Passing route parameter to controller Laravel 5 - laravel

I'm trying to pass a route parameter to controller, but I get this error : Argument 2 passed to App\Http\Controllers\JurnalController::store() must be an instance of App\Http\Requests\JurnalRequest, none given
Below are the codes ..
Route :
Route::get('/edisi/{id}', 'JurnalController#store');
Controller :
public function store($id, JurnalRequest $request) {
$input = $request->all();
//Input PDF
if ($request->hasFile('file')) {
$input['file'] = $this->uploadPDF($request);
$jurnal = Edisi::findOrFail($id)->jurnal()->create($input);
return redirect('jurnal');
So my question is how to pass the route parameter properly ? Thank you
new routes :
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('pages/home');
Route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function () {
Route::get('edisi', 'EdisiController#index');
Route::get('edisi/create', 'EdisiController#create');
Route::get('edisi/{edisi}', 'EdisiController#show');
Route::post('edisi', 'EdisiController#store');
Route::get('edisi/{edisi]', 'EdisiController#edit');
Route::patch('edisi/{edisi}', 'EdisiController#update');
Route::delete('edisi/{edisi}', 'EdisiController#destroy');
Route::get('/edisi/{id}', 'JurnalController#storejurnal');
Route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function () {
Route::get('jurnal', 'JurnalController#index');
Route::get('jurnal/create', 'JurnalController#create');
Route::get('jurnal/{jurnal}', 'JurnalController#show');
Route::post('jurnal', 'JurnalController#storejurnal');
Route::get('jurnal/{jurnal}/edit', 'JurnalController#edit');
Route::patch('jurnal/{jurnal}', 'JurnalController#update');
Route::delete('jurnal/{jurnal}', 'JurnalController#destroy');
new storejurnal method :
public function storejurnal(JurnalRequest $request, $id) {
$input = $request->all();
//Input PDF
if ($request->hasFile('file')) {
$input['file'] = $this->uploadPDF($request);
//Insert data jurnal
$jurnal = Edisi::findOrFail($id)->jurnal()->create($input);
return redirect('jurnal');

When you are using resource controller, the store method does not accept any other argument except the Request instance. Try changing the method name or remove the second argument. store() method be default accepts post requests not get requests. Either put your route on top of the resource controller or change the method name.
Route::get('/edisi/{id}', 'JurnalController#store');
Route::resource('jurnals', 'JurnalController');
I hope this helps.

The correct format is:
public function store(JurnalRequest $request, $id) {
// your code
If you receive an argument such as Missing argument 2 as suggested in your comments, it means that either you aren't generating the routes correctly, or the url doesn't include the id segment.


Authorization isn’t executed in laravel

This is form ‘login’, when I’m enter information in input and after press button ‘login’ I move to page with audit where 0 is authorization isn't executed and 1 is authorization is executed. I'm trying to create authorization in laravel.
I did it in other project in order to understand how it works and then all was good. Now I'm trying to transfer it in my main project but when I am logging in nothing work.
I don't have any mistake, authorization is simply not executed. I will grateful for any help.
Registration function
public function sub(ContactSignup $request){
return redirect(route('user.mainpage'));
$contact = new SignUps();
$contact->name = $request->name;
$contact->surname = $request->surname;
$contact->age = $request->age;
$contact->password = bcrypt($request->password);
$contact->email = $request->email;
return redirect(route('user.sign-up'))->with('success', 'Реєстрація пройшла успішно');
Function login
public function subin(ContactSignin $request){
return redirect()->intended(route('user.mainpage'));
$contact = $request->only(['email', 'password']);
if(Auth::attempt($contact)) {
else {
return redirect()->intended(route('user.mainpage'));
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
Route::get('/', function () {
return redirect()->route('mainpage');
Route::view('mainpage', 'mainpage')->middleware('auth')->name('mainpage');
Route::get('/signin', function(){
return redirect(route('user.mainpage'));
return view('signin');
Route::post('/signin', [\App\Http\Controllers\ContactController::class, 'subin'])->name('sign-in');
Route::get('logout', function(){
return redirect('/');
Route::get('/signup', function(){
return redirect(route('user.mainpage'));
return view('signup');
Route::post('/signup', [\App\Http\Controllers\ContactController::class, 'sub'])->name('sign-up');
Route::get('/mainpage', function () {
return view('mainpage');
in your methods inside your controller you have form request class called ContactSignin
in this class you have code
public function authorize()
return false;
make it true
The form request class is responsible of validating your request ,
also contains an authorize method. Within this method, you may determine if the authenticated user actually has the authority to update a given resource
since you handle authorization logic for the request in the routes by provide
middleware('auth') it is no need to check for use authentication in your form request class
first you don't have route named ('user.mainpage') you have to define it in web.php
second , since you named your rout in
Route::get('/mainpage', function () {
return view('mainpage');
, you must redirect to the name of the route not to the path
for example if your route is ('/api/main')->name('main') , you have to put the rout name in the redirect method , for example redirect(route('main'));

How I can make route API in Laravel with parameter

my route:
Route::get('page/{key_id_fk}', 'PagesApiController#show');
my function:
public function show($key_id_fk)
// $main=Definition::where([['type','=',1],['available','=',1],['id_definition','=',$sub->id_def]])->get();
return response()->json($sub , 200);
on post man route is page?key_id_fk=1 give error 404 not found key in data base but didn't read.
You should be accessing page/1 rather than page?key_id_fk=1 as you are not using parameter queries in your request url.
Your route format is page/$key_id_fk.
In the route file:
Route::get('page/{key_id_fk}', 'PagesApiController#show');
In the controller:
public function show($key_id_fk){
$sub = DefintionDetails::find($key_id_fk);
return response()->json(['success' => true, 'sub' => $sub]);
} else {
return response()->json(['success' => false, 'error_message' => 'No data found!']);
Your postman route:
You are setting key_id_fk as in route and passing parameter as difference is first one is URL route data and second is GET parameter data to get data from URL route you have this public function show($key_id_fk) and to get data from GET parameter public function show(Request $request) and $request->key_id_fk.
so change URL to this format
change getting method in the controller to public function show(Request $request) and $request->key_id_fk

Redirect from controller to named route with data in laravel

I'm gonna try to explain my problem:
I have a named route called 'form.index' where I show a html form.
In FormController I retrieve all form data.
After do some stuff with these data, I want to redirect to another named route 'form.matches' with some items collection.
form.index -> websiteexample/form
form.matches -> websiteexample/matches
public function match(FormularioRequest $request)
// Some stuffs
$list = /*Collection*/;
return redirect()->route('form.matches')->with(compact('list'));
public function matches()
// How to retrieve $list var here?
return view('form.views.matches')->with(compact('list'));
The problem:
When the redirects of match function occurs, I get an error "Undefined variable: list' in matches funcion.
public function match(Request $request)
// Operations
$list = //Data Collection;
return redirect()->route('form.matches')->with('list',$list);
In view
You can use Redirect::route() to redirect to a named route and pass an array of parameters as the second argument
Redirect::route('',array('param1' => $param1,'param2' => $param2));
Hope this helps you.

Laravel Closure Request

Assalamualaikum guys, i have some problems with my code. i tried to make search by using request parameters on laravel. and here is my code views.
'user_post' => function($query, Request $request){
if($request->has('searchBy') && $request->has('searchQuery'))
$parse_query = explode('.',$request->query('searchBy'));
$is_user = $parse_query[0] == 'user_post'? true : false;
when i tried to execute on browser, it return
1/1) ErrorException
Undefined variable: request
what should i do? thanks to the moon and back. hehehe
try this, change your line 2 to:
'user_post' => function($query) use($request){
Request $request can only be used in controller functions like:
public function store(Request $request)
//code here
in order to pass the $request parameter inside another function, use use (this is also known as variable inheriting):
public function store(Request $request)
$user= User::with(['roles' => function($query) use($request){
$query->where('', $request['role_id'])->first();

Laravel.54 pass data to action controller

I need to get 'mp3' value in controller !
( to check posts from mp3s type )
my post types :
video, album , mp3
Route::group(array('prefix' => 'mp3s'), function($pt) {
Route::get("/", "PostController#archivePosts");
Route::get("mp3/{slug}", "PostController#singlePost");
Route::group(array('prefix' => 'albums'), function($pt) {
Route::get("/", "PostController#archivePosts");
Route::get("album/{slug}", "PostController#singlePost");
Route::group(array('prefix' => 'videos'), function($pt) {
Route::get("/", "PostController#archivePosts");
Route::get("video/{slug}", "PostController#singlePost");
#danial dezfooli
To Get Prefix value you can inject Request Dependency inside controller's method as below.
public function index(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request){
or you can do in another way also
public function index(){
For more reference you can refer : Laravel 5 get route prefix in controller method
Route::get("mp3/{slug}", "PostController#singlePost");
In PostController, you can get it like
public function singlePost($slug) {
dd($slug)// to check slug value
