Jython creates file in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc failed - windows

In my RF scripts, I need to modify the hosts file under c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc to finish my test job. But the scripts fail with ERROR 20047, I tried to create file in another folder, it was OK. I get the conclusion that it only doesn't work in folder etc, it seems that I do have the permission to create/modify hosts file. I modified the owner of folder etc and granted all permission to the current user and tried again. It still does not work.
BTW: The RF scripts run with jython. I find that It works while I use python to create/modify hosts in folder etc.
Could anyone help me ?


Unable to save output from Rscripts in system directory using Devops Pipeline

I am running Rscripts on a self hosted Devops agent. My Windows agent is able to access the system's directory where its hosted. Below is the directory structure for my code
Agent loc. : F:/agent
Source Code : F:/agent/deployment/projects/project1/sourcecode
DWH _dump : F:/agent/deployment/DWH_dump/2021/
Output loca. : F:/agent/deployment/projects/project1/output_data/2021
The agent is using CMD in the devops pipeline to trigger R from the system and use the libraries from the system directory.
Problem statement: I am unable to save the output from my Rscript in to the Output Loca. directory. It give an error as Probable reason: permission denied error by pointing to that directory.
Output File Format: file_name.rds but same issue happens even for a csv file.
Command leading to failure: saverds(paste0(Output loca.,"/",file_name.rds))
Workaround : However I found a workaround, tried to save the scripts at the Source Code directory and then save the same files at the Output Loca. directory. This works perfectly fine but costs me 2 extra hours of run time because I have to save all intermediatory files and delete them in the end. Keeping the intermediatory files in memory eats up my RAM.
I have not opened that directory anywhere in the machine. Only open application in my explorer is my browser where the pipeline is running. I spent hours to figure out the reason but no success. Even I checked the system Path to see whether I have mentioned that directory over there and its not present.
When I run the same script directly, on the machine using Rstudio, I do not have any issues with saving the file at any directory.
Spent 2 full days already. Any pointers to figure out the root cause can save me few hours of runtime.
Solution was to set the Azure Pipeline Agent services in Windows to run with Admin Credentials. The agent was not configured as an admin during creation and so after enabling it with my userid which has admin access on the VM, the pipelines were able to save files without any troubles.
Feels great, saved few hours of run time!
I was able to achieve this by following this post.

AWS Codedeploy access a file within BeforeInstall script

I'm bundling a file to be accessed by BeforeInstall shell script file. But shell script file cannot locate the file. I tried bundling in the same folder as script file. Still not working. It gives No such file or directory
May I know if this is possible...
The files are not placed in the locations you have specified yet during the BeforeInstall step. At that point the zip has only been downloaded to a default location, so the file path in your script probably doesn't exist yet.
What do you want your script to do? Would running it during the AfterInstall step work?

Silent installation of git through use of .bat file on Windows

I am currently working on a Windows batch file that will allow me to silently install git (the executable for which will be placed in the folder that the .bat file will be running from) in a pre-specified location on the file system.
I've found this article which seems to provide some suitable advice:
However, I'm not entirely sure what parameters I would need to mention in my LOADINF file. I would like to pre-define the options that the user would manually select throughout the various stages of installation, so that it can run through from start to finish without prompting anything from the user.
Can anyone help or point me to a place where I can find these parameters and their available values?
Create a file, for eg. my-config.cnf (or my-config.ini) with the following content:
Dir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Git
<other options as shown in the msysgit wiki>
Now, in the batch file, when you execute the installation file (say msysgit-install.exe), use /LOADINF as follows:
msysgit-install.exe /SILENT /LOADINF="my-config.cnf"

monitor folder and execute command

I'm looking for a solution for monitoring a folder for new file creation and then execute shell command upon the created file. The scenario is I have a host machine that runs a virtual machine and they share a folder. What I want is when I create or copy a new file to that shared folder on my host machine, on the VM, the system should be able to detect those changes. I have tried incron and inotify but they only work when I do the copy, create as a user in the VM. Thanks
Method 1 in this answer may help: Bash script, watch folder, execute command
Just run that script in your VM, and you should be able to detect changes made by the host.

Codeigniter not creating any log files

Under config.php I have:
$config['log_threshold'] = 4;
$config['log_path'] = '/home/myaccount/logFilesFolder';
In index.php I have:
The only way I can seem to get anything to log is if I chmod that directory to rwx (777), which doesn't seem right to me. That and it doesn't see to be logging all the errors.
In my local/dev environment it seems to be working but on my production server nothing is being logged. I can't seem to figure out why.
The log filename in the configuration settings needs a trailing "/" above making sure the webserver process has writeable access to the directory.
Change the logs owner and group to what owner/group your live web server is running, give it write perms and it should work. I take it that in your local/dev server your CI folder is owned by you that is why you need to chmod it to 777 to make it work.
The directory where you want the log files to be saved needs to be writable.
I have tried a lot of solutions and finally what worked for me was this:
Open system/libraries/Log.php
and change the following lines;
set the value of: $this->log_path to a writable directory, preferably home directory so that there are no permission issues. If you want to change the filename also, search for the variable $filepath and change the name.
$this->log_path = '/log';
touch /log/
restart the webserver.
The logs will start coming.
I have tried a lot of other options, none worked, this is not neat approach but at least I can see my logs now.
I had the same problem with my Codeigniter 4 project. The log was created successfully in my local window machine but was not creating on the remote Linux machine. I was using a custom path to generate log files under the 'app' folder. So what I did is to change the settings in my config/Logger.php file back to
'path' => WRITEPATH.'logs/',
and it created the log files under writeable/logs folder.
