My site is throwing "connection insecure" in firefox - firefox

I've heard from someone that my site throws "connection is not secure" error in Mozilla Firefox. I checked it at my computer in firefox and it's working fully fine, so is it users problem that this error is thrown or can I do something about it on my site?

The problem is with the users firewall, or your website, it could be that the encryption is not strong enough or you can only recieve a valid certificate on your home wifi due to an error in the website, it could also be due to an outdated TLS mechanism.


Rabbitmq management UI issue with Firefox

I'm trying to use rabbitmq management UI on Firefox, getting this error:
An error occurred during a connection to localhost:15671. SSL peer was unable to negotiate an acceptable set of security parameters. Error code: SSL_ERROR_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE_ALERT
This works for me on Chrome.
Version Details:
This is not an rabbitMQ UI issue.its browser level certification problem.You need to update that thing.
Firefox displays this error "ssl_error_handshake_failure_alert" means that you do not have valid personal certificates in your browser. You can obtain new ones by going to and clicking on Get MIT Personal Certificate.
Please refer this link to get full knowledge about this

CRM 2013 IFD - can get to site from firefox only

When I try to navigate to the IFD url from Chrome, I am prompted to provide a client certificate, and get an http 403 error, IE gives a certificate error, but FireFox works fine. What would cause that?
If I had to make a random guess, I'd say that there is a slight mismatch somewhere between the DNS and the certificate.
What are the technical details that IE gives you when it throws up the certificate error?

Error in WebRequest

I'm working with WebClient for some time now. (using the Mango SDK)
Each time I have an error, the error message is always "Not Found". Either the error is due to login problem, server or page not found. Any error code >= 400 cause the same Exception with the same message and no data.
I tried to use the WebRequest/WebResponse but it seems the problem is always the same.
I mean, I know how to write it correctly in C# (for desktop), but on windows phone, I have no way to access the error code nor the response body.
I found many posts talking about the problem, but no solutions are pointed.
Does anyone have a solution or a workaround (even a dirty one...) I'm open to any suggestion.
That (very misleading) error is often caused by an underlying HTTP error.
If you are using HTTPS, it could be because it's a self-signed (or otherwise unsupported) certificate. You can temporarily get around this by emailing the certificate to an account on the phone, but this won't fly in the marketplace.
If the requests aren't HTTPS, you can run Fiddler to find out what the underlying error is. (Pro tip: The WP emulator will only the use Fiddler if Fiddler was running when it started up so you may have to close it down).
To access the data, you need to get the WebException (it may be the InnerException of what is being thrown) and then you can access the Response

False Positive SSL "Peer's Certificate Has Been Revoked" on Firefox Only

One of my client's is having a problem that is vexing both their system admin and godaddy support, who say that everything is correct and this error should not be happening. Their SSL certificate is valid and seems to be correctly installed:
It also works find on IE and Chrome. However, on firefox users are getting this error (firefox 7 users seem to get the error on every single page load):
Relevant History: Last week (about 7-10 days ago) they were using a different certificate that was revoked. However, they received a new SSL Cert on 9/5 or 9/6, and this is the one that is currently installed.
I think this might have something to do with the OCSP service that firefox uses to check certificate authenticity. Could that service have cached data from when the old cert was revoked, and hence still be reporting that has a revoked cert? If so, is there any way to fix this problem?
If not, what is causing this error?
This is not a false positive. If you look at the warning message closely, it refers to, not The certificate on is indeed revoked and other browsers show it as well. The fact that you don't see a warning in other browsers might be because the only content being loaded from is the favicon of the page - other browsers drop it silently instead of alerting the user.

Self-Signed SSL Link not working

I have an embedded web server with a self-signed SSL certificate. After I get past the Web Browser's warning about the SSL Certificate being self signed, I am seeing a difference between IE8 and Firefox 3.5.5.
In IE8, if I try to download a PNG file, it will download every time.
In FireFox, it will give me an error every other time.
The error message is this:
Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to
SSL peer was unable to negotiate an acceptable set of security parameters.
(Error code: ssl_error_handshake_failure_alert)
*The page you are trying to view can not be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
*Please contact the web site owners to inform them of this problem. Alternatively, use the command found in the help menu to report this broken site.
What is causing this? Why does one browser work all the time and the other only works every other time?
It's hard to say without looking at the packets. If I had to hazard a guess, it would be that on the second request, Firefox is trying to resume the SSL session, and for some reason, the server doesn't like that. On the next request, Firefox doesn't try to resume, and it succeeds again. Maybe?
