Shorthand return - go

The following code generates a syntax error (unexpected ++ at end of statement) in Go 1.6 or 1.7:
package main
import "fmt"
var x int
func increment() int {
return x++ // not allowed
func main() {
fmt.Println( increment() )
Shouldn't this be permitted?

It's an error, because the ++ and -- in Go are statements, not expressions: Spec: IncDec Statements (and statements have no results that would be returned).
For reasoning, see Go FAQ: Why are ++ and -- statements and not expressions? And why postfix, not prefix?
Without pointer arithmetic, the convenience value of pre- and postfix increment operators drops. By removing them from the expression hierarchy altogether, expression syntax is simplified and the messy issues around order of evaluation of ++ and -- (consider f(i++) and p[i] = q[++i]) are eliminated as well. The simplification is significant. As for postfix vs. prefix, either would work fine but the postfix version is more traditional; insistence on prefix arose with the STL, a library for a language whose name contains, ironically, a postfix increment.
So the code you wrote can only be written as:
func increment() int {
return x
And you have to call it without passing anything:
Note that we would be tempted to still try to write it in one line using an assignment, e.g.:
func increment() int {
return x += 1 // Compile-time error!
But this also doesn't work in Go, because the assignment is also a statement, and thus you get a compile-time error:
syntax error: unexpected += at end of statement

The accepted solution is right that the OP's code does not work because in go increment/decrement(x++/x--) statements are expressions that don't return a value.
However the solution presented has a slightly different effect than the original request.
x++ would return the value of x then increment in C like syntax.
however the opposite would happen if you do it this way:
return x
You can negate that issue by reducing your initial value by one or by using a defer statement as written here:
func incr() int {
defer func() { counter++ }()
return counter


Is it possible to get a single value from a function (which has multiple return values) during a statement?

Lets say for example add(int, int) returns and int and an error, and I want to append the int return value into a string. The way I know how to do it in go is:
foo := ""
bar, _ := add(1, 2)
foo += strconv.Itoa(bar)
However, if add() didn't return an error variable, I can just do foo += strconv.Itoa(add(1, 2)).
Is it possible to ignore the error variable during the statement to do something like that?
Is it possible to ignore the error variable during the statement to do something like that?
No, Go offers no language construct for something like this.
(But you can have your own Must... functions like you'll find in package regexp or text/template.)
Disclaimer (my opinion): This answer is just for fun. I don't recommend ever using this. Ignoring errors is bad, and trying to compactify every line of code is a fool's errand. This just illustrates some interesting concepts about how Go handles multiple return values, and I learned something new while writing this, so I thought I'd share.
Related: The more practical cousin of this problem is the "Must pattern", used by some of the standard library including templates. It involves taking a value and an error, panicing if the error is not nil, and then returning the value. See this (currently frozen) proposal
You need a wrapper function to do this. The multiple return values will automatically expand to fill the arguments.
See this example which matches the types of add()
func ignoreError(i int, err error) int {
return i
foo := ""
foo += strconv.Itoa(ignoreError(add(1, 2)))
Here's a more general alternative, which will take any number of values from another function and return the first.
func takeFirstValue(v ...interface{}) interface{} {
if len(v) == 0 {
return nil
return v[0]
foo := ""
foo += strconv.Itoa(takeFirstValue(add(1, 2)).(int))
This option requires casting at the call site .(int) to restore the data type, as takeFirstValue returns interface{}.

Return input variables in golang

I just got started with Golang, and I saw the typical swap function example:
func swap(x, y string) (string, string) {
return y, x
I automatically thought that the named returns could have solved it and that it was a sweeter example, so I tried the shorter version:
package main
import "fmt"
func swap(z, y int) (z, y int) {
func main() {
fmt.Println(swap(2, 3))
But to by my surprise it didn't compile complaining about a duplicate argument. Why is not possible to return an input argument? Am I doing something wrong or it is just not supported?
I thought this was a totally valid use case and that it could have been many other examples for this usage.
I'm also a Golang beginner. Here's what I managed to find out.
The problem is essentially, that you declare two variables named z, then expect them to be unified. This is not supported, and in fact would go against the main goal of named return types, which is to document the meaning of the values returned.
To explain in more detail, this is a bit like writing the following code:
func badFunction(a int) int {
var a int = 0
return a
A variable is declared twice, and this is confusing for Go. If we look at what the 'tour of go' has to say about named return values, we can see the issue. It's not the greatest source, but it's a source nonetheless:
Go's return values may be named. If so, they are treated as variables defined at the top of the function.
That is to say, your example is almost exactly like badFunction. To the compiler, it looks a bit like this:
func swap(a, b int) (int, int) {
var a int = 0
var b int = 0
return b, a
Naturally, the compiler complains about a redeclared in block, which is a related though admittedly not equal error. The error message you receive there appears to essentially be a pre-check to prevent the user from seeing the code produced when desugared.
As this Stackoverflow question reports, named return values should essentially be for documentation only. However, it does mention the possibility of accidental shadowing. It may be that an earlier Go version supported this, but has since been changed to prevent bugs due to this kind of name collision, however I have not found anything pertaining to this.
The effective go section on the topic also has something to say:
The return or result "parameters" of a Go function can be given names and used as regular variables, just like the incoming parameters. When named, they are initialized to the zero values for their types when the function begins; if the function executes a return statement with no arguments, the current values of the result parameters are used as the returned values.
The names are not mandatory but they can make code shorter and clearer: they're documentation.
TL;DR: The compiler doesn't unify names in the way you might expect. This kind of implicit shadowing not supported, and should be actively avoided to prevent certain easily avoidable bugs.
I guess problem is not in returning input argument, but in names duplication: y and z are declared twice on the same level and compiler cannot distinguish.
When you declare a variable in return type, Go compiler would consider that, you are declaring the variable there for future use.
Now when the compiler sees the same variable name in both input & return part, it will report a duplicate argument issue.
You can try the working example below, if you want to
func swap(x, y string) (a string, b string) {
a = y
b = x
You can do this way
func checkError(err *error) (bool, *error) {
if err != nil {
return false, err
} else {
return false, nil
or if you really want to use variable, this way
func checkError(err *error) (result bool, err_msg *error) {
if err != nil {
return false, err
} else {
return false, nil

Why does adding parentheses in if condition results in compile error?

The following Go code runs OK:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
if j := 9; j > 0 {
But after adding parentheses in condition:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
if (j := 9; j > 0) {
There is compile error:
.\Hello.go:7: syntax error: unexpected :=, expecting )
.\Hello.go:11: syntax error: unexpected }
Why does the compiler complain about it?
The answer is not simply "because Go doesn't need parentheses"; see that the following example is a valid Go syntax:
j := 9
if (j > 0) {
Go Spec: If statements:
IfStmt = "if" [ SimpleStmt ";" ] Expression Block [ "else" ( IfStmt | Block ) ] .
The difference between my example and yours is that my example only contains the Expression block. Expressions can be parenthesized as you want to (it will not be well formatted, but that is another question).
In your example you specified both the Simple statement and the Expression block. If you put the whole into parentheses, the compiler will try to interpret the whole as the Expression Block to which this does not qualify:
Expression = UnaryExpr | Expression binary_op UnaryExpr .
j > 0 is a valid expression, j := 9; j > 0 is not a valid expression.
Even j := 9 in itself is not an expression, it is a Short variable declaration. Moreover the simple assignment (e.g. j = 9) is not an expression in Go but a statement (Spec: Assignments). Note that assignment is usually an expression in other languages like C, Java etc.). This is the reason why for example the following code is also invalid:
x := 3
y := (x = 4)
Because that is how the Go syntax defines an if statement.
IfStmt = "if" [ SimpleStmt ";" ] Expression Block [ "else" ( IfStmt |
Block ) ] .
And from Effective Go:
Go needs fewer parentheses than C and Java: control
structures (if, for, switch) do not have parentheses in their syntax.
Control structures
The control structures of Go are related to those of C but differ in
important ways. There is no do or while loop, only a slightly
generalized for; switch is more flexible; if and switch accept an
optional initialization statement like that of for; break and continue
statements take an optional label to identify what to break or
continue; and there are new control structures including a type switch
and a multiway communications multiplexer, select. The syntax is also
slightly different: there are no parentheses and the bodies must
always be brace-delimited.
(Emphasis added)

Compare function values in Go

Normal use of function variables in Go allows them to be compared only to nil, not to one another. The reason for this (as it's been explained to me) is that, since Go has closures, the definition of equality is fuzzy. If I have two different closures with different values bound to local variables, but which use the same underlying function, should they be considered equal or unequal?
However, I do want to be able to make such a comparison. In particular, I have code like this (except, in my real code, the check is actually necessary - this is just a dummy example), where I compare a function pointer to a function literal:
func getFunc(which bool) (func ()) {
if which {
return func1
} else {
return func2
func func1() { }
func func2() { }
f := getFunc(true)
if f == func1 {
} else {
Is there any way, for example using the reflect or unsafe packages, to get this to work?
You could compare the functions by name:
f := getFunc(true)
f1 := runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(f).Pointer()).Name()
f2 := runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(func1).Pointer()).Name()
if f1 == f2 {
} else {
But this relies on both the reflect and runtime packages. Probably not a good idea to do this.
Do you really need to compare functions? I would consider an alternative if possible.
Extending upon #Luke's answer, it appears that I can directly test pointer equality. Note that this is really iffy. To quote the reflect.Value.Pointer() documentation:
If v's Kind is Func, the returned pointer is an underlying code
pointer, but not necessarily enough to identify a single function
uniquely. The only guarantee is that the result is zero if and only if
v is a nil func Value.
That said, here's what you can do:
f := getFunc(true)
f1 := reflect.ValueOf(f).Pointer()
f2 := reflect.ValueOf(func1).Pointer()
eq := f1 == f2
Note that I did run a battery of tests (which I had used to regression-test the code that resulted from #Luke's answer) against this new version, and they all passed, which leads me to believe that the warning issued in the reflect documentation may be OK to ignore, but then, ignoring documentation is really never a good idea...
If all the functions you want to compare have the same signature, you could do something like this:
type cmpFunc struct {
f func()
id uint64
func (c *cmpFunc) call() { c.f() }
func (c *cmpFunc) equals(other *cmpFunc) { return == }
makeComparable(f func()) *cmpFunc {
return &cmpFunc{f, get_uniq_id()}
Where get_uniq_id does what it says on the box. This gets a bit uglier because Go doesn't have () overloading, and it's more or less impossible without generics if you want to do this for functions in general. But this should work pretty well for your purposes.

How do I compare two functions for pointer equality in the latest Go weekly?

In Go, is there any way to compare two non-nil function pointers to test for equality? My standard of equality is pointer equality. If not, is there any particular reason why pointer equality is not allowed?
As of now, if I attempt to do this in the straight-forward way:
package main
import "fmt"
func SomeFun() {
func main() {
fmt.Println(SomeFun == SomeFun)
I get
./func-pointers.go:12: invalid operation: SomeFun == SomeFun (func can only be compared to nil)
It is my understanding that this behavior was introduced recently.
I've found an answer using the reflect package; however Atom suggests below that this actually produces undefined behavior. See Atom's post for more info and a possible alternative solution.
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
func SomeFun() { }
func AnotherFun() { }
func main() {
sf1 := reflect.ValueOf(SomeFun)
sf2 := reflect.ValueOf(SomeFun)
fmt.Println(sf1.Pointer() == sf2.Pointer())
af1 := reflect.ValueOf(AnotherFun)
fmt.Println(sf1.Pointer() == af1.Pointer())
Note that there is a difference between equality and identity. The operators == and != in Go1 are comparing the values for equivalence (except when comparing channels), not for identity. Because these operators are trying not to mix equality and identity, Go1 is more consistent than pre-Go1 in this respect.
Function equality is different from function identity.
One reason for not allowing == and != on function types is performance. For example, the following closure is not using any variables from its environment:
f := func(){fmt.Println("foo")}
Disallowing comparisons of functions enables the compiler to generate a single implementation for the closure, instead of requiring the run-time to create a new closure (at run-time). So, from performance viewpoint the decision to disallow function comparisons was a good decision.
In relation to using the reflect package to determine function identity, a code like
func SomeFun() {}
func AnotherFun() {}
func main() {
sf1 := reflect.ValueOf(SomeFun)
sf2 := reflect.ValueOf(SomeFun)
fmt.Println(sf1.Pointer() == sf2.Pointer()) // Prints true
af1 := reflect.ValueOf(AnotherFun)
fmt.Println(sf1.Pointer() == af1.Pointer()) // Prints false
relies on undefined behavior. There are no guarantees as to what the program will print. The compiler may decide that it will merge SomeFun and AnotherFun into a single implementation, in which case the 2nd print statement would print true. In fact, there is absolutely no guarantee that the 1st print statement will print true (it may, under some other Go1 compiler and run-time, print false).
A correct answer to your original question is:
package main
import "fmt"
func F1() {}
func F2() {}
var F1_ID = F1 // Create a *unique* variable for F1
var F2_ID = F2 // Create a *unique* variable for F2
func main() {
f1 := &F1_ID // Take the address of F1_ID
f2 := &F2_ID // Take the address of F2_ID
// Compare pointers
fmt.Println(f1 == f1) // Prints true
fmt.Println(f1 == f2) // Prints false
The workaround depends on the situtation. I had to change a couple of places where I was comparing functions. In once case I just did something different so I wouldn't need to compare them any more. In another case I used a struct to associate functions with comparable strings, something like,
type nameFunc struct {
name string
fval func()
I only had a couple of functions I needed to compare so it was simplest to keep a slice of these structs and scan the slice as needed, comparing the name field and dispatching fval. If you have very many you might use a map instead. If your functions have different signatures you could use interfaces, and so on.
Map and function value comparisons are now disallowed (except for
comparison with nil) as per the Go 1 plan. Function equality was
problematic in some contexts and map equality compares pointers, not
the maps' content.
Function equality was problematic in the presence of closures (when
are two closures equal?)
