How to mantain Shell_reverse_tcp connection? - shell

I'm experimenting with reverse shell tcp. I managed to establish a connection, but my question is, how do I mantain a connection even after I close the multihandler? And when I'm using the target's command prompt, how do I send files to the target's computer using his command prompt?

The short answer is you can't.
In order to maintain a connection you need to install persistence on
the victim machine. You will still have to reuse the multi/handler in
order to receive a new connection.
In order to transfer files you need to use the meterpreter payload in
order to upload and download files.
However, if you have powershell on your target machine you can run a
powershell download that will fetch internet hosted resources for
Hope this helped.


Start mySQL Server out of a Ruby program

I have a Linux server where I start a few Ruby programs during the day. The server is directly connected to the internet (no firewall) at a hoster and I wonder, if there is a way to start and close the mySQL server just before I update the db and close it afterwards. The target is, to have the mySQL server only open when it is needed. So I thought it might be a way to activate the port or the service directly out of Ruby.
thank you for answering,
You'd probably have to change the permissions to the database through ruby, then, doing whatever you want to do, and change the permissions back.
You could do that usig the mysql gem, connecting to the database and running the commands.
Then restart the process, and do the same thing but backwards
Honestly, I don't know why you would do that, and I wouldn't recommend someone to do that. But that would be my approach

Trigger a mainframe job from Windows machine

I am converting my Windows script script that uses FTP to SFTP.
To trigger the mainframe job we had below command:
quote site filetype=jes
put C:\Test\test.dat
sftp.exe uname#servername
But site filetype=jes does not work in SFTP. What will be the equivalent command for SFTP to trigger the mainframe job by sending a trigger file?
There are several options:
You can use a different FTP server (such as the Co:Z product mentioned in an earlier response.
You can wrap a conventional FTP session in a secure network session (VPN, SSH, etc) in a way that keeps the connection secure, but doesn't require SFTP. This gives you the security of SFTP while letting you continue to use your existing FTP scripting unchanged.
You can swap FTP for more of a shell approach (SSH) to login to the mainframe and submit your JCL. Once you have any sort of shell session, there are many ways to submit JCL - see for an example.
A slight variant on #3 (above) is that you can have a "submit JCL" transaction in something like a web server, if you're running one on z/OS. This gives you a way to submit JCL using an HTTP request, say through CURL or WGET (if you go this way, be sure someone carefully reviews the security around this probably don't want it open to the outside world!).
If this is something you do over and over, and if your site uses job scheduling software (CA-7, Control-M, OPC, Zeke, etc...most sites have one of these), almost all these products can monitor for file activity and launch batch jobs when a file is created. You'd simply create a file with SFTP "PUT", and the job scheduling software would do its thing.
Good luck!
If you're using the Co:Z SFTP server on z/OS you can submit mainframe batch jobs directly.
Strictly speaking this isn't a trigger file, but it does appear to be the equivalent of what you describe as your current FTP process.

Saving CSV file on UNIX Server from windows based Lotus Server using Lotus Scripting

I have to write a script on Lotus Server which is on Windows server to save a csv file on UNIX server. I and Unix server path requires authentication. So can somebody help me or suggest me how to do it?
Thanks in advance.
Could setting up a FTP server on Domino and accessing this from your UNIX server be an option ?
Mindoo FTP server
I once resolved this in two steps:
1. Save the file to a temporary directory on the D omino server using LotusScript
2. Create a scheduled taks on the windowd serverr to copy the file to the second server
You can specify any user in the scheduled task and you don`t have to care about accessibility of the other server.
Two separate processes.
Hope that helos.
In my scenario which was very similar to yours, I did the following:
On the Windows Server, I created a Mapped Drive to the folder on the Unix OS. This also managed the Authentication.
In the LotusScript Agent, I extracted to this Mapped Drive, which worked 100%.
You need to provide more details. Presuming you can access the Unix folder from Windows Explorer, map the drive and let Windows store the password. Then access it through the mapped drive letter.
LotusScript can't write to UNC locations, so you need the drive letter.
That file will be probably picked up by another program. CVS is the worst approach. You could offer to write to a Web Service or provide one.
On Unix "access" more often than not doesn't mean a CIFS (a.k.a Windows share) access, but SSH (or FTP). For SSH you would want to:
configure SSH Keys, so you actually don't need username/password any more
use a Java library as asked on Stackoverflow before (or an alternative)
you also could write the file to a temp directory and call a cmd file for the copy operation
With a little care (make the cmd file configurable) the stuff will work when moving your Domino to Unix/Linux too
Let us know how it goes

Syncing a file from a client to a server

I'm trying to keep a file updated real time with the server. Its more like a real time syncing which has a very small delay. Is there any application that lets me do this? Or would you suggest me using a local host as a server?
I dont know how you are connected to your server - but i assume this will be something like SCP / SFTP / FTP and i dont know your OS. WinSCP will do excatly this what you need, you can set it to watch your Filesystem (to a specified folder) and it will update the server files as soon as your file on your drive changes.
It also supports command line features so that you can use it within your own applications.

Add Mounted Server to Ubuntu File Manager Side Panel

At work I have to connect to our server every day. After becoming annoyed with having to use the GUI Connect to Server every day, I wrote a quick script (using mount) that does the same thing.
When I use Connect to Server, however, a link to the mounted server appears in the side panel of the File Manager, which I use all the time. How do I add this link from a terminal/shell script?
(Or even better, where can I find the code for the Connect to Server program?)
Thanks in advance.
You want to use gvfs-mount rather than mount
See the discussion here:
