How can I logout user after delete with Laravel? - laravel

What is the correct way to logout user after I delete his data in Laravel? I would not like to delete him before, in case of delete process goes with errors.
When I am having this code:
return redirect(url('login'));
it works fine in the app, but does not work correctly during testing.

As I mentioned in the comments, you must log the user out of your application first since once deleted Eloquent won't be able to locate/logout the user.
Below is a solution that addresses your concern about what to do if the delete fails. It might need adjustment depending on how you have things setup, but this concept will work:
// Get the user
$user = Auth::user();
// Log the user out
// Delete the user (note that softDeleteUser() should return a boolean for below)
$deleted = $this->userManipulator->softDeleteUser($user);
if ($deleted) {
// User was deleted successfully, redirect to login
return redirect(url('login'));
} else {
// User was NOT deleted successfully, so log them back into your application! Could also use: Auth::loginUsingId($user->id);
// Redirect them back with some data letting them know it failed (or handle however you need depending on your setup)
return back()->with('status', 'Failed to delete your profile');

This is not possible, Auth won't be able to located them because Eloquent treats them as deleted.
Solution: You should logout user before delete.
$user = \User::find(Auth::user()->id);
if ($user->delete()) {
return Redirect::route('home');


Laravel 7 loginUsingId not persisting / causing log out

I am trying to create a "Shadow" user feature, it's basically just to allow admins to log in as another user to use the system as the "shadowed user" would.
I've used Auth::loginUsingId before but i can't figure out why the below isn't working.
public function shadowUser($id, Request $request){
$user = User::query()->find($id);
$previousUserId = $request->user()->id;
Session()->put('', $previousUserId);
$shadowedUser = Auth::loginUsingId($user->id);
return redirect()->route('home');
If I dump out the $shadowedUser it shows the correct user and the Auth::check() returns true.
I have also tried these but they made no difference: Auth::loginUsingId(1, true);, Auth::guard($guard)->loginUsingId($user->ID); and Auth::login($user, true);
There's no crazy middleware just laravel's defaults.
I've tried a few things like removing the session flush but it always just logs me out.
I found that Laravel sessions are a bit funky in this scenario, it looks like you're trying to log someone in when the session is already active, log the current user out, flush the session then log in the new user, this way it will tell Laravel that this is a new user signing in and reset the session.
In your script, once you've logged the user out, flushed the session and logged the new user in, add the previous users id to the new session otherwise it will get deleted then you'll be able to see the previous user who was logged in, or the person shadowing you in this case.
public function shadowUser($id, Request $request){
$user = User::query()->find($id);
$previousUserId = $request->user()->id;
Session()->put('', $previousUserId);
return redirect()->route('home');

How can I add ask username and password feature to only one of my laravel routes?

I have created a few forms in laravel. I want to restrict access to one of them only to a specific user.
I want to create a user and password myself.
This is my routes excerpt. This is the route I want to protect from access
Route::get('/tabledata_id_title', 'KedivimController#appearanceiddata');
This is my controller excerpt:
public function appearanceiddata()
//$magic = DB::table('prog_title')->select('pr_id', 'pr_title')->get();
$magic = DB::table('prog_title')->select('pr_id', 'pr_title')-> where('pr_index', '=', 1)->get();
return view ('takealook', ['magical' => $magic]);
This is a short fix for your problem.
public function appearanceiddata()
if (!Auth::guard('web')->check()) //check if someone is logged in
//redirect to login page.
else {
/*Check if the logged in user is your desired user.
Maybe try matching the logged in id with your desired id.
If you find that a user is logged in but they are not your desired user
then you may redirect them in some other place or show them a message. */
//$magic = DB::table('prog_title')->select('pr_id', 'pr_title')->get();
$magic = DB::table('prog_title')->select('pr_id', 'pr_title')-> where('pr_index', '=', 1)->get();
return view ('takealook', ['magical' => $magic]);
However, this practice is ok if you have one or two restricted field. But if you have more than that then you should read about middleware.

Laravel 5.5 restrict duplicate login

I have overwritten Login and Logout functionality as I need to check many more conditions to authenticate the user like below.
public function login(Request $request)
//If Temp Password is set
if (Hash::check($input['password'], $user->temp_password))
return redirect()->route($landing_page->href);
else {
session()->put('failure','Invalid Username or Password');
return redirect('/login');
else{ //If Temp password is not set
if (Hash::check($input['password'], $user->password))
return redirect()->route($landing_page->href);
else {
session()->put('failure','Invalid Username or Password');
return redirect('/login');
Now I need to restrict Same user from login once again in some other screen or place. I have checked Session Data but nothing is stored as Unique for a User.
ie. If a username admin is loged in US the same username admin must not be allowed to login from UK.
Oh bagga, question wasn't quite clear. You are trying to restrict the number of sessions to 1 only. If I get it, then you will have to use a database session driver. Right now, I think you may be using the default driver (file). It only checks the session within the same browser. Using database session may allow you to check for session everywhere, and restrict the number of connections.
First, make sure your routes are within the web middleware so they can access sessions. Then, inside of the web middleware, create a group of routes that are only accessible for users who are not logged in.
Route::group(['middleware' => 'guest'], function () {
Route::get('login', 'LoginController#login');
// any other route
Logged in users won't be able to access the login route anymore.
You could also do the check in your login function to see if the user's is already connected by using
if (Auth::check()) {
// user is connected
// redirect them
What does this->setUserSession($user) do?
You can do this using login token.
Generate a login token and keep it in database.
And check for it's entry in database while logging in.
If it doesn't exist let log in success.
Else fail.
And delete login token every time user logs out.
you can generate new token on each login success. And deleting old token and invalidating the old login.
But in this case you have to keep that token in session and for each request you have to check that token with database token.
If it matches, allow user
Else logout the user with notice.
I'll prefer the second method personally.
As you can check for the token in the middleware itself.

Laravel - Deleting auth user account while user is logged in

I'm trying to build a function where a user can delete their own account while they are logged in. I'm struggling to find any example or logic/best practices.
The controller looks like this:
public function postDestroy() {
$user = User::find(Auth::user()->id);
$user = DB::delete('delete from users')->user(id);
return Redirect::route('site-home')->with('global', 'Your account has been deleted!');
I'm trying to grab the current Auth (logged in) user and use their id to delete them from the database. Then send them to the home page with a message.
Also, do I need to make sure the session is properly closed during this process, such as Auth::logout(); ?
I'm pretty new to Laravel, so any help would be appreciated.
Not sure how your routing looks like, but this should do the job.
$user = \User::find(Auth::user()->id);
if ($user->delete()) {
return Redirect::route('site-home')->with('global', 'Your account has been deleted!');
You should logout user before delete.
You merely gotta do like this:

Laravel - Redirect after login

Im a bit of a newbie when it comes to Laravel so i was hoping someone could help out.
Im using the standard authentication and login stuff that ships with Laravel so theres nothing fancy going on, but what i want to do is check in the DB to see if a few fields are completed ( name, address, postcode ) .... If they are, then the user gets redirected to the dashboard, but if they aren't, the user will get redirected to the profile page to fill out the rest of their information.
Im guessing i should put something in my routes.php file in the
Route::post('login', function
part, but how do i check for the fields?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Once you have authenticated the user using Auth::check you'll be able to grab the authenticated user with Auth::user.
if (Auth::attempt($credentials))
$user = Auth::user();
if ($user->email == '' || $user->address == '')
return Redirect::to('user/profile');
return Redirect::to('home');
You just need to check the fields you want on the user to make sure they are there. If they're not then redirect them to the profile page. If they are redirect them to the home page or somewhere else.
You can also do it this way
if (Auth::attempt(array('email'=>Input::get('email'), 'password'=>Input::get('password')))) {
return Redirect::to('users/dashboard');
} else {
return Redirect::to('users/profile');
You can use this code
if (Auth::guest())
//user is not authenticated or logged in;
return Redirect::to('login');
//user is authenticated and logged in;
return Redirect::to('profile');
