Firebird 3 do Firebird 2.5 Free-Adhoc UDFs work? - adhoc

I am currently running an application on Firebird 1.54 and working on an Upgrade to 2.56. As Firebird 3 is released, I would like to directly go to this version but I need the great Free-AdHoc-UDFs as users also have custom statements in their installations that make heavy use of these UDFs. Apart from that, not all of these UDFs are replaceable by new native functions.
Unfortunately these UDFs are officially only available for Firebird 2.5 and I am currently not even able to compile them for all required platforms.
Does anybody have experiences with UDFs from Firebird 2.5 and using them in Firebird 3?
Update: I found out that Firebird 3 supports functions in PSQL, so my first approach will be to replace the udfs by new self written PSQL functions. But I believe the question still is interesting.


Deno: how do I connect to oracle database?

For a rest service written in DENO - i.e Nodejs replacement, I need to query oracle database.
How can I do that? Any examples?
Note: I do see postgres libs, but that's not my current need.
Note2: If currently no solution, just make the question more visible so the 'gods' know that there is a popular-demand.
Deno is pretty young, I doubt that we already an Oracle driver implemented in Deno (But I might be wrong). If you want to build a production-ready application I suggest you to stick with Node.js until Deno has all the libraries and driver that you require.
You can see all the third-party libraries available for Deno here. There is limited database support. Check out this library for MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL. Not sure there's any for Oracle.

need SQLite3 for a portable program vb6

Is there any idea to use sqlite version 3 in vb6 like sqlite version 1 ? sqlite version 1 use ags_sqlite.dll
I would use the SQLite ODBC driver. It works pretty darn well and allows the DSN-less approach, which makes app distribution easier.
The only to look out for is that it won't allow multiple statements in one call - thus you must call them separately.

Graphical Application in Windows, Linux, MacOS

I would like to build a graphical application that must work on at least Windows, Linux and MacOS. I would like to know what do you suggest I should use.
I have some experience with Java and C++ but I thought about using Java Swing first. What do you think or further suggest (like maybe tools or frameworks)? I also may be needing to connect to a PostgreSQL database to store data.
Java is probably the simplest way to get your application working on all 3 platforms as well as to add database support. All of these are equally possible in C++, but it definitely involves more work because you need to learn to use a cross-platform widget toolkit. Also, C++ database drivers usually have wildly varying designs but Java presents a unified interface via JDBC - this also means that you can change your underlying DB at any time without having to change your code.
I would use the Qt platform from Nokia. It supports all the OSes that you've mentioned and has also database connectors for PostgreSQL but also for MySQL, SQLite, etc.
It also has a very nice IDE, the QT Creator that you can use should you pick Qt.
I would suggest Qt too. Qt has seen very good development recently, their examples and documentation base is quite large, and the LGPL license is flexible too, for creating proprietary software. It has a good Qt Creator IDE, a Qt GUI Designer. Plus is has quite a number of modules, enabling it to be used in conjunction with other language developed apps/libraries. And, it is used in commercial/public apps like Google Earth, Skype (maybe only the linux version). So, it has a good history of reliability. And yeah, for Database, it has modules, like Qt-Sql. Another advantage you get over java is speed.
wxWidgets does cross-platform easily enough, using available native toolkits. You could probably use a ORM for the database part, but I don't have enough experience using them under C++ to provide an actual informed opinion there.
GTK is cross-platform. Pidgin uses it and manages to get away with being generally considered a fully-cross-platform app. The installer size is a problem, though.

What options are available for mapping a database schema?

What are some programs that people use to map out a database schema with several tables and inter-connected keys? Preferably for OS X.
MySQL Workbench is a semi-decent tool (especially if you're using MySQL), although I haven't tried the OSX version. They're busy upgrading to version 5.2 at the moment, which looks like it will be a lot better than the current stable 5.1 version. Still kind of buggy though, so 5.1 is the way to go unless you're brave.

What's the smallest footprint necessary to use an unmanaged Oracle provider?

I'm working on an application written in .NET. We are currently using ODP.NET 11's xcopy deployment for all of our .NET operations and everything is peachy - we can run on machines with no Oracle client previously installed. Peachy, that is, until we came to the part of the application which depends on a library written in COM, which obviously(?) cannot use .NET providers.
What's the least amount of stuff we have to install in order to get an OLEDB or ODBC provider for Oracle working?
Some additional details:
I believe that any OLEDB or ODBC provider will be good enough for these purposes - performance isn't a big deal.
We definitely need to use the ODP.NET 11 client for .NET stuff because we're using 11-specific functionality. (So we can't just install the big ol' 10 client.)
We're eventually going to have an installer, so it's important that we can install whatever we need to via the command line.
You probably want to look at the Instant Client. You would need the basic package as well as either the ODBC Supplement (to use ODBC) or the ODAC (to use OLE DB). This involves installing just a handful of DLLs and environment variables as part of your installer.
