Wait for an ajax request to complete in React? - ajax

Below is my react code I want that firstly the ajax code should execute then the rest of the code should execute.
expected output in console:
inside ajax
outside ajax
current output in console :
outside ajax
inside ajax
import React from 'react';
import request from 'superagent'
const UserItems = () => {
.then((res, err) => {
if (err) {
console.log("errror found")
var data = JSON.parse(res.text)
console.log("inside ajax")
console.log("outside ajax")
export default UserItems;
Any suggestion !!!

As hainguyen points out, ajax is typically asynchronous so the code afterwards will run until the request is complete, at which time the inner function is executed. So the outer console logs will almost certainly run first in your code. While there are ways around this as hainguyen points out, most recommend against it. Ajax is something which takes time, and therefore your code structure should reflect that. If you ever find yourself wanting to run code while the ajax request is in process, you might dislike a synchronous structure. My "I wait for no one" log shows the power of an asynchronous approach since that logic will run quickly while you would normally be waiting on the request without being able to do anything.
Rather than make it synchronous why not use functions to handle the asynchronous behavior better like wrapping whatever you want to run after the inside console log in a function: (I called it outside()) This will output "inside ajax", "outside ajax". This way you can create dependencies on your ajax return and still have the option for running stuff in the meantime.
import React from 'react';
import request from 'superagent';
const UserItems = () => {
.then((res, err) => {
if (err) {
console.log("errror found");
var data = JSON.parse(res.text);
console.log("inside ajax");
function outside(){
console.log("outside ajax");
console.log("I wait for no one, run me as quick as possible!");
export default UserItems;

I don't know about request library but ajax is async by default. If you want ajax perform sync request, you should do something like this:
function getRemote() {
return $.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: remote_url,
async: false
Important line: async: false


Django render template on AJAX success

I am trying to make a web application based on Django that takes user input and performs Heavy background task that completes in almost five to ten minutes. When the background task is completed, few parameters are supplied to the template to render. Everything works fine and the page loads after that.
But when I am trying to use AJAX for this as it does'nt seems good that the page is loading for so long due to background heavy processing, I am not able to figure out how to reload the page (Though I am able to show an alert on completion but instead of this I want to re-render the page)
Here is my views.py code:
def index(request):
#All Background process code goes here
return render(request, 'form.html', {'scanResults' : scanResults, 'context_list' : context_list, 'scanSummary' : scanSummary})
Here is my AJAX call
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).on('submit','#scanForm', function(e){
type: 'POST',
url: '/scanner/',
data: {
email: $('#email').val(),
context: $('#context').val(),
alert('Scan Completed');
I am not able to figure out, what should I write in success function to reload the page that index function has returned to template.
My main motive is to show a progress bar that tells the progress of process in background (I have'nt implemented the code yet )and once the process is completed , refresh the page with response.
Thank You
If you want to check the progress of a process you may need a polling mechanism
as a solution.
This requires you to have a Model that has a state to determine if your scan
is still in progress or has succeeded.
Since you will reload the page to display the results, you should have
a logic in your index view to return a different template or context
for when a user has yet to start scanning and when the scanning is successful.
from django.http import JsonResponse
def index(request):
if status == 'success':
# `status` may come from a Model which has a state .
# If `status` is 'success' this means that your scanning has
# finished so you can have a different page or update context_list
# based on success data.
# Display input form
form = scannerForm()
return render(request, 'form.html', {
'form': form,
'context_list' : context_list,
'scanSummary' : scanSummary
You need a view to continuously check the scan status and returns a JSON response.
def scanner(request):
#All Background process code goes here
form = scannerForm(request.POST)
status = form.perform_task()
# During the task, your Model state should also be
# updated and return the status whether it is success, pending or failed etc..
return JsonResponse({
'status': status,
Run the ajax poll to check the scanner view.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).on('submit','#scanForm', function(e){
function checkScanStatus () {
type: 'POST',
url: '/scanner/',
data: {
email: $('#email').val(),
context: $('#context').val(),
csrfmiddlewaretoken: $('input[name=csrfmiddlewaretoken]').val(),
success: handleCheckScanStatus,
error: handleScanError
function handleCheckScanStatus (result) {
if (result.status == 'success') {
// Reload the page and display the condition you set for 'success' state
// on the `index` view.
} else {
// Show progress bar indicating that the process running in the background
const interval = 5000; // Five seconds
window.setTimeout(checkScanStatus, interval);
function handleScanError (response) {
I would suggest to look into django celery for async tasks and django-fsm for transitioning model states.
If you just want a simple loader and do not need the check the specific status of your background task, you can use jQuery AJAX's beforeSend method to display a progress bar until the AJAX request finishes.

async ajax call - show loading gif

I'm using ajax to call a POST method in my controller. On average, this method runs between 15 and 20 seconds.
I'm using aync false in that call because I need to wait the answer to know which way to go. But, when i using async false my loading (gif) isn't showed.
$(document).ajaxStart(function() {
$(document).ajaxStop(function() {
What is the best way to resolve it?
I have the save function that performs multiple validations and calls the method in the controller:
function salvarInformacoes(pedidos, ums, callback) {
url: 'PlanoCortes/SalvarInformacoes',
type: 'POST',
data: {
sglDeposito: $("#ddl-Deposito option:selected").text(),
codUnimetPCP: $('#ddl-Um-sip').val(),
numEtapa: $("#ddl-Operacao").val(),
rotinaUM: $('#chk-Rotina-UM').is(":checked"),
dscEtapa: $("#ddl-Operacao option:selected").text(),
dadosPedidosJson: pedidos,
dadosUMsJson: ums,
corteVirtual: corteVirtual
success: callback
function salvar() {
var resultado = false;
salvarInformacoes(JSON.stringify(pedidos), JSON.stringify(ums), myCallback);
function myCallback(retorno) {
if (retorno.success != false) {
else {
resultado = false;
resultado = true;
return resultado;
Before the method "myCallback" is called, the function return false. In this way, the code inside the statement below is never executed:
if (salvar()) {
What is the best way to resolve it?
Don't use async: false.
The browser doesn't show the changes because async: false makes the operation not asynchronous and locks the browser. Keep asynchronous code asynchronous and you can do other things while that code is executing.
I need to wait the answer to know which way to go.
This is the result of a design flaw somewhere in the code. You might try looking through the question and answers here for some help. Essentially you don't want to block the client-side code while waiting for the response, but instead want to handle the response when it arrives.

How to mock an ajax call in mocha using sinon without setting timeout on a ractive component using reflux store

I have a working ractive component test case already with mocha using sinon ans able to mock an ajax call but with the help of setTimeout(function(){}, 100) and I dont like using it.
beforeEach(function () {
this.container = document.createElement('div');
this.server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
{ "Content-Type": "application/json" },
'{"data": []}'
afterEach(function () {
it("should fetch data from server", function (done) {
var server = this.server;
var Component = require('rvc!path/to/component');
var component = new Component({
el: this.container,
setTimeout( function() {
expect(component.findAll('.list li').length).to.equal(7);
}, 100);
As you can see in the code above, I'm using the setTimeout to make sure that the ajax call (mock) was made before having the actual test of the component.
Is there a way that I can eliminate the setTimeout having the same effect? Thanks!
Assuming that your http request is happening in the component, then it won't get the data until the next tick of the event loop.
One approach is to use setTimeout as you have done, but you probably can lower the timeout (use autoRespondAfter to adjust the sinon response delay).
If your component code supports it, an approach that seems well suited to your use case from the sinon fakeServer docs would be to use the respondImmediately option:
If set, the server will respond to every request immediately and
synchronously. This is ideal for faking the server from within a test
without having to call server.respond() after each request made in
that test. As this is synchronous and immediate, this is not suitable
for simulating actual network latency in tests or mockups.
this.server = sinon.fakeServer.create({ respondImmediately: true })
// now no need to call server.respond() and calls are returned synchronously!

How to run a consuming process before sending data with ajax and jquery on the background with the spinner running?

I am trying to send data to server using ajax, but the problem is that I have a consuming process before sending the data.
The process takes about 5 seconds and the spinner has to run in the process.
So in my code the spinner doesnt show until the ajax call starts (probably because the process is blocking everything)
If I move the call "consumingprocess" into "beforesend", then it doesnt work and I am not sure why.
So the question is how to show the spinner, while everything is beeing called (the consumingprocess and the ajax call)
This is my code:
$("#btnAccept").bind("click", function(event, ui) {
//start spinner, works fine but only shows after consumingprocess has finished
$.mobile.loading( 'show' );
var data = consmuingprocess();
// data is fine
type : "POST",
url : url,
dataType : "xml",
contentType : "text/xml;charset=UTF-8",
data : data,
requestHeaders : {
Origin : '*'
crossDomain : true,
beforeSend : function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
error : errorAJAX,
success : parseXml
What you can do is
call your loading window
delay so the loading window has a chance to display
run the rest of your code.
You would do this using an interval:
$("#btnAccept").bind("click", function(event, ui) {
var intervalId;
function delayedStuff = function() {
// make sure we only run this once
var data = consmuingprocess();
// set up your ajax request and handlers
$.mobile.loading( 'show' );
// wait 1/2 second, then run delayedStuff
intervalId = window.setInterval(delayedStuff, 500);
But this technique comes with an important caveat: while your very expensive consumingProcess function is running, all animations and javascript still comes to a halt. On Chrome, even animated gifs stop running. All we've done here is just given your page changes a chance to display.
There are a couple of possible solutions available:
Take a closer look at your consumingprocess() function and see if it can be optimized. There is probably a faster way to do whatever it is you're doing that's taking so long.
Use WebWorkers. The downside is compatibility: IE and most older browsers don't support it. I haven't done multi-threaded programming with JavaScript at all, so I don't know how effective this is.

request.html in local file gets status = 0

I'm making a functional mockup using mootools,and in this prototype I have to load an html file via request.HTML, but as soon as I run the script, the call never reaches the onSuccess due to the state = 0.
The blame could be that the request is treated as a violation of the crossdomain.
So I was wondering if is out there a way to work it around?
this is the code I use for performing the request
req = new Request.HTML({
url: "detail.html",
onFailure: function(a) { console.log("iFailed: " + a); },
onSuccess: function(r3, rEls, rHTML, rJS) {
console.log("It worked!!");
onComplete: function() { console.log('completed'); }
as I run this it always goes into the onFailure and in the onComplete without hitting the onSuccess.
I need this to work with safari, because the mock shall work on an iphone/ipad/ipod.
thx a ton
in the end I managed it bu injecting an iframe via js, instead of populating the div via ajax.
it's kind of lame and it sucks a lot, but at least it work and it's good for prototyping purposes.
