How to get additional Form error messages translated in ZF2? - validation

I have a Form where I have to perform a validation after the basic form validation (extending/overriding the Form#isValid(...)). If this "post-validation validation" fails, I add an error message to the Form like this:
MyForm extends Form
protected $errorMessages = [];
public function isValid()
$isValidBasic = parent::isValid();
$isValidAdditional = ...;
if (! $isValidAdditional) {
$this->addErrorMessage('my custom error message');
return $isValidBasic && $isValidAdditional;
public function addErrorMessage($message)
$this->errorMessages[] = $message;
return $this;
public function getErrorMessages()
return $this->errorMessages;
public function getMessages($elementName = null)
if ($elementName) {
$messages = parent::getMessages($elementName);
} else {
$messages = array_merge($this->getErrorMessages(), parent::getMessages($elementName));
return $messages;
It works, but "my custom error message" is ignored by the "translator" and I also get the original error message displayed.
I've already add a new translation file
class Application\Module
namespace Application;
class Module
public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e)
$eventManager = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager();
$moduleRouteListener = new ModuleRouteListener();
$translator = $e->getApplication()
... and it also works. But in this case it doesn't.
How to get custom Form error messages translated in ZF2?

On my ZF2 website, I solved it adding the following method in my models and forms:
protected function _translate($msg)
return $msg;
Don't ask me why it's working, but it works with only this, the error messages are translated.


Laravel - Instantiate object and keep it within all controller's methods

I'm working with this case where I need to instantiate an object after a form is submitted in a controller. Everything's working fine until I call this object (as a property) from another method. It appears to be null.
If I intentiate the object from constructor method, I have no problem at all.
I can't keep this object in session because of closure.
Here's what i got so far.
// Version with the object iniate within the constructor that's working
class SearchConsoleController extends Controller
private $console;
protected function __construct() {
$callback = route('searchconsole.callback') ;
$this->console = $this->setConsole(env('CLIENT_ID'), env('CLIENT_SECRET'), $callback);
private function setConsole($cliendId, $cliendSecret, $callback){
$console = new Console(new Google_Client(), $cliendId, $cliendSecret, $callback);
return $console;
public function index(Request $request) {
return view('searchconsole.index')->with('authUrl', $this->console->getAuthUrl());
public function callback(Request $request){
if ($request->has('code')) {
return redirect()->action('SearchConsoleController#listSites', [$request]);
Now the version which i'm stucked wih
class SearchConsoleController extends Controller
private $console;
private $callback;
protected function __construct() {
$this->callback = route('searchconsole.callback') ;
private function setConsole($cliendId, $cliendSecret, $callback){
$console = new Console(new Google_Client(), $cliendId, $cliendSecret, $this->callback);
return $console;
public function index(Request $request) {
return view('searchconsole.index');
public function getAuthUrl(Request $request) {
$clientId = ($request->has('google-client-id')) ?
$request->get('google-client-id') :
$clientSecret = ($request->has('google-client-secret')) ?
$request->get('google-client-secret') :
$this->console = $this->setConsole($clientId, $clientSecret, $this->callback);
return $this->console->getAuthUrl();
public function callback(Request $request){
if ($request->has('code')) {
// ***** MY PROBLEM *********
$this->console->acceptCode($request->get('code')); // HERE $this->console IS NULL;
// *******************
return redirect()->action('SearchConsoleController#listSites', [$request]);
I just can't figure out how I can do this so console is still available
following advice, i looked into Service Provider but i just dont know how i can instante the Console Object within the service provider.
Here's what i've done.
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use App\Helpers\Console;
use Google_Client;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register any application services.
* #return void
public function register()
$this->app->bind(Console::class, function() {
$request = app(\Illuminate\Http\Request::class);
$clientId = ($request->has('google-client-id')) ?
$request->get('google-client-id') :
$clientSecret = ($request->has('google-client-secret')) ?
$request->get('google-client-secret') :
$callback = Route::get()->name('searchconsole.callback');
return new Console(new Google_Client(), $clientId, $clientSecret, $callback);
public function boot(){}
I just dont know how and where to implement it.
Thanks again
Update#2 :
okay my solution was working, I just didnt launch the correct app ..... 😅

Laravel Notification asserting the data passed down to mail markdown view

I am working on a Laravel project. I am writing integration/ feature tests for my application. I am now writing a test where I need to assert the data passed to the email notification and the data passed to its view. I found this link to do it,
This is my notification class
class NotifyAdminForHelpCenterCreated extends Notification
use Queueable;
private $helpCenter;
public function __construct(HelpCenter $helpCenter)
$this->helpCenter = $helpCenter;
public function via($notifiable)
return ['mail'];
public function toMail($notifiable)
return (new MailMessage())
->subject("Help Center registration")
->markdown('mail.admin.helpcenter.created-admin', [
'helpCenter' => $this->helpCenter,
'user' => $notifiable
As you can see in the code, I am passing data to mail.admin.helpcenter.created-admin blade view.
This is my test method.
/** #test */
public function myTest()
$body = $this->requestBody();
->post(route(''), $body)
$admin = User::where('email', $body['admin_email'])->first();
$helpCenter = HelpCenter::first();
function ($notification, $channels) use ($admin, $helpCenter) {
$mailData = $notification->toMail($admin)->toArray();
//here I can do some assertions with the $mailData
return true;
As you can see my comment in the test, I can do some assertions with the $mailData variable. But that does not include the data passed to the view. How can I assert or get the data or variables passed to the blade view/ template?
As you can see here, there is a viewData property on the MailMessage class which contains all the data passed to the view, no need to turn the notification into an array.
So it would be something like this in your case:
/** #test */
public function myTest()
$body = $this->requestBody();
->post(route(''), $body)
$admin = User::where('email', $body['admin_email'])->first();
$helpCenter = HelpCenter::first();
function ($notification, $channels) use ($admin, $helpCenter) {
$viewData = $notification->toMail($admin)->viewData;
return $admin->is($viewData['user']) && $helpCenter->is($viewData['helpCenter']);

Laravel validation request class return model with errors

When validating a form with a request class you can manually validate the data using the validate() method but what do you return back I've tried return $this and return $this->errors but it just shows SQL integrity constraint duplicate entry which is correct but it doesn't show my form with the errors. When doing validation inside the controller you return the model and the errors but what do I return and set errors on validate method in the request class.
Request Class:
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use App\Http\Requests\Request;
use Auth;
class ProductRequest extends Request
* Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
* #return bool
protected $action;
public function authorize()
if(Auth::check()) {
return true;
public function validate() {
$v = \Validator::make(parent::all(), $this->rules());
if ($v->passes()) return true;
$this->errors = $v->messages();
// tried returning $this; and $this->errors
return false;
public function all()
$data = parent::all();
if( $data['slug'] === '') {
// if the slug is blank, create one from title data
$data['slug'] = str_slug( $data['title'], '-' );
return $data;
public function messages()
public function rules() {
your rule method is empty your not validating any thing the error you got is an SQL exception not a validation error.

How to return AJAX errors from a Laravel controller?

I am building a REST API with Laravel 5.
In Laravel 5, you can subclass App\Http\Requests\Request to define the validation rules that must be satisfied before a particular route will be processed. For example:
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use App\Http\Requests\Request;
class BookStoreRequest extends Request {
public function authorize() {
return true;
public function rules() {
return [
'title' => 'required',
'author_id' => 'required'
If a client loads the corresponding route via an AJAX request, and BookStoreRequest finds that the request doesn't satisfy the rules, it will automagically return the error(s) as a JSON object. For example:
"title": [
"The title field is required."
However, the Request::rules() method can only validate input—and even if the input is valid, other kinds of errors could arise after the request has already been accepted and handed off to the controller. For example, let's say that the controller needs to write the new book information to a file for some reason—but the file can't be opened:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Http\Requests\BookCreateRequest;
class BookController extends Controller {
public function store( BookStoreRequest $request ) {
$file = fopen( '/path/to/some/file.txt', 'a' );
// test to make sure we got a good file handle
if ( false === $file ) {
fwrite( $file, 'book info goes here' );
fclose( $file );
// inform the browser of success
return response()->json( true );
Obviously, I could just die(), but that's super ugly. I would prefer to return my error message in the same format as the validation errors. Like this:
"myErrorKey": [
"A filesystem error occurred on the server. Please contact your administrator."
I could construct my own JSON object and return that—but surely Laravel supports this natively.
What's the best / cleanest way to do this? Or is there a better way to return runtime (as opposed to validate-time) errors from a Laravel REST API?
You can set the status code in your json response as below:
return Response::json(['error' => 'Error msg'], 404); // Status code here
Or just by using the helper function:
return response()->json(['error' => 'Error msg'], 404); // Status code here
You can do it in many ways.
First, you can use the simple response()->json() by providing a status code:
return response()->json( /** response **/, 401 );
Or, in a more complexe way to ensure that every error is a json response, you can set up an exception handler to catch a special exception and return json.
Open App\Exceptions\Handler and do the following:
class Handler extends ExceptionHandler
* A list of the exception types that should not be reported.
* #var array
protected $dontReport = [
// Don't report MyCustomException, it's only for returning son errors.
public function render($request, Exception $e)
// This is a generic response. You can the check the logs for the exceptions
$code = 500;
$data = [
"error" => "We couldn't hadle this request. Please contact support."
if($e instanceof MyCustomException) {
$code = $e->getStatusCode();
$data = $e->getData();
return response()->json($data, $code);
This will return a json for any exception thrown in the application.
Now, we create MyCustomException, for example in app/Exceptions:
class MyCustomException extends Exception {
protected $data;
protected $code;
public static function error($data, $code = 500)
$e = new self;
throw $e;
public function setStatusCode($code)
$this->code = $code;
public function setData($data)
$this->data = $data;
public function getStatusCode()
return $this->code;
public function getData()
return $this->data;
We can now just use MyCustomException or any exception extending MyCustomException to return a json error.
public function store( BookStoreRequest $request ) {
$file = fopen( '/path/to/some/file.txt', 'a' );
// test to make sure we got a good file handle
if ( false === $file ) {
MyCustomException::error(['error' => 'could not open the file, check permissions.'], 403);
fwrite( $file, 'book info goes here' );
fclose( $file );
// inform the browser of success
return response()->json( true );
Now, not only exceptions thrown via MyCustomException will return a json error, but any other exception thrown in general.
A simple approach is to use the abort() method in the controller. This will return an error that will be picked up by ajax error:function(){}
Controller Example
public function boost_reputation(Request $request){
$page_owner = User::where('id', $request->page_owner_id)->first();
// user needs to login to boost reputation
toast('Sorry, you need to login first.','info');
// page owner cannot boost his own reputation
if(Auth::user() == $page_owner){
toast("Sorry, you can't boost your own reputation.",'info');
Ajax Example
var btn = this;
var route = "{{ route('boost_reputation') }}";
var csrf_token = '{{ csrf_token() }}';
var id = '{{ $page_owner->id }}';
method: 'POST',
url: route,
data: {page_owner_id:id, _token:csrf_token},
success:function(data) {
...your success code
error: function () {
...your error code
More info:

Laravel Ardent is not updating

I'm trying to submit updates to items in the Items model. However, Ardent never actually performs the updates when the update method receives them but doesn't throw an error:
public function update($id)
$item = Item::findOrFail($id);
if ($item->save()) {
return Redirect::back()->with('message', "Item #$id updated!");
} else {
return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($item->errors());
What is wrong with my controller logic here?
It looks like you need to set those variables
class Item extends \LaravelBook\Ardent\Ardent {
// hydrates on new entries' validation
public $autoHydrateEntityFromInput = true;
// hydrates whenever validation is called
public $forceEntityHydrationFromInput = true;
properly to get the behavior you expect.
