[Python ASN1]: GeneralizedTime pyasn1 implementation - pyasn1

Here is my asn1 grammar representation:-
MiepPullWtdr ::= [0] SEQUENCE
timeStamp [8] GeneralizedTime
I need help in implementing the same using pyasn1.
Here is my code snippet:-
from pyasn1.type import univ, namedtype, tag, char, namedval, useful
class MiepPullWtdr(univ.Sequence):
componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes(namedtype.NamedType('timeStamp', useful.GeneralizedTime().subtype(implicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatSimple, 8)))
miepPullWtdr = MiepPullWtdr()
miepPullWtdr.setComponentByName('timeStamp', '201103081200Z')
I also tried,
componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes(namedtype.NamedType('timeStamp',useful.GeneralizedTime().tagSet(tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatSimple, 8)))
Both doesn't work and gives a weird error regrading Syntax error:-
miepPullWtdr = MiepPullWtdr()
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I have checked the commas and brackets. All seem to be correct.
Any help? Thanks

This is your code except for the dangling parenthesis of the componentType fixed. Works for me:
from pyasn1.type import univ, namedtype, tag, namedval, useful
class MiepPullWtdr(univ.Sequence):
componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes(
namedtype.NamedType('timeStamp', useful.GeneralizedTime().subtype(implicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatSimple, 8)))
miepPullWtdr = MiepPullWtdr()
miepPullWtdr.setComponentByName('timeStamp', '201103081200Z')


Unexpected keyword argument 'unk_token'

When trying to load this tokenizer I am getting this error but I don't know why it can't take the ink_token strangely. Any ideas?
tokenizer = tokenizers.SentencePieceUnigramTokenizer(unk_token="", eos_token="", pad_token="")
----> 1 tokenizer = tokenizers.SentencePieceUnigramTokenizer(unk_token="", eos_token="", pad_token="")
TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'unk_token'

Sphinx-autodoc with napoleon (Google Doc String Style): Warnings and Errors about Block quotes and indention

I am using Sphinx 4.4.0 with napoleon extension (Google Doc String). I have this two problems
ARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
ERROR: Unexpected indentation.
I found something about it on the internet but can not fit this two my code. My problem is I even do not understand the messages. I do not see where the problem could be.
This is the code:
def read_and_validate_csv(basename, specs_and_rules):
"""Read a CSV file with respect to specifications about format and
rules about valid values.
Hints: Do not use objects of type type (e.g. str instead of "str") when
specificing the column type.
specs_and_rules = {
'T1l': ('Int16', [-9, ' '])
'ColumnA': 'str',
'ColumnB': ('str', 'no answer'),
'ColumnC': None,
'ColumnD': (
-9, {
'len': [1, 2, (4-8)],
'val': [0, 1, (3-9)]
(pandas.DataFrame): Result.
This are the original messages:
.../bandas.py:docstring of buhtzology.bandas.read_and_validate_csv:11: WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
.../bandas.py:docstring of buhtzology.bandas.read_and_validate_csv:15: ERROR: Unexpected indentation.
.../bandas.py:docstring of buhtzology.bandas.read_and_validate_csv:17: ERROR: Unexpected indentation.
.../bandas.py:docstring of buhtzology.bandas.read_and_validate_csv:19: WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
.../bandas.py:docstring of buhtzology.bandas.read_and_validate_csv:20: WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
reStructuredText is not Markdown, and indentation alone is not enough to demarcate the code block. reStructuredText calls this a literal block. Although the use of :: is one option, you might want to explicitly specify the language (overriding the default) with the use of the code-block directive.
Also I noticed that you have invalid syntax in your code block—a missing ) and extra spaces in your indentation—which could have caused those errors.
Try this.
def read_and_validate_csv(basename, specs_and_rules):
"""Read a CSV file with respect to specifications about format and
rules about valid values.
Hints: Do not use objects of type type (e.g. str instead of "str") when
specificing the column type.
.. code-block:: python
specs_and_rules = {
'T1l': ('Int16', [-9, ' '])
'ColumnA': 'str',
'ColumnB': ('str', 'no answer'),
'ColumnC': None,
'ColumnD': (
-9, {
'len': [1, 2, (4-8)],
'val': [0, 1, (3-9)]
(pandas.DataFrame): Result.

AENUM creating class bodies dynamically causes pylint warning

I cannot explain why I get a pylint "<class 'AttributeError'>: 'For' object has no attribute 'targets'" warning when I create enum entries dynamically.
I cannot see any reason for the the warning in my code.
from aenum import IntEnum
class Commands(IntEnum):
_ignore_ = 'Commands index'
_init_ = 'value string'
BEL = 0x07, 'Bell'
Commands = vars()
for index in range(4):
Commands[f'DC{index + 1}'] = 0x11 + index, f'Device Control {index + 1}'
for command in Commands:
print(f"0x{command.value:02X} is {command.string}")
The code works fine but I do NOT expect a warning!
The code is OK the bug was within the toolchain:

Rscript : Why is Error in UseMethod("extract_") : being indicated when attempting to use raster::extract?

I attempting to use raster package's extract method to extract values from a Raster* object.
RStudioPrompt> jpnpe <- extract(jpnp, jpnb, fun = mean, na.rm = T)
where jpnp is the raster object and jpnb is SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
However the following error is indicated:
Error in UseMethod("extract_") :
no applicable method for 'extract_' applied to an object of class "c('RasterStack', 'Raster', 'RasterStackBrick', 'BasicRaster')"
How can I get passed this error?
Issue may be due to having another package with the same method name, obfuscating the raster extract method.
The tidyr package has an extract method which may conflict with raster's extract method.
Confirm by checking libraries loaded by doing:
[1] ".GlobalEnv" **"package:tidyr"** "package:dplyr"
[4] "package:rgeos" "package:ggplot2" "package:RColorBrewer"
[7] "package:animation" "package:rgdal" "package:maptools"
[10] **"package:raster"** "package:sp" "tools:rstudio"
[13] "package:stats" "package:graphics" "package:grDevices"
[16] "package:utils" "package:datasets" "package:methods"
[19] "Autoloads" "package:base"
you can also check which extract method is being loaded by typing name of function without brackets (as below, the environment will tell you which package is being used):
> extract
function (data, col, into, regex = "([[:alnum:]]+)", remove = TRUE,
convert = FALSE, ...)
col <- col_name(substitute(col))
extract_(data, col, into, regex = regex, remove = remove,
convert = convert, ...)
<environment: namespace:tidyr>
To resolve the error just unload the offending package, in RStudio you can use the following command:
and re-execute the raster extract method:
>jpnpe <- extract(jpnp, jpnb, fun = mean, na.rm = T)

Pebble C TupletCString compile error

I have an issue compiling my pebble watchapp. I am trying to send strings to the Pebbl eJS script on the phone lihe this:
Tuplet password_tuple = TupletCString(PASSWORD_KEY, password_str);
Tuplet email_tuple = TupletCString(EMAIL_KEY, email_str);
The compiler error is: (they both error out like this, this is just one of the lines of output below)
./src/app_test.c:84:25: error: the address of 'email_str' will always evaluate as 'true' [-Werror=address]
email_str and password_str are defined at the top of the program, like this:
static char email_str[30];
static char password_str[30];
#define PASSWORD_PKEY (int32_t)21
#define EMAIL_PKEY (int32_t)20
Does anyone notice anything wrong with this?
#ismail-badawi answer is very correct.
Pebble now recommends that you use dict_write_cstring.
dict_write_cstring(&iter, SOME_STRING_KEY, string);
Well it's certainly not obvious, but it turns out it's because TupletCString is a macro, and it'll expand to an expression that contains email_str ? strlen(email_str) + 1 : 0 as a subexpression, and this is what causes the error, because email_str can't be null and so the comparison isn't doing anything.
I found this thread on the Pebble forums with an explanation. The suggested fix is to define your own macro that doesn't have a conditional, e.g.
#define MyTupletCString(_key, _cstring) \
((const Tuplet) { .type = TUPLE_CSTRING, .key = _key, .cstring = { .data = _cstring, .length = strlen(_cstring) + 1 }})
