Is there any shortcut to move cursor to previous/next blank line in xCode like vim? - xcode

In Vim, we can move cursor to previous/next blank line with a shortcut { or }.
How about xCode?
Reference: What are the most-used vim commands/keypresses?

This doesn't directly answer the question, but there's a nice Vim keybinding plugin for Xcode which does have this shortcut.
It was renamed from XVim to XVim2 and can now be found here.


select one from multiple choice is not working in git CLI windows|| arrow key is not working in git cli [duplicate]

I am trying to setup semantic UI in my repository and for some reason I can't use the arrow keys to select menu options in Git Bash.
Press down or up only moves my cursor, it doesnt move the > icon that selects the correct menu option.
You can use Visual Studio Code terminal and it works.
delete the close angle bracket (>) symbol to unselect,
type > to select,
press enter
Git bash doesn't support an interactive terminal.
Use the regular windows terminal or powershell
Hey man its been a while, but I literally just ran into this issue.
the solution for me was to manually delete and type >
use gitbash in VSC integrated terminal mode
I chose to do the latter.
Solution for me:
In webstorm console everything is working correctly, after changing eslint.
Try using git bash inside vscode
When in Git bash and prompted for an answer by arrow key selection. You have to first type '>' and look at what line it typed on(usually the first line).
The goal is to get that greater than symbol on the current line selected. In my case I had to press the down arrow to get it on the 'apps' selection line. If it is on the wrong line just backspace to remove it and arrow up/down and try again. Once on the current selection line to delete the current selection hold backspace and it will delete the '>' symbol you typed and some letters and invisibly should go all the way to the beginning of the line.
Then once you think you've held the backspace long enough, go to the line you wish to select by tapping down arrow key. Then type the greater than symbol on the line you wish to select and press enter.
As you can see my symbol is on the angular line. Then I press enter and it should select that line.
And so it does but not without a weird blank formatting block but I don't mind that.
The select option is working in Windows PowerShill.

how to duplicate a line keyboard shortcut in code blocks IDE

Is there any keyboard shortcut for line duplicate in codeblocks IDE, such as in Netbeans IDE Ctrl+Shift+Up or Down arrow to copy a line in code
You can use Ctrl+D for duplicating line

VS Code for Mac - keyboard shortcut to comment a line no longer works

I'm using Visual Studio code on MacOS, version Version 1.25.0 and I'm working with HTML and CSS files.
The keyboard shortcut "CMD+/" doesn't comment out the current line. If I open the edit menu and select Toggle Line Comment, that works fine. I checked keyboard shortcuts and the keybinding for that command shows CMD+/. I tried to re-set it, but I couldn't re-add that keyboard shortcut.
Any ideas how to troubleshoot this problem?
I had the same problem
Use ⌘K ⌘C to comment a line
After commenting you need to add one more space then CMD+/

Xcode 6 Copy Line/Cut Line keybindings

I recently have started development for Swift with XCode 6. I've used Sublime Text 3 for the last couple years, and more recently have fallen in love GitHub's Atom Editor. My biggest frustration so far with XCode is the lack of a copy/cut line tool.
In the text editors I've used copy/cut commands will copy/cut the whole line if no selection is made.
So far the only alternative I have found is the following:
Ctrl + A - Move cursor to the beginning of a line
Shift + ↓ - Select the line
Ctrl + C - Copy Selection
This works, however I'm wondering if anyone has figured out an elegant way to wrap these up into one powerful copy/cut line tool
On a side note, I am also missing the move line up/down shortcuts which are also very useful.
Note: a solution described in this answer no longer works in Xcode 6.
From the terminal cd into / to get to the MacHD and then go into applications,otherwise you won't get all of the applications in the list.
open the
file /Applications/ with sudo privileges (be sure to use the correct app-directory for the version of Xcode you are using---for Xcode 6.3 beta mine was You can use open . in the terminal when you get to the desired location in finder
Now add the following section:
<key>My Custom Commands</key>
<key>Cut Current Line</key>
<string>selectLine:, cut:</string>
<key>Copy Current Line</key>
<string>selectLine:, copy:</string>
Restart XCode and in the keybindings section you should be able search for cut current line and copy current line and set custom keybindings to them. The format of creating commands is actually pretty simple and intuitive.
On a side note, I am also missing the move line up/down shortcuts
which are also very useful.
Preferences->Key Bindings
Move line up: option+command+[
Move line down: option+command+]

Xcode 4.3.1 - Switch to Output/Console Window shortcut

Is there a keyboard shortcut in Xcode 4.3.1 that will place my cursor in the Output/Console window. To be clear, I would like a quick way to place my cursor next to (lldb) in the Output/Console window.
Also, a keyboard shortcut to then place my cursor back in the text editor window would be handy.
"Command + Shift + C" is the default for Xcode 7.
Edit: Still valid in Xcode 9.
For completeness sake, I am adding the shortcut for Xcode 8. Go to View->Debug Area, here you will see the shortcut command: Command+Shift+Y to switch between debug/console output window area and the editor.
Turns out that "Command + Option + ." cycles between windows that include the text editor and console.
