Hide search bar for particular dashboard in kibana - kibana-4

I am using kibana version 4.4.2 and I have nearly 7 dashboards in that kibana. I want to hide the search bar in one particular dashboard. Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.


blank top menu on the Google cloud console

I'm using the Google cloud console for online training with the last version of Firefox (75.0) and Ubuntu (18.04.4). Just after the login, the home page is briefly displayed correctly, then the top menu disappears, leaving just a blank stripe below the blue header with the search field and the project Id. The page is displayed correctly with Chrome, however.
I think this is related to some obscure Firefox config. Does anyone have an idea about what is going on?

i want to change dashboard background color to Black in kibana 7.0.1 version

I am using the Kibana 7.0.1 and I want to change the background color of the complete dashboard to black color, but I cannot find this option on UI. Is there any way to do this ?
What you need to do:
Go to "Management > Advanced settings"
Flip the dark mode switch
Reload the page

dc.js - I'm facing issues rendering the dc.js dashboards in IE 11

i have developed dashboards using dc. The dashboards are alligned and rendered well when i run it in Mozilla 52.4.0.
Where as when i run the same html file in internet explorer 11, the dashboards not aligned (width, height of the svg) and also the pie/ donuts are not displayed.
Is that dc does not support using the IE browser or do i need to do some code change which will support using in IE.
The reason i'm posting is that many of the users use IE rather than Chrome or Mozilla.

Adding a menu to classroom

I want to add a menu or a button which allows a teacher to click on that to view charts and reports that is specific for a particular course. Is there a way one can add menus or buttons inside Google Classroom ? Similar to Stream, Students and About, I would like to add Reports as an item on the dashboard. When the user clicks on Reports I want to show graphs and information on the dashboard ideally without leaving Google Classroom if possible.
Any help and guidance is more appreciated.

What difference does it make if I use the SearchBar control versus the Entry control to search a ListView?

Regarding Xamarin.Forms, I've been reviewing the Entry control documentation along withe the SearchBar control documentation. After reviewing the documentation for both, they appear to be similar.
What difference does it make if I use the SearchBar control versus the Entry control to search a ListView?
I think they are functionally similar but the key difference in SearchBar is that you get different visualization and keyboard at least on iOS and Android. The Enter button has a custom icon or text and there is an icon in the entry field. Images of different devices can be found here. You can also see images of SearchBar on Android here:
The Entry when rendered is just a Textbox, using this for search is possible but you will need to manually add a search button (if needed), cancel mechanism and attach yourself to the events to make the search. In the other hand using the SearchBar all this is already part of the control, out of the box for you.
If you don't need this extra functionality or you don't mind having to rewrite it you can use the Entry otherwise go with the SearchBar.
