Unable to launch Android VM - xamarin

I had issues with VS2015 before and eventually had to reinstall my OS. So after that, I installed VS2015 + Xamarin on my Windows 10 PC. Before I had reinstalled my OS, and before it went all haywire, everything was working fine. The AVMs launched and everything worked well. Now, apparently, even after reinstallation on my OS, the ghosts of the errors don't seem to go away.
This is what's going on:
When I create a simple project, and I debugged the sample code in it, I got this error:
So, naturally, I used the x86 version VM. Then I got this error:
I dug around in Stack Overflow and the other parts of internet and tried multiple things, but nothing seems to have worked. I really would liked to have this sorted out so I can go ahead with my project. Any help is appreciated.
I've tried to remove/reinstall HAXM and
Tried to Install Visual Studio Android emulator
Nothing seems to have worked. With the latter, the debugging is SLOW. It just doesn't do anything. The emulator launches fine, but nothing happens after that. No, I don't get the Stop Debugging button, so..


Xamarin debugger won't attach due dll

I've got a xamarin-forms pcl/android/ios) solution referencing a dll compiled from M2Mqtt (mono).
The app worked fine and still does. I'm still able to compile an run the app on my device, except I can't debug anymore. As soon as the app starts, the breakpoints change from red dots to red circles.
It all started a while ago after I installed some updates (beginning of May). At first I thought this was due to a problem with the latest Xamarin.Forms update, but even reverting to an older one didn't help. I've installed VS2017 community for mac, but no luck. Yesterday I tried to run the debugger on VS2017 on PC, also no luck. I then started to remove references, deleting packets and now I know it's this dll I compiled which is the cause of the debugger not attaching anymore.
How ever, since the app is still working fine and since I can't do without this dll ... does anybody have an idea how I could get the debugger working again?
Best Gerrit

Visual Studio 2012 & 2013 crashing at startup

Today my VS2013 started crashing. The crash happens after 20 seconds or so. It loads up and I can interact with the application, but it crashes every time regardless of whether I click/type or leave the entire computer alone.
Tried /safemode and that crashes too.
Tried /resetsettings and /setup, but that didn't help.
Tried debugging the issue using VS2012, but then learned that that IDE crashes as well.
Uninstalled Git Extensions (commonly cited for causing startup crashes) but that hasn't helped.
Deleted %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio and %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VSCommon. No dice.
Tried starting VS with and without a solution open.
The event log contains this error and this info message. This is the WER log file, though I cannot construe anything useful from it myself.
Does anyone know how I might go about getting a working IDE again?
igdumd32.dll is the Intel HD driver. We just had a similar issue some time ago.
Go to Intel.com, download the latest driver and install it.
Late but could be useful to someone in future:
I had the same issue recently with VS 2010 64 bit.
My OS is Windows 8.1 64-bit.
The problem arises because of some compatibility issue between the Intel graphics driver and WPF. I solved the issue by following the workaround from here, https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2894215/you-experience-performance-issues--product-crashes--or-rendering-issue

Microsoft visual studio 2005 has stopped working

Everything was going fine but the next day, when I opened the visual studio It showed error as
this error occur at every project files and at the starting.
I uninstalled and reinstalled the VS again but also nothing is improved. when I started my pc in safemode , in that case visual studio runs fine however when I opened in normal mode , It shows the error.
Also using command like devenv or devenv/safemode or devenv/resetsettings pops the same error message.
In my experience and from what I've heard from others, VS2005 has problems on newer OS's and needs to be run in a XP VM for reliable results. Some editions of Win7 have a nice transparent way of doing that for software that doesn't like newer OS's, but the VM component needs to be installed first.
I also recall VS getting fouled and needing to be ripped out and re-installed to work again. In your case, re-installing from original media did not include all the service packs and patches, and it probably only worked at all due to updates and a bit of luck. You might try restoring from a backup rather than re-installing, but it's really a lost cause.

Multi-Device-Hybrid installation maybe fails

I installed the Multi-Device Hybrid Apps (Preview) from here
i had problems in the first installation, because the VS2013 show the same screen for hours, with it i restar the pc and start a repair the installation... but looks like this is not installed because i donĀ“t have projects templates for this type of apps and in tool optins i have this result:
Someone can help with it? I just did 2 repairs.... :/
It seems like your installation did not complete successfully, which is why the project template does not show up. Its hard to tell what went wrong. However, repairing a failed install will probably not help get things running.
Could you try running the installer again and see if that works.

Windows 8.1 Apps not Compiling

Recently, I needed to refresh my Windows 8.1 PC, and now that I have finally finished getting all of my programs reinstalled and everything is back to normal, I am ready to finish work on my Windows 8.1 app, but I am having an issue with compiling my apps. Every time I try to compile, I get the following error.
Now normally when I need to refresh my developer licesnse, Visual Studio tells me, but this time I didn't get any prompt at all, and that is the error that I got when trying to compile. How can I fix this? I am installing updates for Visual STudio at the moment, and I am hoping that doing so will somehow magically fix the problem, but I am also aware that it probably won't.
EDIT: Now that I have updated, the message has been shortened to "Can't resolve Windows.metadata."
For some reason, even though the Windows 8.1 SDK is supposed to be installed with Visual Studio Ultimate 2013, it wasn't for me. I was able to find the Windows 8.1 SDK by Googling it, and it came up as the top result. I installed it, and suddenly all of my errors went away and Visual Studio started recognizing them as legitimate Windows 8.1 app code.
