Script in mikrotik to Login into public hotspot captive portal - mikrotik

i have a public hotspot captive portal that i want login
automatically using my mikrotik router, the ideia is by cronjob or something
perform a form post with the credencials to login into that public hotspot,
then the mikrotik router will work as a gateway to provide internet acess
to the network without the need for other pc´s perform the same login.
anyone have done something like that?

You can use the "fetch" tool to simulate HTTP requests. It would look like
/tool fetch url="\3Fuser=blah&password=blah" mode=http
two remarks
The "\3F" part is meant to pass the "?" character
it's limited to HTTP GET method, no POST available
If you really need POST requests, you must consider a more complicated version with a metarouter (= VM inside RouterOS) with an OpenWRT distribution; with this kind of distrib you will be able to use cool Linux commands.


How to handle redirection when login Jmeter

I am doing performance testing. I have a URL it redirects to for login. Because is registered in Github. What will be the approach to login into the application with Jmeter
It's called OAuth and you need to implement the required authorization flow, most probably Authorization Code Grant, however it depends on how your "" is exactly integrated with Github.
All the information on possible options and flows is listed on Github website so you either need to ask around what exact flow is being used or inspect the traffic from your browser using your browser developer tools or external sniffer tool like Fiddler or
Actually it's only matter of passing correct parameters to Github and endpoints and correlating the dynamic values using suitable JMeter Post-Processors.

Does anyone know how to handle browser authentication

I am trying to run the tests using Zalenium but the browser is asking for the credentials, so I am providing the username and password manually.
Does anyone know how to handle browser authentication?
My project uses Specflow, C# and Selenium
There are several options
You can login with
Automate login process at #BeforeMethod or #BeforeClass
Set cookies. Although I don't advise this method since it doesn't speed up automation much and there is quite a bit of work to do to implement it.
You could put your web application behind a proxy that automatically injects the basic auth credentials. I did this once for a client a few years back.
I'm pretty sure I used: with
But I had to write some code intercept requests and inject basic auth headers. Although from memory it was pretty straight forward.
If you don't need https then you could probably use cntlm and then set the basic auth header by hand using this:
-r "HeaderName: value"
Add a header substitution. All such headers will be added/replaced
in the client's requests.

Gin-Gonic Restricting Routes

My webapp has means of abuse, users can access things they're not supposed to, such as & & and so on, within these it reveals the user's registration email, ip, etc (via JSON, so the web server can return customized messages, greetings, and allow users to edit account data within profile settings)
This is what my route looks like:
forum.GET("/users/:user_id", routeFunc(UsersGET))
I'm using Gin-Gonic HTTP framework to create a dummy forum, can someone tell me how to stop users from accessing the /users/ route whilst allowing the actual web server to use freely? and maybe link me to the correct direction. Thanks!
(The server uses it to return things like, Welcome Back, USERNAME).
You need to add authentication and authorization to your server.
Authentication is where a user will prove their identity to you by means of a shared secret (like a password hash) and authorization is where you check if that authenticated user is allowed to take the action they are trying to make.
There are many third party services that might help you with this (e.g. Auth0) where they can handle authentication for you and provide you with libraries for authorization.
Usually people bind authentication into their Gin-Gonic server by means of middleware (e.g. gin-jwt) which is run in front of every http request. Once that middleware authenticates the user, you can add some logic to your handle that states only users can only view themselves.
Hope this helps. Good luck.

Google places API - 'REQUEST_DENIED' when using server-side proxy on EC2

I'm stuck trying to get an API call to Google Places working. I'm using a server-side PHP proxy for the request - not because I want to, but because it's part of JQuery-POI-Mapper.
The server I'm using is an Amazon EC2 server without a static IP address. I'm out of stactic IP addresses at the moment, but I'll take the time to request more if people think that's the problem. I identified the current public IP address of my EC2 server by running this command on the server:
Next, I went to and created a new API key. I selected a server-side API key and used my EC2 server's public IP address.
Under the services tab, I enabled every related API I could think of, including:
Google Maps API v2
Google Maps API v3
Google Maps Gelolocation API
Places API
Static Maps API
Here's a screen capture of my Services:
The proxy code running on the EC2 server is part of a commercial package, so I shouldn't post the entire code, but it's very short, and the important part is:
$json = file_get_contents($url);
The $url variable in my case was:,145.14891620000003&radius=2000&types=bakery&sensor=false&key=AIzaSyCCUV...
The response I get is:
"html_attributions" : [],
"results" : [],
"status" : "REQUEST_DENIED"
I checked to see if I had gone over my quota already, but everything looks OK. What's interesting is that Google is showing that I had made requests to the Places API today, so Google definitely knows that the requests are coming from me.
Here's a screen capture of my API Traffic Report, which is all from testing:
Any advice would be much appreciated.
You need a Static IP address to successfully use IP Locking with a Server API Key.

Should HTTPS be used for all calls involving authorization

It's common to use HTTPS for authentication, so the authentication details from client cannot be sniffed. However once the user is logged in then subsequent calls to a web app passing some sort of auth id which then the web app will then use to authorise with, should that not also be HTTPS? How is this done in things like Facebook? Seems easier to make all traffic HTTPS.
An answer by Jeff Atwood:
Assuming the server can handle it, I'd go a step further and use SSL for everything, no matter if users are logged in or not.
This has the advantage that an eavesdropper doesn't even know if the user is accessing your site/app as a guest or as an authenticated user. It also saves you from having to decide when to use SSL and when not.
