I'm using BIRT as reporting tool. while exporting the datas from the BIRT report as PDF. the long texts got hidden. I have attached the image.
from the above image in the MM Group column the long texts got hidden. is there any way to overcome it?
When autowrapping is activated it should wrap to a new line. I'm not sure why it doesn't do it.
I think it is because there are no spaces in the text. It sees the "100000,100200,OVCR..." as one long word which doesn't get wrapped.
Are you concatenating these values yourself? Just add in a space after every comma.
Otherwise replace comma's with comma-space with code like:
row["MMGroup"].split(",").join(", ");
You can simply modify the data element in the table.
(javascript function replace() will only replace the first occurrence)
I have two things I have been using, neither of which are keeping the image/table exactly where I placed it within the text in R markdown when knitted to a pdf.
 will place the image where there is space on the page. That is, if the page has space, the image will print between the desired text. However, if the page does not have the space, the text is placed to fill the page and then the image awkwardly inserts itself in the middle of the paragraph on the next page.
I am having a similar problem with my kable tables. I have tried using latex_options = 'hold_position', but this seems to only keep my tables from grouping together.
Is there a way to have my table stay between the text that I want? So if it needs to start a whole new page, to fit it, it can without trying to fill the space with the text below.
Thank you in advance.
I must to insert an 1:100 image I did in Autocad inside a Word document. I just printed in PDF format and it fits a A4. I could do a print screen, paste it on the Word page and crop the boundaries, but it need some very sketchy adjusts to put it back into the correct scale. Also the lines does not render very well. I believe there is a better and correct way to do.
I guess my first question would be, "Why do you need to insert the file into a word document?"
If you must insert it into a word document, you should use the Insert Object process described here -->PDF into Word Doc.
This would never be my preferred method though. I would rather convert the word document to PDF and then insert my scaled PDF drawing into the exported word doc PDF. This would keep the integrity of your drawing scale intact.
Just my two cents, which won't get you much.
I created RTF Template from MS Word .I have problem which is wrapping of text in output excel cell.
Data gets wrapped in the output cell but full data is not visible when I open the xls file.
I tried :
-Uncheck Wrap text.
-resize width column .
-Check fit text.
-Check Automatically resize to fit content.
but it didn't work . Can anyone help me find what the problem is?
Regards ,
If you don't have any formatting requirements, and you just need to export date into something Excel can easily work with, try e-text templates. Use the comma separated version, not the fixed width.
I want to insert a picture to my slide, but if there is an empty placeholder, the picture automatically gets inserted into this placeholder.
Is there a way to tell PowerPoint to avoid empty placeholders when inserting a picture?
Best regards
Is there a way to tell PowerPoint to avoid empty placeholders when inserting a picture?
No, but you can work around it by inserting your picture, getting a reference to the inserted shape, duplicating it, then deleting the original inserted shape.
The duplicate will be a picture, not a placeholder containing a picture.
That works most of the time; if your needs are more complex and/or you need to preserve the original placeholder, you'll need to add content to any empty placeholders, then insert your picture, then delete the added "bogus" content.
I'm using InDesign's data merge to generate playing cards for my game. Is it possible to convert a specific string to an inline image?
"You may roll :red_die: and add the rolled valued to this card's value"
For example the :red_die: in the text above would be automatically converted to an inline icon of a red coloured die.
No you can't this way. But you can place images with datamerge to the condition some fields of your source is set as an image one meaning having a "#" prefix. InDesign will process fields like #image as an image to place. It's up to you to add such a field in your source. However you can't nest it within another datamerge tag so it may not work eventually.
Other solution is using F/C dialog to replace :red_die: with clipboard content (your image) or to use scripting. You may also consider variable content plugin like EasyCatalog.