Cannot remove any component / connection in Talend - etl

I installed Talend last month, and no component can be deleted, as shown below:
No job is running, and this happens to all jobs. I cannot do modification at all.
How to solve this issue?

The context menu in Talend is very inconsistent. By no means all actions are available there all the time. You also need to know specific menus or key commands.
Row iterators
For this case there are two approaches:
Click row1, then hit Del on your keyboard
Re-route the little black dot at the I with drag and drop to another components input and you are set.
The same here, just click on it and hit Del.
NOTE: If you have further issues with the jobs, please open specific questions to those issues.

If you want to delete a component / row(connecting line between components) , please select the component/row and click on the delete button on the keyboard.

If you are unable to edit any of the jobs, then it points to an access related issue.
If you are using svn to save the jobs, it could be an svn access issue.
If you are using remote connection in an enterprise version, it could be that you no longer have access to the specific project


Selectors only work when webpage is opened in Internet Explorer

I created a login sequence and my selectors for the input email, password, click login and element exists are valid. But only when I have the Internet Explorer page open on the website I'm working with.
I did that sequence again, and I ran it, initially it worked but when I ran the hole project it broke again, I tried "repair" and "indicate", I tried to eliminate the title but nothing is working.
As far as I can see, you are using selector attribute:
"title=ACME System 1 - Dashboard"
Try using a wildcard: title='ACME System 1*', so it can work when you leave the dashboard.
This worked for me when I took those UiPath Academy courses.
In order to automate tasks within a browser with UiPath, the browser must be open. There is an activity called Open Browser that's included in the default activities for every project. You need to add this activity to the beginning of your sequence and pass in the appropriate parameters, (ie. URL, browser type) you can then pass the outputted browser variable to an attach browser sequence and execute your browser automation acivities within that.
Browser activity sceenshot
In addition, the selector that you have shared does not look like a stable selector. There may be other 'H1' elements on the screen that will cause your automation to fail. I would use the UI explorer to help you build a better, more stable selector.
Did you initially use IE to indicate screen elements and then changed the BrowserType property to use a different browser? Please share the sequence to suggest you a fix for your issue.
I would also suggest you to modify the selector to 'title='ACME System *'.
In order for selector to work the application needs to be open and the desired element needs to be available. So when you close the browser the selector disappears.
You may consider swithching to 'Modern Design Experience' and use 'Use Application/Browser' scope to make this more intuitive, and it will also automatically open the browser for you if it is closed.

ADS -- Run Button Dimming

Context: I'm running some simple queries in Azure Data Studio to query and manipulate data in a local instance of SQL Server 2019.
Question: When I query the table via "Select", the Run button is accessible. As soon as I Truncate the table, the Run button dims & is no longer accessible --__-- Why!? Once the button dims seems I'm unable to execute any other queries in the same query window afterwards. SMH.
Kinda ridiculous that I need to even post this question given how simple these 2 queries are. I expect this button to be easily accessible, similarly to SQL Server Management studio. I read through the docs and dont see anything about this button dimming issue. ADS is built with similar components to VSC so experience or knowledge in that tool may help. Can someone please share any tips/tricks they know on how to fix this issue?

PgAdmin4 unable to query or view data

I have a very basic PostgreSql table. Despite the simple table schema, I cannot query it via PgAdmin4.
The View Data option is unresponsive; Query Tool option becomes unresponsive after a few attempts in opening and closing the panel. When the Query Tool is eventually (somehow) launched, a trivial SQL statement like
SELECT * FROM test_table
will spin forever and never display.
The diagram above shows the exact same table, which is okay under PgAdmin3.
The table was created empty. Then added with a row. But it threw errors about not having a Primary Key. Which also threw errors when I tried to set a Primary Key. So I used TeamPostgreSql to set a Primary Key. So all is good under PgAdmin3 now. Hence I'm really curious about what's going on with PgAdmin4?
I'm running pgAdmin4 v3.0 and I've put localhost as host name.
I mean, left panel > servers > create > server and then connection tab > host name
I could not query tables, clicking on view/edit data > all rows had no results (nor error log entries).
After I changed server name from localhost to, all worked as expected!
I hope it helps, because I've lost so much time on this and could not find a proper answer.
I find a way to view query result on Data Output window using the "Reset Layout" command from File menu. Save your current work (query) before as it will kind of restart pgAdmin4. Tested with pgAdmin 2.1
1) First delete the log file to get rid of older logs
2) Start pgAdmin4.
3) Try to view data again
Can you check log file for any errors & paste it here?
Linux log location: ~/.pgadmin/pgadmin4.log
Windows log location:
Try naming your columns with lower case letters.
Or try with a blank query and write the SQL commands manually:
SELECT * FROM “test_table”
I think this is a bug. The command the pgAdmin 4 is sending, does not contain the double quotes in the order command on the column name, and if you have upper case letters, SQL is going to convert them to lower case letters, thus not finding the sorting criteria.
I had a similar problem.
For me the Query Tool did render, however I could not see the Query Tool until after I expanded the view.
Then even after expanding I was not able to see the result of the query until I ran ( File -> Reset Layout ) as Guillaume Raymond suggest.
Before Expand
After Expand
After Running Reset Layout
I fixed this by opening the connection, changing just the connection name and saving the connection.
Based on other comments, I'd say there is likely some difference in the persisted format of the connection and they need to be resaved by the new version to work.
Warning: You may need to recreate connections.
This worked for me.
1.) Shutdown pgadmin4 3.1
2.) Delete folder: C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\pgAdmin
Faced a similar issue where the problem was caused by Firefox, pgADmin 4. Launching pgAdmin in Chrome solved the issue.
This problem I experienced with the internet explorer browser where the query tool was not loading at all. It just kept on spinning with a circle. I solved this issue by using chrome browser.
When you launch pgadmin4 it launches in internet explorer by deafult. it has a key attached to it like
you can just paste the above url in the browser directly and the pgadmin4 will open
and query tool works in it. Or you cna use cmd and paste the belwo command and pgadmin4 will open as a standlone application rather tahn another tab in the browser and you cna use it like old pgadmin3.
C:\windows\system32>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --app=
I had the same problem (version 4.18). Only the following worked for me:
Create a new server group (!) by right-clicking on "servers" in the left-hand navigation.
In this new group I created the desired connection to the database (with host name
After that I could finally work with it
You can remove pgadmin4, then reinstall it. It worked for me. I used Ubuntu 18.04.
Here is my command on terminal:
sudo apt autoremove pgadmin4
sudo apt install pgadmin4 pgadmin4-apache2 -y

Why does building in Xcode overwrite my SQLite database?

First of all, I'm not using Core Data, I'm using SQLite only.
I save the data in the table and then query them by opening the app and looking at the data using SQLiteStudio. I even create a LOG to check that the data is saved, and yes, it is saved.
But when I STOP and run the simulator again to consult, there is no more data!
Is Xcode overwriting the database every time? Or is something else happening that is outside my limited knowledge?
Without knowing more about how your application is setup, how you've got your app configured to build, or how it operates on the SQLite DB file in question I'll only be able to offer some pointers in things you can go check out about your code and build configuration that may be the source of your phantom deletions. Of course, if you have other info to provide, I'd be happy to edit my answer!
Case 1: 'Create DB' always running?
One thing that may be tripping your app up is what happens leading up to the decision to create a new SQLite DB file or look/open an existing file. If the code creating an empty DB is always running, then each time your app starts, your old DB file is getting overwritten with a blank DB.
Case 2: Using a 'starter' or 'template' empty database?
Sometimes developers may provide a blank database that contains the initial database schema (the general tables and structure) as well as some default or sample data. If your app does this, perhaps the logic leading up to the decision to apply that default database is accidentally always being triggered? If so, use of NSUserDefaults to record a boolean indicating the DB was successfully created may be an avenue to use to skip past the 'Load my starter DB' code. Alternatively, you could check for the existence of your DB file, or see if the contents of a specific table are different from the template data, etc.
Case 3: Different Behavior between 'Build & Run' vs. 'Run Without Building'
There's a not-so-well-known option in the Product > Perform Action menu labelled 'Run without Building' that will essentially kickoff another Debug session using the version of the application you just finished running in the Simulator or on Device. When you use this option do you see any different behavior with your database or is it still blank?
Case 4: Different Behavior when run directly in Simulator outside of an Xcode debugging session?
Part of the 'Run' operation is a build phase which may trigger the 'Copy Resources' phase even if your app hasn't changed since the last execution (as you suggest is the case in your question). If you are providing a stock 'default' or 'template' DB file and your app is simply opening and editing that 'template' during the first execution of your app, then Xcode may be replacing it with a clean copy on the subsequent 'Run' operations where 'Copy Resources' is happening. A way to test this avenue:
Build and Run your app to the simulator using Xcode like normal.
Perform some operations that would result in the creation or editing of data in your app's database.
Click the stop button in Xcode to return to the Simulator home screen.
Double-click the home button on the simulator (or if there is no home button, press CMD+SHIFT+H twice to bring up the multitasking bar and force-quit out of your application.
Check and see if your DB file has data in it.
If no data, then there is an issue persisting your changes into the database and we need to get that problem solved first. Otherwise:
Relaunch your app directly from iOS Simulator and perform different operations that would result in more or different changes to the database.
Click on the home button to return to the iOS Home Screen.
Force-quit your appellation as was done in Step 4.
Check and see if your DB file data has changed (but still has data) or has blanked out.
Finally, make sure you are following Apple's guidance about where to store user-data, if you are inadvertently storing something in an incorrect file path doesn't typically result in blanking of data, it may be prohibiting writing of data which could be interpreted as your data getting overwritten especially if you are interrogating it while it still is residing in an in-memory process. There's some really useful guidance about file paths in the Table 1-1: (
Locating your Simulator App on your Mac's Hard Drive
To be thorough (and you may already know about this!), iOS Simulator applications are stored on your Mac's hard drive just like other files on your machine. Their organization mimics that of a physical iOS device. To get to your App and its data:
Open a new Finder window.
Press CMD+SHIFT+G or choose 'Go to Folder' from the 'Go' menu.
Paste the following into the 'Go to Folder' box then click 'Go': ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/
Select the folder that matches the iOS version of the simulator you built to.
Click on Appications.
You'll then be presented with zero or more folders, each folder that appears will have a string of digits separated by hyphens. Navigate through this list until you find the one containing your app. You can then browse, and copy data out of this folder to somewhere to be examined by other tools on your Mac.

MS Access Backend Controls - Close, Save etc

This may be a simple fix and maybe I'm missing something obvious, but when I split my DB it wasn't entirely finished, and there have been modifications requested which require me to edit my backend.
How come it's not the same GUI layout (exactly)? Tables open in "windows" within Access, and when maximized, cannot be closed, etc. It's annoying as hell as I can't close my table to deal with its relations. I can only get to design view by finding it in the Tables list and RightClick->Design instead of on the bar above the tables, etc.
Is there a setting somewhere that caused these minor GUI changes when I split the DB? How do I put it back, as it's bugging me greatly; slowing down modifications by a lot.
EDIT: It seems that the "tab windows" option was removed for the backend for some reason..
Appearance of the windows in MS Access 2012 is controlled by the Options settings:
File->Options->Current Database under Document Windows Options
