jasmine: how to display success message of a matcher - jasmine

For example I have the following spec:
it('All set should pass', function(){
Suppose all my matchers have pass and failed messages, for instance:
exports.matchers = {
myMatcherCheckIfEquil: function () {
return {
compare: function (actual, expected) {
var result = { pass: actual == expected }
!result.pass ? result.message = "The string " + expected + ' does not equal to ' + actual : result.message = "The strings are equal";
return result;
Is it possible to print passe and failed messages in command line like in the example below:
Spec started
All set should pass:
The strings are equal
string2 does NOT contain string3
The num1 is true
Thanks in advance.


Cypress: I need to exit the for loop if the condition is satisfied

Below is the code which I am using.
I am working with Cypress + Cucumber + Typescript.
Scenario: I need to get a list of unique values using a for loop. Then I am passing this value to an API to verify some condition and if the condition is met I want to exit the loop.
To exit the loop I somewhere read a solution that if I use "return false" as first-line in if condition then loop will exit which seems to work fine.
The issue here is, when I try to set a flag from inside the for-if loop to the instance variable then the value read by if condition (for exiting the loop) is not picking the updated value of instance variable. And the loop continues to run.
Below is the code snippet:
class test {
static isVinavailable: boolean = false;
static setEligibleVehicleVinTest() {
cy.xpath(eligibleForSaleVehicleVin).then((esv) => {
const listingCount = Cypress.$(esv).length;
for (let i = 0; i < listingCount; i++) {
let text123 = esv.eq(i).text();
.then((authResp) => {
method: "GET",
url: vehicleCheckEligibility + text123,
headers: {
Authorization: authResp.access_token,
.then((response: any) => {
let responseDataelig = response.body;
if (
(responseDataelig.val1 =
"Y" &&
responseDataelig.val2 === "N" &&
responseDataelig.val3 === "N")
) {
this.isVinavailable = true;
if (this.isVinavailable) {
return false;
class test {
static isVinavailable = false;
static setEligibleVehicleVinTest(): Cypress.Chainable<boolean> {
return cy.xpath(eligibleForSaleVehicleVin).each(($el) => {
let text123 = $el.text();
.then((authResp) => {
return cy.request({
// your code block
.then((response: any) => {
// your code block
if (condition) {
this.isVinavailable = true;
return false;
}).then(() => {
return this.isVinavailable;

Correct way to get a count of matching elements in Nightwatch?

I'm trying to test if a todo app has the right number of elements.
The docs seem to deal almost exclusively with single elements, so I had to use the Selenium Protocol functions. Would this be the right way to test the count of matching selectors (in this case, checking for 2 li elements)?
client.elements('css selector','#todo-list li', function (result) {
client.assert.equal(result.value.length, 2);
This works in my test, but I wasn't sure if there were gotchas around using a callback for this. Also not sure why Nightwatch doesn't have any helper functions dealing with more than one element.
I found the following very elegant solution within a VueJS template. It shows how to add a custom assertion into Nightwatch that counts the number of elements returned by a selector. See http://nightwatchjs.org/guide#writing-custom-assertions for details of how to write custom assertions within Nightwatch.
Once installed, usage is as simple as:
browser.assert.elementCount('#todo-list li', 2)
The plugin:
// A custom Nightwatch assertion.
// the name of the method is the filename.
// can be used in tests like this:
// browser.assert.elementCount(selector, count)
// for how to write custom assertions see
// http://nightwatchjs.org/guide#writing-custom-assertions
exports.assertion = function (selector, count) {
this.message = 'Testing if element <' + selector + '> has count: ' + count;
this.expected = count;
this.pass = function (val) {
return val === this.expected;
this.value = function (res) {
return res.value;
this.command = function (cb) {
var self = this;
return this.api.execute(function (selector) {
return document.querySelectorAll(selector).length;
}, [selector], function (res) {
cb.call(self, res);
This code was added to vuejs-templates by yyx990803 in 2016. So full credit goes to yyx990803.
Just to reassure you I do a similar thing when trying to grab all matching elements, ex:
browser.elements("xpath","//ul[#name='timesList']/h6", function(result){
els = result.value;
var i = 0;
els.forEach(function(el, j, elz){
browser.elementIdText(el.ELEMENT, function(text) {
dates[i] = text.value;
Alternatively, if you want to be sure that n number of elements exist, you can use a combination of :nth-of-type/:nth-child selectors and nightwatch's expect.
For example, if you want to test if #foo has nine direct children:
function(browser) {
.expect.element('#foo > *:nth-child(9)').to.be.present;
Or if #bar has three direct article children:
function(browser) {
.expect.element('#bar > article:nth-of-type(3)').to.be.present;
You could use expect.elements(<selector>).count():
I adapted Chris K's answer to support XPath expressions by using the built-in method this.api.elements:
exports.assertion = function elementCount(selector, count) {
this.message = 'Testing if element <' + selector + '> has count: ' + count
this.expected = count
this.pass = function pass(val) {
return val === this.expected
this.value = function value(res) {
return res.value.length
this.command = function command(callback) {
return this.api.elements(this.client.locateStrategy, selector, callback)
For usage instructions and credits see his answer
And if you like a bit of TypeScript, here is an assertion that will confirm the element count:
import { NightwatchCallbackResult, NightwatchAssertion, NightwatchAPI } from "nightwatch";
module.exports.assertion = function (selector: string, count: number, description?: string) {
this.message = description || `Testing if element <${selector}> has count: ${count}`;
this.expected = count;
this.pass = (value: number) => value === this.expected;
this.value = (result: number) => result;
this.command = (callback: (result: number) => void): NightwatchAPI => {
const self: NightwatchAssertion = this;
return self.api.elements(this.client.locateStrategy, selector, (result: NightwatchCallbackResult) => {
Use like this:
browser.assert.elementCount('body', 1, 'There is only one body element');

Kendo UI validation for Root

I have to validate a textbox(for root) in which the string should be started with "/" but should not be ended with "/".
I have gone through regular expression for that but couldn't get any perfect solution.
I have used following code to define rule for that.
var validatorRules = {
rules: {
customRule1: function (input) {
var chars = [];
if (input != "") {
chars = input.split('');
if (chars[0]!="/" && chars[input.lenght-1]=="/") {
return true;
messages: {
customRule1: "Provide proper root"

How do I make a Textarea field with Spring Webflow and Dojo(dijit)

I been trying to find out how to make a textarea field in my Spring Webflow project we are using Dojo (dijit) for the forms. can someone please help. below is my code!
<td valign="top"><form:input path="bio" class="value" /> <script
Spring.addDecoration(new Spring.ElementDecoration({
elementId : "name",
widgetType : "dijit.form.ValidationTextBox",
widgetAttrs : {
promptMessage : "Please enter your name from 2 to 10 characters",
invalidMessage : "A 2 to 10 characters value is required.",
required : true,
regExp : "^[a-zA-Z]{2,10}$"
</script> <br />
this should work:
<form:textarea id="bio" path="bio" />
<script type="text/javascript">
Spring.addDecoration(new Spring.ElementDecoration({
elementId : "bio",
widgetType : "dijit.form.SimpleTextarea",
[EDIT] I just checked and textArea's don't seem to have any kind of validation, so I created one for you based on ValidationTextBox.
just put this somewhere in your javascript file:
dojo.requireLocalization("dijit.form", "validate");
dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.__Constraints = function(){
// locale: String
// locale used for validation, picks up value from this widget's lang attribute
// _flags_: anything
// various flags passed to regExpGen function
this.locale = "";
this._flags_ = "";
// summary:
// Base class for textbox widgets with the ability to validate content of various types and provide user feedback.
// tags:
// protected
templateString: "<textarea name=${name} ${nameAttrSetting} dojoAttachPoint='focusNode,containerNode,textbox' autocomplete='off'></textarea>",
baseClass: "dijitTextArea",
attributeMap: dojo.delegate(dijit.form._FormValueWidget.prototype.attributeMap, {
rows:"textbox", cols: "textbox"
// rows: Number
// The number of rows of text.
rows: "3",
// rows: Number
// The number of characters per line.
cols: "20",
// required: Boolean
// User is required to enter data into this field.
required: false,
// promptMessage: String
// If defined, display this hint string immediately on focus to the textbox, if empty.
// Think of this like a tooltip that tells the user what to do, not an error message
// that tells the user what they've done wrong.
// Message disappears when user starts typing.
promptMessage: "",
// invalidMessage: String
// The message to display if value is invalid.
invalidMessage: "$_unset_$", // read from the message file if not overridden
// constraints: dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.__Constraints
// user-defined object needed to pass parameters to the validator functions
constraints: {},
// regExp: [extension protected] String
// regular expression string used to validate the input
// Do not specify both regExp and regExpGen
regExp: "(.|[\r\n])*",
regExpGen: function(/*dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.__Constraints*/constraints){
// summary:
// Overridable function used to generate regExp when dependent on constraints.
// Do not specify both regExp and regExpGen.
// tags:
// extension protected
return this.regExp; // String
// state: [readonly] String
// Shows current state (ie, validation result) of input (Normal, Warning, or Error)
state: "",
// tooltipPosition: String[]
// See description of `dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition` for details on this parameter.
tooltipPosition: [],
_setValueAttr: function(){
// summary:
// Hook so attr('value', ...) works.
validator: function(/*anything*/value, /*dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.__Constraints*/constraints){
// summary:
// Overridable function used to validate the text input against the regular expression.
// tags:
// protected
return (new RegExp("^(?:" + this.regExpGen(constraints) + ")"+(this.required?"":"?")+"$")).test(value) &&
(!this.required || !this._isEmpty(value)) &&
(this._isEmpty(value) || this.parse(value, constraints) !== undefined); // Boolean
_isValidSubset: function(){
// summary:
// Returns true if the value is either already valid or could be made valid by appending characters.
// This is used for validation while the user [may be] still typing.
return this.textbox.value.search(this._partialre) == 0;
isValid: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
// summary:
// Tests if value is valid.
// Can override with your own routine in a subclass.
// tags:
// protected
return this.validator(this.textbox.value, this.constraints);
_isEmpty: function(value){
// summary:
// Checks for whitespace
return /^\s*$/.test(value); // Boolean
getErrorMessage: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
// summary:
// Return an error message to show if appropriate
// tags:
// protected
return this.invalidMessage; // String
getPromptMessage: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
// summary:
// Return a hint message to show when widget is first focused
// tags:
// protected
return this.promptMessage; // String
_maskValidSubsetError: true,
validate: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
// summary:
// Called by oninit, onblur, and onkeypress.
// description:
// Show missing or invalid messages if appropriate, and highlight textbox field.
// tags:
// protected
var message = "";
var isValid = this.disabled || this.isValid(isFocused);
if(isValid){ this._maskValidSubsetError = true; }
var isValidSubset = !isValid && isFocused && this._isValidSubset();
var isEmpty = this._isEmpty(this.textbox.value);
if(isEmpty){ this._maskValidSubsetError = true; }
this.state = (isValid || (!this._hasBeenBlurred && isEmpty) || isValidSubset) ? "" : "Error";
if(this.state == "Error"){ this._maskValidSubsetError = false; }
dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNode, "invalid", isValid ? "false" : "true");
message = this.getPromptMessage(true);
if(!message && (this.state == "Error" || (isValidSubset && !this._maskValidSubsetError))){
message = this.getErrorMessage(true);
return isValid;
// _message: String
// Currently displayed message
_message: "",
displayMessage: function(/*String*/ message){
// summary:
// Overridable method to display validation errors/hints.
// By default uses a tooltip.
// tags:
// extension
if(this._message == message){ return; }
this._message = message;
dijit.showTooltip(message, this.domNode, this.tooltipPosition);
_refreshState: function(){
// Overrides TextBox._refreshState()
//////////// INITIALIZATION METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////
constructor: function(){
this.constraints = {};
postMixInProperties: function(){
// Copy value from srcNodeRef, unless user specified a value explicitly (or there is no srcNodeRef)
if(!this.value && this.srcNodeRef){
this.value = this.srcNodeRef.value;
this.constraints.locale = this.lang;
this.messages = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dijit.form", "validate", this.lang);
if(this.invalidMessage == "$_unset_$"){ this.invalidMessage = this.messages.invalidMessage; }
var p = this.regExpGen(this.constraints);
this.regExp = p;
var partialre = "";
// parse the regexp and produce a new regexp that matches valid subsets
// if the regexp is .* then there's no use in matching subsets since everything is valid
if(p != ".*"){ this.regExp.replace(/\\.|\[\]|\[.*?[^\\]{1}\]|\{.*?\}|\(\?[=:!]|./g,
function (re){
case '{':
case '+':
case '?':
case '*':
case '^':
case '$':
case '|':
case '(':
partialre += re;
case ")":
partialre += "|$)";
partialre += "(?:"+re+"|$)";
try{ // this is needed for now since the above regexp parsing needs more test verification
}catch(e){ // should never be here unless the original RE is bad or the parsing is bad
partialre = this.regExp;
console.warn('RegExp error in ' + this.declaredClass + ': ' + this.regExp);
} // should never be here unless the original RE is bad or the parsing is bad
this._partialre = "^(?:" + partialre + ")$";
filter: function(/*String*/ value){
// Override TextBox.filter to deal with newlines... specifically (IIRC) this is for IE which writes newlines
// as \r\n instead of just \n
value = value.replace(/\r/g,"");
return this.inherited(arguments);
_setDisabledAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
this.inherited(arguments); // call FormValueWidget._setDisabledAttr()
_setRequiredAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
this.required = value;
dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNode,"required", value);
postCreate: function(){
if(dojo.isIE){ // IE INPUT tag fontFamily has to be set directly using STYLE
var s = dojo.getComputedStyle(this.focusNode);
var ff = s.fontFamily;
this.focusNode.style.fontFamily = ff;
if(dojo.isIE && this.cols){ // attribute selectors is not supported in IE6
dojo.addClass(this.textbox, "dijitTextAreaCols");
// Overrides dijit.form.TextBox.reset() by also
// hiding errors about partial matches
this._maskValidSubsetError = true;
_onBlur: function(){
_previousValue: "",
_onInput: function(/*Event?*/ e){
// Override TextBox._onInput() to enforce maxLength restriction
var maxLength = parseInt(this.maxLength);
var value = this.textbox.value.replace(/\r/g,'');
var overflow = value.length - maxLength;
if(overflow > 0){
if(e){ dojo.stopEvent(e); }
var textarea = this.textbox;
var pos = textarea.selectionStart;
var cr = 0;
cr = (this.textbox.value.substring(0,pos).match(/\r/g) || []).length;
this.textbox.value = value.substring(0,pos-overflow-cr)+value.substring(pos-cr);
textarea.setSelectionRange(pos-overflow, pos-overflow);
}else if(dojo.doc.selection){ //IE
var range = dojo.doc.selection.createRange();
// delete overflow characters
range.moveStart("character", -overflow);
range.text = '';
// show cursor
this._previousValue = this.textbox.value;
you can use it the way you use ValidationTextBox, just use ValidationTextArea instead.

jQuery validate and groups - how to avoid errorPlacement usage?

Current example of groups usage says that errorPlacement should be defined, where names of fields are hard coded:
groups: {
username: "fname lname"
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
if (element.attr("name") == "fname"
|| element.attr("name") == "lname" )
Is there any way to get rid of this errorPlacement with field names? The error message should be always places after last element in the group.
I think you're going to have to use errorPlacement, but you can pull out a few tricks to get the error in a consistent place among groups every time:
groups: {
username: "fname lname",
range: "min max"
errorPlacement: function ($error, $element) {
var elementName = $element.attr("name"),
lastInGroup = $.map(this.groups, function(fields, name) {
var fieldsArr;
if (fields.indexOf(elementName) >= 0) {
fieldsArr = fields.split(" ");
return fieldsArr[fieldsArr.length - 1];
} else {
return null;
if (lastInGroup) {
$error.insertAfter($("input[name='" + lastInGroup + "']"));
} else {
Basically, access the groups object that you've defined and find the last field in every group. Attach the error after that field.
Example: http://jsbin.com/acenic/
