max(v.x, v.y), v.z);
float fBoxCheap(float3 p, float3 b) { //cheap box
return vmax(abs(p) - b);
static float map( float3 p )
p.x = mod(p.x + 5,10)-5;
p.y = mod(p.y + 5 ,10)-5;
p.z = mod(p.z + 5 ,10)-5;
float box = fBoxCheap(p-float3(0.0,3.0,0.0),float3(4.0,3.0,1.0));
return box;
It is almost the same code in GLSL:
float vmax(vec3 v) {
return max(max(v.x, v.y), v.z);
float box(vec3 p, vec3 b) { //cheap box
return vmax(abs(p) - b);
float map( vec3 p )
return box( p, vec3(1.,1.,1.) );
How can I resolve this?
I am fairly new to both GLSL and Metal but I find Metal is more tricky because of these math issue.
I don't think there's a difference here. You can create similar artifacts in the GL version by applying all of the same modifications you do in the Metal version. The problem is that offsetting the point after you fold space with mod violates the requirement that the SDF be Lipschitz continuous (i.e., the gradient must be <= 1 everywhere). If you want to translate the box, translate p before applying mod.
I'm working on an game, using OpenGL ES 2.0
I would like to eliminate branches in the fragment shader, if possible. But there is a function, which I cannot improve:
float HS(in float p, in float c) {
float ap = abs(p);
if( ap > (c*1.5) ) {
return ap - c ;
} else {
return mod(ap+0.5*c,c)-0.5*c;
The c is a constant in most of the cases, if it helps in this situation. I use this function like this:
vec3 op = sign(p1)*vec3(
HS(p1.x, cc),
HS(p1.y, cc),
HS(p1.z, cc)
Here's a trick that "eliminates" the branch. But the more important thing it does is vectorize your code. After all, the compiler probably eliminated the branch for you; it's far less likely that it realized it could do this:
vec3 HSvec(in vec3 p, in const float c)
vec3 ap = abs(p);
vec3 side1 = ap - c;
const float val = 0.5 * c;
vec3 side2 = mod(ap + val, vec3(c)) - val;
bvec3 tests = greaterThan(ap, vec3(c*1.5));
return mix(side2, side1, vec3(tests));
This eliminates lots of redundant computations, as well as doing lots of computations simultaneously.
The key here is the mix function. mix performs linear interpolation between the two arguments based on the third. But since a bool converted to a float will be exactly 1.0 or 0.0, it's really just selecting either side1 or side2. And this selection is defined by the results of the component-wise greaterThan operation.
The shader that I'm using relies upon the position of the tiles in my game. I haven't found anything on using attribute variables with SKShader objects, so I went with updating the uniform variables. But it would seem that the shader won't communicate with the variables, especially once their values have been updated and changed. I am trying to make a basic lighting effect, but I can't get anything out of the shader at all. Any help? My code for the shader and for the Objective C classes are below.
uniform float midX, midY;
uniform float posX;
uniform float posY;
void main()
vec4 temp = SKDefaultShading(); // get the default shading
float lightRad = 200.0; // Light radius
float dist = distance(vec2(posX, posY), vec2(midX, midY)); // location of the light on the screen
vec4 color = vec4(1.0, 0, 0.0, (float)(dist / lightRad)); // creates an alpha gradient for the light. (falloff)
if (dist < lightRad) // only applies the light color if the distance from the light to the tile is smaller than the radius of the light
gl_FragColor = temp * color; // applies the color
else // otherwise, do nothing
gl_FragColor = temp;
- (void) loadShaders
SKUniform* posX = [SKUniform uniformWithName:#"posX" float: 0.0f]; // adds the x position (with a placeholder value)
SKUniform* posY = [SKUniform uniformWithName:#"posY" float: 0.0f]; // adds the y position (with a placeholder value)
[_shader addUniform:posX];
[_shader addUniform:posY];
for (int i = 0; i < _array.count; i++) // Loop through all tiles
float x = ((i % 100) - 13.5f) * 15.0f; // Calculate x pos of the tile
float y = ((1 - (i / 100)) + 6.5f) * 15.0f; // Calculate y pos of the tile
SKUniform* uniX = [[_tMap getShader] uniformNamed:#"posX"]; // get the uniform with the name posX
uniX.floatValue = x; // set the value of that uniform
SKUniform* uniY = [[_tMap getShader] uniformNamed:#"posY"]; // get the uniform with the name posY
uniY.floatValue = y; // set the value of that uniform
I'm fairly new to sprite kit, and I'm also new to GLSL.