How to change the wall color or image in Three js? - three.js

i have created wall using path in three js. I want change the color option buttion automatically need to change the color onclick event.
Below my color any one help me.
// wall 1 inside
item_count = 1;
var wall_x1 = 69;
var wall_y1 = 55;
var wall_x2 = 366;
var wall_y2 = 52;
var wall_z = 0;
var wall_width = 5;
var wall_height = default_height;
var wall_wall_width = 5;
if(!wall_wall_width) { wall_wall_width = 5; }
var wall_wall_elevation = planner_default_height;
if(!wall_wall_elevation) { wall_wall_elevation = default_height; }
var wall_top_filltype = 'texture';
var wall_top_fill = 'default_wall.jpg';
var wall_side_filltype = 'texture';
var wall_side_fill = 'wall5.jpg';
if ( item_count == 0 )
starting_x_value = wall_x1;
starting_y_value = wall_y1;
path = generate_path_byline(wall_x1,wall_y1,wall_x2,wall_y2,default_depth);
path_type ="wall";
x=starting_x_value-wall_x1; y=starting_y_value-wall_y1;
// z=default_height/2;
path_transform = transformSVGPath(path);

I see no clear way of defining the material at your sample code, or at least the way three.js does it:
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x00ff00 } );
If you use as a material a texture with an image, you have many ways to change its color... one easy trick could be to change the light color that lightens the scene or this object.


Is there a way to use fusion algorithms like STARFM in Google Earth Engine?

Landsat and MODIS products both have their advantages. Landsat with its high spatial resolution and MODIS with its high temporal resolution. I've read a lot about downloading the files and fuse them locally with algorithms like STARFM in Python for example. Is there a way to fuse both collections directly in Google Earth Engine to save computational time?
There is Google earth engine code in GitHub. The link is below:
The code I copied is below:
/**** Start of imports. If edited, may not auto-convert in the playground. ****/
var l8 = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR"),
modis = ee.ImageCollection("MODIS/006/MOD09GQ"),
geometry4 = /* color: #d63000 */ee.Geometry.Polygon(
[[[-116.004638671875, 42.809506838324204],
[-115.59539794921875, 42.78129125156276],
[-115.499267578125, 43.004647127794435],
[-115.499267578125, 43.28920196020127],
[-116.00189208984375, 43.35114690203121],
[-116.19415283203125, 43.07691312608711]]]),
geometry = /* color: #98ff00 */ee.Geometry.Polygon(
[[[-115.93391418457031, 43.09346209534859],
[-115.80276489257812, 43.095718426590174],
[-115.80276489257812, 43.161366298103566],
[-115.9332275390625, 43.16086543618915]]]);
/***** End of imports. If edited, may not auto-convert in the playground. *****/
// based on script by Faye Peters, University of Louisville
// modified by Megan Gallagher, Boise State University
// for code inquiries, or adjustments please email
// code exists for:
// landsat 5,7, and 8 NDVI merging with MODIS Terra daily
// MODIS Terra and Sentinel-2
// Landsat pre tier and modis daily terra - works with base R code
// Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2
// import Landsat 8 and MODIS daily terra surface reflectance 250m
var region = geometry; //region you want to export
var bounds = geometry4 //outer bounds of image to catch boundary effect, make larger than region
var date_begin = '2016-03-02' //start date of data collection, must be a landsat image date
var date_end ='2016-10-13' // end date of data collection, must be the day AFTER last landsat image
var csv_title = '2016_Dates_BOP' //title of csv output
var ls_title = '2016_landsat' // title of landsat tif file
var mod_title = '2016_mod' // title of modis tif file
var starfm = function(modis, l8){
//Preliminary filtering of MODIS and Landsat
var filt_mod = modis.filterDate(date_begin, date_end);
var filt_l8 = l8.filterDate(date_begin, date_end)
//add bounds to subset area
var subset_bounds = bounds.transform('EPSG:4326', 30).bounds().getInfo();
// get rid of bad pixels but keep metadata date information
var removeBadObservations = function(image){
var valid_data_mask = ee.Image(image).select('pixel_qa').bitwiseAnd(2).neq(0);
var numberBandsHaveData =
var allOrNoBandsHaveData =
var allBandsHaveData = allOrNoBandsHaveData;
//Make sure no band is just under zero
var allBandsGT = image.reduce(ee.Reducer.min()).gt(-0.001);
var result = ee.Image(image).mask(image.mask().and(valid_data_mask).and(allBandsHaveData).and(allBandsGT));
return result.copyProperties(ee.Image(image),['system:time_start']);
//NDVI functions for Landsat and MODIS
var getNDVI_mod = function(image){
return image
var getNDVI_l8= function(image){
var ndvi = ee.Image(image).normalizedDifference(['B5','B4']);
return ndvi.copyProperties(ee.Image(image),['system:time_start']);
var filt2_l8= filt_l8.filterBounds(subset_bounds).aside(print).map(removeBadObservations).map(getNDVI_l8);
// update mask for different areas
var subset_mask = ee.Image().byte().paint(geometry4, "id").add(1);
var filtered_modis = filt_mod.filterBounds(subset_bounds).aside(print).map(getNDVI_mod);
// Pull out the date:
var extract_modis_date = function(row) {
var d = ee.Date(row.get('system:time_start'));
var d2 = ee.Date.fromYMD(d.get('year'), d.get('month'), d.get('day'));
var result = ee.Feature(null, {'date': d2});
result = result.set({'date': d2});
return result;
var getQABits = function(image, start, end, newName) {
//// Compute the bits we need to extract.
var pattern = 0;
for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
pattern += Math.pow(2, i);
//// Return a single band image of the extracted QA bits, giving the band a new name.
return[0], [newName])
.rightShift(start); };
filtered_modis ={
var quality = getQABits(, 4, 5, 'QAMask');
quality = quality.eq(3).not();
return image.clip(subset_bounds).mask(image.mask().multiply(subset_mask).multiply(quality));
filtered_modis ='NDVI'); //Take only NDVI band
var modis_multiband = ee.Image(filtered_modis.filterDate(date_begin, date_end).iterate( function(x, modis_multiband) {
return ee.Image(modis_multiband).addBands(ee.Image(x));
}, filtered_modis.first()));
var dates_modis =;
var filt2_l8_ndvi = {
return ee.Image(image)
//use this to choose the range of days, and check for overlap
var day_expand = 1;
var reduceLandsatNDVI = function(MODISdate) {
MODISdate = ee.Date(MODISdate.get('date'));
var ndvi_subset = ee.ImageCollection(filt2_l8_ndvi).filterDate( MODISdate,
MODISdate.advance(day_expand, 'day') );
ndvi_subset = (image) {
var diff = MODISdate.difference(ee.Date(ee.Image(image).get('system:time_start')), 'day').abs();
return ee.Image(image).set('diff', diff);
ndvi_subset = ndvi_subset.sort('diff');
var ndvi_first = ndvi_subset.reduce('first');
var ndvi_mean = ndvi_subset.reduce('mean');
return ee.Algorithms.If(
var extract_landsat_date = function(MODISdate) {
MODISdate = ee.Date(MODISdate.get('date'));
var ndvi_subset =
ee.ImageCollection(filt2_l8_ndvi).filterDate( MODISdate,
MODISdate.advance(day_expand, 'day') );
ndvi_subset = (image) {
var diff = MODISdate.difference(ee.Date(ee.Image(image).get('system:time_start')), 'day').abs();
return ee.Image(image).set('diff', diff);
ndvi_subset = ndvi_subset.sort('diff');
var d = ndvi_subset.aggregate_first('system:time_start');
var count = ndvi_subset.aggregate_count('system:time_start');
d = ee.Algorithms.If(
d = ee.Date(d);
var d2 = ee.Date.fromYMD(d.get('year'), d.get('month'),
var result = ee.Feature(null, {'LSdate': d2, 'MODISdate':
MODISdate, 'CountLSScenes': count});
result = result.set({'LSdate': d2, 'MODISdate': MODISdate,
'CountLSScenes': count});
return result;
var ls_collection =;
print(ls_collection,'ls collection');
var dates_landsat =;
Export.table(dates_landsat, csv_title);
var ls_multiband = ls_collection.iterate( function(x,
{ return ee.Image(ls_multiband).addBands(ee.Image(x));
}, ls_collection.first());
ls_multiband = ee.Image(ls_multiband).multiply(10000).int16();
ls_multiband = ls_multiband.mask(ls_multiband.mask().multiply(ls_multiband.neq(0)));
//remove repeated first layer
var ls_multiband2=ee.Image(ls_multiband.slice(1))
var modis_multiband2=ee.Image(modis_multiband.slice(1))
image: modis_multiband2,
description: mod_title,
crs:'EPSG:4326 ',
image: ls_multiband2,
description: ls_title,
return 'Done!'
var running = starfm(modis,l8)

how to remove lines from amcharts map Dynamically

I want to remove Lines from amcharts maps dynamically. I can add lines dynamically but not able to remove it dynamically
var chart = am4core.create("chartdiv", am4maps.MapChart);
chart.geodata = am4geodata_worldLow;
chart.projection = new am4maps.projections.Miller();
var markerPoints = [];
// Create map polygon series
var polygonSeries = chart.series.push(new am4maps.MapPolygonSeries());
polygonSeries.useGeodata = true;
polygonSeries.mapPolygons.template.fill = chart.colors.getIndex(0).lighten(0.5);
polygonSeries.mapPolygons.template.nonScalingStroke = true;
polygonSeries.exclude = ["AQ"];
var points = chart.series.push(new am4maps.MapImageSeries());
points.mapImages.template.nonScaling = true;
var marker = points.mapImages.template.createChild(am4core.Circle);
marker.radius = 1;
marker.fill = am4core.color("yellow");
marker.strokeWidth = 0;
marker.stroke = am4core.color("yellow");
marker.tooltipText = '{title}';
points.mapImages.template.propertyFields.latitude = "latitude";
points.mapImages.template.propertyFields.longitude = "longitude";
function addPoint(coords, title) { // this is function to add points on map
var marker = points.mapImages.create();
marker.latitude = coords.latitude;
marker.longitude = coords.longitude;
return marker;
var paris = addPoint({ "latitude": 48.8567, "longitude": 2.3510 }, "Paris");
var toronto = addPoint({ "latitude": 43.8163, "longitude": -79.4287 }, "Toronto");
var lineSeries = chart.series.push(new am4maps.MapArcSeries());
lineSeries.mapLines.template.line.strokeWidth = 2;
lineSeries.mapLines.template.line.strokeOpamarker = 0.5;
lineSeries.mapLines.template.line.stroke = marker.fill;
lineSeries.mapLines.template.line.nonScalingStroke = true;
lineSeries.mapLines.template.line.strokeDasharray = "1,5";
function addLine(from, to) {
var line = lineSeries.mapLines.create();
line.imagesToConnect = [from, to];
line.line.controlPointDistance = -0.3;
return line;
addLine(paris, toronto);
removeLine()//how to implement this one
I want to implement a function or line of code that remove those lines which has already drawn inside setInterval ..
for bullets var bulletAttack = bullet.createChild(am4core.Sprite); I use:
maybe it will help you.
try below command before adding new line and it will fix your issue.

Resizing dynamically loaded images Flash AS3

I have a series of banners (standard sizes) which all need to load the same corresponding image for each slide. I can load them fine but I want the image to match the size of the container MC that the image is being loaded to, is that possible? Either that or to set the height/width manually...
Everything I have tried doesnt work, here is the code for the working state (where it just loads the image which stretches across the stage)
var myImage:String = dynamicContent.Profile[0].propImage.Url;
function myImageLoader(file:String, x:Number, y:Number):StudioLoader{
var myImageLoader:StudioLoader = new StudioLoader();
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(file);
myImageLoader.x = -52;
myImageLoader.y =-30;
return myImageLoader;
You can resize your loaded image after the Event.COMPLETE on the LoaderInfo (contentLoaderInfo) of your URLLoader is fired, so you can do like this :
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest('');
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, on_loadComplete);
function on_loadComplete(e:Event):void {
var image:DisplayObject = loader.content;
image.x = 100;
image.y = 100;
image.width = 300;
image.height = 200;
Edit :
function load_image(url){
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, on_loadComplete);
function on_loadComplete(e:Event):void {
function add_image(image:DisplayObject, _x:int = 0, _y:int = 0, _width:int = 100, _height:int = 100){
image.x = _x;
image.y = _y;
image.width = _width;
image.height = _height;
Hope that can help.

How to show polynomial tread line in Am-Line chart

How can i show a polynomial tread line in Am-line chart. I'm getting a straight trend line here, i need a polynomial trend line. My javascript code is shown below. Please someone help me to solve this issue.
function GenChartData() {
var data1 = [0.234761158, 0.23816127, 0.263960124, 0.282558558, 0.300607979, 0.318197719, 0.316059534, 0.319133276, 0.322505238, 0.323926338, 0.323720379, 0.3203703, 0.318837626, 0.318380371, 0.321465339, 0.316398839, 0.310238176, 0.301206892, 0.278454166, 0.268778255, 0.250299958, 0.23754735, 0.216277621, 0.182483871, 0.152057602, 0.129372542, 0.079524595, 0.044074801, 0.007279248, -0.021369877, -0.022801251, -0.043247196, -0.060677351, -0.055932729, -0.055847788, -0.032625365, -0.027289726, -0.022615401, -0.010850169, 0.015833104, 0.043923065, 0.055500831, 0.048043121, 0.054154849, 0.064038257, 0.049914887, 0.046542406, 0.03154397, 0.033614909, 0.030570225, 0.035606699, 0.001179461, -0.028934007, -0.019034206, 2.30344E-05];
var dates = ["12/31/2001", "1/31/2002", "2/28/2002", "3/31/2002", "4/30/2002", "5/31/2002", "6/30/2002", "7/31/2002", "8/31/2002", "9/30/2002", "10/31/2002", "11/30/2002", "12/31/2002", "1/31/2003", "2/28/2003", "3/31/2003", "4/30/2003", "5/31/2003", "6/30/2003", "7/31/2003", "8/31/2003", "9/30/2003", "10/31/2003", "11/30/2003", "12/31/2003", "1/31/2004", "2/29/2004", "3/31/2004", "4/30/2004", "5/31/2004", "6/30/2004", "7/31/2004", "8/31/2004", "9/30/2004", "10/31/2004", "11/30/2004", "12/31/2004", "1/31/2005", "2/28/2005", "3/31/2005", "4/30/2005", "5/31/2005", "6/30/2005", "7/31/2005", "8/31/2005", "9/30/2005", "10/31/2005", "11/30/2005", "12/31/2005", "1/31/2006", "2/28/2006", "3/31/2006", "4/30/2006", "5/31/2006", "6/30/2006"];
for (var i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) {
date: new Date(dates[i]),
data1: data1[i]});
AmCharts.ready(function () {
chart = new AmCharts.AmSerialChart();
chart.pathToImages = "JS/AmFiles/amcharts/images/";
chart.marginTop = 0;
chart.marginRight = 10;
chart.autoMarginOffset = 5;
//chart.backgroundColor = "#CCCCC";
chart.zoomOutButton = {
backgroundColor: '#000000',
backgroundAlpha: 0.15
chart.dataProvider = chartData;
chart.categoryField = "date";
// listen for "dataUpdated" event (fired when chart is rendered) and call zoomChart method when it happens
chart.addListener("dataUpdated", zoomChart);
// category
var categoryAxis = chart.categoryAxis;
categoryAxis.parseDates = true; // as our data is date-based, we set parseDates to true
categoryAxis.minPeriod = "MM"; // our data is daily, so we set minPeriod to DD
categoryAxis.dashLength = 1;
categoryAxis.gridAlpha = 0.15;
categoryAxis.axisColor = "#DADADA";
categoryAxis.labelFrequency = 1;
categoryAxis.equalSpacing = true;
// value
var valueAxis = new AmCharts.ValueAxis();
valueAxis.axisAlpha = 0.2;
valueAxis.dashLength = 1;
graph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
graph.type = "smoothedLine";
graph.lineColor = "#180ad1";
graph.negativeLineColor = "#180ad1";
graph.bullet = "round";
graph.bulletSize = 5;
graph.lineThickness = 2;
graph.valueField = "data1";
chartCursor = new AmCharts.ChartCursor();
chartCursor.cursorPosition = "mouse";
// first trend line
var trendLine = new AmCharts.TrendLine();
trendLine.initialDate = new Date(chartData[0].date); // 12 is hour - to start trend line in the middle of the day
trendLine.finalDate = new Date(chartData[chartData.length-1].date);
trendLine.initialValue = 0.234761158;
trendLine.finalValue = 2.30344E-05;
trendLine.lineColor = "#CC0000";
Thanks for your help
You would need to basically have another graphline on there rather than a trendline.
You can look at this example -
to see how to equip multiple data graphs.

OSMF PLAYER with 4 videos and 1 control bar

I have a requirement where i need to show 4 contents of video playing parallely i achieved it through parallel element but here the main challange is that i want to show all the 4 videos in different panels and a common controlbar to play/pause the video.
When i am trying to add the mediaplayer as Uicomponent to hbox/vbox its throwing runtime exception.
Please help me.
protected function initPlayer():void
// Create a mediafactory instance
var leftcontainer:Panel = new Panel();
mediaFactory = new DefaultMediaFactory();
//Marker 1: Create a LayoutMetaData object stup up to even out the 2 parellel streams initially
var layoutData:LayoutMetadata = new LayoutMetadata();
layoutData.percentWidth = 50;
layoutData.percentHeight = 50;
layoutData.scaleMode = ScaleMode.LETTERBOX;
//Marker 2: Create the left side Media Element to play the LOGO_VID and apply the meta-data
var leftElement:MediaElement = mediaFactory.createMediaElement( new URLResource( LOGO_VID ) );
leftElement.metadata.addValue( LayoutMetadata.LAYOUT_NAMESPACE, layoutData );
//Marker 3: Create the right side Media Element to play the STREAMING_PATH and apply the meta-data
var rightElement:MediaElement = mediaFactory.createMediaElement( new URLResource( STREAMING_PATH ) );
rightElement.metadata.addValue( LayoutMetadata.LAYOUT_NAMESPACE, layoutData );
//Marker 4: Create the ParallelElement and add the left and right elements to it
var parallelElement:ParallelElement = new ParallelElement();
parallelElement.addChild( leftElement );
parallelElement.addChild( rightElement );
//Marker 5: Reinstantiate the layoutData to clear it out and set the layout data for the parallel element
layoutData = new LayoutMetadata();
layoutData.layoutMode = LayoutMode.HORIZONTAL;
layoutData.horizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.CENTER;
layoutData.verticalAlign = VerticalAlign.MIDDLE;
layoutData.width = 800;
layoutData.height = 600;
parallelElement.metadata.addValue( LayoutMetadata.LAYOUT_NAMESPACE, layoutData );
//the simplified api controller for media
player = new MediaPlayer( parallelElement );
//the container (sprite) for managing display and layout
container = new MediaContainer();
container.addMediaElement( parallelElement );
//Adds the container to the stage
var ui:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
ui.addChild(container as DisplayObject);
You can download the OSMF trunk and there are samples folder in
which a project ExamplePlayer is there in which many different
way to playing video. The following code is extracted from there
var parallelElement:SynchronizedParallelElement = new SynchronizedParallelElement();
var layout:LayoutMetadata = new LayoutMetadata();
layout.horizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.CENTER;
layout.verticalAlign = VerticalAlign.MIDDLE;
parallelElement.addMetadata(LayoutMetadata.LAYOUT_NAMESPACE, layout);
var mediaElement1:MediaElement = new VideoElement(new URLResource(REMOTE_PROGRESSIVE));
layout = new LayoutMetadata();
layout.left = 0; = 0;
layout.percentWidth = 50;
layout.percentHeight = 50;
mediaElement1.addMetadata(LayoutMetadata.LAYOUT_NAMESPACE, layout);
var mediaElement2:MediaElement = new VideoElement(new URLResource(REMOTE_STREAM));
layout = new LayoutMetadata();
layout.left = 0;
layout.bottom = 0;
layout.percentWidth = 50;
layout.percentHeight = 50;
mediaElement2.addMetadata(LayoutMetadata.LAYOUT_NAMESPACE, layout);
var mediaElement3:MediaElement = new VideoElement(new URLResource(REMOTE_STREAM));
layout = new LayoutMetadata();
layout.right = 0; = 0;
layout.percentWidth = 50;
layout.percentHeight = 50;
mediaElement3.addMetadata(LayoutMetadata.LAYOUT_NAMESPACE, layout);
var mediaElement4:MediaElement = new VideoElement(new URLResource(REMOTE_PROGRESSIVE2));
layout = new LayoutMetadata();
layout.right = 0;
layout.bottom = 0;
layout.percentWidth = 50;
layout.percentHeight = 50;
mediaElement4.addMetadata(LayoutMetadata.LAYOUT_NAMESPACE, layout);
return parallelElement;
Try this you will get the 4 video playing or download the sample and use the FlashBuilder to run the project.
