Play Games scope with email scope. Is there consent screen on my games? - google-play-games

I want to use /oauth2/v2/userinfo API for getting id field.
e.g. "id": "numbers",
I have a web service(not game), and I want to identify my web users on game.
So I wrote the following code.
GoogleApiClient.Builder builder = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(mActivity)
.addScope(new Scope(""));
I read this article.
I have a question.
Is there consent screen required on my games?
Is this code Ok?
Should I only use Game scope?


Xamarin.Forms Accessibilty VoiceReader

Quick question.
When it comes to Xamarin Forms, I noticed that if there is an alert called from the ViewModel
DisplayAlertAsync("Title","Message", "Ok");
That the voice assistant only auto reads the first parameter of DisplayAlertAsync ("title") and does not auto-advance to the following parameters.
So, a temporary solution I did was concatenate the 1st and 2nd parameters into the 2nd parameter, so that VoiceReader auto reads both the title and message for accessibility users.
DisplayAlertAsync("" ,"Title"+ "\n"+ Message", "Ok");
Is there a way to keep the traditional DisplayAlertAsync("Title","Message", "Ok"); parameter assignment, and have VoiceReader auto advance to the following parameters?
What you are looking at is expected behavior. Since Xamarin Forms uses Native APIs, so the alert dialog in the native platforms also does the same thing- Whenever you open a new page/alert, it should read the Title of that view.
For the most part, what you want to keep an eye out for is images & icons, you have to override the description of those items.
Q. Is there a way to keep the traditional DisplayAlertAsync("Title","Message", "Ok"); parameter assignment, and have VoiceOver/TalkBack auto advance to the following parameters?
A. No there isn't, you would have to create your own custom renderer if you want the reader to read everything.

microsoft bot framework to open a url without user intervention

There are hero card or thumbnail card examples where you can render a button to open a URL like below
new builder.ThumbnailCard(session)
.title('Brian Mathew')
.subtitle('CIO, Logistics')
.text('San Francisco Bay Area - 30 Mutual Connections')
builder.CardImage.create(session, '')
builder.CardAction.openUrl(session, '', 'More Details')
However, in my use case, I do not want to show any button for an explicit call and simply let user take to the url. Take it like saying Open I could not find a way to do that plz advise
As said by #JasonSowers, for obvious security reasons, this is not possible.
Or it would be the spammest feature ever!

show all options using prompt.choice

I'm using PromptDialog.Choice to show options to user. The problem is :
I've 4 options but only 3 of them are showed. If user wants to see the last option, must use scroll. My bot is configured for messenger channel.
I've this :
var dialog = new PromptDialog.PromptChoice<string>(options, "I can assist you with : ", "Sorry, that wans't a valid option", 2);
context.Call(dialog, UserChose);
How to override PromptStyler to get this done ?
I want to show all the options to user when prompt is created without scroll.
Is that possible ?
EDIT after Ezequiel's comment:
If you use PromptStyle.Keyboard, you will automatically get a correct display as the QuickReply style is now supported by the framework:
Initial answer:
If you are only using Facebook Messenger channel, you may use Ezequiel Jadib's Quick Replies implementation:
It uses Facebook's ChannelData to set up real quick replies that Facebook Messenger displays in a good look-and-feel:
You can read more info on this blog post:

Book an appointment via a bot - which cards/attachments?

I'd like my bot to take the user through the process of booking an appointment. I want almost exactly the flow show on the home page of the
However I cannot seem to find the right attachment types to represent the list of buttons or the follow up details with the 'Book now' button. Can anyone tell me which types of attachment/card these are?
List of buttons:
It doesn't look like FB Messenger. On Telegram, a HeroCard without an image would look this way (separate messages). Otherwise a SigninCard may do.
Bottom card:
ThumbnailCard card = new ThumbnailCard() {
activity.Attachments = new List<Attachment>() {

Removing state name from auto suggestion list so that user selects particular area/city

I am using the google places api to create a textbox that is input field for user to select his/her preferred location. I want that user specifies the exact area name where he lives.
The problem is google places api gives me:
1.Mumbai (State Name)
2.Mumbai Vashi (City in Mumbai)
3.Mumbai Thane (City in Mumbai)
I want to remove the first option OR all the state name like Mumbai, Hyderabad, Karnataka so that user only has choice to select his area/city.
I am fairly new to UI and google places api. Please help.
function initAutocomplete() {
var options = {
componentRestrictions: { country: "IN" }
// Create the search box and link it to the UI element.
var input = document.getElementById('pac-input');
var searchBox = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);
<script src=""
async defer></script>
I am using google places api javascript.
Are you using the Google Places API Web Service, the Google Places API Javascript Library, the Google Places API for Android, or the Google Places API for iOS?
Assuming you're using the Web Service, then you want to use the types=(cities) parameter in your Place Autocomplete requests. For example:
The (cities) type, and other types like (regions), are documented in Google Developers guide for Place Autocomplete.
