Ensure consistency when caching data in after_commit hooks - ruby

For a specific database table, we need an in-memory cache of this data that is always in-sync with the database. My current attempt is to write the changes to the cache in an after_commit hook - this way we make sure not to write any changes to the cache that could get reverted later.
However, this strategy is vulnerable to the following scenario:
Thread A locks and updates record, stores value 1
Thread A commits the change
Thread B locks and updates record, stores value 2
Thread B commits the change
Thread B runs the after_commit hook, so the cache now has value 2
Thread A runs the after_commit hook, so the cache now has value 1 but should have value 2
Am I right about this problem and how would one solve this?

You are right about this problem.
There is a after_save callback that runs within the same transaction. You might want to use that one instead of the after_commit hook that run after the transaction.
But than you will need to deal with a rolled back transaction yourself.
Or you might want to write your caching method in a way that does not depend on a specific instance. But instead caches the latest version that is found in the database by reloading the record from the database first.
But even than: Multithreaded systems are hard to keep in sync. And you cannot even ensure if the first or the second update send to your cache would be stored, because the caching system might be multi-threaded too.
You might want to read about different consistency models.

The solution we came up with is to lock the cache for read / write before_commit and unlock it in the after_commit. This seems to do the trick.


Is this Redis Race Condition Scenario Possible?

I'm debugging an issue in an application and I'm running into a scneario where I'm out of ideas, but I suspect a race condition might be in play.
Essentially, I have two API routes - let's call them A and B. Route A generates some data and Route B is used to poll for that data.
Route A first creates an entry in the redis cache under a given key, then starts a background process to generate some data. The route immediately returns a polling ID to the caller, while the background data thread continues to run. When the background data is fully generated, we write it to the cache using the same cache key. Essentially, an overwrite.
Route B is a polling route. We simply query the cache using that same cache key - we expect one of 3 scenarios in this case:
The object is in the cache but contains no data - this indicates that the data is still being generated by the background thread and isn't ready yet.
The object is in the cache and contains data - this means that the process has finished and we can return the result.
The object is not in the cache - we assume that this means you are trying to poll for an ID that never existed in the first place.
For the most part, this works as intended. However, every now and then we see scenario 3 being hit, where an error is being thrown because the object wasn't in the cache. Because we add the placeholder object to the cache before the creation route ever returns, we should be able to safely assume this scenario is impossible. But that's clearly not the case.
Is it possible that there is some delay between when a Redis write operation returns and when the data is actually available for querying? That is, is it possible that even though the call to add the cache entry has completed but the data would briefly not be returned by queries? It seems the be the only thing that can explain the behavior we are seeing.
If that is a possibility, how can I avoid this scenario? Is there some way to force Redis to wait until the data is available for query before returning?
Is it possible that there is some delay between when a Redis write operation returns and when the data is actually available for querying?
Yes and it may depend on your Redis topology and on your network configuration. Only standalone Redis servers provides strong consistency, albeit with some considerations - see below.
Redis replication
While using replication in Redis, the writes which happen in a master need some time to propagate to its replica(s) and the whole process is asynchronous. Your client may happen to issue read-only commands to replicas, a common approach used to distribute the load among the available nodes of your topology. If that is the case, you may want to lower the chance of an inconsistent read by:
directing your read queries to the master node; and/or,
issuing a WAIT command right after the write operation, and ensure all the replicas acknowledged it: while the replication process would happen to be synchronous from the client standpoint, this option should be used only if absolutely needed because of its bad performance.
There would still be the (tiny) possibility of an inconsistent read if, during a failover, the replication process promotes a replica which did not receive the write operation.
Standalone Redis server
With a standalone Redis server, there is no need to synchronize data with replicas and, on top of that, your read-only commands would be always handled by the same server which processed the write commands. This is the only strongly consistent option, provided you are also persisting your data accordingly: in fact, you may end up having a server restart between your write and read operations.
Redis supports several different persistence options; in your scenario, you may want to configure your server so that it
logs to disk every write operation (AOF) and
fsync every query.
Of course, every configuration setting is a trade off between performance and durability.

Grails 2.5 afterUpdate - what point in the transaction lifecycle is it called?

If we add afterUpdate event code on a domain object (e.g. our Session object) in grails:
Is it called after the update has been committed, or after it is flushed, or other?
If the update failed (e.g. constraint, or optimistic lock fail), will the after event still be called?
Will afterUpdate be in the same transaction as the update?
will the commit of the service method which did the update wait till the afterUpdate method is finished, and, if so, is there any way round this (except creating a new thread)?
We have a number of instances of our grails application running on mutliple tomcats. Each has a session expiry quartz job to expire our session (domain object)
The job basically says getAllSession with lastUpdated > xxx, then loops through them calling session.close(Session.Expired)
Session.close just sets the session.status to Expired.
In theory, the same session could be closed twice at the same time buy the job running on two servers, but this doesn't matter (yet)
Now we want to auto cashout customers with expired (or killed) sessions. The cashout process entails making calls to external payment systems, which can take up to 1 minute, and may fail (but should not stop the session from being closed, or 'lock' other sessions)
If we used the afterUpdate on the session domain object, we can check the session.status, and fire of the cashout, either outside of the transaction, or in another thread (e.g. using Executors). But this is very risky - as we dont know the exact behaviour. E.g. if the update failed, would it still try to execute the afterUpdate call? We assume so, as we are guessing the commit wont happen till later.
The other unknown is how calling save and commit works with optimistic locking. E.g. if you call save(flush=true), and you dont get an error back, are you guaranteed that the commit will work (baring the db falling over), or are there scenarios where this can fail?
Is it called after the update has been committed, or after it is
flushed, or other?
After update has been made, but transaction has not been committed yet. So if an exception occurs inside afterUpdate, transaction will be rolled back.
If the update failed (e.g. constraint, or optimistic lock fail), will the after event still be called?
Will after Update be in the same transaction as the update?
Will the commit of the service method which did the update wait till the afterUpdate method is finished, and, if so, is there any way
round this (except creating a new thread)?
No easy way around

How to use a memory cache in a concurrency critical context

Consider the following two methods, written in pseudo code, that fetches a complex data structure, and updates it, respectively:
getData(id) {
if(isInCache(id)) return getFromCache(id) // already in cache?
data = fetchComplexDataStructureFromDatabase(id) // time consuming!
setCache(id, data) // update cache
return data
updateData(id, data) {
storeDataStructureInDatabase(id, data)
In the above implementation, there is a problem with concurrency, and we might end up with outdated data in the cache: consider two parallel executions running getData() and updateData(), respectively. If the first execution fetches data from the cache exactly in between the other execution's call to storeDataStructureInDatabase() and clearCache(), then we will get an outdated version of the data. How would you get around this concurrency problem?
I considered the following solution, where the cache is invalidated just before data is committed:
storeDataStructureInDatabase(id, data) {
executeSql("UPDATE table1 SET...")
executeSql("UPDATE table2 SET...")
executeSql("UPDATE table3 SET...")
But then again: If one execution reads the cache in between the other execution's call to clearCache() and COMMIT, then an outdated data will be fetched to the cache. Problem not solved.
In the cache way of thinking you cannot prevent retrieving outdated data.
For example, when someone start sending an HTTP request (if your application is a web application) that will later render the cache invalid, should we consider the cache invalid when the POST request start? when the request is handled by your server? when you start the controller code?. Well no. In fact the cache is invalid only when the database transaction ends. Not even when the transaction start, only at the end, on the COMMIT phase of the transaction. And any working process working with previous data has very few chances of being aware that the data as changed, in a web application what about html pages showing outdated data in a browser, do you want to flush theses pages?
But let's just think your parallel process are not just there for the web, but for real concurrency critical parallel jobs.
One problem is that your cache is not handled by the database server, so it's not in the transaction COMMIT/ROLLBACK. You cannot decide to clear the cache first but rebuild it if you rollback. So you can only clear and rebuild the cache after the transaction is commited.
And that lead the possibility to get an outdated version of the cache if your get comes between the database commit and the cache clear instruction. So :
is it really important that you have an outdated version of the cache? Let's say your parallel process made something just a few milliseconds before you would have retrieve this new version (so it's the old one) and work with it for maybe 40ms, and then build final report on that without noticing the cache have been flush 15ms before the end of the work. If your process response cannot contain any outdated data, then you'll have to check data validity before outputing it (so you should recheck that all data used in the work process are still valid at teh end).
So if you don't want to recheck data validity that mean your process should have put some lock (semaphore?) when starting and should release the lock only at the end of the work, your are serializing your work. Databases can speed up serialization by working on pseudo-serialization levels for transactions and breaking your transaction if any changes make this pseudo-serialization hasardous. But here you're not only working with a database so you should do the serialization on your own side.
Process serialization is slow, but you may try to do the same as the database, that is runing jobs in parallel and invalidating any job running when data is altered (so having something that detect your cache clear and kill and rerun all existing parallel jobs, implying you have something mastering all the parallel jobs)
or simply accept you can have small past-invalid-outdated data. If we talk of web application the time your response walks on TCP/IP to the client browser it may be already invalid.
Chances are that you will accept to work with outdated cache data. The only really important point is that if you cannot trust your cache data for a really critical thing then you should'nt use a cache for that. If your are manipulating Accounting data for example. The only way to get a serialization of parallel tasks is to do:
in the Writing process: all the important reads (the one that will get some writes) and all the write things in a transaction with a high isolation level (level 4) and with all necessary row locks. That's something hard to do working only with a database, it's quite impossible if you add an external cache for read operations.
in parallel read process: do what you want (read from external cache), if the read data won't be used for write operations. If one of the read data will later be use for a write operation this data validity will have to be checked in the write transaction (so in the Writing process). Why not adding a timestamp watermark on the data, so that when it will come back for a write operation you'll be able to know if it is still valid.

How to I set up a lock that will automatically time out if it does not get a keep alive signal?

I have a certain resouce I want to limit access to. Basically, I am using a session level lock. However, it is getting to be a pain writing JavaScript that covers every possible way a window can close.
Once the user leaves that page I would like to unlock the resouce.
My basic idea is to use some sort of server side timeout, to unlock the resouce. Basically, if I fail to unlock the resource, I want a timer to kick in and unlock the resouce.
For example, after 30 seconds with now update from the clientside, unlock the resouce.
My basic question, is what sort of side trick can I use to do this? It is my understanding, that I can't just create a thread in JSF, because it would be unmanaged.
I am sure other people do this kind of thing, what is the correct thing to use?
As BalusC right fully asked, the big question is at what level of granularity would you like to do this locking? Per logged-in user, for all users, or perhaps you could get away with locking per request?
Or, and this will be a tougher one, is the idea that a single page request grabs the lock and then that specific page is intended to keep the lock between requests? E.g. as a kind of reservation. I'm browsing a hotel page, and when I merely look at a room I have made an implicit reservation in the system for that room so it can't happen that somebody else reserves the room for real while I'm looking at it?
In the latter case, maybe the following scheme would work:
In application scope, define a global concurrent map.
Keys of the map represent the resources you want to protect.
Values of the map are a custom structure which hold a read write lock (e.g. ReentrantReadWriteLock), a token and a timestamp.
In application scope, there also is a single global lock (e.g. ReentrantLock)
Code in a request first grabs the global lock, and quickly checks if the entry in the map is there.
If the entry is there it is taken, otherwise it's created. Creation time should be very short. The global lock is quickly released.
If the entry was new, it's locked via its write lock and a new token and timestamp are created.
If the entry was not new, it's locked via its read lock
if the code has the same token, it can go ahead and access the protected resource, otherwise it checks the timestamp.
If the timestamp has expired, it tries to grab the write lock.
The write lock has a time-out. When the time-out occurs give up and communicate something to the client. Otherwise a new token and timestamp are created.
This just the general idea. In a Java EE application that I have build I have used something similar (though not exactly the same) and it worked quite well.
Alternatively you could use a quartz job anyway that periodically removed the stale entries. Yet another alternative for that is replacing the global concurrent map with e.g. a JBoss Cache or Infinispan instance. These allow you to define an eviction policy for their entries, which saves you from having to code this yourself. If you have never used those caches though, learning how to set them up and configuring them correctly can be more trouble than just building a simple quartz job yourself.

What's a good way to handle "async" commits?

I have a WCF service that uses ODP.NET to read data from an Oracle database. The service also writes to the database, but indirectly, as all updates and inserts are achieved through an older layer of business logic that I access via COM+, which I wrap in a TransactionScope. The older layer connects to Oracle via ODBC, not ODP.NET.
The problem I have is that because Oracle uses a two-phase-commit, and because the older business layer is using ODBC and not ODP.NET, the transaction sometimes returns on the TransactionScope.Commit() before the data is actually available for reads from the service layer.
I see a similar post about a Java user having trouble like this as well on Stack Overflow.
A representative from Oracle posted that there isn't much I can do about this problem:
This maybe due to the way OLETx
ITransaction::Commit() method behaves.
After phase 1 of the 2PC (i.e. the
prepare phase) if all is successful,
commit can return even if the resource
managers haven't actually committed.
After all the successful "prepare" is
a guarantee that the resource managers
cannot arbitrarily abort after this
point. Thus even though a resource
manager couldn't commit because it
didn't receive a "commit" notification
from the MSDTC (due to say a
communication failure), the
component's commit request returns
successfully. If you select rows from
the table(s) immediately you may
sometimes see the actual commit occur
in the database after you have already
executed your select. Your select will
not therefore see the new rows due to
consistent read semantics. There is
nothing we can do about this in Oracle
as the "commit success after
successful phase 1" optimization is
part of the MSDTC's implementation.
So, my question is this:
How should I go about dealing with the possible delay ("asyc" via the title) problem of figuring out when the second part of the 2PC actually occurs, so I can be sure that data I inserted (indirectly) is actually available to be selected after the Commit() call returns?
How do big systems deal with the fact that the data might not be ready for reading immediately?
I assume that the whole transaction has prepared and a commit outcome decided by the TransactionManager, therefore eventually (barring heuristic damage) the Resource Managers will receive their commit message and complete. However, there are no guarantees as to how long that might take - could be days, no timeouts apply, having voted "commit" in the Prepare the Resource Manager must wait to hear the collective outcome.
Under these conditions, the simplest approach is to take "an understood, we're thinking" approach. Your request has been understood, but you actually don't know the outcome, and that's what you tell the user. Yes, in all sane circumstances the request will complete, but under some conditions operators could actually choose to intervene in the transaction manually (and maybe cause heuristic damage in doing so.)
To go one step further, you could start a new transaction and perform some queries to see if the data is there. Now, if you are populating a result screen you will naturally be doing such as query. The question would be what to do if the expected results are not there. So again, tell the user "your recent request is being processed, hit refresh to see if it's complete". Or retry automatically (I don't much like auto retry - prefer to educate the user that it's effectively an asynch operation.)
