Spring #Value assigning null to variable. #PropertySource - spring

I am trying to use the #Value annotation on a variable to assign a value, but the value getting assigned is null. What am I doing wrong? I am using the java spring configuration using #Configuration. I am also using #PropertySource to point to a properties file.
public class SpringConfiguration {
#Value("${app_prop_1}") Integer aValue;
public Integer getInteger() {
return new Integer(aValue); // throws NullPointerException
The application.properties files is in the maven resources folder of project. It has following content:

When you add #Value annotation, there is a need to add
//To resolve ${} in #Value
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyConfigInDev() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
This will resolve the ${} expression.


#ConfigurationProperites not binding to property source after upgrading to Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR7

I have a #ConfigurationProperties class that is no longer binding to a YML property source that gets resolved via Spring Cloud Config after upgrading to Hoxton.SR7. This code works fine using Hoxton.SR4 with the latest Spring Boot 2.2.9.RELEASE. Now, my properties are not bound and I'm receiving NPEs when I try to reference them. Following is a snapshot of my code:
public class MyConfiguration {
public MyPropertiesBean myPropertiesBean() {
return new MyPropertiesBean();
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "com.acme.properties")
public class MyPropertiesBean {
In src/main/resources/META-INF/spring.factories:
Any ideas why my #ConfigurationProperties class doesn't bind after upgrading Spring Cloud to Hoxton.SR7?
You're mixing two ways of binding properties: class and method.
Using a method and #Bean annotation:
public class MyConfiguration {
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "com.acme.properties")
public MyPropertiesBean myPropertiesBean() {
return new MyPropertiesBean();
This will create MyPropertiesBean and store it inside the application context for you to inject.
Class level bean declaration also creates a bean for you:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "com.acme.properties")
public class MyPropertiesBean {
This will also store a bean.
Although, you should be getting a runtime error when you try to inject MyPropertiesBean as now in your case there's two beans of the same type and Spring cannot resolve with only the type.

Setting class level annotation values from application.yml

I was trying to externalise my configuration of a class level annotation using allication.yaml. But the spring is not loading it right. Any idea how to do this ?
Here is my Service classI am trying to set
#DefaultProperties(threadPoolProperties = {
#HystrixProperty(name = "coreSize", value =
"${cyclone.hystrix.lease.thread.coreSize}") })
public class LeaseService {
And application.yml
coreSize: 10
Getting an error --
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bad property value. property name 'coreSize'. Expected int value, actual = ${cyclone.hystrix.lease.thread.coreSize}
I can load the same property using #Value("${cyclone.hystrix.lease.thread.coreSize}"). But not working on the above mentioned case.
Any help on how to properly configure this ?
In order to make spring evaluate placeholders you need to register a PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer bean using a static #Bean method when using #Configuration classes as follows:
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
According to the JavaDoc:
Specialization of PlaceholderConfigurerSupport that resolves ${...} placeholders within bean definition property values and #Value annotations against the current Spring Environment and its set of PropertySources.

Kotlin spring-boot #ConfigurationProperties

I'm trying to create the following bean AmazonDynamoDBAsyncClientProvider. I've application.properties that defines endpoint and tablePrefix which I'm trying to inject using #ConfigurationProperties
Following is the code snippet for the same. When I run my spring-boot app it doesn't work.
I've tried doing the same ConfigurationProperties class using a regular java class which does set those properties but when it comes to AmazonDynamoDBAsyncClientProvider, the properties are empty. What am I missing here?
open class AmazonDynamoDBAsyncClientProvider #Autowired constructor(val dynamoDBConfiguration: DynamoDBConfig){
#Bean open fun getAmazonDBAsync() = AmazonDynamoDBAsyncClientBuilder.standard()
AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration(dynamoDBConfiguration.endpoint, dynamoDBConfiguration.prefix))
here is the kotlin bean that I'm trying to autowire with configuration
#ConfigurationProperties(value = "dynamo")
open class DynamoDBConfig(var endpoint: String="", var prefix: String="")
finally heres the regular java bean that does get populated with ConfigurationProperties but when it gets Autowired I see those properties being empty/null
public class DynamoDBConfiguration {
private String endpoint;
private String tablePrefix;
public String getEndpoint() {
return endpoint;
public void setEndpoint(String endpoint) {
this.endpoint = endpoint;
public String getTablePrefix() {
return tablePrefix;
public void setTablePrefix(String tablePrefix) {
this.tablePrefix = tablePrefix;
Have you tried getting rid of the #Component annotation on your ConfigurationProperties class?
Here is what I have done with Kotlin and Spring, hope it helps.
I am trying to leverage the kotlin-spring and kotlin-allopen gradle plugin
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-noarg:$kotlinVersion"
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-allopen:$kotlinVersion"
apply plugin: 'kotlin-spring'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-noarg'
noArg {
They do make spring development with kotlin a lot easier.
data class DynamoDBConfiguration(var endpoint: String, var prefix: String)
I tried your configuration class and it gets populated. I think your mistake is in the way you are trying to create the bean, the function needs to be in a class annotated with #Configuration, this should work:
class Beans {
fun getAmazonDBAsync(config: DynamoDBConfiguration) =
AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration(config.endpoint, config.prefix)
Spring will inject the config for you, as long as you annotate the config with #Component, like you did above.
I had a similar problem and fixed it this way:
I defined the configuration properties class with lateinit vars:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "app")
open class ApplicationConfigProperties {
lateinit var publicUrl: String
Then configured a bean in my spring boot application:
open class Application {
#Bean open fun appConfigProperties() = ApplicationConfigProperties()

#Value not getting injected in other packages

I have a property source defined in Spring where I am trying to load a properties file present in the classpath
#PropertySource(name = "props", value = "classpath:prod.properties")
public class PropertyPlaceholderConfigurerConfig {
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyConfigurer() {
PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer ppc = new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
Resource[] resources = new ClassPathResource[]
{ new ClassPathResource("prod.properties") };
return ppc;
#Value("${DATABASE_NAME}") private String DATABASE_NAME;
public String test() {
My prod.properties file has 1 entry
Now in the test() bean prints as proddb_123
Two problems I am facing is
I have another class in a different package where I am trying to
inject it
#Value("${DATABASE_NAME}") private String DATABASE_NAME;
But the value of this is always "${DATABASE_NAME}"
I have different gradle projects like webapplication-gradle is one
where the #PropertySouce configuration is defined and another
project like storage-gradle. Can I inject the DATABASE_NAME in any
class present in storage-gradle project.
In the other classes where you would like to inject the #Value(${DATABASE_NAME}") you have to also yse the #PropertySource annotation. Another option is to remove the #PropertySource annotations and in the applicaiton-context.xml defined a bean of class org.springframework.beans.factory.condig.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and for the property locations list add a value for the classpath:prod.properties

#Value is not injected

I'm trying to inject value from properties file into a spring configuration class as follows:
public class ImagesContext {
private String property;
public MyClass getMyClass() {
return new MyClass(property);
But the property is not injected correctly. Instead, when I debug, I see that the property string contains ${some.property.com} and not the string value itself.
The #Value annotation is processed by AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor which is typically registered if you have a <component-scan> or <annotation-config> configuration in XML (or directly with a bean definition). You need to add either of those, probably <annotation-config>
Add the following bean declaration in your Config class if not done already
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
In order for #Value annotations to work PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer should be registered. It is done automatically when using <context:property-placeholder> in XML, but should be registered as a static #Bean when using #Configuration.
