ios10 custom push notification sound not playing - apple-push-notifications

I am currently running iOS 10 beta 8 with Xcode 8.0 beta 6 and the custom sound does not play when I receive a push notification with the correct payload.
I have verified the payload and it is in the correct format per the apple documentation:
"aps" : {
"alert" : "You got your emails.",
"badge" : 9,
"sound" : "bingbong.aiff"
"acme1" : "bar",
"acme2" : 42
When I send the same payload to the same build on iOS9 the custom sound plays properly.
Does anyone know if there are any other changes in iOS 10 that I need to make?

This problem seems to only affect apps installed via Xcode. The issue persists even if you later update the app from a different source.
The solution is to completely remove the app, and reinstall it from TestFlight or the App Store.
In effect, this bug should not affect your end users.
Edit 2016-10-15:
Unfortunately it seems that I was mistaken. This appears to be a bug on iOS 10 that can, in fact, affect App Store apps also. If it is of any consolation, apps such as Facebook and WhatsApp are affected too. The solution is apparently to force restart your phone, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much we can do about it as developers.
Apple Fixed Issue:
Based on this comment, Apple has seemed to fix the issue in iOS 10.2

Try installing your app using Test Flight and after implementing initial process to update device token just restart your device.
You'll get what you have been looking for.
Credit goes to - binncheol

Having our user restart their device is correcting the issue for us.
This is an issue for us regardless of how the app was installed (TestFlight or from the app store).

There is definitely an iOS10 bug which still persists as of 10.0.2. It affects many apps including popular ones such as Whatsapp and Messenger. The workaround is just to power cycle the device, after which point the notification sounds are correct. It doesn't seem to matter how the app is installed.
I can't find any documentation of this from Apple (go figure) but there is more info here:
As reported here lots of other people are having this problem. Hopefully Apple fixes it soon.

I uninstalled the app, turned off the real device, reinstall the app, and then the custom notification sound started working. It didn't work before I restarted my device XD


Apple News Preview - Simulator stopped working

I am currently testing the Apple News JSON format using XCode / News Preview / Simulator and randomly running into a new error that was not occurring prior to today.
I am attempting to load the article.json file into the News Preview app (it's been working up until today). The article.json file gets successfully loaded with no errors in the console but the Simulator is claiming that the channel is not available for me. Here is what the error message on the Simulator reads:
Channel Unavailable
This channel isn't currently available in your region.
The News Preview and Simulator were working just fine until today. I have tried re-installing XCode and News Preview (and Simulator because I re-installed XCode) but the problem persists. Other colleagues of mine are now experiencing the same problem.
I tried also clearing all the content in the Simulator and tried wiping the device clean and also tried going to the "Debug" menu in Simulator and setting the Location specifically there, as well, without any success.
Is there a way to fix this or is there a way to know if there was a recent developer push to the Simulator code base?
Just to add a bit more detail, I am attempting to load the official Apple News article preview files, not my own article.json files (I tried loading my own json files, as well).
Any help is appreciated.
Hey I also just had this issue and have been troubleshooting since yesterday. Not sure what is causing it, but it only happens for my on devices simulators from iPhone 7 and newer.
Try running the preview on iPhone 6 or an older-gen iPad, etc... that's working for me.
The solution on only one of my machines was to enter the Publisher ID into the News Preview application, which is the first thing that is asked when launching the News Preview app. After entering the Publisher ID, everything seemed to return to normal - for all of my colleagues and I.
See my comment above about my new macbook and the new problem it is having.

Xcode and No paired Apple Watch

I've already seen a similar question that doesn't give a valid answer to me: In Xcode I see (no paired Apple Watch) even though the watch is paired and the watch's UDID is registered
I really cannot understand how to have my Apple Watch working on Xcode.
Even if I create a new project or if I add a watch target to an existing app I always see in the device choice this status "My iPhone (No paired Apple Watch)" but my Apple watch IS paired...
Sometimes the message changes and I get "My iPhone (Paired device not available for development)".
My current environment is fully updated to the latest software versions (Xcode, WatchOS, iOS and OS X).
Are there any magic solution to make it work?!
For what it's worth, I just ran into this problem. My phone and watch are both registered, etc. I checked my provisioning profiles on the developer portal and they happened to be invalid (I reset something along the way).
After fixing them, downloading, and double-clicking them, the watch appeared as paired again.
Just experienced this. It was caused because the ios app which contains the watch app was out of date on the phone. After switching target to the ios app and building and run it on my phone, I was then able to switch back to the watch app and successfully run it on my watch.
Xcode Version 8.2.1 (8C1002). macOS 10.12.3 (16D32).
On Xcode 10 beta, I experienced the (no paired Apple Watch) scenario
After a few moments, the "Do you trust this computer" dialogue came up on the watch. after accepting it, Xcode saw the watch right away

Proper way to debug watchos2 app in XCode7

I'm rewriting my watch app to work in watchos2 but have problems debugging on the actual watch (XCode7). What is the correct way how to do this?
1) Obvious (but naive) approach - connect your phone with paired watch, in XCode select Extension scheme to run on Phone + Watch. Click play and it should work, right? This seems to work only just after fresh pairing and breaks very quickly (after few debug runs). See issues and behaviour below
2) Run phone app first then add run of extension - this approach worked for me longer but eventually broke as well.
3) Unpair and pair again - more than painful experience, time consuming and not practical at all. Will help for a while though.
Main problems:
phone app not communicating - I've seen not reachable or messages just time out
watch app stops running - XCode is saying it's running but it's not - won't even attach. If I run it manually on watch most of the times it will attach but then the phone app is not reachable
watch app won't even install - I suspect when the XCode is saying it's running it in fact it doesn't because when I remove the app from watch and then run XCode goes through the whole install process and "running" but the icon doesn't even appear on the main screen
phone stops reacting when I use option 2) and try to run something else while app is attached
phone seems to be blocked, selecting other apps (even going back to my app) won't work until I kill the session
Setup: The phone and watch is paired correctly, phone can see watch, watch can see phone, other apps are working. Watch "trusts" the computer as well, app is "shown on apple watch". Phone is 5s 9.0.1.
I've tried various restart combinations (phone|watch|xcode|mac), shuffled cables, disconnect, reconnect, etc. but that didn't help either.
Did anybody find a usable way how to debug watchos2 app from XCode? Nobody else seems to be complaining about this with released XCode7 though I've seen lots of similar issues in beta builds.
Use Apple watch recharging cable, connect your watch to developing Mac that runs Xcode.
It provides much more successful and fast debugging.
I have been dealing with the same issue this last days, I just updated to iOS 9.2, watchOS 2.1 and XCode 7.2, and now everything works.
After update XCode to 7.2, iOS9.2 my phone and WatchOS2.1 my Apple Watch the debug process is better. I suggest to update all your devices.

Xcode 6 crashes while submit

I just loaded Xcode 6 GM seed. Now I want to submit an update of my app.
Archiving works so far. But when I click "Submit", as soon as the upload loading bar appears Xcode crashes.
Do I need Yosemite?
I had to download the Application Loader from Apple because Xcode could not find it.
Do I need Yosemite?
No. Mine crashed the same way, so i uploaded my app using Xcode 5.1. It worked fine.
The Application Loader seems the only thing that works right now. Had the same problem, while uploading or even just validating.
Just export via Organizer and Upload via Application Loader helped.
I was faced same problem. Now it works fine.
Solution : Just accept new changed terms and condition from apple developer account and resubmit it.
Please Make sure you've accepted all of the new agreements & condition in the Member Center.
To check if you need to, you can go to the preferences -> accounts in XCode, and chose to view details of an account and attempt to refresh button. Here, XCode will warn you that you need to accept new agreements in the Member Center before you can refresh.
or just login to developer account and go to here
I was able to make Xcode work, but I had to go to iTunes connect and start the process there first by going "My Apps" and clicking on the plus sign. Fill in the info and hit save. Then try submitting with Xcode and it should work.
OK. Here's my $0.02.
1) Xcode 6GM crashes every single time for me. I am running 10.9.4. I have no idea how widespread the issue is, but it is 100% repeatable for me. I cannot use Xcode 6 to submit apps for review.
The crash happens during the upload. I have submitted a RADAR report and given crash logs.
2) I was able to submit using the App Loader. Here's how you do that:
2.1) In the Organizer, after you have done the Archive, select the latest archive for submit.
2.2) Instead of "Submit," select "Export."
2.3) Select the first choice (App Store).
2.4) Open the Application Loader.
2.5) Select "Choose."
2.6) Select the .ipa that you just saved in the export.
2.7) That will work. You may get a message teling you that the API file is too big for analysis. I got that for all 9 of the apps I just submitted. In my case, I ignored it.
I think they rewrote the whole application load from scratch, and that Xcode is still buggy as hell.
They had a deadline, and rushed it. It shows.
I expect both the server (Web) component and Xcode to apply patches soon.
In my case, I'm quite annoyed, as I had to rush out a fix for the arbitrary decision they made to change the way that the CLLocationManager works, which broke all my location lookups. The fix is simple, but there will be a period of time when I receive hate mail from the users that upgrade to iOS 8, and the app stops working.
I just installed the official version from the App Store and now everything works fine.
I had the same problem. When XCode crashes during export or submit it means that you have non-valid certificate or provision profile in build settings.
Here is the solution:
Accept new changed terms and condition from apple developer account. (Just like Sandeep said)
Go to here to generate new provision profiles, for App Store & AdHoc (Tutorial)
Double click new provision profiles you downloaded to install them, and then XCode will never crash.
The problem is caused by XCode 6.0 does not handle provision profile migration properly. Developers should regenerate provision profiles for XCode 6+, but Xcode 6.0 fails to display this error message properly and crashes. (If you use XCode 6.1 Beta, it will display error messages for you, no crash. Then you will know that the problem is caused by "invalid"=="legacy" provision profile.)
After that, you can submit app and export Ad Hoc distribution for Testflight.

registerForRemoteNotificationTypes Not responding on didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError

Hello everybody I am using this code to send Push Notifications but registerForRemoteNotificationTypes isn't returning anything on failToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError.
The provisioning profile and developer certificate are correct and up to date.
I know that some things don't work correctly in the simulator, but in failToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError it should return some error from Apple.
Can anybody help me with any track?
In my case I had to manually set the correct date and time on an older iPhone 3G, which had reverted to January 1, 2000 after having been powered off for some time. The only hint for this was something about "certificates" in the console output viewable in the Organizer in XCode (not the debug console).
In my case the solution was to make sure that the signing identity wasn't pointing to the general * profile (wildcard), but to my specific App bundle profile since Push notifications do not work with wildcards.
Also it would be better to add the iOS or iPhone tag to your question instead of just apple.
My problem was - Notifications were disabled (Notification is off for my App and Badge/Alert were off after that) during testing.
So, go to Settings, select Notifications, find your application, set Notification Center to ON, ensure badge/sounds are on two (depending on options you use)
Good luck
This issue was fixed reinstalling Xcode and deleting and reinstalling all certificates and provisioning profiles.
