Save data in ajax form yii2 - ajax

I want to save data in two tables. The form being used is an ajax form with ajax request.
I want to obtain two values 'Task_ID' and 'Employee_ID' from the form and then save it to another table.
Controller Code is below
public function actionCreate()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$model = new Activity();
$empModel = new Tasksemp();
//$tasksModel = new Tasks();
* Process for ajax request
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
return [
'title'=> "Create new Activity",
'content'=>$this->renderAjax('create', [
'model' => $model,
$model->finish_date = date('y-m-d'), //give default date as current along with date picker option
$empModel->Task_ID = $model->Task_ID, //<----Error here. The value of Task_ID and Employee_ID is null.
$empModel->Employee_ID = $model->Employee_ID,
'footer'=> Html::button('Close',['class'=>'btn btn-default pull-left','data-dismiss'=>"modal"]).
Html::button('Save',['class'=>'btn btn-primary','type'=>"submit"])
}else if($model->load($request->post()) && $model->save()){
return [
'title'=> "Create new Activity",
'content'=>'<span class="text-success">Create Activity success</span>',
'footer'=> Html::button('Close',['class'=>'btn btn-default pull-left','data-dismiss'=>"modal"]).
Html::a('Create More',['create'],['class'=>'btn btn-primary','role'=>'modal-remote'])
return [
'title'=> "Create new Activity",
'content'=>$this->renderAjax('create', [
'model' => $model,
'empModel' => $empModel,
'footer'=> Html::button('Close',['class'=>'btn btn-default pull-left','data-dismiss'=>"modal"]).
Html::button('Save',['class'=>'btn btn-primary','type'=>"submit"])
* Process for non-ajax request
if ($model->load($request->post()) && $model->save()) {
return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->Activity_ID]);
} else {
return $this->render('create', [
'model' => $model,
I need to obtain the two values after the ajax form has been saved or anyway way I can get the values and save in the ajax form?
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you

I think you wrote incorrect code.
Is not recommend (strictly) perform "=" operator and methods within [ ... ] statement.
Then you not load any values to Activity model.
if ( $request->isGet ){
$model->finish_date = date('y-m-d'); //give default date as current along with date picker option
// loading values from form
$empModel->Task_ID = $request->get('name_of_form_input_that_contains_Task_ID');
$empModel->Employee_ID = $request->get('name_of_form_input_that_contains_Employee_ID');
return [
'title' => "Create new Activity",
'content' => $this->renderAjax('create', [
'model' => $model,
// any other data
'footer' => '' // ..


Yii2 Kartik editable input value will only change after refresh

I use Kartik Editable input widget. I have a home model and tema model attribute here. Whenever I input and submit value in the field, the value won't change on-the spot but will only change after I refresh the page instead. What should I do? Thanks!
My controller :
public function actionIndex()
$searchModel = new HomeSearch();
$dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams);
// table only has one row
$model= Home::find()->one();
// Check if there is an Editable ajax request
if (isset($_POST['hasEditable'])) {
// use Yii's response format to encode output as JSON
\Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON;
// read your posted model attributes
if ($model->load($_POST)) {
// read or convert your posted information. Based on the 'name' property set in the view. So this 'tema' of $model-> tema comes from 'name' property set in the view.
$value = $model->tema;
// return JSON encoded output in the below format
return ['output'=>$value, 'message'=>'output berhasil'];
// alternatively you can return a validation error
// return ['output'=>'', 'message'=>'Validation error'];
// else if nothing to do always return an empty JSON encoded output
else {
return ['output'=>'', 'message'=>'output gagal'];
return $this->render('index', [
'searchModel' => $searchModel,
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
The view
echo Editable::widget([
'model' => $model,
'attribute' => 'tema',
'type' => 'post',
'valueIfNull'=>'value-nya NULL',
'size'=> 'lg',
'inputType' => Editable::INPUT_TEXT,
'editableValueOptions' => ['class' => 'text-success h3']
]); ?>
Another issue, whenever I used 'asPopover'=>'false', it shows no error but nothing happen when I click the supposedly editable-input field. The editable-inline field just won't show up. When I use the popOver option,the pop-up just automatically triggered without clicking and also it pop-up on the top left corner of the page. Only after I clicked on the editable widget that triggered the pop-up will it recorrect itself to the proper position. Is it a bug? I used the latest Yii2 with bootstrap 4, and I had set the global parameter in params.php config with 'bsVersion' => '4.x', as in the documentation
In the Controller, try this:
public function actionIndex()
$searchModel = new HomeSearch();
$dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams);
if (isset($_POST['hasEditable']))
$tema = Yii::$app->request->post('editableKey');
$modelHome = Home::findOne($tema);
$posted = current($_POST['Home']);
$post = ['Home' => $posted];
if ($modelHome->load($post)) {
$out = Json::encode(['output'=>$modelHome->tema, 'message'=>'']);
return $out;
return $this->render('index', [
'searchModel' => $searchModel,
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,

How can i skip unique field in Yii2?

I have a unique field that I check when editing or adding a new training course. But, for some reason, when I enter a value in a field, it does not show me a hint that the field is already taken.
In addition, I need to do this: when I change the values and did not change this unique field, but left it as it is, then the validor should not swear that the field is already taken.
InfCourses Model:
public function rules()
return [
[['name', 'short_description', 'price', 'favorite', 'active', 'course_order', 'link'], 'required'],
[['price', 'active'], 'integer'],
[['favorite'], 'string'],
[['name', 'short_description', 'link'], 'string', 'max' => 255],
[['active'], 'exist', 'skipOnError' => true, 'targetClass' => InfStatuses::className(), 'targetAttribute' => ['active' => 'id']],
[['course_order'], 'integer', 'min' => 1],
['course_order'], 'unique',
'targetAttribute' => ['course_order'],
'filter' => ['!=', 'id', Yii::$app->request->get('id')],
Validator in InfCoursesController:
public function actionValidate()
$model = new InfCourses();
if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax && $model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
return ActiveForm::validate($model);
Part of form code:
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin([
'enableAjaxValidation' => true,
'validationUrl' => 'validate',
'options' => [
'data-pjax' => true,
]); ?>
Your validation is simply incorrect. You're using Yii::$app->request->get('id') in your rules, which is probably main source of your problems. Model should not access request or web user component directly - it breaks MVC pattern. Also putting values directly in rules in this way may give you unexpected results. You should check what query is generated by this validator, because it is hard to guess what is happening with such twisted rule.
But it may be easier to fix actionValidate() and distinguish between validating of new record and validating existing record:
public function actionValidate($id = null) {
if (empty($id)) {
$model = new InfCourses();
} else {
$model = $this->findModel($id);
if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax && $model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
return ActiveForm::validate($model);
Then you can limit your unique rule to:
[['course_order'], 'unique'],
Validator will be smart enough to detect that it is validating existing record and will not report unchanged fields values as duplicates. You just need to provide record ID in this action URL.
Well... I cut code below to each action: create/update.
if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax && $model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
return ActiveForm::validate($model);
Then remove validationUrl from form component. Inside model i make this rule [['course_order'],'unique']... Working fine...

How to make the field reuired in Yii2 recaptcha google extension himiklab

I am using extension himiklab for yii2 recaptcha, which is similar to the google one. I want to set this field as required field in my rules. When I set it as below it is not validating even If I don't click the checkbox.
[['reCaptcha'], 'required'],
['reCaptcha', \himiklab\yii2\recaptcha\ReCaptchaValidator::className(), 'secret' => '***','skipOnEmpty' => false],
<?= $form->field($model, 'reCaptcha')->widget(
['siteKey' => '6LeY1BAUAAAAALThRhBQ-sJaXbP0Z5i9XFuaz_VW']
)->label(false); ?>
public function actionSignup()
$browser = new Browser;
if( $browser->getBrowser() == Browser::BROWSER_IE && $browser->getVersion() < 11 )
return $this->render('browser');
$company = new Company();
$model = new SimUser(['scenario' => SimUser::SCENARIO_REGISTER]);
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())&& $model->validate() && $company->load(Yii::$app->request->post())&& $company->validate()) {
$model->scenario = SimUser::SCENARIO_REGISTER;
// $model->setCaptcha($model->captcha);
$token = Yii::$app->security->generateRandomString();
$model->user_access_token = $token;
$model->user_verify = 1;
// $company->save();
$model->company_id = 3;
// $model->save();
$model->user_id = 44;
if ($model->validate()){
// $auth = Yii::$app->authManager;
// $authorRole = $auth->getRole('Company Admin');
// $auth->assign($authorRole, $model->user_id);
$path = 'C:/wamp/www/';
Yii::$app->mailer->compose('#app/mail/layouts/verify',['model' => $model, 'path' => $path,'token' => $model->user_access_token])
->setSubject('Welcome to Qsims'.$model->user_fname." ".$model->user_lname.'. Verify your account to continue')
->setTextBody('Verify Account')
// \Yii::$app->user->login($model);
return $this->redirect(['site/verify-new']);
return $this->render('signup', [
'model' => $model,
'company' => $company,
Where am I going wrong?
Add this to the model
Public $reCaptcha;
add this to rules
['reCaptcha', 'reCaptchaValidator']
call the custom validation
public function reCaptchaValidator($attribute)
$validator = new ReCaptchaValidator;
if (!$validator->validate($this->reCaptcha, $error)) {
$this->addError($attribute, $error);

In CakePHP3 how do I create a custom model rule which validates that a time is after another time in the same table?

Columns (both datatype time):
End cannot be before start.
->requirePresence('end', 'create')
->add('end', [
'time' => [
'rule' => 'time',
'message' => 'end can only accept times.'
'dependency' => [
'rule' => [$this, 'endBeforeStart'],
'message' => 'end can not be before start.'
If it is a PUT request which only contains end, the model will need to query the existing record to compare against start. If it is a PUT which contains both then it need to validate against the intended new parameter.
How does cakePHP3 do this?
private function endBeforeStart($fieldValueToBeValidated, $dataRelatedToTheValidationProcess)
//What goes here?
I can't seem to find any examples of doing this online.
I'm not quite sure and haven't tested it, but maybe this gives you some hints:
->add('end', [
'endBeforeStart' => [
'rule' => function ($value, $context) {
// If it's a POST (new entry):
if ( $context['newRecord'] == '1' ) {
// Do your comparison here
// Input values are e.g. in $context['data']['starttime']
// If end is before start:
return false;
// If it's a PUT (update):
else {
// If starttime is not in $context['data']['starttime']
// check for the old value in $getOldEntry
$getOldEntry = $this->getOldEntry( $context['data']['id'] );
// And do your comparison here...
// If end is before start:
return false;
return true;
'message' => 'end can not be before start.' ],
public function getOldEntry($id = null) {
return $this->get($id);
I'm also not sure if the last function has to be private or public...

How to save data in model using Yii2 grid with Editable column

Can anyone help on editable column in gridview.I am using Yii2 and stuck with it.
I can't save data in my model.I can post from gridview column.
In my grid view:
$gridColumns= [
'class' => 'kartik\grid\EditableColumn',
'pageSummary' => true,
'editableOptions'=> [
'header' => 'profile',
'format' => Editable::FORMAT_BUTTON,
'inputType' => Editable::INPUT_DROPDOWN_LIST,
'data'=> $StatusList,
// 'date_sdv_performed',
'class' => 'kartik\grid\EditableColumn',
'editableOptions' => [
'header' => 'Date Sdv Performed',
'widgetClass'=> 'kartik\datecontrol\DateControl',
'class' => 'kartik\grid\EditableColumn',
'hAlign' => 'top',
'vAlign' => 'middle',
'headerOptions' => ['class' => 'kv-sticky-column'],
'contentOptions' => ['class' => 'kv-sticky-column'],
'pageSummary' => true,
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'filterModel' => $searchModel,
'toolbar' => [
'columns' => $gridColumns
In my controller action:
public function actionMonitoring($site_name)
$this->layout = 'sdv-carolina-main';
$Countries = new Countries;
$model = new Flagging;
$searchModel = new FlaggingSearch();
$dataProvider = $searchModel->monitoringsearch($site_name);
$allocatedsites = new AllocatedSites;
if (Yii::$app->request->post('hasEditable'))
$model = $this->findModel($model['flagging_id']);
$out = Json::encode(['output'=>'', 'message'=>'']);
$post = [];
$posted = current($_POST['Flagging']);
$post['Flagging'] = $posted;
if ($model->load($post)) {
$output = '';
if (isset($posted['sdv_status']))
$output = $model->sdv_status;
$out = Json::encode(['output'=>$output, 'message'=>'']);
echo $out;
return $this->render('monitoring',
'searchModel' => $searchModel,
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'Countries' => $Countries,
'allocatedsites' => $allocatedsites,
The problem is I can't update my model because of I can't get the id.
I just need the id to update specific row.How can I get the id while using editable column?
Thanks in advance.
Actually the solution is easy. I just need the id of that specific row to update that.And in my ajax post I got something like this:
Flagging[0][status] NO
_csrf TlhyUm5kajAoNxgVNy0/ZCoyHApZUlNUFh0rB1gRPGoAFSIdGSAifQ==
editableIndex 0
editableKey 13
hasEditable 1
and found the editableKey is the id of that specific row!
Now in my controller I write down this code given below:
$model = $this->findModel($_id);
Here $_id is the posted editableKey value which is the id of the specific row.
and with the id I use it to get the specific model and just update data based on that id.
