JavaFx Css, 'Not' selector - javafx-css

the following css would select all cells with 'new' style class and set it's color to green
.table-view .new:filled {
-fx-background-color: green;
but on selection, it stays green, what I want is to respect the usual selection color, so is there something like:
.table-view .new:filled:not(selected){
-fx-background-color: green;
also I've noticed a strange behavior, the following css
.table-view :selected{
-fx-background-color: yellow;
would normally turn selection color of talbe to yellow, where as the following css to set the selection color of updated cells is not working
.table-view .updated:selected{
-fx-background-color: yellow;


Amp-accordion's animation removes the outline in animation/transition

.focusOutline:focus-visible { outline: 3px solid green; outline-offset:5px; z-index:99; }
I have added an outline and animation to the amp-accordion. During the animation/transition the outline outside of the accordion disappears.
Can the outline not disappear?

How to change d3.js Chart Legend color

i have a html file to show some CSV Data in a Chart.
that is working, but the Legend text is black. And it would be great is the Text color could fit to the Line/Axis Color.
I have tried to change it, but all examples look different to the html i have.
So please could you take a look and help me to change the Color?
i put the html and csv to plnkr
To change the color of a label (the tag of your legend), simply use
#labelID {
color: red; /* the color you would like to fill the label */
In your case, I would add assign an id for each label
var label = document.createElement('label');
label.htmlFor = 'legnd_chk' + idx; = 'label_legend' + idx;
and add the css for the labels
#label_legend0 {
color: blue;
#label_legend1 {
color: red;
#label_legend2 {
color: green;
#label_legend3 {
color: yellow;
See updated plunker here

How to change the background color Kendo Grid

I create the one kendo grid .kendo grid use default white or off white color i want to change full background area white e to transparent.I tried many thing but not get the actual result.If any body know please respond to me.thanksYou can see image now is background color is white but i want to change transparent color
You need to override the following styles:
/* Grid header */
#grid .k-grouping-header, #grid .k-grid-header {
background: transparent;
/* Grid content */
#grid.k-grid, #grid.k-grid div.k-grid-content {
background: transparent;
#grid.k-grid tr.k-alt {
background: transparent;
/* Grid footer */
#grid .k-pager-wrap, #grid .k-pager-wrap .k-pager-numbers, #grid .k-pager-wrap .k-dropdown-wrap {
background: transparent;
Working example:

Chromecast, Styled Media Receiver, gray bars

Can we change the background color used for the bars which display on top and below a video, when a video doesn't fit the screen?
By default it is a dark gray, which is very distracting.
I tried this to see if it can be changed at all. But it didn't change:
.background {
background: center no-repeat url(my_background_url)
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
Adding this to your custom stylesheet will do the trick:
#player video {
background-color: black;
However, I think Google should not set a background-color on the video element (currently #111 I think)

Rect in a skin with border

It is possible to draw a rect with a border, which appears left, right and top.
What I want is a tabbar with a border around everything (content and buttons), but the borderline between button and content should disappear.
I think, the easiest way would be to draw a border around a rect without the bottomline.
Try using the CSS "outline" command.
Something like this :
#tabContainer {
border: 1px solid #DDD;
outline: black solid thick;
